HomeMy WebLinkAbout871139►1014305 AGREEMENT CREATING RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RECITALS The undersigned parties to this agreement recite and declare: 1. Val G. Clark and Sheri L. Clark, husband and wife and Samuel T. Evans, Jr. and Janet H. Evans, husband and wife are possessed and seized in fee simple of real property described in Exhibit A "Description for Val G. Clark and Sheri L. Clark Samual T. Evans, Jr. and Janet H. Evans Parcel Y -2 Adjusted" and "Description for Val G. Clark and Sheri L. Clark Samuel T. Evans, Jr and Janet H. Evans Parcel Z -2" hereafter Exhibit A hereto attached and made part of by reference and incorporation, located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. 2. Brent J. Boyle and Judy Ann Boyle, husband and wife are possessed and seized in fee simple of real property described in Exhibit B (Description for Val G. Clark and Sheri L. Clark Samual T. Evans, Jr. and Janet H. Evans Parcel Z -1" hereafter "Exhibit B hereto attached and made part of by reference and incorporation, located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. 3. The undersigned parties desire to create mutual restrictions and covenants for the benefit and burden of the real property described in Exhibit A and Exhibit B hereto attached and made part of by reference. CO VENANTS 4. In consideration of their mutual interest as owners of real estate in Lincoln County, we covenant and agree, one with another that none of us, or our heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, will ever; A. Build or allow to be built no more than two residences per each 10 acres on the real property described in Exhibit A, adjacent to and near the real property described in Exhibit B. B. There shall be no commercial use of the real property Described in Bowers Law Office P.C. P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 459 P 5 81 �af e ./5 RECEIVED LINCOLN C0I.1NTY CLERK 01 CTB -5 t• '11T 1 KEN E tE:i?. WYO E�� fo Z a&vd 8 }!q!ix3 u! paquosep 'ssel ao aaow 'same eqi uo sOOuep!saa onn. uegn aaow ou }llnq eq oT moue JO pI!n8 'd sesodand [equep!sea aoj pesn eq /quo 'legs pue sesodand'e!oaewwoo aoj eq jou'legs '8 l!q!yx3 u! paquosep 6u!eq 'ssal JO aaow 'saaoe 99171, eqi sieoaed onfq aaow ow! pap!n!p eq Tou !legs '8 myx3 u! paglaosap 6u!eq `ssel JO aaow `seaoe gg.m, aql .a 'saaoe ual, Jed sleoaed onq uey} aaow ow! '8 }!q!gx3 u! paquosep eie }se Ieaa eill aeeu ao o4 ;ueoefpe `y 1!q!yx3 u! paquosep i(pedoad Ieaa eql epin!pgns you [legs wallas 'O .ssel JO aaow sleoaed aloe uel onni 6u!eq '8 l!q!yx3 u! paquosep Apedoad Ieaa aid aeeu ao o4 lueoefpe `y l!q!gx3 Pgr or [Es Bulurod 4 'um,* OSSI xou *OW O'd aogo Av7 sJantog saou6!s leu!6!ao et41 se poa}je ewes ail of Tueweaa6e s!.} seiped peweep aq !legs su6!sse ao sao1eafs!u!wpe `saolnoexe `slug `4saaaw! pue saosseoons Ile pue `TueweeJ6e siq o} seiped ail }o aaow JO auo uo! }!lad uo apse las aq veils pue algep!on eq 'legs lueweeJ6e s!gn jo uogelo!n u! spew peJluoo JO aoueAanuoo 'eseal `peep Auy uoipe jo uognoesoad aLiT u! paaanou! seq. Aewolle algeuoseea pue slsoo lie peimue eq Heys suogo!a}saa ao suog!puoo 'slueuenoo aseq} uodn peseq ig6noaq uo!joe Aue jo Aped 6u!I!enaad egg A}!nbe u! JO mei u! peluea6 je![ea Aue uo!