HomeMy WebLinkAbout871900LICENSEE'S DUP. ORIG. December 1, 1989 Gentlemen: 871900 Wyoming State Highway Department P. 0. Box 1708 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 -9019 1 E I.) LINOO (..3 .1TY CLERK 1' t Audit No. D00309 it) 0OTC1_ PR PAGE This refers to the request of Wyoming State Highway Department (hereinafter called "Licensee for permission to enter upon the land identified on Exhibit A hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof, which is situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and owned by Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation (hereinafter called "Licensor for the purpose of installing snow fences thereon. Licensor, in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) to be paid by Licensee to Licensor upon the execution and delivery of this agreement and the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) to be paid by Licensee to Licensor in advance of each anniversary date during the term of this agreement, is willing to grant, and does hereby grant, said permission to Licensee subject to the following terms and conditions. 1. The entire cost of constructing and maintaining said snow fences shall be borne by Licensee. 2. All work performed by Licensee or on its behalf in connection with the construction of said snow fences shall be done in a manner satisfactory and acceptable to Licensor or its authorized representative. 3. It is understood that the permission granted is subject to all outstanding superior rights, including those in favor of telegraph and telephone companies, lessees of said land and others, and the right of Licensor to renew and extend the same and is made without covenant of title or for quiet enjoyment. Without limiting the generality of the preceding paragraph, the permission granted herein is specifically made subject to that certain Grazing and Haymaking Lease dated April 26, 1989, by and between Licensor and Green River Livestock Company, identified in the records of Licensor as Audit No. D00147, subsequently subleased to Julian Land Livestock Company, covering, among other lands, the lease of the licensed premises for grazing and haymaking purposes. 4. All tools, equipment and other property placed upon the licensed premises by Licensee shall remain its property and pus :squabs ao /pus saaAoTduta 'saaoT33o atau4 pus s4T pus 'sa4gTTT33g s4T pus aosuaoTZ 3o aouebTTbau TuT4agd ao /pus aTos auo 'butobaao3 ago buT4TuuTT 41101.14TM buTPnTouT asngo Aug tutoa3 san000 pus 'saasuaoTT ao /pus saaAoTdute 'squabs 'saaoT33o atag4 pus ao4ogaquoo eons 'aasuaoTZ '3o uoaaauq eouasaad 8144 ao 'Aq u4TMaaegq uoTgoauuoo uT pasn aosuaoTZ 3o spugT aaggo Aug pus sastutaad pasuaotT ago 3o asn ao uot4gdn000 agq o4 quapTout ao g4TM uoTgoauuoo uT AsM Aug uT SOSTag abgugp ao uoT4ona4sap 'ssoT '144sep 'AanCuT Tsuosaed tons aaaut 'aanaosgsuM A4aadoad o4 abPMPp ao 3o uoT4ona4sap ao SSOT ao 'aanaosutogM suosaed 3o gqsap ao o4 AanCuT Tguosaad 30 qno buTMOab 'saa3 Tasunoo pus s4soo ganoo buTpnTouT 'aan4gu aanaos4g14M 3o sasuadxa pus sgsoo 'spugutap 'sutTSTo 'abguugp 'ssoT 'A4TTTggTT 'TIP pus Aug 4sutsbg '(00'000'000't$) sagTToU uoTTTT14i aup uggq sseT 4ou qunomg UP uT ao4ouaquoo buTansuT ao4ogaquoo 3o AoTTod A4TITggT'I TsaauaD