HomeMy WebLinkAbout969227WHEN RECORDED PLEASE RETURN TO: The Mayfield Corporation Inc P.O. Box 550 Afton, WY 83110 On this 29th day of January, 2013, for $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, Paul Etcheverry grants to The Mayfield Corporation, Inc, a blanket perpetual easement for fishing all waters, hunting all lands and using for recreational use all lands as described in Attachment "A This easement shall also grant a blanket easement for ingress and egress for all fishing, hunting and recreational activities for properties described in Attachment "A It is agreed by both parties that this agreement has been constructed to honor and extend the agreement made by both parties on April 5, 2011, as shown in Attachment `B" so that it can be recorded in the records of Lincoln County. This easement shall be assignable in whole or in part by Mayfield Corporation, Inc as it deems fit in it's sole discretion. Mayfield Corporation, Inc and/or its assigns, in whole or in part, agree to work with the currently land- owners, if not Paul Etcheverry, to maintain the current operations of the Ranch as much as possible. It is agreed that this easement shall run with the land until it is agreed by both current landowners to have it removed. Paul Etcheverry, an individual 295 S 5 Street, Montpelier, ID 83254 State of Idaho County of Bear Lake On this 29th day of January, 2013 before me personally appeared Paul Etcheverry representing himself, who being by me duly sworn, did acknowledge said Instrument to their free act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires: 7 f-6 (Notary) RECEIVED 1/30/2013 at 11:07 AM RECEIVING 969227 BOOK: 803 PAGE: 557 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY EASEMENT 005 \\o 111 P 1 r T271 RlISW, 6TH P.M. SECTION 7: LOT 3 ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 47 T27N, 11118W, 6711 P.M. SECTION 18: LOT 1; SEN:E; W14 EliNWV•4; E4SW1/4; WW1/4S%; EtASEA; SECTION 19: LOT I; EIKNEA; NV/41 NEMWA; ALSO KNOWN AS 10ZSURVEY T27N, R1 I SW, 6TH P.M. SECTION 18: LOT 2 ALSO KNOWN AS RESURBY TRACT 58; SleV1/45.7.34 ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 57. T271•1 RI1 8vr,.6TH P.M. SECTTONSEViSI SECTION 17: NV/NW:4; THAT PART OF THE N1/2NE% LYING WEST OF THE EASEMENT AMERICA AS DESCRIBED IN EXCLUSIVE ROAD BASEMENT RECORDED APRS- 1973 IN 'BOOK 104 PR ON PAGE 117 OF LINCOLN COUNT? LAND RECORDS. ALSO KNOWN AS PART OF RESURVEY TRACT 49. T27N, R.118W, eni P.M., SECTION 8: NKSW1/4; SW“SW1/4; SECTION 17; NWV414WV4; ALSO KNOWN AS RESUR VEY TRACT 48. T27N, RUM, 6TH PdvL SECTION 17: SYsNW14; El4SWY,4; ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 54. T27N, R118W, 6TH P.M. SECTION 17; WIASWA; SECTION 20: NW1/4; NY, SW54; ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 55. T27N, R118W, 6TH P.M: SECITON 7: LOT 3 ALSO NOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 47. LESS AND EXCEPT LANDS CONVEYED BY DEED TO STEVEN P. ETCH:EVE:01Y; RECORDED APRIL 20, 1994, AT BOOK 348 PE., PAGE 527; AND LESS AND EXCEPT LAN% CONVEYED BY DEED TO TEROLD D. ETCHEVERRY AND MICHAEL IL ETCHEVERRY, RECORDED APRIL 1994 AT BOOK 34SPR, PAGE 528; AND LESS AND EXCEPT LANDS CONVEYED BY DEED TO DAVID OWENS HENDRICKSON, LLC, RECORDED FEBRUARY 20, 2005, AT BOOK 578, PAGE 663. EXHIBIT "A" 0 0 5 477k,eckttei4, `J FISHING HUNTING EASEMENT ON this 5 day of April, 2011 Paul Etcheverry for good and valuable consideration, hereby grants a Fishing Hunting Easement to: The Mayfield Corporation Inc, a Wyoming Close Corporation, to fish and hunt the Smith Fork River Drainage on the property described in Attachment "A". This easement shall be for 30 years or until revoked by either party. Agreed to this 5 day of April, 2011. The Mayfiel Daniel A. Schwab PO Box 550, Afton, WY 83110 Paul Etcheverry, an individual 295 S 5 Street, Montpelier, ID 83254 0055 T27N, P.11 SW, 6TH P.M. SECTION 7: LOT 3 ALSO NOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 47 T27N, 11118W, 6TH P.M. SECTION 18: LOT I; SEI.,cti/c, W15140/4; EIVWV4: EVAWK;NWY4SEK; EV;SEA; SECTION 19: LOT I; V. 1.1 'A; INT,1414WY4; ALSO 1ZTOWN AS RESURVEYTFACIS 6 T27N, Mint', 6TH P.M SECTION 18: LOT 2 ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 58; SWASEK ALSO rsjipWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 57. T27N, R113W,.611 P.M. SEC1TON SECTION 17: NEVaNW14; THAT PART OF THE N'ANEK LYING WEST OF THE EA:SEMSifsg AMERICA AS DESCRIBED IN EXCLUSIVE ROAD BASEMENT RECORDED APRIL.. 1973 IN 'BOOK 104 PR ON PAGE 117 OP LINCOLN COUNTY LAND RECORDS. ALSO KNOWN AS PART OF RESURVEY TRACT 49. '1•27N, R.I I8W, 6TH P./v1, SECTION 8: NI4S7A; SWMW1 SECTION 17; NWVANWV.4; ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 4 S. T77N, RUM, 6TH P.M. SECTION 17: SKNWIA4EV3SWV4; ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 54. Trig R1181 6TH P.M. SECTION 17: W'ASW SECTION 20: NWV4 NI 3 SW1/4; ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT .55, T2mr, RIIEW, 6TH P.M: 2 SECTION 7: LOT 3 ALSO KNOWN AS RESURVEY TRACT 47. LESS AND EXCEPT LAMS CONVEYED BY DEED TO STEVEN P. ETCHEVEUIT RECORDED APRIL 20, 1994, AT BOOK 348 PR, PAGE 527; AND LESS AND EXCEPT LAMS CONVEYED BY DEED TO TRROLD D. ETCIMYERRY AND MICHAEL ETCHEVERRY, RECORDED APRIL 2O, 1994 AT BOOK 3481T., PAGE 5281 AND LESS AND EXCEPT LANDS CONVEYED BY DEED TO DAVID OWENS HLIIDRICKSON, LLC, RECORDED FEBRUARY 20, 2005, A.'1' BOOK 578, PAGE 663. E..A.11.113It "A." 0 0 5