}!ppe ui uo!lelo!n ions aoj ma!laa lag }o JO se6ewep aanooaa 01 JO 6u!0p OS woa} wag} JO Jeq /w!y luenaad of aa u! uogopTsaa JO uo!l!puoo 1ueu9n0o Lions Aue a }elo!n 6u!Tdwefe JO 6u11eloIA suosied JO uosaad aye lsu!e6e Apnbe u! JO mei }e 6u!peaooad Aue a noesoad 'uo!Teaodaooui ue jo eoueaejaa /(q jo }led apew pue payoelle olaaay 8 pue y l!q!gx3 u! pequosep Apadoad Ieaa eq �o uo!pod Aue 6u!unno suosaad JO uosaad ley }o Aue aoj in Ael eq !legs T! '1uawnJTsu! slgT u! gaol }es suo!}o!a4saa JO 'suo!puoo `s }ueuanoo ay} jo i(ue 91e1o!n 01 ldw91.1.e JO elelo!n Heys 'su6!sse JO sa!ai a!eq JO 'way' Aue ao `luawnalsu! s!il o} se!ped aqi SN0110I 1S3Zl QNV SiNVN3AOO 3O 1 N31N3O2IOdN3 ow- IF;20 155 When any other such conveyance or other instrument is set aside the decree of a Court or competent jurisdiction, all costs and all expenses of such proceedings shall be taxed against the offending party or parties and shall be declared by the Court to constitute a lien against the real estate so wrongfully deeded, sold, leased, or conveyed, until paid, and such lien may be enforced as such manner as the Court may order. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS TO RUN WITH THE LAND This agreement constitutes a mutual covenant running with the land, and all successive future owners shall have the same right to invoke and enforce its provisions as the original signors of this agreement. APPLICABILITY OF RESTRICTIONS TO PURCHASER Should any mortgage or deed of trust be foreclosed on the property to which this instrument refers, and the title acquired by such foreclosure and the persons or persons who thereby and thereafter become the owners of such property, shall be subject to and bound by all the restrictions, conditions, and covenants set forth in this instrument. FUTURE DEEDS TO CONTAIN COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS The parties agree that all the covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained within this document shall be inserted in full and all future deeds or any document transferring any interest in the real property described in Exhibit A and Exhibit B. This provision may be met by making reference and acknowledging this document including the book and page number as it is recorded in the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming. GOVERNING LAW This agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. Bowers Law Office P.C. P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 AT MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Page 3 of 5 >11V1O 'l I2:13HS S /o a8nd O119 8uituod olk OSSI xog "O'd .3 aoLo htv7 sranaog N IN/10 '01VA LOOZ `tianuer 4o Aepf,r s1 03_11103X3 eni }e}ueseideJ pezuoy}ne J!eql JO Aped (pea i(q peu6is 6ul}unn u! 4! Apo 6uipuiq aq Keys }uaweaa6e