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Odd lid 3100fl 'SS P]1��;;],•" !1 <w! ONIWOAM dO dl`d1S Id] f r ..1 ,6 l y SO :Oi >111310 AiN1100 H1001\111 G3A 3 ;)_]c3 31�2 ��Idlla30 0 11,) r q y r�► Y JL Y .4".‘ A r 1 ,5 6. That on the date, and at the time and place specified in said notice of foreclosure sale, to -wit: On February 23, 2001, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the Lincoln County courthouse in the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the undersigned proceeded to sell the above described real property at public auction in accordance with the notice of foreclosure sale by then and there calling for bids on said real property; and that the highest and best sum bid for said real property was the sum of 153,236.97 which was bid and offered by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. and that after soliciting and calling for other and higher bids therefor, and receiving none from those attending upon the sale, said real property was struck off and sold by the undersigned to the said Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. for the sum of 153, 236.97 and that the sum bid was thereupon paid and the sale of said real property was then and there completed as by law provided. 7. That the sum of $500.00 is to be paid to Brown, Drew and Massey, LLP, the attorneys for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., as compensation for services actually rendered in the foreclosure proceeding, said attorneys having made an affidavit as required by the statutes of the State of Wyoming, a copy of said affidavit being attached hereto as Exhibit C, and by this reference made a part hereof. 8. That the sale of the above described real property was made in full compliance with the provisions of the Mortgage thereby foreclosed and was in all respects conducted in conformity with the requirements of the Wyoming Statutes. 9. That said Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. shall be entitled to a deed to the above described real property, together with all improvements thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto, at and upon expiration of three (3) months and thirty (30) days from and after February 23, 2001, the date of the sale, unless the property shall have been redeemed as provided by law prior to that time. DATED- at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, this 23rdday of February, 2001. Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming By: Print Name: Randy Nate Title: Deputy Sheriff Certificate of Sale Herrod 21309 -308 [01 -01 -0058] Page 2 of 7 L Jog()Bed [8500- 1.0- 806 G Z poneH eleS JO eleolilPeO pas mom pue puny Aw sseulIM IN21/11J02IMONNOV &/o/(g :saaldx3 uo!ss!wwo0 ALAI �o fguno0 aggnd kelotsi aalyoea8 IP! H 'iGsnagad to /(sp px£z sl `6ulwo�( 1003 yl M }o ems `Aluno0 ulooun jo pegs Aindaa 3vm Apuex Aq ew aaolaq pe6pelnnou)ou pue eouasead i(w u! peqposqns suns luawnalsu! 6ulo6aaoi ayi N100NI1 dO AiNfO0 'SS JNIWOAM JO 2IVIS EXHIBIT A AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF WRITTEN NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF NATRONA 1 p 7 P. Jaye Rippley, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and says: 1. That she is an attorney admitted generally to practice law in the State of Wyoming and is a member of the law firm of Brown, Drew Massey, LLP, who are the attorneys representing the mortgagee of record, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. in a procedure to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage dated September 