HomeMy WebLinkAbout969130STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVED 1/23/2013 at 9:16 AM RECEIVING 969130 BOOK: 803 PAGE: 183 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP I, GLORIA L. KNIGHT, being duly sworn under oath, state as follows: 00183 1. That Floyd J. Knight had tenancy by the entireties, as husband and wife, with me in land in Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the Lincoln County, Wyoming land records in Book 330PR at Page 658 on June 21, 1993 as Instrument No. 766681. Attached hereto is a copy of that Warranty Deed. 2. That Floyd J. Knight died on February 1, 2007. Attached hereto is an original copy of the Certificate of Death issued for Floyd J. Knight. 3. That pursuant to Wyoming Statutes 2 -9 -102, I certify that the tenancy by the entireties of Floyd J. Knight has been terminated by his death and that title to the above referenced land is now in the name of Gloria L. Knight, a single woman. DATED this 11s+ day of January, 2013. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN 3 ^i'LES NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Linccin u �i:,` Wyoming My Cor mi or r Juiy 16, 2015 My Commission expires: ACKNOWLEDGED, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on this Zt day of January, 2013 by GLORIA L. KNIGHT. WARRANTY D G58 JON CLARK. and DEANN4 L CIARk, husband and wife grantor of.. CONVEY and WARRANT to WITNESS; the hand of said grantor this Signed in the presence of STATE OF WYOMING. County of L•ineeitiT i i On the II +lL day of A. D, 19q3 personal y appeared d before me I I Jon Clark Deanna L. Clack! County of I i LLOYD J. NIGHT and pLoRIAiL. KNIGHT, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties DEn Ju ne 1993 "T 9A 11 IN BOOK 330P R' NO, 7666,•.L'l. crr't3.R.! "'CretPAK maniocs of Box 262, I ayne :WY 83127 for the sum of Ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land In Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by:virtue of the homaatead exemption lama of tha Stara, to -Hitt A portion of the of Section 11, T35N, R119W, 6th P.M., Etna, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point'in� the West line of said Section 11, said point being 1210.00 feet South from:the Nor hwest corner of said SW's thence running East 211.74 feet; thence S0 56'40 "W, 123.25 feet; thence N89 47'22 r 'W, 209.71 feat to a point in first said West line;; thence North along said West line, 122.46 feet to the Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO a portion of the Right -of -way for U.S. Highway 89 over the West 56.00 feet of the property. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances' thereon. Jon Deanna i 1 ;the'jlgbet "9. of,itte Within Itisttu'ment! who duly pciigovilealg9tl gifjte.tha the y; etio the same as their ;deed. I 1 Vi' c ':v i u 1 '^p A,Jui..,1 CC)4 J .Coirimission'expirest q-ia-,6 M Itary Public Residing In ,J fi S JJ f '1L/ 1 t land 11111111nnery day of j t-A —A- A. D. 19q- Entry No. 4 RECORDING DATA State of Wyoming. hereby Fee RECORDED INDEXED PLATTED 0 ABSTRACTED❑ COMPARED DELIVERED .0 001.811 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD s G q 0 u 0 pY ila r VOS CI O A .H44*1401 TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT BLACK INK 00 HOT USE FELT TIP PEN FOR MSTRUCTIDN4 SEE HANDBOOKS DISPOSITION PLACE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH ITEMS 32.38 TO BE USED OR EXTERNA CAUSES ONLY (CORONER) MEMEMMI F DEATH WAS DUE TO OTHER THAN NATURAL CAUSES, THE CORONER COMPLETE AND SIGN THE CERTIFICATE :44HF9 tl d(,111 OATS FILED BY STATE REGISTRAR: E 1, DECEDENT'S LEGAL NAME (Include AKA's it any) (First, Middle. Last, Suffix) Floyd James Knight 4a. AGE -Last Birthday 4b. UNDER 1 YEAR 40, UNDER 1 DAY 5. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo/Day/Yr) 84 (Years) May 8 7a. RESIDENCE STATE OR FOREIGN COUNTRY 7b. COUNTY Wyoming 7d. STREET AND NUMBER 107662 Highway 89 8, MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH. 6I Married 0 Married, but separated 0 Widowed 0 Divorced 0 Never married 0 Unkno 10. EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? f4 Yes 0 No 113. FATHER'S NAME (First, Middle, Lost. Suffix) William James Knight 12a. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME (First, Middle, Lasl, Suffix) Minnie Roberts 1 3a. INFORMANTS NAME (Type or print) Gloria Knight 14. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 0 Burial 0 Cremation LT Donation 0 Entombment IC Removal from Idaho O Olher (500 173. S Schwab Mortuary 44 East 4th Avenue Afton, Wyoming 83110 9F FUNERAL S ICE LIC� ERSON ACTING AS SUCH ,t 17b. L CENSE NUMBER (Of licensee) M 676 0 Yes xl No PLACE OF DEATH (19.22) k 19a. IF DEATH OCC RRED IN A 11050 AL: 1* 19b. IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL: IQ Inpatient ,0 ER/Outpatient 00 DOA 140 Hospice facility sO Nursing horn /Long term care facility 60 Decedent's home r0 Other (Specify) k 20. FACILITY NAME (II n9) (acilily, give *eel and number) 21. