HomeMy WebLinkAbout969199STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1. April 22, 1998, is attached hereto. AFFIDAVIT OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO WYOMING STATUTES 2 -1 -201 FOR THE ESTATE OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT RECEIVED 1/29/2013 at 9:25 AM RECEIVING 969199 BOOK: 803 PAGE: 433 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW GLORIA L. KNIGHT, after being sworn and under oath, hereby stating pursuant to Wyoming Statutes 2 -1 -201, which authorizes Affidavits of Distribution, as follows: That Floyd J. Knight, a resident of Etna, Wyoming, died on February 1, 2007. An official copy of the Certificate of Death of Floyd J. Knight is attached hereto. 2. That Floyd J. Knight died testate. A copy of his Last Will and Testament, dated 3. That the Last Will and Testament of Floyd J. Knight complies with the requirements of Wyoming Statutes 2 -6 -114 and is therefore, a self proving will. 4. That the Last Will and Testament of Floyd J. Knight provides that all of his interests in property that are not already in the Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight Joint Living Trust dated April 22, 1998 at the time of his death shall be distributed to the Trustee of said Trust upon his death. I, as the sole Trustee of the Trust, following the death of Floyd J. Knight, and as the co -owner of property, agree that the property identified herein should be placed into the Trust AFFIDAVIT OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO WYOMING STATUTES 2 -1 -201 FOR THE ESTATE OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT PAGE 1 OF 3 X43:3 as provided therein, and as agreed by me. Copies of the relevant pages of the Trust are attached hereto. hereby state: 00431 5. That, in accordance with the requirement of Wyoming Statutes 2- 1- 201(a), I a. That the value of the entire estate of Floyd J. Knight, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00). b. That Thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of Floyd J. Knight. c. That no application for appointment of a Personal Representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. d. That pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Floyd J. Knight, I, as Trustee of the Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight Joint Living Trust dated April 22, 1998, am the sole beneficiary of his Estate. There are no other persons or entities having a right to the assets of his Estate under probate proceedings. 6. That I hereby request that the following asset jointly belonging to Floyd J. Knight and to me, be transferred to "Gloria K. Knight, Trustee" of the Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight Joint Living Trust dated April 22, 1998: the 2000 Chevrolet Trailblazer, VIN No. 1GNDT13W3Y2266361, that is currently titled in the name of "Floyd or Gloria Knight The original Certificate of Title, with the Assignment of Ownership completed, is attached hereto. AFFIDAVIT OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO WYOMING STATUTES 2 -1 -201 FOR THE ESTATE OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT PAGE 2 OF 3 DATED this 21 #2 day of January, 2013. GLORIA L. KNIGHT ON THIS, the 214 day of January, 2013, GLORIA L. KNIGHT, affiant herein, appeared before me, and being duly sworn under oath, affirmed that the facts stated in this Affidavit of Distribution are, to the best of her knowledge, information, and belief, true and complete. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC 1 County of Lincoln State of Wyoming 1' My Commission Expires: July 16, 2015 My Commission expires: 07 AFFIDAVIT OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO WYOMING STATUTES 2-1-201 FOR THE ESTATE OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT PAGE 3 OF 3 0 0 4 3 7, CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD State of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE FILE NO, G -y w s uL. emu. eiUS e or uris YSarnlal i71.104.1. 10 coos a Local Reg. NO. (D ■H4H4s14411 s 808 DISPOSITION PLACE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH ITEMS 32.38 TO BE USED FOR66TERNA CAUSES ONLY ,CORONER, .:i 1. DECEDENT'S LEGAL NAME (Include AKA's if any) (First, Middle. Last, Suffix) Floyd James Knight 4a. AGE -Last Birthday 84 (Years) 7d. STREET AND NUMBER 10. EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? R Yes 0 No 48. UNDER 1 YEAR Mons Days 73. RESIDENCE STATE OR FOREIGN COUNTRY Wyoming 107662 Highway 89 8. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH. 56 Married 0 Married, but separated 0 Widowed 0 Divorced D Never married 0 Unknown 11a. FATHERS NAME (First, Middle, Last. Suffix) William James Knight 123. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME (First, Middle, Las!, Suffix) Minnie Roberts 13a. INFORMANT'S NAME (Type or print) Gloria Knight 14. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 0 Buda! 0 Cremation 0 Donation U Entombment SC Removal from Idaho 0 Other (Spe;, 4c. UNDER 1 DAY Haws Minutes 19. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name and address of cemelery, crematory. other place) 'Etna Cemetery Etna, Wyoming F FUNERAL S ICE LIC SER S`CTING AS SUCH 5. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo0Day/Yr) May 8, 1922 7b. COUNTY Lincoln 1312, RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT 7c. CITY OR TOWN Etna 7e. APT. NO. 83118 6. BIRTHPLACE (City and Stale. Territory, or Foreign Country) Amarillo, Texas 7f. ZIP CODE 3, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 7g• INSIDE CITY LIMITS? O Yes 81 No 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (11 wile, glue maiden n me) Gloria Livingston 1117. BIRTHPLACE (Stale, Territory, or Foreign Country) Miss isSj_pp 12b. BIRTHPLACE (Stale, Territory, or Foreign Country) Tennessee 13c. MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number, City, Slate, Zip Code) P.O, Box 5172 Etna, Wyomin 83118 16. NAME ANb COMPLE F, ADDRESS OF FUNERAL FACILITY Schwab Mortuary 44 East 4th Avenue Afton, Wyoming 83110 1717. LICENSE NUMBER (Of licensee) 18. WAS CORONER CONTACTED? M 676 0 Yes x) No PLACE OF DEATH (19 22) 18a, IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSP AL: 1917. IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL: nb Inpatient e0 ER/Outpatient 00 DOA .0 Hospice lacilily s0 Nursing home/Long term care facility 60 Decedent's home 70 Other (Specify) 20. FACILITY NAME (II not factllly, give street and number) 21. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH, AND ZIP CODE 22. COUNTY OF DEATH Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center Idaho Falls 83404 Bonneville I24, TIME OF DEATH 25. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (MO /Day/Yr) (Spell month) 26. TIME PRONOUNCED DEAD 23. DATE OF DEATH (MO /Day/Yr) (Spell month) February 1, 2007 February 1, 2007 1302 (24hr) 27. CAUSE OF DEATH PART I. Enter the chain of events diseases, Injuries, or complications that directly caused the death. DO NOT enter terminal events such as card ac arms), respiratory arrest, or venlriwtar fibrillation without showing the etiology. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Enter only one cause on a line: IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or condilion resulting In death) Sequentially list conditions, If any, leading to the cause listed on line a. Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE LAST (disease or injury that initiated the events resulting In death) PART 11, Enter other sionlrlcanl conditions conlribuSno to dealh but not resulting In the underlying cause given in Pan I /r /o t.d'ti Ad: iT ,c,t/c r ,?1c;U,'/j 1 5'2?2{ Cc3P/� /LILL- 4.voov I�L)L.�9'L- %'79,_. -a .7)1 e 2 r CONTRJBUTE TO DEATH? 9, DID TOBACCO USE B'Yes 0 Probably 0 No 0 Unknown a. S(71T /J c1. 7f /i 9)Pc /17oc /L D UE- IOlor+aa.o ..quonoeo0r_y., Y) b. /)1177# 4/1:- OUE TO for es a consequence o0: c. 4 C L ii 2 A /)6111 /44ii_ (/.Z_(.1 DUE TO (or as 8 consequence q0: 30. IF FEMALE (Aged 1034): 0 Not pregnant within past year 0 Pregnant al lime of death 0 Nol pregnant, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before death Not pregnant. but pregnant 0 Unknown if pregnant within th past within 42 days of death year Approximate Interval: I Onset to Death 1 7 /Y/'L 28a. WAS AN AUTOPSY 2617. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS PERFORMED? AVAILABLE :TOC MPLETE THE CAUSE OF DEATH? 0 Yes frNo 0 Yes No 31. MANNER OF DEATH Natural 0 Homicide 0 Accident 0 Pending investigation 0 Suicide 0 Could not be determined 32. DATE OF INJURY (Mo/Day/Yr) (Spell month) 33. TIME OF INJURY (24hr) 4. PLACE OF INJURY (Decedent's home, farm, sireel, construction site, ursine home, restaurant, forest, etc.) 36. LOCATION OF INJURY: SI 1 a e City/Town or County Zip Code Street and Nunoer or Location Apanmenl Number 37. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, STATE THE TYPE(S) OF VEHICLE(S) INVOLVED (Automobile, pickup, motorcycle, AN, bicycle, etc.) SPECIFY WHICH VEHICLE DECEDENT OCCUPIED. If applicable TRANSPORTATION 138a. WAS DECEDENT: 0 Driver /Operator 0 Passenger i39b. WHAT SAFETY DEVICE(S) DID DECEDENT USE/EMPLOY? INJURY ONLY i 0' Pedestrian 0 Other (Specify) 0 Seal bell 0 Child safely seat 0 Helene 0 Air bag 0 None 0 Unknown 39a. CERTIFIER (Check only one. based on ol0clal capacity for this certificate) 4d PHYSICIAN To the best of my knowledge, death occurred al the lime, dale, and place, and due to the na)gn/ cause(s)/manner slated. 0 CORONER On the basis of exansn lion and/or Invesbig61i in api Ion, death occurred al the time, dale, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner staled. 390. DATE SIGNED u �•7 6.7 7 -t CJ SIgna)ure and Title of Certifier P rl, L c tt.`<, 0-'7 MM OD YYYY 39d. NAME, ADDRESS, AND P COD I. F CERTIFIER ype or print) Douglas N. Whatmd e, M.D,; 3200 Channing Way; Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 408. CORONER'S SUBSEQUENT SIGNATURE IF NECESSARY: The coroners signature in This item supersedes that of the physician, and the coroner becomes the certifier of record. 1 have reviewed and if necessary amended the medical section. 39b. LICENSE NUMBER M64; 2 40b. DATE SIGNED MM 00 YY1'Y TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT BUCK INK DO NOT USE FELT TIP PEN FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE 11ANOB00119 E DEATH WAS DUE TO OTHER THAN NATURAL CAUSES, THE CORONER COMPLETE AND SION THE CERTIFICATE DATE FILED BY STATE REGISTRAR: STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS 418. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE (of rQ.�u?) a/1 (44,11,f 1 r eT TICTin ■l 1AICr3 DMATInM1 This is a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS. 1I vA 116 1,-, 00 DATEISSUED:: !MALI/ j This copy not valid unless prepared on ngraved border his state seal and signature of the Registrar. 1l l l l t 1 t vwu m I 1►UNir Last Will and Testime OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT I, Floyd J. Knight, of Afton, Wyoming, make this Will and revoke all of my prior wills and codicils. Article One My F —ily The name of my spouse is: GLORIA L. KNIGHT The names and birth dates of my children are: Rocklyn Alba- Bougeois, born January 20, 1958 Sherri Renee Star, born February 21, 1959 Roberta Leigh Wojtas, born September 16, 1963 Jeff Charles Knight, born January 4, 1965 All references to my spouse and children are to them, as well as to any children subsequently born to, or legally adopted by, me. Article Two Distribution of My Personal Effects Section 1. Personal Memorandum. 'property permitted under the laws of Wyoming, I give all of my tangible personal property including, jewelry, clothing, household furniture, furnishings and fixtures, chinaware, silver, photographs, works of art, books, boats, automobiles, all artifacts relating to my hobbies, and all other articles of household or personal use, in accordance with any written, signed, and dated memorandum left by me which directs the distribution of my personal effects. Should I leave multiple written memorandums which conflict as to the disposition of any item of my tangible personal property, that memorandum which is dated last shall control as to any items which may be in conflict. Section 2. Distribution of Personal Effects to Family All of my tangible personal property not distributed by memorandum shall be distributed to my spouse, if my spouse survives me by thirty days. If my spouse does not survive me, I leave all of my tangible personal R property equally to my children. 'My children shall divide the property among them as they shall agree. My personal representative(s) may select the share for any child who is sunder any form of legal disability; they shall be mindful of the desires of my child when making such selections. 