23, 1999 (the "Mortgage and recorded on September 24, 1999, in Book 436 at Page 233 in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln, State of Wyoming, wherein Gary Herrod and Ann Herrod, husband and wife, are the named mortgagors, and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. f /k/a Norwest Mortgage, Inc. dba Directors Acceptance is the named mortgagee, by advertisement and sale as provided under the provisions of Wyo. Stat. 34 -4 -101, et seq. (1999). The Mortgage was foreclosed by reason of default having occurred under the terms of the note secured thereby. 2. That written notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon the record owner and the person in possession by certified mail, return receipt requested, mailed to the last known address of the record owner and the person in possession at least ten (10) days before commencement of the first publication of the notice of the foreclosure sale as follows: CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7000 0600 0023 0959 2531 Gary Herrod 164 Hawthorne Drive Alpine, WY 83128 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7000 0600 0023 0959 2579 Gary Herrod P.O. Box 8463 Jackson, WY 83002 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7000 0600 0023 0959 2548 Ann Herrod 164 Hawthorne Drive Alpine, WY 83128 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7000 0600 0023 0959 2586 Ann Herrod P.O. Box 8463 Jackson, WY 83002 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7000 0600 0023 0959 2562 Occupant 164 Hawthorne Drive Alpine, WY 83128 Certificate of Sale Herrod 21309 -308 [01 -01 -0058] Page 4 of 7 3. That the date of mailing of the notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage was January 17, 2001, and the date of the first publication of the notice of foreclosure sale was February 1, 2001. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me by P. Jaye Rippley this I day of February, 2001. My Commission Expires: FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. By: Witness my hand and official seal. CINDY BAKER NOTARY PUBLIO County of State of Natrona Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 18, 2002 Notary Public 148 Jaye i 1ple of Brown, Drew Mas-y, LLP 159 North Wolcott Street, Suite 200 Casper, Wyoming 82601 (307) 234 -1000 Certificate of Sale Herrod 21309 -308 [01 -01 -0058] Page 5 of 7 in noRv ZOOZ se.gdx3 uolsslwwoO Airy BulwoAM oJ do alai$ 10 3 wand ,WVMON VIIHVO31 'W A1138 IZO Z8 °uluio;(M 'aadseD alms '133a1S 1103IoM yl.ION 6c1 'Cast (nJ 2g mato `uMOag id!H aCe f d I `32e2laOW awOH and, sllaM 6V /Cr;p foul salldxa uoissiwwo7 0.■,11 •oi) ulr ui-J •iilgnd •IC; 4v 8 1I8IHX3 'ss NOIIVJY gll.d JO IIAVUIJJV 11AVaIlNd S. 19HS119fld :ales jo aaiou snlljo uolle:iilgnd ]s.n Jo amp alp lame sainup awl putt ]saaaaui Bulnaaae pun •papuadxa stsoa •saa.I S,(autoue snid `Z£'L£b`9$ to lunouic a 1 ut sag.n: 7 Autpuelslno.iayto snid `9£'b0Z$ i 1µnowe ayl ut sagacya awl snld `c I.8SS`9$io lu ou t zip ui aailou sup Jo uou]eallgnd jsaU ayi jo alep ay] of panaaoe lsa.tatut snid `6L'998'£bl$ jo aaueulq ledlauud pledun atm(slslsuoa wns ya!gm `?9 I Jo wns l3)ol ay) n°uiaq ales Jo aauou sup jo uoueaygnd isaij jo awp ayl uo agt:guoI J agt uodn onp lunowi aq) pue •uotwoggnd sly' jo luawaauawwoa agl o] aoud s,(ep (01) uai 'seal le sasiwaad page3uow ZZ SI 8 I bunigad all Jo uotssassod ui ,(ue.d ayt put: aaumo moat atp uodn panaas uaaq seq ales pue luawasnaanpU Cy aoeguoIA J aql asolaaao_I 01 wa]w i0 aaijou ualauM `SV32I3HM pue :panul'uoDslp awes ayl pue palnllusul uaaq