HomeMy WebLinkAbout871110.uia.tag papinoJd SP .tauut?uz autrs ui $uigi.Jm ut °tug auxu wag Hurd iaqma Aq palnatsap aq Aeuz SP °ot?id Jamo gons fit? 10 smoiioJ se passaippt? aq -pugs put? `paiitm =Inn uantS pump aq pugs `jr uz pajwoo Aq was aq imp saopou iii aoi�oN L oStSltoys sip. q pains ssaupalgapui age uo guipuelsmo 1unoutt? a4I 2ui4aimou)io>? put? 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Attu jo t1ipuad so uzntutaid ].nogaim cum Aug lt? `TsaJalui paniooe snid sums iediouud $upied do agaitnud ago antg hags JOSPRPoyN aqZ ].uauzAt?doJd 'Z .painoas ssaupalgapui /Cud ii>?gs ioge$pop aqZ luauatd :smoiioJ se aa5252Jo1A1 age g1TM s2ut?u0n00 .JOSPSTIoW ag]. puy age) p.1090.1 Jo /pine 1gSis Jo Atm -Jo- s ].145t.t put suLSIJ `saoue.iqutnoua `suot]t?n.tasaJ `s ].uauzasea `suot].oi.t2saJ `suot].ipuoo `s ].ueuanoo iii oa 2oa[gng guTSuoiaq olunaiam s ].uauze].ipa.taq pure saoueua ].mddu iie put uoaJam sluautanoJdutt put sguipiinq iie Suipnioui pug g ].im .1amaSo '8958LL 'oN ].uauzni ].suI `Q 'oN 17661 `I 1 A-tvn is paig ]eid Imp uipJ0001 `M 811 2I 'NILE Z `O£ uogoas, Jo Sag]. uig2im `Suiuzoiim `A].uno) uioougq `auidiy jo umo4, age 01 uoillppV puo0aS smoptaJAI main Jani2I3o i6 lot ].im o; `SuiutoXm jo amS `uiooundo A2unoJ am ui pa]un ].is 'alma poi paguosap ?uimoiioJ ag]. aaStOlioyg age of saS Sliouz I gaJag JoguSltoys ag]. `Joa.1ag} suotsua ].xa put? suoi]>?ogipouz `sremauaJ ire pure g ].imaJaq a ].ep uana JO NOM Jilossiuto.zd gig paouapina s>? (00'00i`9I$) mI1 °Q 001 /ou purse paIpunI cup put?sno4Z uaa ].xTS 3o wins aq]. ui ssaupa ].gapui ut? Jo }uauttied age °.moos 01 Imp `H,LHSSENIIM age iiiani ].oaiioo) ul?uz aiBuis 1? `.z.iggy (lox put? `A]..tado.td amtedas put? aios .tag SP ut?utom mum 2 `J.regy i 422)I °Jim put put gsnq `pawn' stouvid pine pawn' Novi uttuom alSuis t? `uapiag ao .t2JAI pine `(„.zoReS].zow„ age) um! aiSuis 1? ].aamS Liagog uagm ].aq `iOOZ N qC Jo /Cup TV amp s2 apum si ageSpoyAI 1slid sign ONl OANI '383011A13)4 c N )VM 3NNNNVJ 6 :OW 03J 10 >W310 ,k.1NP03 N103111 CI3Al20gH LOV UUOI^I IS2II3 0111 t ?90 1 HOdd :ADC Vis x00 M y Mortgagor: Mortgagee: Robert Sweet P.O. Box 12691 Jackson, WY 83002 c/o Margot Belden P.O. Box 8969 Jackson, WY 83002 065 8. Warranty. The Mortgagor warrants the title to the Property. Mortgagor shall furnish and pay for title insurance coverage insuring Mortgagee's interest in the Property to the full amount of the indebtedness secured hereby. 9. Default and Acceleration. The entire indebtedness secured hereby shall become due and payable at the option of the Mortgagee: a. Upon default in the payment of any amount hereby secured or payable hereunder (regular installments of principal and interest, late charges, lawful charges against the Property, amounts paid by Mortgagee, attorney fees, collection costs, etc.) and failure to cure such payment default within fifteen (15) days of written notice thereof; or b. After failure to exhibit to the Mortgagee, within thirty (30) days after demand, receipts showing payment of all ground rents, taxes, water rates, sewer rents, governmental charges, quasi governmental charges and assessments; or c. After the assignment of the rents of the Property or any part thereof without the written consent of the Mortgagee, except as otherwise provided herein, or If the Mortgagor fails to keep, observe and perform any of the other covenants, conditions or agreements contained in this Mortgage (not cured within prescribed time limits); or e. After failure to comply with any requirement or order or notice of violation of law or ordinance issued by any governmental or quasi governmental authority claiming jurisdiction over the Property within three (3) months from the issuance thereof; or f. Upon sale or transfer of an interest in the Property without Mortgagee's consent as herein provided; or Anything in this Mortgage contained to the contrary notwithstanding, if it shall be necessary for Mortgagee or Mortgagee's agent to notify Mortgagor in writing of default under this Mortgage for failure to make the required payments in a timely manner two (2) times during the loan period. Then the Mortgagee shall not be obligated to provide any further notice of default and the mortgage will, at the option of Mortgagee, be in default (and all amounts secured hereby and payable hereunder shall be fully due and payable) and the Mortgagee shall have all remedies available to it as set forth herein. 