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below. WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: McKay Marsden, Esq., LLC c/o DSW Partners 4 Triad Center, Suite 400 Salt Lake City, Utah 84180 Attn: McKay Marsden, Esq. 8 18 ©4 1 7 5 BOOK PR PAGE 1 QUITCLAIM DEED Recitals QUITCLAIM RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY Y CLERK 91 110 t a A. Pursuant to Warranty Deed dated May 27, 1982, and recorded in the Lincoln County Recorder's Office on June 15, 1982 as Entry Number 579101 in Book 188PR, Page 157 of the Lincoln County real property records, Carl H. Erickson and M. Lynne Erickson acquired the property described below. B. By Quit -Claim Deed dated September 12, 1986 and recorded in the Lincoln County Recorder's Office on May 5, 1987 as Entry Number 672121 in Book 250PR, Page 670 of the Lincoln County real property records, M. Lynne Erickson quitclaimed to Carl H. Erickson all of her interests in and to the real property described below. C. Accordingly, Carl H. Erickson became the sole owner of the real property listed THIS QUITCLAIM DEED is given by Carl Henry Erickson, with an address of 825 East Canyon Breeze Lane, Draper, Utah 84020 "Grantor to Carl Henry Erickson, as trustee of THE C.H. ERICKSON TRUST, under agreement dated December 7, 1990, as amended, with an address of 825 East Canyon Breeze Lane, Draper, Utah 84020 "Grantee For valuable consideration, Grantor hereby quitclaims to Grantee all of his right, title and interest in the property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming and more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 799 feet South of the Northwest Corner of Lot 1, Section 33, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the 6t P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 145 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence East 17 feet; thence north 72 feet; thence east 168 feet; thence South 272 feet; thence West 330 feet; thence North 100 feet to the place of beginning. Together with all water and water rights and with all mineral and oil rights Grantor have in the above described property. SUBJECT TO easements, restrictions and rights of way of record. GRiNTOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, WHATSOEVER. oHlgnd kruloN 9j aO U JD `uos oiag £!UaH pup ss r y e w t o ems ol to Pt gilts se, uoisstwwoo l tmn 1 tseM o09 tap 1 AUGN3H 'j Antiti31 a��gnd N ("1vgs ....--P/v .uosNotig kuaH ILL;) X `100Z rohm Io ±>?p srtp ow aiojag papaimou)Io1 stm Tuaum.11sur 2uTOga.JoJ aqI RNYI I IVS dO AIMIlO:) H�' Lfl 3O d. V LS I OOZ y Io /cLp T spp OELLva 10 i ui.S A..1 l 3