sly} y }inn uoi }oauuoo us Aped Aue i(q pawnsse suo4e6llgo leuoi }ippe JO }ueweeJ6e sly} to uoI }eoi4ipow Auy 1N31/113380V 3O NOIi VOIJIOOW }uawaaabe sm Li! pa}eaodaooui }ua }xe ay} o} }daoxe Aped Aue uo 6uipuiq aq }ou !legs }uaweaa6e spy} }o eiep ay} 6uipeoaad pups Aue 4o uoi }e}uasaadaa ao 6ulpue}saapun aoud Aue pue sapped ay} 6uowe pue uaann}aq }uaweaa6e aiI}ua ay} sa }n }i }suoo }uaweaa6e slyl 1N31/1133 80V 3dL1N3 •uoislnoad piienui aq} uo }uewa6undxe ay} o} }uanbesgns sapped lie i(q pa}noexa uaaq peg Aay} 4i se }oelja pue aoao} lln} u! aq o} pewoep aq !legs uoisinoad 6ululewaa ay} }ey} eaa6e sas}ped ay} `piienul aq o} play si }uawaaa6e sly} 4o uo!s!noad Aue }uana ay} ul •uoisinoad Aue 4o I(}ipllen ay} page o} pewaap aq }ou [legs pue }ou II!M }uawaaa6e sly} 4o uoipod Aue 4o Al!pllenu! ayl Al I GI7VANI 7 V11 Zl Vd JO 103333 1 y Q„ *4..0.'1 ,y,, AI R 157 EFFECT OF PARTIAL INVALIDITY The invalidity of any portion of this agreement will not and shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any provision. In the event any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid, the parties agree that the remaining provision shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as if they had been executed by all parties subsequent to the expungement of the invalid provision. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between and among the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding on any party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this agreement or additional obligations assumed by any party in connection with this agreement shall be binding only if in writing signed by each party or their authorized representative. Bowers Law Office P.C. P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 VAL CLARK EXECUTED this day of January, 2001 BRENT J. BOYLE Page 4 of 5 JUDY ANN BOYLE 1 4e'in jo a ltos I too e, '4 4unr 1 s®iidx3 uO SSli.ut loo An n��! 1 1 L�30vt: 44111 AOgg uin oS S /t't 1`;at'A 0893 NYI41 '14 113H31IW .F 1, oiignd Aat;ioN d A iVTh leas leloi4o pue pueq t(w SS3NIIM '1.00Z 'ttienuer Aep 'sly; a41M pue pueqsnq `SNVAJ 'H 13Ndf pue SNVA '1 WVS Aq aw aJojaq pe6painnouiloe seen` uawna;sul 6ulo6aao4 ayi 8ST 0l8ld A dV1ON r 4eifl Jo ems tooe 'ZZ eunr OI fld 1.2lt�10 sa�idxS uoPSSIwwo) Avg 1.00Z 'tienuer jo Aep----- q( siyl `aJ!M pue puegsny '>1 1 11d31-1S pUe >11:1V101VA /q ow aao3iaq pe6paiMoW{oe sem lu unJlsui 6ulo6aioo ayl 'SS i i JO AiNf100 d0 31tf1S L90b8 4e1f1 Ui i LIinoS SLbq iS 0893 NtfYYH3HS 'W ll3H3lIW 'leas lelo!J4o pue pueq /w SS3NIIM 1,00Z 'kenue(` tlep sly; 'awn pue puegsny '31108 NNV J`anr pUe 31108 'f 1N3218 Aq aw aaoiaq pe6palMouNoe seM luawn4sui 6ulo6aaoi ayl (17.4i0(,,& SN A 'H fo S 92nd SS 'SS OUR $u!Wodm 'um OSS! x0g 'O'd 'DV aoip 44V7 star tOg :saa uoi�Iwwdiii Ar77 JO KLNflO0 2 d0 d1d1S Ri —zr -9 1 :saaidxa uoissiww o AA I 4i SSJNIIM :saaidxa uoissiwwoo AIN JO AINfO0 AO 31d1S leas lelo }o pue pueq Aw SSJNIIM 1.00Z 'kenuer to yep sly; 'aflnn pue pueqsnq 'SNVA3 H 13Nvf pUe •Hr 'SNvA3 '1 13fWVS Aq aw aJolaq pa6palnnouiloe sem luawnJlsu! 