g aapun 'VTns3 04 pagbaa 4nou4TM 'ao4ogaquoo eons se ATTn3 SP pug quagxa atugs a144 04 abgaanoo 144TM spaansuT pautgu Tguot4Tppg SP 'squabs pug saaAoTduua 'saeoT33o atag4 pug s4T pug sa4sTTT33s s4T pug aosuaoTZ apnTouT 04 sesTuuaad pasuaoTT ago uo xaoM bututao3aad (s)ao4oga4uoo s4T eatnbaa os I R C :saaabg Agaaau 'asuaoTT sT144 3o buTqugab ago 103 suoT4saeptsuoo 9144 3o 9U0 SP 'aasuaoTZ •g •aosuaoTZ 144TH Toa4uoo uoututoo aapun sT ao 'Aq paTToaquoo sT ao 'sToa4uoo AT4o9aTpuT ao AT4oaaTp goTuM uoT4gaodaoo Aug susauu utaaau pasn SR (aq ARM asgo aqq SP 990 TTT33g„ ao) utaa4 agy sguabg pug saaAoTduua 'saeoT33o atag4 pug s4T pue 'sa4giIt33g s4T pug aosuaoTZ 3o aouabTTbau aAT4oe aTos agq Aq pasneo ssaTun 'saasuaoTT ao /pug 'saaAoTduta 'squabs 'saaoT33o s4T 'aasuaoTZ 9144 '3o uoaaauq aouasaad 9144 ao 'Aq 144TMaaa144 uoT4oauuoo uT pesn aosuaoTZ 3o spugT aag40 Aug pug sasTuuaad pasuaoTT at 3o asn ao uoT4gdn000 alp o4 quapTout 10 L4TM uoTgoauuoo uT AeM Aug uT sasTag absutgp ao uoT4ona4sap 'ssoT 'uggep 'AanCut Tguosaad tons aaauM 'aanaos4g1M A4aadoad o4 abgutgp JO 3o uoT4ona4sap ao s8OT JO 'aanaosutogM suosaad 30 gqsap ao o4 AanCuT Tguosaad 3o qno buTMOab 'seal Tasunoo pug sgsoo 4anoo buTpnTOuT 'aan4su aanaos4gum 3o sasuadxa pug sgsoo 'spuguuap 'sutteTo 'abgugp 'ssoT '44TTTggTT TIP pug Aug tuoa3 pug 4suTgbg 'squabg pug saaAojduua 'saeoT33o atag4 pug s4T pug 'se4gTTt33g. sqT pug aosuaoTZ ssaTmagg angs pug A3Tuuuaput TTgus pug 04 saaabg aasuaoTZ 'os op ATTn3" 1 Aguu aasuaoTZ 4ua4xa auo oj, •g •aosueoTZ Aq ao39aag4 TTTq 30 uoT4Tpuaa uodn paaanouT os sasuadxa Tie 103 AT4duuoad aosueoTZ asanquttaa TTs aasuaoTZ pue 'mugs auo anoutaa Agin aosu9otZ 'paT3Toads amT4 atm. utu4TM A4aadoad aau4o ao 4uautdTnba 'sToo4 tons anotuaa o4 TTg3 TTsus aasuaoTZ 4U9A9 auo uT pug 'asuaoTT sTg4 3o uoT4guTuzaa4 auo aa43g sAep (0£) A4aTu4 uTu4TM 4T Aq panoutaa aq TTgus GT1,77„ (T) 388 J LI NI (ii) To include Licensor, and its affiliates, and its and their officers, employees and agents, as additional named insureds with coverage to the same extent and as fully as Licensee, without regard to fault, under a General Liability Policy or self insurance program of Licensee insuring Licensee in an amount not less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) per person and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per occurrence, against any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demands, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including court costs and counsel fees, growing out of personal injury to or death of persons whomsoever, or loss or destruction of or damage to property whatsoever, where such personal injury, death, loss destruction or damage arises in any way in connection with or incident to the occupation or use of the licensed premises and any other lands of Licensor used in connectioh therewith by, or the presence thereon of Licensee, and its officers, agents, employees and /or licensees, unless caused by the sole active negligence of Licensor, and its affiliates, and its and their officers, employees and agents. 