HomeMy WebLinkAbout8718970 A298 -10 R298 -04 871897 to second party, Grantee, William R. Meyer QUITCLAIM DEED whose post office address is P.O. Box 159, Thayne, WY 83127 53926 20040 AH} RECEIVED LINCOLN! COUNTY CLERK 0l MAIZOt 0'3 yft)PRP THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, Executed this 12th day of February 2001 (year), by first party, Grantor, William L. Daley, Trustee Daley Family Trust dated November 10, 1988 whose post office address is P -0 Box 664, Thayne, WY $3127 WITNESSETH, That the said first party, for good consideration and for the sum of Three- thousand dollars 3,000.00 paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said first party has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appurtenances there- to in the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming to wit: Lot 39, of Star Valley Ranch Plat 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming according to the official plat therof. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements, and rights of way of record, in sight or in use. If your state requires 8'/2" x 11" forms, cut off the bottom of this page at the dotted line. Rev. 6/98 E -Z Legal Forms. Before you use this form, read it, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are necessary to your particular transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose and use. E -Z Legal Forms and the retailer make no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchantability of this form for an intended use or purpose. (ms) •euu pauop eq1 le a6ed sly' ;o wouoq eq1 uo lno `swan; „L 4 x z g sei!nbaa ems anoA CZ) CII 3o ad�i,L QI paonpozd IMMIX lug!JV (mos) QI 3o ocIA QI paonpozd r umou)T 1ugd 886I pa Tea sniy aa4snay 'Aai1a DNIWOAM i0 31d1S Jazedazd Jo ssazppy zai dazd 3o a" N loud zazgda1d jo ainleuft Teas TutaJJo puu puuq )Cw SSINIIM •luawnzlsut alp palnoaxa 'palm (s)uoszad 0q1 gotgm jo jTpgaq uodn ,Cltlu° atu zo `(s)uoszad aql luawa lsut aq1 uo (s)aznluu2ts ztagl /zag/stq Xq 1ug1 puu `(sat)Xltogduo pazuoglne .haul /zag/stg ut awgs aql palnoaxa Xag1 /ags/aq 1ug1 aw o1 pagpaImou3Tou pug luawn.nsut utqum aql 01 pagtuosgns wets! (s)awgu asogm (s)uoszad aql aq 01 (aouaptna ,C.rologjspgs jo stsuq agl uo aw o1 panoid zo) ow o1 umouN ATTuuoszad pazeaddg up Jo Alunop jo a1ulS •Tgas TgrouJo pug puuq 'cm 'SSIN,LIM •luawnzlsut aql palnoaxa `palog (i)uoszad 0q1 gotgm 3o 3lggaq uodn ifltlua aq1 zo `(s)uosiad aq1 luawnzlsui agl uo (s)aznluuSts .haul /zag/stq Al Tutu pug `(sat)iiltouduo pazuoglnu .nag1/aaq/stq ut awes aql palnoaxa Sag1 /ags /ag mil ow o1 paSpajmoupe pug luawnilsut utgltm aql 01 pagtzosgns azg /st (s)aumu asogm 1 0 f. .s f y1 -)is ;s- •logjstlgs Jo stspq 01{1 uo aw of panoid io) ow 01 umowT Ageuoszad pamaddu 11 0 So i(lunop 3o alm1S N100NI1 0 AmNno0 mend Ad71ON 3V3313 IMMO 4l and 1sztd Jo aumu loud Sum )SRd 3o aznleugTS 'tin 1SZtd jo alum loud pj �.agmaeoH wg. 7 1.4 £TTureg Aare(' msITi ,Thud 1si!d JO aznlga!S C/ r :Jo aouasazd ut pazantlap puu papas `pau5TS uallrzm anoqu lszu meaii pug /cup aql mosaic{ asagl paps pug pau2ts sr!! Augd mu plus NI ',TOD 1aHM SSaNJJM NJ 'aw azopaq ,►.,r"'�' �'l1 Aml a znl uua !S Am1oN Jo azn1guffIS ssaultM Jo awgu 11.11fzd ssaultM jo aznlgu2!S SSU1TM Jo awgu loud 1 y s,.,1 ssaultM 3o aznlgu2TS Cu