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH, AND ZIP CODE 22. COUNTY OF DEATH Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center Idaho Falls 83404 23. DATE OF DEATH (Mo /Day/Yr) (Spell month) February 1, 2007 February 1, 2007 27. CAUSE OF DEATH PART I. Enter the chain of events diseases, Injuries, or complications Ihei directly caused the death. DO NOT enter terminal events such as card'ac arrest, respiratory arrest, or ventricular fibrillation without showing the etiology. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Enter only one cause on a line: B'Yes 0 No 0 Probably 0 Unknown 32. DATE OF INJURY (Mo/Day/Yr) (Spell month) 36. LOCATION OF INJURY: Stale Month, i Dan HOwl MN UIes 1 I STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS Slate of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE FILE NO. was Nr. BEUS .:CrFevwFxc r=3.4 i1%.7aaLral��nlAMOpea noc,, E Local Reg. No. Il Lincoln 3b, RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT wife 15. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name and address of cemetery. crematory, other place Etna Cemetery Etna, Wyoming 124. TIME OF DEATH 1302 (24hr) SC-Vr/1 9)770 //7L1C /C_ IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or condition resulting In death) Sequentially est conditions, II any, leading to the cause listed On line a. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE LAST (disease or injury that initialed the events resulting in death) PART 11. Enler other significant conditions cgnirlbu)In010 deal( but not resulting In the underlying cause given In Pan /=E /,A-4A, J. ,C' fc. //r /yr(ur2l c:Vi'7ff f tt/en, C-6,,,04, A'7YC//t /ti/444,{?70V ?'Z-- /J� /LL ?=-tom 4o4" 29. DID TOBACCO USE 30.10 FEMALE (Aged 10.54): CONTRIBUTE TO DEATH? Du4Salaoa.araawvmce o0l -,r/ 71,0) b. Me 77M/il J/ OUE TO (or an a mneeeuence o0: A)n,oi ;i /v1,.1't retoc-, DUE TO (or as a ronsm0enoe o0: 0 Not pregnanl within past year D Pregnant at time of death 0 Not pregnant, but pregnant Within 42 days of death 33. TIME OF INJURY (2401) I have reviewed and if necessary amended the medical section 413. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE n /P C .w YJ riauzl an•mi/A,r,r "%)o r CTATIC:T V' AI IMIDr10MATImM This is a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS. DATE ISSUED: A4,11 This copy not valid, unless prepared on engraved border displaying state seal and signature of the Registrar. Etna 0 Nol pregnanl, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before death 0 Unknown if pregnant wilhin the past year 7e. APT. NO. 34. PLACE OF INJURY (Decedent's home nursing home, restaurant, forest, etc.) 2. SEX Male SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 6. BIRTHPLACE (City and Stale, Ternlory, or Foreign Counlry) 922 Amarillo, Texas 7c. CITY OR TOWN 7f. ZIP CODE 83118 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (H wile, give maiden name) Gloria Livingston 11b. BIRTHPLACE (Sale, Territory, or Foreign Counlry) Mississippi 12b. BIRTHPLACE (Stale, Territory. or Foreign Counlry) Tennessee 13c. MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number, Cily, Stale, Zip Code) P.O. Box 5172 Etna, Wyoming 83118 16. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF FUNERAL FACILITY 25. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo /Day/Yr) (Spell month) arm, street, construction site, JANE S. SMITH STATE REGISTRAR 7q. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? 0 Yes R) No 8. WAS CORONER CONTACTED? Bonneville 6. TIME PRONOUNCED DEAD 1302 (24hr( Appmxlmale Interval: 1 Onset to Death 28a. WAS AN AUTOPSY X 288. WERE. AUTOPSY FINDINGS PERFORMEO? 1 AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE I THE CAUSE OF DEATH? 0 Yes 4 o 1 0 Yes 0 No 31. MANNNER OF DEATH CYNalural 0 Homidde 0 Accident 0 Pending investigation 0 Suicide 0 Could not be determined 1 35. INJURY AT WORK? 0 Yes 0 No City/Town or County Zip Code Street and Number or Location Apartment Number 37. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, STATE THE TYPE(S) OF VEHICLE(S) INVOLVED (Automobile, pickup, motorcycle, ATV, bicycle, etc) SPECIFY WHICH VEHICLE DECEDENT OCCUPIED, if applicable TRANSPORTATION 1383. WAS DECEDENT: 0 Driver /Operator 0 Passenger i364, WHAT SAFETY DEVICE(S) DID DECEDENT USE/EMPLOY? INJURY ONLY i 0' Pedestrian 0 Other Specily) I 0 Seal bell 0 Child safely seal 0 Heinle 0 AP beg 0 None 0 Unknown 39a. CERTIFIER (Check only one, based on official capacity for this cenificaIe) 39b. LICENSE NUMBER A PHYSICIAN To the best of my knowledge, death occurred a( the lime, date, and place, and doe to the na (u ret cause(s)/manner Mated. 'G2 0 CORONER On the basis of examn lion and /or inveslig911at, in 'opi Ion, death occurred al the Time, dale, and place, and hue'. the cause Sec, DATE SIGNED s) and manner slated, r_7- cri 1 7 -t 1 1 7 Signature and Tele of Certlfer P 1 Z l .4 v-2 MM. ':OD. YYW 39d. NAME, ADDRESS, AND P COD yep CERTIFIER ype or pnnl) Douglas N. Whatmd e, M.D.; 3200 Channing Way; Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 40a, CORONER'S SUBSEQUENT SIGNATURE IF NECESSARY: The coronees signature In this item supersedes that of the physician, 40b. DATE SIGNED 004 Ine coroner becomes the certifier of record. MM DD- YYYY 41b. DATE SIGNED MM 0018 vftull (4 'ar1 II sWWII/ OM •11S. ■1l111l