HomeMy WebLinkAbout871118ut pue satutl aq1 1p a10u iiiosspnoid pigs paouaptna ssaupalgaput atp ,Ced Apdurold iUM aH •e
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:sMo'TOJ SE saal8e pup dupuanoo 1o8u8uou1 aijJ •1
yap' ieiapod a'quoiidde glint
aouepi000r to paoiojua pup pannsuoo aq o1 st luatunllstn stn '[(1 i 0I '2I'3' O ET] uouu11siunupy ssautsng plus am
Jo suoiup2ag pup sainu atpjo (p)i'i0i uopoas tl1tM aouptidtuoo uI •paludtotued seg `uouamy jo salels paltufl aqi
Jo Aoua2e uu `uoppilsiuiuip'rssatnsng Bums alp goigM to ueoi p ainoas 01 uanl8 spot auou £ossiinoid plus
•uuoOaQ y auuuxog pup uuopar y ptnpU ,iq pau8ts 00•000`Zg$ Jo urns
ipdioui.id 31.11 ui T 00Z SZ benup f palep alou Xiossiuioid p JO luatuad atp ins o1 uant8 st luatunllsui stq j
•l0A0OSUUogM suosiad HE 30
stutpp alp 1stnp2u joaiagl uud bona pue olalatp ptusaioju aptl alp puajap pue 1up.uuM 02 lsalalui UI slossaoons sig pUE
;'astUiq spuiq Agaiaq aq lugl puu :palioaz anoquutalag se 1daoxa saouelqumoua He wag aaij st gurus aril legs :Auado.id
Pees Xanuoo pue gas 01 >g8!.1 agl seg pue jo passassod pUE paztas /IIn3MU1 st OTT 1pgl slupuanoo 108u8110W atLL
•upioll palpls st sr 'A(tiu 3l 'alma latpo lions 10 aidiuis aa3 ut 10n010J aa8p811otu
ag1 ;o lsalalut ut slossaoons alp pup aa8u8uour aril own atuus otp Nog o1 pup anuq od, (lapunalag 1inepap !pun
slgoid pue `sanssi `dual alp utulal pue loai1o3 of pue Xuadoid Pies jo uoissassod at. 01 paptlua aq JTegs 1o8e8uotu atp
1eg1 `12n0n1o4 •papi■old) kuadoid paquosap anoge agl jo sltUold pup `sansst 'smua1 alp pup 'uoildtuapal jo slq.SJ lip
`slaputetua1 puu laputuuIa1 `SUO!S1aAO1 pUE UO1S1 Aal aq1 put: `8unnuuadde as!i ue ut 10 `8ui2uop0q olunalagl s148u
lagpo lip pup saoupuaundde pup luatueltpalag atp :uoalatp 8tnlsIxo 1a1Jpalag 10 Mou sluatuanolduI2 g pu '(i1Iea
atp jo uud se pa" plstn i(puauutu od uooq anuq of powoop aq'Tuts palulatunua uplaq smolt atp 1pg1 papualtn st 1t
1eg1 8 uuupap /*laq 1o8e8uotu otp) slolunolo puu `snleluddu 8utuoiltpuoo 1TR `8upriotnout '8uilula8uja1 `Supu'puan
`8ui1g8ti `8unuaq `8uiqum'd Tie o1 palttuti lou lnq 8utpnput soiruxj j `s lip 8utpnjotn pup g1UM lagla8o j
(uopucippn d)
'DNII1IOAM Jo aluls `u'ooun jo MunoD am ut 8tnaq pue palunlis Auadoid pagtlosap ButMo" of atp 3o
lip `su8tssu put: slossaoons stg `aa8e8uotu atp olun Aanuoo pue `118tssu 'urea `Tics `a8e811otu Acialaq saop 108p8uotu
alp `pa8pa'MOU)'oe d go1oq st got1M ;o ldtaoai 'palms 1aljeutalaq uouelaptsuoo 0141103 1eg1 `HJ.aSSaNIIM
•(aae8uotu sr 01 pallajal "Uutilalag) 601t'8 ge1f1 'X 2!O MI 1IES `g 00££ lspa
565Z 1u ssautsnq jo gourd puu aot33o ue suiulututu mutt 1ot11s!Q ssoulsng a1'e'I lies 1alea1D pup 0i I £8 8triu1oliM `uo13y
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•y auupxo2' pup epoDaU •y ptnEQ uoonuoq par AI `IOOZ `SZ Annuuf 01ui palalua puu omit a2e8uotu s!UJ,
601 tlElf1 `M1!O 0 )1E1 1IRS
tpnoS 00££ 1sE3 S6SZ
1ot11slQ ssautsng axE 4 lips 1a2ua19
OJ IIdL1I 'aac2IoDa?I ■aHM
the manner therein provided.