SuLpaaaoad ao lens yaps ;Cue stay aou ',Joai q1 and ,Cue .to 'ageguoW ayl Cy painaas'yap alp aanoaaa of mel le paln]hisui uaaq stay guipaaaoad ao ltns ou pue 'anlle.tado aw000q aneg o) swelaap a3e3uow ay' pue alON agtJo aaum0 aq1 •ola34 `1IneJap ples Jo u0seaa ,Cq gauyn alesioJaMOd e suu w03 age$uOW 3 4 1 'SVHLEHM ueual.mddu put' saanlxl_J Ile pue alenlis uoaaayl sluawanoadtut lie yum aay'agod pue ulwo CM IV Q 4 H V)1 i pp' y o ale' ,Chino u oaul ao ue ui s as o aatslga op o -xa pue la Chino auid anu auao 1Me c O ssai tut: ltm_1 S` O I J t P P Q i 21 IJ P 1 I� p SZI£8 AM' 13 ,Cluno3 uloau f Jo aaq.J.jO ayl ul papaoaaa leld ley) 01 iulpaoaae pue g unup,CM ag1,Jo aaq.J0 ayl jo spaoaaa ay) ut ££Z ailed u: 9£J, Moog ui '6661 'pZ aagwaldag uo Into uloaui'J `yaue31aalM ua)loag ayl i0 (L1) uaa1uanas pue (91) uaalx!s sit) papaoaaa sem aSeglaolN yatgM pue `aaue)daaa'saolaa.ua eqp •pul '32eDuolN 1saM.wN n -o] 'sMOIIOJ se paquasap &nag ,Cuadoad pageouow pies `ageguoW alp paanaas U /)I /J 'aul `33eo1a0(A J awoH aim mom paweu 'aai eg1ao[N Ol `apm put: puegsny ayluOuoljt' 0uddeao, J' 8unuo, CM` ,C1unOD ulo3Url`aaaautwaN`POaaaH UU 'pue poaaaH CaeO paweu s.togr.gl.iolN Cq paianyap pun palnaaxa sum nowepaquasap- an0ge asnoyunoD C1uno3 uloaui 7 alp Jo aoop 1uo.11 ay' le I00Z £Z Cattn.tgad uo uoouaaoj a� L' 1.101AJ yo19M `aloN aq1 guunaas amp ayl aueguoJN„ ay') a;�edlaow awlsa w 10013,0 0001 le yseaagJ aappig 'say )y ay101 2uiwO CM Clunop wow l ao putt lean e pue `aauttldaaaV saopaa!Q uqp Dui 'agegu0lAy 1SaMaoN e /xLJ 'aUi `ageguoJN 111a04S X ndac ao,J,JuagS ay) Cq anpuan aygnd w pios aq of ,Cuadoid pagegu0w aylawoH and slla/ 01 `a,JIM pue puegsnq 'ponaH uut/ putt paaaH 'Gep ,Cq paaangap !sm ,(q papmoad mel AA se paSOhai0i a (1e21ao(A I ay] aAe4 IILM `a8eduoW alp puuPue Pa1naaxa `6661 `£Z aagwaldaS pomp „aION„ ayl) alou C.wssnuoad a JO aunt tN aq1 {O aaUMO ay1 se •aul 'aoeguolp awoH 0paad sllo/A 321Od3213H.L �MON a41 aapun paaanaao sey lsaaalul pue 1udiauud Jo luaus Ced agl ui ]lne Jap `SV3213HM HDI.LON TIVS 32IIISOrTD3HO3 paluls anoqu su uonpcllgnd jo poi.iad ayI °uunp .zadudsmau pins jo iagwnu Xiang pup, L(oua ut paipaddp luawas>uanpp pips ayl put ,/0010 A jo /cup ay1 uo fuiaq uoilpoiignd 1spl q1 pur /oho a[l� ',(splaam anllnoasuoo Jo /Cu au1 uo nuiaq uoiluotlgnd 1s11J jo po .I1 ad ljnj au1 ioj Jodudsmau pips ui pa isilgnd spun `payoullu uia1aq aoilou ling! alp r q i pup `awls pur i iunoj pin ui uoilpjnolio 1plauaa sEq .Jadudsmau plus 1ug1 pup `.2uiwo/C jo awls aq1 ut `ujoourl jo I iunoj `Ja1auuuza}j jo /CID agi u1 pagstjgnd Jadudsmau Xplaam `g1,12ZvO 2IaIgINIAIij all Jo p am j lap Xus pun asodap 'gm /cal uodn `iCgasay op `I ulooul'j Jo AClunoJ ONITAIOXA13O 3.LVIS 3H.L L ;o L a6ed [8500 1.0 1.0] 90E PaJJGH ales ;o a e3!jnJe3 ti ollgnd /JeloN r V lees lelo!UO'p 1.e pueq Aw ss 0001 i7EZ (LOE) 10938 6ulwoAM `Jedse0 O0Z epinS `heals 11OOIOM glJON 691- di f r sse '8 Maaa 'mope to it ei(e 9. •1H0f1VN H13AVS lNbiddd �I3H18f1d A3NHOIIV JO 1IAVQIddV 3 119IHX3 :saa1dx3 UOISS!WW00 AW ZOOZ'9G ides eas Idx3 uolsslwwo0 /Iry 6ulwoAM euoaleN JO 8)131.9 a Ito Aiu1oo lend IVY10N 113Nb'8 A INI3 L00Z `AJenaged :o Aep slgl Ae ddlj eAer °d i q ew eiojeq UJOMS pue eoueseid Aw u! peq!aosgnS °u!eJegl 6u!p!se pue 6u!woAM to ems eq; u! eogoead pa;} }iwpe Aawoge ue i q 6u!peeooad einsoloe of eq u! paaapuaa i(llenpu seolmes Jot uogesuedwoo se i(Iuo eq Begs panlonu! igep eto o} peppe OS uagM ee p!es pue `panlonu! ;gap eqo o; peppe eq eej pies 10 uols!n!p .io 6uuegs itue Jo; `6u!peeooad a nsoloaao; s!gl u! 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