HomeMy WebLinkAbout969112Lillian E. Harrower and Thomas S. Harrower Jr., Trustees of the Lillian E. Harrower Revocable Trust dated November 2, 2007, as amended, Grantor, Laramie County, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Harrower Ranches LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, Grantee, whose address is 8603 Powderhouse Road, Cheyenne, WY 82009, the following- described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, to -wit: SEAL and the said Grantor hereby covenants with the said Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances; and Grantor warrants the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except: restrictions, reservations, easements and encumbrances of record. By SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE Dated this 21 day of December, 2012. :v' /y 4,4 7411 ian E. Harrower, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LARAMIE NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING NOV. 20. 2016 WARRANTY DEED Lillian E. Harrower Revocable Trust dated Lillian E. Harrower Revocable Trust dated November 2, 2007, as amended, Grantor No ber 2, 2007, as nude c ntor ss. By 000" omas S. Harro er Jr., Trustee The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Lillian E. Harrower and Thomas S. Harrower, Jr., Trustees of the Lillian E. Harrower Revocable Trust dated November 2, 2007, as amended, this 21 day of December, 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Mov. ?n I actts 0--14AA/Do NOTARY PUBLIC RECEIVED 1/22/2013 at 11:56 AM RECEIVING 969112 BOOK: 803 PAGE: 51 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY PARCEL 1: A parcel of Land Located in Lot 6, Section 3, Township 24 North, Range 113 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being described as follows: Beginning at the closing corner common to Section 3, Section 4 and Lot 39 to the North, Township 24 North, Range 113 West, said point being 2 -3/4 inch iron post with an attached brass cap; thence South 89 °28'46" East, 472.60 feet to Lot Corner 39/6, said point being marked sandstone; Thence South 00 °08'29" East 390.53 feet to a number 5 reinforcement rod with an attached aluminum cap; thence North 89 °46'41" East, 243.16 feet to a number 5 reinforcement rod with an attached aluminum cap, said point being on the westerly bounds of an access road; thence South 66 °48'41" West, 64.09 feet along the westerly bounds of said access road to a number 5 reinforcement rod with an attached aluminum cap; thence South 89 °46'41" West, 649.01 feet to the South 1/16 corner common to Section 3 and Section 4, said point being a number 5 reinforcement rod with an attached aluminum cap; thence North 00 °01'48" East 421.66 feet, between Sections 3 and 4 to the point of beginning at the closing corner common to Section 3, Section 4, and Lot Number 39 to the North, Township 24 North, Range 113 West. Said parcel of land contains 4.66 acres of land more or less, subject to existing reservations and rights of record. PARCEL 2: ALSO: EXHIBIT A A parcel of land situate in the N1 /2 SE1 /4 of Section 23 of Township 21 North, Range 116 West described in particular as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point North 35°4' West, 2080.1 feet from the southeast corner of said Section 23; thence South 8 °31' East, 200.0 feet; thence North 71°29' West 443.3 feet; thence South 8 °31' West, 200.0 feet; thence South 71°29' East 443.3 feet; containing 3.00 acres, more or less. A parcel of land situate within the NE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 23 of Township 21 North, Range 116 West of the 6 P.M., in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described in particular as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point North 35 °4' West, 2080.1 feet from the southeast corner of said Section 23; thence North 8 °31' West, 120 feet; thence North 71°29' West 160 feet; thence North 8 °31' East, 120 feet; thence South 71°29' East 160 feet to the point of beginning, containing 19,200 square feet, more or less. LESS: WARRANTY DEED EXHIBIT A 000 A parcel of land located in Tract 52, Township 21 North, Range 116 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; said parcel being the 69.0 foot wide right of way of Canyon Road; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the centerline station 90 +10.74 of Canyon Road, from which the tract corner common to Tracts 52, 50 and 46 bears South 54 °12'37" East a distance of 605.99 feet; thence South 71°29' East a distance of 153.60 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Canyon Road; thence southeasterly a distance of 196.37 feet along a 565.5 foot radius curve to the right, A =19 °53'45 along the southerly right of way; thence North 8 °31' East a distance of 74.73 feet to a point on the northerly right of way; thence northwesterly a distance of 316.01 feet along a 634.5 foot radius curve to the left, A=28°32'15", along the northerly right of way; thence North 88 °45'58" West a distance of 127.18 feet along the northerly right of way; thence departing the northerly right of way South 8 °31' West a distance of 5.65 feet; thence South 71°29' East a distance of 97.24 feet to the point of beginning, said parcel containing 0.54 acres, more or less. Subject to existing reservations, easements and rights of record. PARCEL 3: Township 23 North, Range 116 West of the 6"' P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 21: SE1 /4NE1 /4; Section 22: NW1 /4NE1 /4, Lot 3, NW1 /4. Subject to the existing easement, rights of way, encumbrances and reservations of record. WARRANTY DEED EXHIBIT A 00053