4; Article Three The Remainder of My Property Section 1. Pour -Over to My Living Trust. The remainder of my property shall be distributed to Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the FLOYD J. KNIGHT AND GLORIA L. KNIGHT JOINT LIVING TRUST, and any amendments thereto, dated April 22nd, 1998. Section 2. Alternate Disposition. U L D If my living trust is not in effect at my death, I give all of my pe ty to my spouse, if my spouse survives me by thirty days. If my spouse does not survive me, I give all of my property to those of my descendants, per stirpes, who survive me by thirty days in the following manner: To my children in equal shares. The property subject to distribution under this Article shall be the land, personal property, money and all other property of any value which I own. If neither my spouse nor any of my descendants survive me by thirty days, I give all of my property to my heirs at law according to the laws of descent and distribution in the state of Wyoming. iSection 3. Provision for Rocklyn Alba Bougeois, Sherri Renee Star, Roberta Leigh Wojtas and Jeff Charles Knight. I hereby purposely omit Rocklyn Alba Bougeois, Sherri Renee Star, Roberta Leigh Wojtas and Jeff Charles Knight as distributees under this will. If my children fail to agree as to the division of any property, within a' reasonable period of time, my personal representative(s) may either divide the property equally among my children, or sell the property and divide' the proceeds equally among them. Any decision made by my personal representative(s) with respect to either the selection or sale of my property shall be final and binding on my children. Section 3. Business Property Excluded. Any of my tangible personal property that I used in a business shall not be distributed under this Article. Article Four Powers of My Personal Representatives) My personal representative(s) shall have the power to perform all acts reasonably necessary to administer my estate, as well as any powers set forth in the statutes in the state of Wyoming relating to the powers of fiduciaries. Article Five Payment of Expenses and Taxes and Tax Elections Section 1. Cooperating with the Trustee of My Living Trust. I direct my personal representative(s) to consult with the trustee(s) of my living trust to determine whether any expense or tax shall be paid from my trust or from my estate. ,Section 2. Manner of Payment and Tax Elections. All taxes, other than any generation- skipping taxes, imposed as a result of my death which are not paid by the trustee(s) of my living trust shall be paid from my estate without apportionment, and without My 1tWEL SMITH County of Lincoln My Commission Explresi contribution from any person. My personal representative(s), in their sole and absolute discretion, may exercise any available elections with regard to any state or federal tax{ laws. My personal representative(s), in their sole and absolute discretion may elect to have all, none, or part of the property comprising my adjusted gross estate for federal estate tax purposes qualify for the federal estate tax marital deduction as qualified terminable interest property under Section 2056(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. My personal representative(s) shall not be liable to any person for decisions made in good faith under this Section. Article six .pnointment of Personal Representative(s) I appoint the following persons to be my personal representative(s): Gloria J. Knight If any of the above named persons cannot act, or are unwilling to act, I appoint the following persons to be replacement personal representative(s) in the order in which their names appear: James Jon Clark Debra L. Titensor I direct that my personal representative(s) not be required to furnish bond, surety or other security. Notary Public State of xeires: I have signed this will which consists of 3 pages, on April 22n 998. FLOY ;F"GHT The foregoing Will was, on the day and year written above, published and !declared by the Testator in our presence to be his last Will. We, in his presence and at his request, and in the presence of each other, have attested the same and have signed our names as attesting witnesses. We declare that at the time of our attestation of this Will, the Testator was, according to our best knowledge and belief, of sound mind and memory an under no undue duress or constraint. w t k %OnwGUJ/T3 /2) Address STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by Floyd J. Knight, the testator and subscribed A�nd sworn to before me by 8. 1.��V1ll and Korai Sander5nv1 witnesses, this 22nd day of April, 1998. Ni ARY PUBL C a1' -9 1 if (J t /l Addr Ss THE JOINT LIVING TRUST AGREE OF FLOYD J. KNIGHT and GLORIA L. KNIGHT This joint living trust agreement, dated April 22, 1998, is by and among: FLOYD J. KNIGHT and GLORIA L. KNIGHT Settlors and FLOYD J. KNIGHT and GLORIA L. KNIGHT Trustees 0440 00 WHEREAS, the Settlors desire to create a joint living trust effective this date and the above named Trustees agree to act as Trustees thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1: TRUST ESTATE 1.01 Initial Trust Estate. The Settlors do hereby and by these presents convey, transfer, assign, set over and deliver to the Trustee(s) all of the properties described in Schedule A, which are attached hereto, and by this reference made a part hereof. The Settlors, or any other person, from time to time may deposit with the Trustee(s) additional properties, assets, or life insurance policies, and may transfer, bequeath or devise by Will, other properties to the Trustee(s). Any bank account, certificate of deposit, certificate of title or other document evidencing ownership which bears the name of a Settlor and Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight, Trustees, as a person authorized to withdraw funds or to negotiate said instrument shall be deemed to be part of this trust estate and shall be distributed according to the terms of this trust unless there is a written memoranda signed by the settlor(s) indicating that it is not part of the trust estate. All of the properties so transferred and delivered to the Trustee(s), constitute the trust estate and shall be held, managed and distributed as provided herein. 1.02 Additions to Trust. Settlors, or either of them, may from time to time transfer or devise additional property to the trustee(s) upon the terms of this instrument. The trustee(s) shall determine the ownership of any such additional property and shall allocate the same between the separate accounts as provided in Article 1.01. 1.03 Name of Trust. For convenience, this trust shall be known as the FLOYD J. KNIGHT and GLORIA L. KNIGHT JOINT LIVING TRUST. For purposes of beneficiary designations, transfers directly to the trust and formal correspondence, this trust shall be referred to as: Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the FLOYD J. KNIGHT AND GLORIA L. KNIGHT JOINT LIVING TRUST, dated April 22nd, 1998. ARTICLE 2: DISPOSITION OF TRUST INCOME AND PRINCIPAL DURING THE LIVES OF THE SETTLORS. 2.01 Powers Reserved by Settlors. While both Settlors are living, the Settlors shall have the following powers: (a) Enumeration of Powers (1) Add or Remove Trust Property. A Settlor shall have the absolute right to add to the trust property at any time. A Settlor shall also have the absolute right to remove his or her separate property, in whole or in part, from the trust at any time. Both of these rights shall be exercised in writing. (2) Amend and Revoke the Trust. The Settlors, during their lifetimes, shall have the absolute right to amend or revoke this trust, in whole or in part, at any time. 2 ARTICLE 5: PRINCIPAL AND INCOME Except as otherwise specifically provided in this trust, the determination of all matters with respect to what is principal and income of the trust estate and the apportionment and allocation of receipts and expenses between these accounts shall be governed by the provisions of the Wyoming Uniform Principal and Income Act from time to time existing. Any such matter not provided for either in this trust or in the Uniform Principal and Income Act shall be determined by the Trustee(s) in the Trustee(s)' discretion. ARTICLE 6: PERPETUITIES AND SAVINGS CLAUSE Unless sooner terminated in accordance with other provisions of this document, each trust created under this document shall terminate twenty -one (21) years after the death of the Settlors and those of the Settlors' issue who are living at the time of the Settlors' death. All principal and undistributed income of any trust so terminated shall be distributed to the then income beneficiaries of that trust in the proportions in which they are, at the time of termination, entitled to receive the income; provided, however, that if the rights of income are not then fixed by the terms of the trust, distribution under this clause shall be made, per stirpes, to such issue of the Settlors as are then entitled or authorized in the Trustee(s)' discretion to receive income payments, or, if there are no such issue of the Settlors, in equal shares to those beneficiaries who are then entitled or authorized to receive income payments. ARTICLE 7: WAIVER OF DUTIES OF PERSONS DEALING WITH 1HE TRUSTEE(S). No person dealing with the Trustee(s) shall