HomeMy WebLinkAbout871822L V PARTNERSHIP, A UTAH PARTNERSHIP grantor of UINTAH CONVEY and WARRANT to F T PARTNERSHIP, A UTAH PARTNERSHIP WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this STATE OF Signed in the presence of ss. County of W On the day of 1 la A.D. 10 erso ally appeared before me Commission ex *K 871822 the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WARRANTY DEED County of t..; a WEBER grantee of UINTAH, COUNTY OF WEBER, STATE OF UTAH for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the following described tract of land in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exetnption laws of the State, to -wit: AN UNDIVIDED ONE HALF (1) INTEREST IN AND TO *THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. The Lnd Tltle Company VE[ LINr O.UNTY CLERK day of a) X1'1 BOOK __PR PAGE UTAH State of l(jwn, hereby i lCL' A.D. 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Jogad D o) Mai 6c909 1101.7 p+os +auq 1/)noS 9141 fxrop ;M6f.:O£'.69N 901)91/) .`j, 001)090 p!° 10 �50_100 )sr ay/ 6t.n;t.xlc,rr pro) )uaJ1x/ty,) 9(U'1 1179 9 4) 0 1 Mal 66'L911 )S03 )?•'0P' olo :3,SZ,L 901)94) :auq )903 p,DS u, /1404 n 04 )aa} Ifs Of 3„6112. /L/N PJ )teal 64'09 3,6.4'Z.ZS '4991 9 M „F,:',Bc Mai 01 41,,171,66.SS •sa:�rJO)e/ p00 sou/o b PLR poi J0gay 1)o sdo, 11rxJW1}'y 0) 901)9/ u)noc y)J 1) ✓40/x9 1)0 l:UO, fi/t[finoJ :(riotynos 904)94 1)o /)095 pns lc JauJOO 613 aq) thoJOtu pur,•aj (a0t,1Jr:s 1)n 9,1∎45 1 ;uatunuoyy a 1) i'i'Te 4') W04 3 i,6£:OS Dulo i tL'Ri2' 4 )1)4045 pros ua)0es mpg JO 9 )s0] a4) 1)1 )1x00 D ,)0 01),701 acd4d 1)04 tm 14114039 :54400) so p0?'..10s0p tr 3I)JDd 9_101.0 171);04 't I JD4M '.()uno0 440011)7 'Wd 4)9 ;445il8 145E °41 fi 1)01).095; JO 6 /12,,C, etp 10 )p) i'03 0 1) uor)JOd 11V11 'I8IHX3 200200 e J'•.J Y. \J MI t1 ROM__ J'rl PAM__ L V PARTNERSHIP, �aa Utah General Partnership Grantors of 0,."" County of hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: KENNETH L. CRAM •and APRIL CRAM, husband and wife, as tenants by t:t entireties Grantee of P.O. Box 4386, Bedford, WY 83112 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestea exemption laws of the State, to -wit: A portion of the NE1 /45E1/4 and the SE1 /4NE1 /4 of Section 4, T33N, R118W, 0 the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described a follows: BEGINNING at the Rebar found marking a'bend in the Center Line of Heiner Suter County Road 12 -127, said point being 753.50 feet N89 °42'04 "W, along th North line of said NE1 /45E1/4 from the B.L.M. type Monument (Spike c surface) marking the Northeast corner of said NE1 /48E1/4; thence Sout 1,120.95 feet to an Iron Pipe set; thence N25 °58'09"W 698.57 feet to an Irc Pipe found; thence North 500.00 feat to a Rebar found marking a point in tr North Line of said NE1 /4SE1/4; thence N0 °01 "E 112.44 feet to a Rebar four marking a point in the Center Line of said County Road 12 -127; thenc S70 °11 "E, along said Center Line 336.68 feet, to the Point of Beginninc SUBJECT TO: The Right -of -way Easement, as referred to in Instrument Nc 566596, in Book 181 P.R. on Page 415 and Instrument No. 566597, in Book 1E P.R., Page 417, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Count) Wyoming on October 7, 1981, being Heiner Suter County Road 12 -127. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United StatE Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with an improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 'day •f*l D. STATE OF u County of q• On the V5 a y of ZILf=; A.D. 2000, personally appeared before [40.4. R o 4- kito {ROI General. Partnere of L V Partnership, General:Partnerahi -p, known or identified to me to be the persons whose nam are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that thl executed the same. .129 :SS EXHIBIT 11 88176 988 L02 ti:01 AMMER L GRID MARY PlISUQ. 'TAW UAW *77* N AVid4UI ur OOMM. EXP. 7102001 fl'{: WA RRP�'� 1 EED Nota Public My as LAND TITLE COMPANY WWWW RECEIVED �.INCGf._;a C(I:.IN7 Y DO JIL 2 I JEMAlN i: '�;i��.il.l-Z StateniabiUAM, VV. QP:�IPJG mission expires on 2000 2I 9 Generz Partner of L V Partnership, Utah General Partnership Generi Partner of L V Partnership, Utah General Partnership gi 0 0 me, a Ut ?8L8EI ?OSS3SS3 00 N103NI14.3 00 T002 -80 -833