HomeMy WebLinkAbout871898Witnessed by Alma Gail Marchi and Alma. Gail Marchi Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires -cam 871898 1 V1N RIGHT OF Vii LINU(. L'' UI: I Y ULLh'iK Know All Men By These Presents: That for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, Olindo A. Marchi and Alma Gail Marchi, husband and wife, as tenants in common, of the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereinafter called the grantor, hereby grants to THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OF WYOMING, 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82009 -3340, its assigns or successors herein called the grantee, the right to lay out, construct, inspect, operate and maintain a road for the use of the public over and across the following described lands located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to -wit: Portion of Tract 62, Section 12, Resurvey T. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6t P.M., Wyoming. The right -of -way hereby granted being more particularly described as follows: All that portion of a certain tract of land described in Book 225PR at Page 193 of the Lincoln County Records and located in Tract 62, Section 12, Resurvey T. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6t P.M., Wyoming, lying between the presently existing easterly right -of -way boundary of State Highway No. 189 and a parallel right -of -way line 36.5 meters (119.75 feet) to the right or easterly side when measured radially to the following described survey line of highway, said parallel right -of -way line begins and ends in said Tract 62: Commencing at a point on the north boundary of said Tract 62 from which corner 4 of said tract bears N.89 °45'21.8 "W. a distance of 51.493 meters (168.94 feet) (said corner being monumented by an aluminum survey cap, LS- 482, 1999) and corner 1 thereof bears S.89 °45'21.8 "E. a distance of 351.323 meters (1,152.63 feet) (said corner being monumented by a GLO brass cap, 1908); thence S.5 °47'04.8 "E. a distance of 424.144 meters (1,391.55 feet); thence S.28 °52'47.1 "W. a distance of 237.454 meters (779.05 feet) to the point of beginning of a spiraled curve concave westerly, the spiral lengths of which are 100 meters (328.08 feet), the total length of which is 463.005 meters (1,519.05 feet) and the total central angle of which is 34 °39'51.9" and at which point a line tangent to said curve bears N.28 °52'47.1 "E., said point also being on the survey line of said highway 189; thence northerly along said spiral arc, through a central angle of 4 °46'28.7" a distance of 100 meters (328.08 feet) to the point of beginning of the circular arc of said curve, also being the True Point of Beginning; thence with a parallel right -of -way line 36.5 meters (119.75 feet) to the right or easterly side as the easterly boundary of this parcel and the presently existing easterly right -of -way boundary of said highway 189 as the left or westerly boundary of this parcel, continuing northerly along said curve through a central angle of 0 °57'17.7" a distance of 10 meters (33 feet), more or less, until said parallel right -of -way line intersects the presently existing easterly right -of -way line (jog) of State Highway No. 189. Basis of bearing for the above described parcel of land is N.89 °45'21.8 "W. between corners 1 and 4 of Tract 62. The above described parcel of land contains 0.013 of a hectare (0.03 of an acre), more or less. Grantor also grants the right of ingress and egress to and from the said land for any and all purposes necessary and incident to the exercise by the grantee, and the public, of the rights granted by this conveyance. Grantee agrees to construct culverts of suitable size across such ditches and laterals of grantor as necessary for proper operation of his irrigation system. Grantors hereto do hereby waive and release all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming insofar as affected by this conveyance. Grantor will not use, or permit to be used, the conveyed property for any purpose whatsoever; that exclusive use is hereby granted to the grantee. The grant herein contained is an easement and shall be perpetual so long as the main traveled portion of said land is used for the aforementioned purposes, and whether or not actually fenced or used in its entirety for the aforementioned purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this day of 2000 Fir chi vkiri Orlindo A. L ,i o ACKNOWLEDGMENT II 11r ASEMEN'f. 44.4 a STATE OF Ote COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4 1 day of G:\RIGHTWAY\SHARED \Projects \Kemmerer NortMNegotiator Files \Parcel 01- Yusypchuk \Marchi Easement.wpd, April 7, 28t10 S is r- NAND Fo BLit 0 STATE OF BOOK j PR PAGE 2000, by Olindo A. Marchi NOTARY PUBLIC Grantors