6ulo6aioo ayl leas lelol}io pue puey SS3N11M 6002 'tienuer io Aep sly; 'ailnn pue pueqsnq '>123\110 1213HS PUe >11JV10 '01VA /q aw aao ;aq pa6palnnou)loe sem luawru ;sul 6ulo6aJo; ayl 0I18ld A21V1ON 0l8ld MJVION Oflfld AHVIO sejidx3 uolssiwwoO uloouf W elms y 1a Aiuno0 O laf ld AMON SI13MO9 1431 1.00Z 'k enuer ;o Aep"J1, sly; 'a ;IM pue pueqsnq '31A09 NNV Aaflf PUe 31A08 f 1N3H8 /�q aw aao ;aq pa6palnnou�loe s ;uawnJ ;sul 6ulo6aao; aql 6 T SNVA3 'H 13NVC 'SS •SS SS 011E8 2urtziodA4 `uo fy OSS! xog Of '3'd ao ffO 44 ti7 sraMOg :saaldxa uolsslwwoo An SS3NIIM dO AINl00 dO 31VIS :saaldxa uolsslwwoo �(W dO AINfl00 dO 31`d1S h�. Of :saaldxa uolsswwoo AN '2I SNvA3 l lvnL,ws Pnl.aaional Land Surveyors Paul N. ScMd»I Wyo. Raglstntion No. 184 1dano R.ghdation No. 9990 Man R.g4dation No. 1670 Nevada Ragla n"don No. 6805 SooB A. Soh.At.l Wyo. Rptsdatbn No. 9888 Idaho R.plsdation No. 8028 Marlowe A. Sohhd»I Wyo. RogIodation No. 5988 Swwy0 Sct4A.I, LTD. Moo. Wong 81g PNay. Wyoming Jackson. Wyoming Lew Nol Swings. Idaho MonIpaliac Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS PARCEL Y -2 ADJUSTED 1 U Lj1 d To -wit: EXHIBIT NO. A moo. ooQ:0 160 That part of the SW1/4NE1/4, the NW' /4SE1/4, the NE1/4SW1/4 and the SE1/4NW1/4 of Section 33, T3ON, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to amend Parcel Y -2 of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 435 of Photostatic Records on page 189, as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said SW1/4NE1/4, S00 03' -46 "W, 706.95 feet, from the northwest corner of said SW1/4NE1/4; thence N84 19' -59 "E, 381.73 feet to a point; thence S40 35' -31 "E, 412.54 feet to a point; thence S33 13' -11 "E, 412.54 feet to a rebar on the southerly line of said Parcel Y -2; thence coursing the southerly and westerly lines of said parcel, as follows: S88 12' -28 "W, 594.57 feet to a rebar; S88 41' -59 "W, 304.27 feet to a rebar; NO2 46' -52 "E, 206.25 feet to a rebar; N01°-16'-31"E, 140.83 feet to a rebar; NO2 06' -32 "E, 299.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 10.00 acres, more or less; TOGETHER with the right of ingress and egress extending easterly 375.8 feet from the easterly end of the McCoy County Road No. 12 -155 Amended, in accordance with that easement of record in said Office in Book 144 of Photostatic Records on page 15; AND TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land fifteen (15) feet in width, with the easterly line (being the centerline of a thirty (30) foot access and utility easement) described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the north line of said SW' /4NE /4, S89 47' -39 "W, 937.36 feet from the northeast corner of said SW1/4NE1/4; thence S17°-17'-04"E, 75.21 feet to a spike; thence S13 31' -57 "W, 85.12 feet to a spike; thence S47 22' -06 "W, 13.84 feet to a spike; AND TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across a strip of land sixty (60) feet in width with the westerly line described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the north line of said SW1/4NE1/4, S89 47' -39 "W, 937.36 feet from the northeast corner of said SW1/4NE1/4; thence S17 17' -04 "E, 75.21 feet to a spike; thence S13 31' -57 "W, 85.12 feet to a spike; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor' „JO ,Sanuns OqI to Ai me SO U!WJel uoildiaosep 6u1o6eioi oyl to Aum Aue ui uoileoij poW„ `a 1!ds e 01100J Z I' 58 `M<,LS l I S 00U041 `adds ti o11aMJ 1 Z SL `g„t'0-, L l -0L T. S OOUa41 `e /,HNe /,MS mus J011109 lseag1JOU ay1 woJJ 1aa3 9£1£6 `M.,6£ `e /11N/,MS PI'S :smolloj se pagliosap au!! ,CIJa1s0M 041 41!■ `ylp!m u! 1003 (09) Alxls pug' Jo dais ti ssoJOL puu Japun `JOAO sarlll►1n ollgnd puu ssai a puu ssoi9ui 30 14011 ti 1 11im NARLajO.L QNV `o tds ti 01 1003 178' I `M,90- ,ZZ -0LiS OOU041 `wlds ti of 3003 Z I.58 `M„ LS l E-0£ is OOUagl `allds ti 03laal lZ'SL `d„t7O- d. I -0L1S 00u041 `A N.t /,MS music JauJOO lsuaylaou 043 woJJ 1aa3 9£'L£6 `M„ 6£ 0685 :smolloj su paquosap (luawasua'C1!111n pug ssaooi 1003 (0£) Aplyl e jo aullJaluao ayl,ulaq) gull' l'alsea ay143 m. `41plm u! 100 (51) uaaipj Puul 3o dins a ssoi0t pug Japun `Jano sarl►I11n pug ssp.& pug ssaJ$u130 148! 13 41!m NaHJ2OO.L UNv 1 51 gaud uo spJO0a21 opuisoio4d 30 1 roil uI °°WO P!'s u! Nom Jo luawastia 113g1 4IIM aOUtipJ000e ui `papuawd 551. 'oN !moll /Clunop AoDo 0111 Jo pup iC{Jalstia 0141 woJJ 1303 8 Apoistia Oulpuopca SsaJ18a pug ssaJ u1 Jo 114J 041 4 1aHJ29O:L /,aNd /,MS p►LS Jo gull g1JOU 041 uo a )1!ds ti 113 DN1NN O IH Jo gull g1Jou ail) uo a> lds ti lti 9NINNIOgg :ssal Jo aiow `s0JO1 00'01 JO 130113 u' ONISSVd1'[OMI1I3 `ONINNIOgg AO 1131010D 041 03 `gull 3se0 p►es 1003 8811 `M,9tr anal() 5 A S'/,MN P!'s Jo awl lstia 0141 uo 3Ulod E o1 `slaoitid music gull A{Jaglnos ay1 41!■ lti0!luap! `gull a3ua3 Sullslxa uu Buolti `1003 6L•OM7 `14„01- ,85-068N OOua41 `Z pond plus Jo awl AlJa4lnos 041 uo Jtigai ti 011aa3 t75'Z1t7 `HO 1 0011041 luiod a 01 1003 tIS'Z 1 t `g„ 1 S S 00U041 `1U!0d e o1 laa3 581V8 `M„I ,5£ -0S8N a0Ua41 `.3U!od ti Ol laa3 SL'0S8 `M-SO-375-068N 00uayl `lu►Od 13 03 `VaN /,MS p►tis Jo awl ma 0141 Su0I1: `1aa3 62'8£9 `g„Z1i-,00-000N a0u041 `6 /,gN4/,MS p!us Jo J0Ui °0 1sua41nos 041113 OM1NNIOgg :smoljoj su paqu asap `681 a913d uo sp1000J o1l13lsolo4d 30 507 )ioo>g 111 A1unop ulo0u►-1 Jo )1101 0q1 3 001 130 041 u! pJOOaJ 3o Z honed ;o Ind puu Z -A 100.113d Jo Tied Oulaq `5u!wo1CM `AlunoD u100U1'1 `M81111 `1\10£1 u0I100S 30 e/,HS'/,MINI 011 P 4 /fl /,MS 0 41 3 Ti'd 113 4.E :11M-01 z-z I3DuVa SNVAg '11 J 2NVC urn/ '2If `SNVAa .L lafIT41VS }121V ID ''1 111311S (INV }121V"IO '9'IVA UO 1 NOLLdnI�Saa NemI' ONWIN 16 .1 1 01 14 t Ml owuroAM CIO •0111 s iemogn9 99t9 °P1 uoRtntlOty 'o4Y1 ItatyOS Y tMoPM moo 'NNvenu vOV'PI eon 'ON uONt4 *W M 1 SO99'ON uo9W4 VAIN 0191 •ON uOII4 Sy 9T14I an 'ON uolltnt Atli 4IDI P91 'ON uoglAstestl 'OM ltw"1 9 •N Med uoM unS Purl PlugtuMnd Professional Land Surveyors Pal N. Stiletto! Wyo. Registration No. 184 Idaho Registration No. 3990 UMM Reg40alion No. 1870 Nevada Rig44e1ion No. 6805 SOON A. Sdr.rbel Wyo. Rsgistraton No. 3889 kW* Registration No. 8028 Marlowe A. Sdre,Oet Wyo. Registration No. 5389 Sumyor Scberbel, LTO. Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Love Hot Soling., Idaho Montpelier. Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS PARCEL Y -2 ADJUSTED PAGE TWO 0.970 4 September 1999 161 thence S00 03' -46 "W, 515.97 feet to a point; thence S40 35' -31 "E, 60,00 feet to a point; AND TOGETHER with a pedestrian and equestrian access five (5) feet in width with the south line described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast rebar of the above described parcel; thence S89 58' -10 "W, 440.79 feet to a point on the east line of said NW'/4SE' /4; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NW1/4 of Section 33, T3ON, RI 18W, being N00 20' -00 "W; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "rebar" marked by a 5/8" X 24" reinforcing rod with an aluminum cap inscribed, "LINCOLN COUNTY WY SURVEY POINT PE &LS 3514 all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY AMENDED PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS STEVEN W. ALLEN AND ANNE R. ALLEN WITHIN THE SWV4NE' /4 NW1/4SE' /4 NE'/4SW /4 SE'/4NW1/4 SECTION 33 T3ON R118W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 09 p� ber 1999. "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" doitetuns ey1 to Amgen soituiwiel uoildposep 6u!o6eJo1 eyi to Atm Aut ui uoileoyipoyy„ ',C1unoD ulo0u!Z 3o 1.1010 0413o aOg3O 041 u! pail; pa000' Jouao3 041 u! paquosap st puno3 „J0uJo0„ toga !M„00 `M81 `N0£.L uol1OaS 3o vom 0413o au!! ism 341 s! ,CanJns sigl .103 oNnlywa gSNg 0 41 'Iooied paq!Josop anogt ayyJo 1003 (09) Xlx!s IC1Ja1saM 041 ss0.10e put Japun `JOAO so!l!1!ln put ssa.i9a put ssa1 u! 3o 1401.1 e o1 ,I,Dg1'gns `M«6£-J-17-068S 'pond paquosap anogt 042 3o a)pds IsaM4IJOU 041 1t ONINNIOgg :sM011o3 st paq!.iosap (luawasta AI!l!In put smog 2003 (0£)'U!42 e 3o aurlaalua0 0415u1aq) au!! Xl.ralsta oqi 41!M `ylp!M u! Iaa3 (S 1) u00}11} pug! 3o dais t SSOJ0e put .apun `JOAO s011!I!an put ss0A0 put ssaaft! 3o �Ij J t 411!M d1IIIE1OO1 QNd `S N aStd uo sp.iooaj o!Ielsologc13o tibl )loop u! 3011 pus u! p.roo0.1 3o luatuasea 1141 tl2!M aOUtpJOOO1 111 `papuawy SS 1 1 '0N pox /ClunoD AoDow 0413o puo /Claalst0 041 woJ3 1003 8'5L£ 1sta Su!pu0lxa ssaa a put ss0J�u! 30 1y !a 041 41!M 1 H IDO L k' !ssal .10 WOW `ONINNI91fl �O 2lgN2lOO 0 41 01 `au!! lse0 p!ts 9uole `1003 881.89 `B„Zb-,00-000N 0011041 `b /IaN ty,MS p!es Jo 011!11sta 041 uo 1u!od a 011003 SL'0S8 `L„50-,Vg-.68S 0011341 !iu!od t 011003 58178 `3„I£ 0011041 `.1u!od 101 e 1N° /,MS P! 3o au!I Isom 0411411M piped `1003 L6' S I S `M„9b £0 -o00S 00U041 'au!NJa1UOO p!es antral put 'a)l!ds t 01 `au!palua0 p!ts Su0lt `1003 Z 1 'S8 `M„LS l 1 S 0011041 !0)!!ds e 02 `au!IlaluaO p!ts'Buome `1003 1Z'SL `g«170-,LI-oL1S 30U041 '1uawast0 /C1!1!ln put ssa0O1 1003 (0£) A2.1!41 t 3o awl.raIUOO 041 9ulaq `0)I!ds e o1 `au!! glaou pis 9uolt `%IN' /CMS Plus 3o 1011.100 Istaylaou 04111 ONINNIOag :sMollo3 st paquosap `681 at(' uo spao0a210r1tlso1oyd 3o so, )IOOg u! Aluno3 uloOU!'130 val3 0413o 001130 041 u! pao0013o Z Nao.rtd 30 Ind Swaq u!woiCM `/lunoD ulo0ul'l `M811.11 17 91 L `ayrds t 011003 b8 £1 `M„90-,ZZ-oLtS OOUa41 '0)1!ds t o11 ZI'S8 `M„L5 £-o£1S 30U041 `.ay►ds t 011003 1Z'SL `g«170-,L1-oLIS OOUay1 `yoN %MS p!es 3o aaUJOO 1sea41JOU 041 wag 10 9£'L£6 `s3a0t SS t 130 tale ut ONISSddWODPIg 100J 9£'L£6 7■«6£-,Lt'-068S a0ua41 uogo08 3o b /1aN /,MS 04130 Ind 1 :1!M-01, por) i z r iaDuda SMVAi 11 J 2NVr QNd '?IF `SNVA I '1, 13111AJVS ?I2Id'IO •ri malls QNd }RldnD 'O 'IVA 110.1 NOI1,JRIOSac ogePl'ie11. ov+v1 1 OMn Bu1w0AM'U0$ 6uIwaAM'Aeud MS Ouhi10AM'UCVY 'on 'Iaq pS iOAanxs 99C9 0opaMPS•11 0AM WW W Y u+0V 9L09'ON u09an148etl 0yep1 009C 0011ene1OH' 1• 'y 9 S099 vofw oat IN uo1anel6ey uM 066C 1 44 9011ane1 oVept 194 roN 001Venele•u 'o~M pyagoS Inad iioAenmS Nal teu01 »gold Professional Land Surveyor Paul N. SeM,WI Wyo. Registration No. 184 Idaho Registration No. 9990 Utah Registration No 1670 Nevada RegMValIon No. 6805 Scot A. Sdrattof Wyo. Registration No. 9689 Who Registration No. 8016 ►Wlorra A. SehoMl Wyo. Registration No. 5968 Surveyor Scheib/I. LTD. Mon. Wyoming Big Pines. Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava lot Springs. Idaho Montpelier. Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS PARCEL Z -2 PAGE TWO thence S00 03' -46 "W, 515.97 feet to a point; thence S40 35' -31 "E, 60.00 feet to a point; SUBJECT to a pedestrian and equestrian right over the south five (5) feet of the above described parcel; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NW1/4 of Section 33, T3ON, RI 18 W, being N00°-20'-00"W; each "rebar" marked by a 5/8" X 24" reinforcing rod with an aluminum cap inscribed, "LINCOLN COUNTY WY SURVEY POINT PE &LS 3514 each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR PARCEL Z VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS WITHIN THE SW1/4NE1/4 NW' /4SE1/4 SECTION 33 T3ON R118W LINCC+I,N OUNTY, IVY �,y G dated 09 September 1999. Lan 14 September 19 h 4, 5 46 r 163 "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor Soon A. St .diet Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Regl,lnlion No. 8026 Marlowe A. &herbal Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor ScMd»I, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier. Idaho Prolessionai Land Surveyors Paul N. Schedbet Wyo. Registration No. 164 Mato Registration No. 3990 DNA Regstratbn No. 1670 Nevada Registration No. 6805 DESCRIPTION FOR VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS PARCEL Z -1 PAGE TWOR,;,, ►-1.n 4 Tt LI r .r..... 165 each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by two (2) 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR PARCEL Z VAL G. CLARK AND SHERI L. CLARK SAMUEL T. EVANS, JR. AND JANET H. EVANS WITHIN THE SW' NE' /4 NW SE' /4 SECTION 33 T3ON RI18W LINCO N •UNTY, WYOMI 09 September 1999. September 1999 Leh Dt to "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"