b. He will pay all taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or municipal charges,
fines or impositions, for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official
receipts therefor to the said mortgagee.
c. He will pay such expenses and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of the
indebtedness hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in any other litigation or
proceeding affecting said property. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any other way shall be paid by the
d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its
successors or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
improvements, or betterment made to the property hereinabove described and all property acquired by it after the date
hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default in the payment
of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor hereby agrees to permit
mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do so; and such advances shall become part of the
indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to the same terms and conditions.
e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any
postponement or extension of the time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any
part thereof secured hereby.
f. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as
the mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay
promptly when due and premiums thereof. All insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee, and
the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing to
mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance company
concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagee instead of to
mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at
its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or repair of the property
damaged or destroyed. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other transfer of title to said property in
extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in an to any insurance
policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered
for a refund.
g. He will keep all buildings and other improvements on said property in good repair and condition;
will permit, commit or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; in the event
'of Whim .Q the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected on said premises, or improvements
thereon, in goad repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem necessary for the proper
preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment shall be immediately due and payable; and
shall be secured-by, the lien of this mortgage.
h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to this
mortgage any lien or liens inferior or superior to the lien of the mortgage without the written consent of the
mortgagee; and further, that he will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying labor
or materials for construction of any and all buildings or improvements now being erected or to be erected on said
i. He will not rent or assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or
remove, or substantially alter any building without the written consent of the mortgagee.
ino tptm Xouapgap atp ;o umotue alp so; luatuSpnf Aouatogap a of pappua aq twin aaSgSuour ayi 'alou kaossttuoid
plus Aq paouaptna pug ivaum u sut stye (q painoas ssaupaigaptn re101 at;1 hd of luatogjns 2011 ale sp0000id alp 'paltreiS
anogeuta I q ores jo iamod alp of luensind so ales ainsopaio; retotpnf a lg pros st i(uadoid pies mono am uI S
'ma'am pajlpua ,CTreSaj suostad io uos.iad alp o1 ssaoxa zo snrdlns Aug fed o1 'Arpttt i
pug :Agaiag pampas ssaupoigaput agl Aed o1 'ATpuooas :sag; ,s,Cauioue algeuoseai pug `Auadoad Pees Sutute1uteur so
Stnloaloid ;o asoclind aril so; aogg2uotu pa.unout sasuadxa am `ores pies ;o sasuadxa pug stsoo agi Agd o1 is.rg
pondde aq Treys sydet2eted Sutpaoa1d ayi tptm aouepi000g ut A1•radoid pies ;o ales Aug jo spaaooid ags •t