10. Foreclosure Upon Default. In the event of default and acceleration as herein provided, the Mortgagee may proceed, pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming, by judicial foreclosure or advertisement and sale, to foreclose on and sell the Property, and out of the proceeds of such sale shall pay all sums secured hereby, including all costs and expenses of the foreclosure proceeding. tie pull `JoSallow alp jo su5tsse pup siossaoons `sJtag alp `JoSuglJOw aqT puiq put put?j aqI 41Tm unl Hugs °Be IJOJ, sup ui parnuwoo suotlipuoo pull sluauuaa1Se `slueuanoo arts •AttuJo paieu!uua1 JO paSu go aq loU kern aSugl1OJA siq •snoauujjaosm 61 .igaiaj pamoas slunoute Isar sIgSTJ Jet!tuus Aum Jo 1j0-10S of pat1Tlua aq Iou jjegs JoSt?22Joj, •jjo 8 t atgeiiud pue anp 1iiale!pauuuu! aq oI Agaiag pamoas sums HE antoap `uoildo atos s,a0$t?S1JoJ,4 ve `Atm as t$TJOyAt `ast?gomd o f uotldo UP SututEluoo Iou SSOT Jo SJraA (E) gaup. jo AlJadoJd all oT IsaJalui ptogaseat Aum jo Tueig 041 (o) Jo `JauMO Niue Jo gTeap 041 uodn mt?t am jo uoiTt?Jado Jo astnap `Tuaosap q JadsueJl g (q) `saouRttdde Joj 2sa1alui AItmoas Aauouu mutton e JO uoTTeaJO 041 (e) Sutpntoxa 'pJoqqlTM Ajgtuost?alun aq Tou jpgs goig■ `Iuasuoo uolliJM JouJd s Tnoglim JoStSpojAt Aq poJJaJsue1l asTMJa410 Jo pjos si utaJagl Tsa.uaiui tt?Toujauaq Jo atgeltnba 'Cut Jo ATJadoJd 041 Jo 22ud Aut? 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AauJolly 1 71 •SuiuzoAm 3o amS amp salnlels a4T Japan `atq>?otjdde jT `uotldutapal jo pouad Atm SutJnp pine sSuipaaooid alnsotoaJOJ iiuu jo Aouapuad a41 5uump AlJadoJd 04130 uoissassod 02 pajltlua su aaSt? 210J alp `J0SuOlJOyAI Act ltnejap 3o Iuana 041 uI •uo!ssassod t JantaoaJ alp aq /ieuu 00SE52Jo A `paluioddu su J2nuao0J t? Iuana 042 uT `I eql sluasuoo 40.104 10 T$TJOyAI 041 J0nta001 g �o Tuauulu!oddP am 01 pa11Tlua aq tjt?LiS `(asiMJaglo Jo °FPS jo .uamod Aq `jttotpnf) It asotoaioj 01 ainpaoo.ud Jo uotloe Ju>? ut `OSPS1JOy\I STRR Jo Japtog 0IZ Jan1aoa21 ZI '011111 Niue Tt? tipauuaJ 10 1.4S!.2 Lions AUP jo astoiaxa 042 apntoaid Jo Jantem P pauuaap aq 1ou rings `mut ajquoijdde Aq papiojj asumJa4To J0 `JapunaJaq ApaumaJ Jo 14STJ iiue OUISi0J0x0 ut aaSuSliOw Aq aout?Jt?ag1oj Iiuy iitantssaoons Jo iitluapuadapui `Ajlua1Jnouoo pasTOJaxa aq Auuu got4m �C1t JO MUT Aq pap.uoJje JO OBUSTIOTAI SUIT Japan iipatua1 J0 14 !1 J0410 Aut? 01 an!1etnuuno pure loufsip 0Jl? 0St?S1101A Sill uT pap!nold satpauual tjy •satpautaZJ t t 99 0 OT .t O. 0871110 ?lli.J subsequent owners, encumbrancers, tenants and subtenants of the Property, and shall inure to the benefit of the Mortgagee, the personal representatives, successors and assigns of the Mortgagee, and all subsequent holders of this Mortgage. The word "Mortgagor" shall be construed as if it read "Mortgagors" and the word "Mortgagee" shall be construed as if it read "Mortgagees" whenever the sense of this Mortgage so requires. Whenever used, the singular shall include the plural, the plural the singular and the use of any gender shall include all genders. This Mortgage shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Mortgage has been duly executed by the Mortgagor, hereby relinquishing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. STATE OF WC-) b i u'i COUNTY OF"1 2758532_1.DOC ss. Witness my hand and official seal. Robert Sweet Thoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Robert Sweet this 3.1 day of 2001. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 067