be obligated to see to the application of any monies, securities, or other properties paid or delivered to the Trustee(s), or to inquire into the expediency or propriety of any transaction, or the authority of the Trustee(s) to enter into and consummate the same upon such terms as the trustee(s) may deem advisable. ARTICLE 8: CONSOLIDATION OF TRUST SHARES For convenience of administration and investments, the Trustee(s) for the trust are authorized to hold the several shares of the trust estate in a common fund, dividing the income proportionately among them, to assign an undivided interest in the several shares, and to make joint investments of the funds belonging to them. ARTICLE 9: TRUSTEE(S) 9 0044 If the Trustees herein named, Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight shall for any reason cease to act, be unable to act by reason of mental or physical disability, or die, then in such event James Jon Clark shall act as successor trustee. If James Jon Clark is unable to act by reason of mental or physical disability, or dies, Debra L. Titensor then Kendall Jenkins shall act as successor trustee. undertaken in anticipation of a career; and shall include reasonable living and transportation expenses reasonably related to such college, university or vocational training. 17.5 Grammar. The masculine, feminine, and neuter gender each shall be deemed to include one or both of the other genders whenever the context so indicates. The singular and plural number each shall be deemed to include the other whenever the context so indicates. original. ARTICLE 18: COUNTERPARTS. 12 0044 This document may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an ARTICLE 19: SPENDTHRIFT PROVISION No money or property payable or distributable under this trust shall be pledged, assigned, transferred, sold, or in any manner whatsoever anticipated, charged, or encumbered by any beneficiary of this trust or be in any manner liable, while in the possession of the Trustee, for the debts, contracts, obligations, or engagements of the beneficiary, whether voluntary or involuntary, or for any claims, legal or equitable, against the beneficiary. ARTICLE 20: CONTEST CLAUSE Should any beneficiary other than the Seniors under this trust, challenge or contest in any legal action or proceeding the provisions of this trust, such beneficiary shall forfeit the entire interest obtainable under the trust and such interest shall pass as part of the remainder of the Trust estate, as provided in Section 3.03 provided however, that if such beneficiary is one of the beneficiaries of the remainder of the Trust estate. ARTICLE 21: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUST The Trustee(s) hereby accept the trust created by this document and agree to effectuate the provisions hereof to the best of the trustee(s)' ability but the Trustee(s) shall not be responsible for any mistake in the Trustee(s)' judgment or for any decrease in value of the trust estate resulting from any cause whatsoever. The Trustee(s) shall not be required to give any bond or other security for the faithful performance of the Trustee(s)' duties hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument on the date and year first above written. STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires: JEWEL SMITH County of My Commission Expires: 0 Notary Public State of N g v 13 GLORIA L. KNIGHT, Settlor FLOW) J. -GLORIA L. KNIG HT, Truste Trust& 0 O4 4 On this 22nd day of April, 1998, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Wyoming, personally appeared before me Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight, husband and wife, signers of the above instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same as Settlors and Trustee. In witness whereo I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this 22nd day of April, 1998, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Wyoming, personally appeared before me Floyd J. Knight and Gloria L. Knight, a signer of the above instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same as Trustee of the FLOYD J. KNIGHT AND GLORIA L. KNIGHT JOINT LIVING TRUST, whose name is subscribed to the within Trust as trustee and acknowledged to that he executed the same as Trustee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. My Commission Expires: JEWEL SMITH County of Notary Public State of ya k My Commission Expires, 14