7. Licensee shall not suffer or permit any mechanics lien, or other lien, to be filed against said premises, or any part thereof, by reason of work, labor, services or materials supplied, or claimed to have been supplied, to Licensee, or anyone claiming under Licensee. If any such mechanic's lien, or other lien, shall at any time be filed against said premises, Licensee shall cause the same to be discharged of record within thirty (30) days of the date of filing the same, and if Licensees shall fail to discharge such lien within such period. then Licensor may at its option, discharge the same by paying the amount claimed to be due without inquiry into the validity of the same and Licensee shall thereupon reimburse Licensor for any payment so made. 8. Licensee agrees to comply with all laws, rules and regulations of all regulatory bodies having jurisdiction with regard to said construction and purposes incidental thereto. All operations conducted hereunder shall be in compliance with all Federal, State and County laws, rules, ordinances and regulations which are applicable to the area of operations including but not limited to those pertaining to environment, fire sanitation, conservation, water pollution and fish and game. All operations hereunder shall be conducted in a prudent manner. If, as a result of Licensee's operations or use of said subject property hereunder, any statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation or requirement is violated, Licensee shall protect, save harmless, defend and indemnify, to the extent it may lawfully do so, Licensor, its officers, employees and /or agents, against and from any and all penalties, fines, costs and expenses, including court costs and counsel fees imposed upon or incurred by Licensor, its officers, employees and /or agents, resulting from or connected with, such violation and /or violations. „4aedaaquno3 s,aosuaoTa„ paxaeut TPuTfT.Zo a42OT1dnQ etq uoT4eaodao0 saoanoseu pupa 0 T3T 0 Ra uoTun oq uangaa pus MoTaq pepTnoad a0Rds atq uT TeuTbTao a42OTTdnQ gore uo 3oaaag4 aoua4daoo2 anoA agaoTpuT 'noA oq Aao4OR3st4es sT qT 3I •842OTTdnp uT noA oq ques sT a944aT situ •g gTgTtxa SR paToeggR sT apop anuenag TRuaaquI atq 3o Si717T uoTgoas aapun suoT4eTnba2 sII TgTM aouauzao3uoo uT pea2dead uo TgsoT3Tgaao pup 4TA uy •aasuaoTZ Aq apeuz aq qou T1TM pazTTRaa qunouze etq uzoa3 xeq eutooul Tu./aped 3o buTpTottgTM pile uoTgeaodaoo ubTeao3 a qou sT '8858L9Z -E1 •0N QI Teaeped 'aosueoTa 'ET •saveA (S) anT3 3o poTaad 2 ao3 40a33a pup eoao3 Ting uT uTeUZaa TIRTs Pup 0661 'Aaenaged 3o ARp LIggT agq 3o sR 4 a7(24 IT egs gTUZaad stgu Z1 •uanTb eq TTegs aoTgou tons tOTgM uo agep etq oq quenbesgns sARp (0E) AgaTtq uegq 'aeAatOI 'SSaT qou 'pa424s aoTgou Tons uT agep AUR U0 2OSU33Ta oq aasuaoTZ ao aasuaoTZ oq aosua3Ta aaggTa AC( U9ATb aoTgou uaglTIM Aq pageuTuzaaq aq AVM queutaetbe sTTU TT pees 04 ob 04 antes agq /Acme qou TIRgs pup spu2I pTRS Uto23 speem snoTxou TTe ageoTpeaa TT aesueoTa 'ATTeuoT ;Tppy •04 Pe2eTP2 eq 'Liege 'aoTaaquI 3o quauza.aedeQ sagegs pe ;Tun queurebeu2w pupa 3o neaang agq Aq pa2Tnbaa aq Amu SR spaepuegs aatbTg Tons quana getq uT ueg4 'spueT oTTgnd 3o Seea2 quaoeCpe aTgeaediuoo uo squemaaTnbaa 'aoTaaqul 3o gUeuzgaedaQ sagegs pe .tun 'queuzebeuem pupa 3o neaang eTg20TTdd2 tgTM quagsTsuoo spaepuegs MoTaq STT23 sseabgeatM uaagsaM (y05) quaoaed A4;t3 pup sseabgpagM exTdsxoTgq %0S) queoaed A4;t3 ggTM 52922 Ions 3o eoueua4ut2UZ put butpeesea agq quana atm. uT 'aenaioq 'pepTnoad :9202 cad spunod (5T) uaa43T3 3o a422 atq 42 peTTdde aq oq 'sseabgeaTM uaagseb %05) queoaad A43T3 pup sseabgeagM extdsxoTTf %05) queoaad A43T3 tIgtM pepaesei aq TTegs aapuneaaq paqueab sggbTa 9114 3o esTo2exe agq uT pega ARM 3o ggbT' agq 3o se9a2 a0R3ans atq 3o TIP getq see2be eesueoTa •O1 •sesTuiaad pasueoTI alp buTAT2epun ao uT sTeaeuTUZ aaggo -,zo Teoo 3o TenoUZaa agq U1023 ARM 18t40 AU2 uT buTglnsaa 20 amps agq Tgeauaapun butuTUZ 3o )Tnsaa a se SasTUiaad pasua3TT pTRS 3o eoe3ans agq 3o eouepTsgns Aq peuots200o (saagtnuT pup saaAojdUte 'squabe 'saeoT33o sqT 'easueoTa 04 A2nCuT Teuosaad butpnTouT) aanaosgetM abeuzep aaggo Aue ao3 ao sestuuaad pasueoTT atq uodn aasuaoTZ Aq epeuz eq oq ao epeuz suoTgeTTRgsuT atq oq butaan000 eb2UZep Aug ao3 'saagtnuT put saeAoldUte 'squabe 'saeoT33o sqT 'easueoTa oq aTgmm' aq qou IIRIs aosua3Ta 42144 uoT4tpuo0 sseadxa 9114 uo sT uta2aq paqueab uoTssTUZ2ad aty •6 Witness: a.U.A/v OLAA.wt) By Atteto: (SEAL) S E A t 4. •44eploary, Wyo$1411;ighway Commission lit 1 UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION A orney-in-Fact The above permit is hereby accepted upok_the terms and conditions therein set forth this 1/ day of L4.€ 1989. WYOMING STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Superinte den? Engineer EXHIBIT "A" Attached to Agreement dated M5 f( 19 'y between UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION as Licensor, and WYOMING STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT as Licensee. R 114 W IIIP Scale 1"=1000' Real Estate Dept. Snow Fence Existing snow fences EXHIBIT 1 OF 2 301 (..1 Ci' ti T 21 N Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation Lincoln County,Wyoming License agreement for Wyoming State Highway Department to build snow fences. November 20,1 989 or'th, Texas R 114 W NW /4 SEC.1 EXHIBIT 2 OF 2 Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation Lincoln County,Wyoming License agreement for Wyoming State Highway Department to build snow fences. Snow Fence Existing snow fence Scale 1% 1000' Real Estate Dept. November 20.1989 Fort Worth, Texas EXHIBIT "B" Attached to Agreement dated 1)26 It 1987, between UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION as Licensor, and WYOMING STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT as Licensee. TRANSFEROR'S AFFIDAVIT AND CERTIFICATION OF NON FOREIGN STATUS Furnished in Accordance with Section 1445(b)(2) of The Internal Revenue Code 2. UNION PACIFIC LAND taxpayer identifying 3. Its business address Texas 76101 -0007. C I,�GYI�`z e-li' Real Estate Analyst, of UNION PACIFIC LAND RES URCES CORPO hereby certify the following: 1. UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION is not a nonresident alien for purposes of U. S. income taxation; RESOURCES CORPORATION'S U. S. number is 13- 2678588; and, is P. O. Box 7, Fort Worth, UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by the transferee and that any false statement made here could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. Under penalties of perjury I declare that I have examined this certification and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct, and complete. By: 2 Date: ;1l J ..l IIG22d)1 77