'mg' Act paptnoad ssaupaigaput Pees ;o uoppafloo so; satpam i alp of anpelnumo sg palugi2 an pug `astmaatpo so
glgap alggoonaixt am pug isaialut utyltm paldnoo a.re palueiS Agamq huogg pue .ramod ayZ 'aaAO 2utprog sluguai
of opgeotrddg Awl jo suotstnord atp tptm aotrepa000u m 'passassodstp ,(Timununs aq 10 ales Bons lg aasegoind alp 01
uotssassod aantpap tpi tpio; Timis pug iano $utpjoy =gum aq pare aurooaq uagl Tiegs 1o8eSuout
alp sapun uotssassod u! suosiad Aug Jo ioSgSuotu alp 'paptnoad azo;aqutaiag se ores g jo mono otp ul
.C1ladoid alp ;o uoplsodstp alp Jo; aspmuatpo so unoo
1apod .10 alels ut samp angels leiapod so aiels of iuensind uotloe aieudoiddg Jaylo Aug afe1 (111)
JO :002E2110W alp 01 pohAU0O pug panlem ,CTssaldxa i(ga.1atl am 113111M JO HE 4 102E2110tu alp JO
suopdtuaxa 1 T10 rig pug `iamop `pgalsauroq `uotldutapar ;o 1g211 so /Cuba JTe igq 02 tenlpa ;a NI dugs apeur os sjgipai
atp fetp saa1Sg pug slueuanoo Agaiaq pug aougi(anuoo Pees alnoaxa o1 pug sigma' yons a)Teut 01 Joggallotu Pees ;o log;
in Aatuollg pug luaSg aril 'aoggSuoum omjo Aatuolig .ro 1UOSg Aug .ro aaSeSuotu alp sl nodde pug salnitlsuoo Aqoioq
io!gSuom pies ag1 pug spuadap palueiS maim' ales ;o iamod agi ;o uopnoaxa agi yotgm uodn lme;ap alp ;o Sutuaddgy
aril of se Sf 113 i uteluoo TTegs aoueA3AUO3 goptm uado.1d pies ;o 23u/co/moo luatotnns a ales yons le iasegoind
alp 02 1antrap 01 pug 102E21.10W alp 3o;Tegaq uo pug I0; ainoaxa o1 paztIoging Agaiaq st aoggSuotu au, •palgoor
st Auadoid alp gotym art Alunoo ayi so; asnotp.moo Alp so `A1111103 alp so; OS10t[un03 43 10 ',Clunoo 'Te1apod ay1
ao pros aq o1 ail radoid ag1 uo so lg plan aq Huts ores pmg (mu pies ,Cq paouaptna ssaupalgaput ptedun alp tptm ptq
'tutu `aaSeSuotu Pees ;o 31egaq uo uosiad Cue JO `aa2gSl.1our pegs pug) aoS5Suotu atp Aq pantem iigaraq Sutaq aotlou
aatpo lie 'pafgnits st i(11ado1d pies gotgm ut Alunoo alp ut atnquistp JO pagsgqnd zadedsmau a ut sxaam ino; Pegs ;o
goes Sutinp aouo ueyl ssaj 1ou fuatuastuanpe .Cq `ores lions jo aoe1d pug 'stuzat 'amp agi jo aotlou s3Taam ino; SutntS
lsig 'ores jo aotlou patrspgnd ayi ut pagpads ivamdgd ;o .rauuetu pare gigs jo suual atri gltm SutAtdutoo ptq lsaq pug
1sag2tq all so; `sptq pargas ;o u011 113 ros ,(q so uopong Aq lamp 'oogegliotu ayi ;o uotldo ag11g (11)
io`(e) TpoZ •Y'S'f18Z 2q1 01 lugns.md Is letotpnf le (1)
:(luatuaste.rdde jo 1g2t1 ire aa2eSluotu am 01 pauStssg pug pantem Sulneq ioSeSuotu am) luatuasteaddu motptm
Auadoid pies nos /Lima ia1 ;e s0 aio ;aq hut suStsse sly JO aogeSllour am pug pins Agaiaq ssaupalgaptn a.niva atp
'Agaaag pampas mu Liossttuoid alp .ro luaunulsut stye io; luauraaISe so luguanoo iCue auto ;.tad o1 tte; Treys s0 `anp
uatrm;oaiagi ued Atm JO ssaupotgaput pees Ado) rig; Treys ay ;t fete saaa2e pug stuguano° 1o2RSuotu oqi
lualxa ayi o1 Auadoid pies uo siumoi Aug jo luatuuStsse u e sg atelado Huts maim 11lsut spa 'slgoid
pug sivaa yens uotloottoo ;o asodand alp ao; ,ilradoid plus uodn aaiva 011gSU atp tptm ',Cgaiay pampas ssaupalgaput
atp so; ,iltmoas se 1Tne ;ap 1a>3g Sutruoog slgoid pug swat ay1 ;o rlu jo .zaumo am aurooaq Treys oogrguour atp `fine ;ap
gpns Cue uodn •(line;ap ipun 1gSt1 Bons aney Treys Jogugliour atp letT1 paaiSe gulag 1l) suStsse sty s0 aa2rSuotu
ayi ;o uotldo sag jo luauiXofua pug 'asn uotssassod of 1t !J s,ioSESuour alp aleuttuaaf TTegs Agaaag
pamoas luauraaI E mot so alou alp ;o JO luauttttlsut alp jo suotupuoo so slueuanoo ant jo Aug ut line;aU •Z
gum atgeuoseai Aug 1e sasluraid poggSuour ayi ioadsut 01 1g3t1 ayi aneq Treys ooggSuour a11J 'x
'pieme Bons Aug tuoi; Teadde 01 pue;oaiom aptrellmbog ptlen .1antrap pug ainpaxa 01 '1oSgSluotu
jo atueu alp ul 'paztaogmg Agaiaq st aaSg2uotu pug `atoll pies iapun anp nut sivauitrelsut ay1 ;o luatu1(ed 431
aw s am r(Tddg hut oym `ooggSl.rour o1 pled aq 'rugs pug pauStssg Agaaaq a.re aSgSuotu slgl of loafgns iCuado.Jd ag1jo
i(ue of /Until! JO JO asn olrgnd so; uopeutuapuoo Aug tptm uotipauuoo ut saSeump ;o spreme
Itd 'I
Q l P'"141 4 .i S
regard to appraisement.
6. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, state, or local tax assessment, income taw or other
taw lien, charge, gee, or other expense charged against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at his option
to pay the same. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount
of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all taxes and liens
and the costs, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this mortgage shall be
canceled and surrendered.
7. The covenants herein contained shall bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure to the respective
successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural
the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders.
8. No waiver of any covenant herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held
to be a waiver of the terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
9. A judicial decree, order, or judgment holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or
unenforceable shall not in any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this
10. Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be
addressed to the mortgagor at P.O. Box 160, Afton, Wyoming 83110 and any written notice to be issued to the
mortgagee shall be addressed to the mortgagee at 2595 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109.
11. The Loan secured by this lien was made under a United States Small Business Administration (SBA)
nationwide program which uses tax dollars to assist small business owners. If the United States is seeking to enforce
this document, then under SBA regulations:
a) When SBA is the holder of the Note, this document and all documents evidencing or securing this
Loan will be construed in accordance with federal law.
b) CDC or SBA may use local or state procedures for purposes such as filing papers, recording
documents, giving notice, foreclosing liens, and other purposes. By using these procedures, SBA does not waive any
federal immunity from local or state control, penalty, tax or liability. No borrower or Guarantor may claim or assert
against SBA any local or state law to deny any obligation of Borrower, or defeat any claim of SBA with respect to
this Loan.
Any clause in this document requiring arbitration is not enforceable when SBA is the holder of the
Note secured by this instrument.
12. The undersigned hereby releases and waives all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption
laws of the State of Wyoming.
In witness whereof, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of
the instrument as of the date and year aforesaid.
Roxanne A. DeCoria
David A. DeCoria
V pinuQ Act IOOZ `S
X 0 1
gr4n 1 o3
V003 '6i Jagopo
swldx3 uoisspwoo
6031 4e1f1 %MO a)lvl PS
0010 gsncS 00£6 is83 5692
o ffgnd AJiWN
uuojaQ •y auuuxog puu uuoja j
i(zunuE f sign auz azojaq paapaimouxou sum luaumllsuc 2uiaaioj acts
a0va MIV1OH aOvO1 IOL1i
nvS --u u1 10 A.LNf1OD
SBA 504 Loan No.: CDC 409936 40 06 -CAS
The land described in the foregoing document is located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming and is
described more particularly as:
That part of the S%NW of Section 31, T32N R118W, and that part of the
SE of Section 36, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk
of Lincoln County in Book 54PR on page 238, and in Book 6 of Transcribed
Deeds on page 236 described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said S %SW North, 378.45 feet
from the southwest corner of said S NW identical with the southwest
corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 299PR on page 385;
thence S 89°54'34" E, 220.00 feet, along the south line of said
tract in Book 299, to a point;
thence South, 165.63 feet, parallel with said west line, to a
thence N 89 °54'34" W, 220.00 feet, parallel with said south line,
to a point on said west line;
thence continuing N 89 °54'34" W, 41.82 feet, to a point on the
easterly right of way line of U.S. Highway 89;
thence N 00 °49'12" W, 165.65 feet, along said easterly right of way
line, to a brass cap;
thence S 89 °54'34" E, 44.19 feet, along a westerly extension of
said south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING.