HomeMy WebLinkAbout8711576 •uo! }e6!!go ue jo aouewiojed ay} ao} *noes se Alaiew }saga }u! Lions 6u!neq esoy} 6u!pnpxe }nq }sera m le!o! }aueq e �o sieunn0 pue siai(nq }oei }uoo 6u!pnlou! }ol Aue o} ei eldw!s ea} e jo `sa! }ue JO suosiad aaow JO euo ieq egnn ‘JOUMO paooai ay} o} JejeJ pue ueaw Heys „Jaunn0„ •mie10 A}uno0 uioou!l 4o ao!J4O mil u! }ueaepaa ay} Aq paw ApadoJd ay} jo }e'd uo!s!n!pgns papJooai u!epeo }ey} uodn unnoys pue anoge paq*osap pue! jo slop le! }uap!sai Ai!we4 al6u!s ay} }o Aue o} as }ea pue ueaw !lays „}o •9 •i(uedwoo A}y!ge!l pe }!w!' 6ulwoAM e `011 sil!H kuagmeJ }g o} Je48J pue ueaw hays „Wale/0911 •g *spew Lions }o Aenn- 4o -s}y6u ay} u! pa}eool sell!! Al!1! }n ioj 'Aue 'seo!nuas a!edei pue aoueua}u!ew au!l AMP pue 'speo2l uowwo0 ay} Joj, seo!iJes lenowej mous pue aoueua }ulew Aennpew ay} ueaw !legs „seovuag uowwo0„ •uo!s!n!pgng ay} o} 9Z1• peo2l i(}uno0 woo peo21 nnolloH uedsy pue 'sou!! }ol lenp!n!pu! o} sseooe ap!nwd yo!ynn 'Apadwd ay} u!y }!nn sAennpew a}en*d ay} ueaw 'legs „speo21 uowwo0„ •g •u!aleLi gpoo }as se uo! }eiepaa s!y} jo suo! }lpuoo pue swa} ay} eoJoo.ue pue Ja}s!u!wpe o} pags!lge }se uogepossy ay} 4o sao}oaa!a }o pieog ay} ueaw Heys „pmeo8„ •su6!sse pue siosseoons s pue uo! }epossy sa }e }s3 sH!H A.uegnnea }g o} JejeJ pue ueaw Heys „uo! }epossy„ SN0IlIIINI33a 19101121V �oa�ay} ped Aue 4o JauM0 pee jo }!jauaq ay} o} emu! Heys pue su6!sse pue siossaoons 'slag i!aq} '4oaJay} ped Aue Jo icpadwd ay} u! }saga }u! Jo `al }y6p Aue 6u!neq se!ped He uo 6u!pu!q aq pue Apadwd ey} y }!nn uru 'legs go!Linn pue `Jo A pue amen ay} 6u! }oa}wd jo asodind ay} woo awe go!gnn 'suo!ppuoo pue 's}ueuanoo `suo! }o* }saw 's }uawasee 6u!nnollo4 ay} o} }oafgns padolanep pue 'pe!dn000 'pesn 'paseal `pasegwnoue `peAanuoo 'pas 'Nag 'paunno aq !legs paq*osep Apadwd ay} jo He }ey} seiepap AgaJag }ueJeloea `321033213H1 'MON •boa iay} ped itue Jo ApedoJd ay} }o SJOUMO He }o }ijauaq ay} Jo; Apedwd ay} jo amen pue aa}oeaeLio lean }eu ay} u!e}u!ew pue aniesaJd o} suo! }o*}sej pue `suo!}!puo0 `s}ueuano0 6ulnno'loo ay} 6u! }dope s! }ueaepaa pue 'an'en lam }eu pue o!uaos g6ly 4o s! ApadoJd eql Apado.d„ aq} se o} panaaai aq aa}}eu!aaaq Heys go!gM `0 'oN }eId se '6u!woAAA 'A}uno0 uloou!l u! 'OOOZ 'Jequaaoaa }o step g }L ay} uo piooei J04 peg }e'd ay} y }!nn aouepi000e u! „uo!s!n!pgng uo!s!n!pgng sa }e }s3 s1I!H kuagmei }g 4o 'OZ 46no i o s }ol jo JOUMO lepgauaq JO Jeunn0 ay} }ueiepea„ se o} peiieeai aa}4eu!aJay 'Auedwoo A}!Hge!I pa}!w!I 6u!woAM e `all sii!H uagmea }g Aq „uo!}eieloea„) 000Z 'aagweoaa jo Aep Li }L ay} 4o se en! }oajja aq o} spew s! paq*osep Jejeulaaaq se i padoid !eel u!e}aao }o }uawdolanap pue esn ay} 6u!Hoi uoo pug 6u! }ein6ei suo! }o*}saj pue 'suo! }!puo0 's}ueueno0 4o uo!}eJepaa s!yl N0ISIAIO f1S S31y1S3 S11IH AIR138MV211S Jtd16aJQnA'; U :Pi 3iNif'1.1l JO SN0I10121153N aNY j 0 1ovd 1d 71OOR /ZI11aN0a SINVN3AO0 JO N0IIV N103a 0 :al 9- Ujn 10 L.g i 1 L. 8 >1H1D A.LNfOO N100N 03AI3:D3 i •2uiuzoiCM `IflunoJ uioaurl `1AI'd 1 119 01 11 JO MLTT'1 NTZ.L `LZ uot2aas JO b/iaN%gN LL ifazuiig J uteaey� ao uopdiaasaJ Ie2aq V ZI I IHXa 90Z 8. "Principal Residence" shall mean the single family residential Structure, constructed on any Lot of the Property, which is the principal use of such Lot, and to which the other authorized Structures on such Lot are accessory. 9. "Property" shall mean and refer to that certain real property known as Strawberry Hills Estates Subdivision, in accordance with the plat filed for record on the 7th day of December, 2000, in Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 267 -C, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association. 10. "Structure" shall mean anything built or placed on the ground, excluding fences. ARTICLE 11 LAND CLASSIFICATIONS, USES AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 1. Land Classifications. All land within the Property has been classified into the following areas: a. Residential; and b. Common Roadways. 208 2. General Restrictions. The following general restrictions shall apply to all land, regardless of classification: a. No building, Structure, sign, fence, refinishing or improvement of any kind shall be erected, placed, or permitted to remain on any Structure, Lot or tract, and no excavation or other work which in any way alters any Lot from its natural or improved state existing on the date the Lot was first conveyed in fee by Declarant to an Owner shall be erected, placed, done, or permitted to remain on any Structure, Lot or tract until the plans, specifications have been approved in writing and a building permit has been issued by the Architectural /site Committee. Plans for buildings for the refinishing or improvement if the same shall include scaled floor plans, exterior elevations indicating height, a list of exterior materials and a site plan. b. Two copies of any proposed plans and related data shall be furnished to the Architectural /site Committee, one of which may be retained by the Architectural /site Committee for its records. Any approval given by the Architectural /site Committee shall not constitute a warranty, express or implied, of compliance with any applicable building or safety codes for any other purposes other than the authority for the person submitting the plan to commence construction. 3. Residential Area; Uses; Restrictions. a. Each residential Lot shall be used exclusively for residential purposes, and no more than one family (including its servants and transient guests) shall occupy such residence; provided, however, that nothing in this subparagraph (a) shall be deemed to prevent: 9 ti ;e ;off Aue uodn pauie;uiew .'o peoeid '4dej eq Keys a.'npn.' ;s .'o Amos} aeliwis Jo poet's 'awoy aligow esnoq `esnoq pain ;oe }nuew oN 6 •s6u!puno.'.'ns pue spieuaq �e.'n4eu s4! 40 4uawAofue a geuoseaa ay; o; peimue a.'e `uoisinipgns ay; ui diLisieunno pue ;s9.'e4ui .'!9144 JO am* Aq `saaunnp 4814; asiwa.'d ay;. o; uani6 aq 4snw uoigiu600a.' gde.'6e.'edgns sit'; 4o uoileioin e uaaq set' away; .'a g4aynn 6uiuiw.'e;ap .'ieLi; }o ;uewAofue ay; ui saaum() Jew o; eoueAouue JO `eouegan ;sip '4uewsse.'.'egwe a geuoseaaun esneo .'o 'aouesinu e awooaq Aew Lio!Lim uoaaag4 peoeid .'o euop aq 6uiy4Aue iiegs JOU 1o1 Aue uodn uo pai.'.'e0 aq He (Aminbuea4 pue weed ay; 01 eoueq.'n ;sip) A4ini4oe Asiou .'o `anisue44o 'snoixou oN 4aa} alenbs (9) xis 4o eele aoe} te404 peuggwoo e peeoxe 4ou seop u6is Lions papinoad `sesodand Lions .'o4 papeau se pepe a eq Aew ales .'o} sesiwa id ay; 6u!sipenpe u6is y •pa ;0aie eq Aew ssei JO lee; aaenbs (c) 9aa144 4o eeae aoe} 18404 peuigwoo 4o ups uoi4eo ijuepi ieiluapisa.' u9po0M Aue uodn peuie4uwew .ao pe oeie eq 'legs .'aneos4e4M sups pi0.'awwoo oN •sanoq 6uideeis Iewaou 6uunp aansopue 4ue4sisa.' punos e ui paui4uo0 aq 11eys aouesinu a 6ui4n ;i ;suoo s6op 6uppe8 •96aei 48 un.' o; pannoile aq JO eouesinu a awooaq JO aq o; 4ou se os 101 s,.'BUMQ uo pauieluiew pue paLiseei .'o pauieJ;saa aq sawg die ;e iIeys siewiue 118 48144 'Jenannog 'pepinoad !sled paeA JO esnoq paziu600ai Alieaaue6 Jai ;o JO s6op ;1npe 0M4 ueg4 a.'ow 4ou pue sieo} 6uipniou! sesioq b ueg4 aaow 4ou ue43 .'9440 Kg Aue uo pauie ;wew aq 11e4s Inno4 JO siewiue of ;sewop .'e440 Aue JO suajoigo `sAavn4 '9(4480 'daays 's;eo6 `euinns `96id oN •p •sg4uow .'e ;uinn 6uunp Jo suoi;eIn6aa a.'1J A4unoa uIoouil 9144 Aq pa ;iwied aq awi4 04 ewi4 woa4 Aew se (o.' }uoo gsigqn.i .'o /pue uor4e4e6en Jo} semi. Lions pue 's4id aai4 JO seoeidaa aoop1no 4ueuewied pe ;on.' ;suoo Apado.'d 'seine ;deoei anoegaeq uiq ;inn pauie4uoo s9 J anoeq.'eq 4deoxe Jeneos ;e14nn saai} aoi.'a4xa ou aq a.'agi •sAauwigo pue seoeidaaij i(e uo pauie4uiew pue peoeid aq Sa94S9JJB )jaedg 0 •esuedxe pue woo alos S,.'9uMO Lions 4e Ike `paezey a.' a a4eaao 04 4ou se aauuew Lions Li! pue `.'ieda.' pue uoi;ipuoo pooh ui }099914; aaunnp 944 Aq pauie4u!ew aq iie14s uo9.'a4; pa;8001 awi4 01 mil woa4 s;uawano.'dwi pue saan4ona ;s Ile pue Aue pue '40 14083 •q •uoi4eioossy 9144 Aq awi4 04 awi4 wo.'} pa ;dope aq Aew se suoi40i.'4sa.' 914 4o 118 0; `aananno14 ;oafgns 409.'844 .'auMO 914; Aq awi4 04 9wg Aue }0 6uisee aqi `pe44iwJed 4ou aae su6is 6uisipenpe ;o- Lions uodn o fignd ay; 04 ekes .'04 e0!AJ9S ao 4.'e 40 vonn ';onpoad Aue esipenpe 4ou saop pue '40 Lions uo 6ui pone seeAoidwe ou s814 pue peAoldwa -4Ies si `sesod.'nd ao4 40 Lions sesn .'aunnp 914; 4i 401 844 uodn saoneepue sit' 6ums.'nd wo.'} uews4 }e.'o JO leuoissa }o.'d pesueoy 'uesi4ae 'pipe ue 9! oqm .'auMO Aue JO sseuisnq paseq -awoy adA4 RIiwis JO paseq- ie ;ndwoo sdeuMQ Auy (Z) 'uoi ;eaepaa Loon eouep.'000e Li! sesno4 4san6 }0 uoiIon.'4suo0 (i) 6O or. Vii. -4 4, IY �i (.'0 11 any time. The terms "manufactured house "house trailer" or "mobile home" as used herein includes but is not limited to any building or structure with wheels and /or axles and any vehicle used at any time, or constructed so as to permit its being used for the transport thereof upon the public streets or highways and constructed so as to permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons, and shall also mean any such building, structure or vehicle, whether or not wheels and /or axles have been removed, after such building, structure or vehicle has been placed either temporarily or permanently upon a foundation. However, a travel trailer or motor home may be used during the construction of a home. This use will be limited to the 12 months after the commencement of construction of the home. h. The Common Roads on the Property shall be private roads at all times, and each Lot Owner (with the exception of unsold Lots owned by Declarant) shall be responsible to pay assessments for the snow removal and maintenance costs for said roads in conjunction with all other Lot Owners. Bushes, shrubs, weeds and all other vegetation shall be cleared and large trees pruned within the road rights -of -way to improve visibility, with related costs being common costs. i. No discharge of any firearms in the Subdivision will be allowed. No hunting of wildlife of any sort will be allowed within the confines of the Subdivision. j. No fireworks of any kind or nature shall be detonated or otherwise used at any location in the Subdivision. k. Recreational vehicles, motor homes, trailers, campers, pop up trailers, boats, watercraft, snowmobiles, ATV's and like items, may be stored on the Lot in a building, or either on a concrete slab or a pad of crushed gravel with a retaining border. I. No inoperative, wrecked, junked or otherwise non functional motor vehicles, motorized equipment and non motorized equipment shall be kept on the premises for more than thirty (30) days unless parked in a garage or an enclosed building. m. All garbage and trash shall be placed and kept in covered containers which shall be maintained so as not to be visible from neighboring property. The cost of commercial trash collection shall be paid by each owner, in accordance with the billing of the collector. No rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate on any Lot. No metal including without limitation scrap metal or metal drums shall be kept, stored, or allowed to accumulate on any Lot except in an enclosed structure. n. Owners shall not obstruct the Common Roads. No vehicles of any kind may be parked or left standing in the Common Roads. The Common Roads are intended for use to provide ingress and egress to the Lots and may not be used for random or recreational purposes with ATVs, motorbikes or snowmobiles. Vi '.�...r 2 0 •Palos} }e aq isnw se6eie6 kiewud Iiy •s6ulpllnq }no Jey }o pue war) Jo segoiod pasoloueun Jo 'podieo 'e6eJe6 ay} }o anisnloxa 'JOOI4 punoJ6 ay} uo suolsuawip 6ulpllnq JoIJapxa ay} itq painseew se }aa} eienbs 009. Uey} ssai aq }ou Heys aouepisai Ailwe} 916uls Aue }o ewe Jooi} wnwlulw all •q •siege }ew pue diysuewvoM Aiiienb pooh 6u!sn uoi}oni }suoo }uauewjed 'Mau 4o aq (legs swewanoidw! Hv •eouepisai Iedlou!Jd all o} Ja }oeieyo u6lsep Jeilwis aq He !legs pue sain }onJ }s (c) aaJq} }o le }o} a paaoxa }ou !legs asayl *semi' esnoq 0; pasn aq o} weq pue 'saliddns Jo }uawdlnba 'selolyan esnoq o} pasn aq o} (s)6ulpllnq a6eJo }s }uai Jo4 }ou pue s }san6 �o asn ay} J04 esnoq }sen6 e `(s)e6eie6 's }ueiJas pue s }sen6 'aassal sly `JeuMO ay} Aq paldn000 aq o} 6uJIaMp Allwe} a16uls auo uey} Jey }o sal}JadoJd ay} uo pa }onJ }suoo aq Heys s }uawanoJdwi Jo sain }oni }S oN •e :6u1Mo11o4 ay} o} }oafgns si s6ulpllnq He }o u6lsap eyi •ublsaa bulpiin9 •seuo} twee aq !legs sJOioo Jo!Ja}x3 •o •sapoO Ala }eg pue 6 ulpling A }unoa ulooun Joipue `6uiwoAM }o ems 'algeoildde }i 'JO 'epoo Isom) }oa13 IeUOReN ay} pue '0p03 6ulgwnid leu01 }eN ay} 'woo 6 u!pl!n8 wJO4lun ay} }o suol }Ipa }uaJJno ay} Jay }la y }IM *Iwoo }snw s Ill 'q •ysiul} Joloo }el} and }oa1}aJ -uou e y}!M 6ul}ooJ el6u!gs paw Jo paw paggii Jo 'ems 'el6ulys Jo aNeys Jepao aq !legs sleua }ew 400N •ienoidde ua }iJM }nog }IM Ieua }ew Jo!Je}xe se pasn eq !legs won Japulo Jo '6ulpls iAuin '6ulpls paw '6ulpls wnulwnle oN •IeIJa }ew IeJn }eu pain}xa} y6noJ Jellwls JO 'auo }s '601 mead `pooh I8Jn}eu !Dames 46noJ 4o aq IIIM sle!Ja}ew Jo!Ja}x3 •e *ewe ay} 4o adeospuel pue }uewuoJlnue IeJn }eu ey} ow! puelq }e =too ul pa0e} Jo pa }uled aq IIIM s Ily •sal}JadoJd ay} uo 6u!pl!nq yoea uo 6uuoloo pue IeIJa }ew 6ulpllnq '6ugooi Joua}xe kIe }ueweldwoo 6u!sn Aq Alleoiwoeds Jay }o yoea y }iM Ja }oeieyo ul pa }onJ }suoo aq !legs s Ill •Ja }oeJeya ublsaQ •g •leuol }ewa }u1 uol }eloossy and }oa }oJd aJ!J leuoi }eN •e pue 'apo3 Ieo!J }0e13 leuoi }eN •p :apo3 6ulgwnid leuoReN 0 `sie!o!J4O 6 uipling 4o aouaJa}UO3 Ieuol }ewa }uI •q :apoo 6ulplln8 wJO}Iun e :sapoo wJO4lun 6uiMollo4 ay} }o uogipa }uaiino ay} win aouepJOOOe ul pa}oaJO aq !legs s }uawanOJdwl Jo saJn}onJ }s !IV sap03 WJO }lug Z }o pee uodn uoi }eiedaid a }Is pue s }uawanoJdwi pue sainpni}S Ile pue Aue }0 6ulysluI.aJ Jo!Ja}xa pue uoi }eia }le '6u!IapowaJ `uoi }0ni }suoo ay} o} algeolldde OJe suogou }sai pue spJepue }s 6u!Mo11o4 all •spJepue }S IeJeueo ?"7 SaivaNv1S NOIS3a III 31O112IV 4 I. 6 Ill l 1 c. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on the property which shall exceed two (2) stories in height. This shall not include a walkout basement or underground garage. d. Roofs shall have a minimum pitch of five feet in twelve feet. All primary roofs shall have a minimum overhang of two feet. Solar collectors shall not be considered roofs. No unpainted metal roofs shall be allowed. e. Solar collectors may be of any construction, materials or pitch required for efficient operation, but they shall not be placed on any structure in a manner which causes objectionable glare to any neighboring resident. Solar collectors shall be integrated into the structure of a residence, garage, carport, or other accessory building and shall not be free standing. f. Setbacks shall not be less than fifty (50) feet from any side or rear boundary line without prior Architectural /site Committee approval. Lots 3, 4, and 8 will have no building nearer than 75 feet from the lot lines between Lots 3, 4, and 8. 5. Site Design. Site design shall comply with the following requirements: a. Fencing shall comply with the following requirements: only buck and rail or wood post and rail fences will be allowed on the Property; no barbed wire or two strand wire fences will be permitted except those already established by adjacent landowners not in the Subdivision. b. All fuel tanks, water tanks, or similar storage facilities shall either be constructed as an integral part of a Structure, or shall be installed or constructed underground. c. Sanitary Facilities. Each sewage system is the responsibility of the individual property owner and shall be installed at the expense of the individual property owner and shall be constructed in conformity with the laws of the State of Wyoming and Lincoln County, and no privy, outside latrine, or other like facility shall be permitted except during construction of a principal residence in which case it is required by this Declaration to have such a facility. Every Owner shall refrain from causing any water or pollution emanating from his Lot. d. Domestic water supply is the responsibility of each Owner and shall be installed at his expense. All arrangements and facilities providing domestic water shall conform to all laws and standards set by the State of Wyoming, its departments and political subdivisions. e. All approaches from Lots to any Common Roads within the Subdivision shall include installation of a culvert to accommodate any water runoff. 6. Construction. The exterior of any building must be completed within twelve (12) months after the commencement of construction except where such completion would be impossible, due to size of project, or doing so would result in undue hardship to the Owner because of strikes, emergencies, or natural calamities, provided, however that the Owner is nonetheless obligated to either diligently pursue completion or removal of the building. R L Rue }e `uoI }do ay} aney Heys }ueaeloea `uoI }eaepap uanpm ssaadxe R8 •uoI }epossy ay} o} uoI }eaeloaa sly} Rq peu6lsse esliway }o saI }Illglsuodsaa pue saannod ay} esloaaxe o} pue paeo8 ay} Jo siaqwew lle enowaa pue }ulodde o} ;Op ay} Sanaasaa }ueaepe ay} `saauMO Mau o} paaaaasuea} al }l} pue plos uaaq aney s }o ay} 4o g; pun •uoI }epossy ay} Jo siegwew ay} }o awn i uofew e Rq pa }Dale aq Heys paeo8 ay1 'saes, (g) aaay} }o wae} e ao} anaas Heys saagwaw He 'aa}}eaaayl •saeaR aaay} pue `onn} 'euo aq Heys paeo8 IeI }Iu! ay} }o saagwaw ay} Jo swag} ay} ley; }daoxe `saeaa (g) aaay} aq Heys aagwaw e }o ma} ayl •s }uawnoop 6ulwano6 s }I y }Inn aouepa000e uI sieqwew ay} itq panoadde aq Rew se aagwnu leuol }Ippe Lions Jo 'saagwaw (c) min }slsuoo Heys uoI }epossy ay} }o „paeo8„ eq) sao }oaJIn 40 111e08 ayl •uoI }eloossy ay} 40 sao }oaala }o paeo8 'E •su6lsse pue saossaoons clay} pue saaum° ay} }o Ile uodn 6ulpulq aq Heys sao }oaala paeo8 ay} Rq ow! paaa }ue JO spew AllnImei Rpadoad ay} o} }oadsaa y }Inn suol}eulwaa }ap pue s}uaweaa6e Hy „s }uawnoop 6ulwano6 snnelRq pue s }uawnoop leuol }ezlue6ao s }I `uoI }eaepea sly} uI papinoad se sao }oaala Jo paeo8 e i(q pa6euew aq Heys uoi }eloossy ay} jo sale}}e pue Rpadoad 'ssaulsnq ay} pue R}aadoad ay} jo aoueua }ulew pue }Uawa6euew eq j •npadoad pue uoI }eloossy 4o }uawadeuelg •Z }uawssasse o} oafgns sI }e} 107 Rue 4o dlysieunno woa} pa }eaedas aq }ou Aew pue o} }ueuapndde aq Heys dlysaagwalnl 107 pea J04 elm auo aq Heys amyl `saagwaw ay} 4o s6ul }aaw pue 6uI }on Jo sesodand and •uoI }epossy ay} }o aagwew e aq Heys }off e }o aauMO Raan3 }ueaepaa Rq pios uaaq aney 9107 ay} }o 0; uaynn uoI }eloossy ay} gsllge}se Heys saawn0 107 au •6ulsoogo alay} Jo R }I }ua le6al aay }o JO uoReposse pa }eaodaooulun 'uoI }eaodaoo e se aay }Ia `uoI }epossy ay} paysllge }se RHewao; aney saaum° pi an pan uoI }eloossy ay} }o *owe pue saamod 's }y6la ay} 4o He aney Heys }ueaepaa •dlysaagwaW uoI }epossy S1HOIU ONI LOA (]NV dIHS2:1381/21/4 NOLLVIOOSSV A 31OI12IV •Rpadoad ay} uo aplsaa oynn sieseyoand }oea }uoo JO s}ueua} sly `Rllwe4 sly }o saagwaw ay} o4 speoj uowwo0 o} }uawiofua }o }y6la s!y 'uol }eloossy ay} }o snneIRB ay} y }Inn aouepa000e uI 'a }e6alap Rew aaunn0 Ruy •asa 4o uoI }epossy ay} 40 uoI }eoalaa •z •suoReln6aa pue salmi pagsHgnd ay} }o suol }eloln ay} ao4 suol }Dues algeuoseaa asodwl o} pue speoj uowwo0 ay} }o asn ay} ao4 `s }Iwll paads 6uwpnpul `suol }eln6aa pue salmi ysllge}sa o} uoI }epossy ay} }o 146p eqi q •y}aoJ }as aa}4eulaaay se s }uawenoadwl le }Ideo J04 s }uawssasse lepeds Rue pue speo uowwoa ay} }o aoueua }ulew pue asn ay} J04 s }uawssasse a geuoseaa a6aeyo o} uoI }epossy ay} 40 146p 81, 11 •e :suolslnoad 6uinnoIIo} ay} o} }oafgns '101 keno o} aim ay} y }Inn ssed Heys pue o} }ueua}andde aq Heys yolynn 'speoj uowwo0 ay} o} pue uI }uawiofue }o }uawasea pue 4y61a ay} aney Heys JOUMO Raan3 1118wnoIu3 4o s}uawase3 ,saaunn0 S1HOI 1 A1b9dO2id Al 3101111V �;))•*1' 1 r-"...1 V u time, to turn over to the Association the total responsibility for electing and removing members of the Board. 4. Authority and Duties. The duties and obligations of the Board and rules governing the conduct of the Association shall be set forth in the governing documents as they may be amended from time to time. 5. Limited Liability of Board of Directors, etc. Members of the Board and their officers, assistant officers, agents and employees acting in good faith on behalf of the Association: a. shall not be liable to the Owners as a result of their activities as such for any mistakes of judgment, negligence or otherwise, except for their own willful misconduct or bad faith; b. shall have no personal liability in contract to an Owner or any other person or entity under any agreement, instrument or transaction entered into by them on behalf of the Association in their capacity as such; c. shall have no personal liability in tort to any Owner or any person or entity, except for their own willful misconduct or bad faith; d. shall have no personal liability arising out of the use, misuse or condition of the Property which might in any way be assessed against or imputed to them as a result of or by virtue of their capacity as such. ARTICLE VI COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments. Each Owner of any Lot (with the exception of unsold Lots owned by Declarant) by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to have consented to be subject to these covenants and agrees to pay the Association: a. Annual assessment or charges; and b. Special assessments for capital improvements, such as assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided. A general, continuing lien is hereby imposed on each Lot in the Subdivision for the payment of annual and special assessments imposed on Lots according to this Declaration. In connection with that general lien, all of the annual and special assessments, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon all those Lots on which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees shall also be the personal obligation of the entity or person who was the Owner of such Property at the time when the assessment fell due. 2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Property and for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Roads, to include road maintenance, Association employees' wages, mailing costs and other related expenses incurred on behalf of the Association. R •10 luawuopuege JO spew uowwoa au; }o esn -uou Aq ulaaay papinoad 51uawssasse ay1 Jo} A ;111ge1! adeose 9S!MJ9100 JO an!eM Aew aauMp oN •olaaaL1 a ;npe ;s lueweoeldea JO Josseoons Aue pue "bas •S'M o; luensind 6ulwoAM u! pasopeJoO ewe ales to 1eMOd ql!M se6e6pow ale;se lea./ se aauuew awes ail; w Apadoid eq ;sule6e ue!! eq4 esoloeaoj. JO 'ewes ay; Aed 0; pale6ilgo AlleuosJed aauMp ay ;su!e6e Mel 12 uo1loe ue 6uuq Aew uol ;eloossy agi •wnuue wed (0/ ;ueoaed uaa}ji} to a ;ea ay; ;e ;sere ;ul aeeq Heys amp anp ay; jells sAep (0E) A3i!q; my ;!M pled ;ou ;uawssasse Auy •uo11el3OSSy 910 JO seipawaj :s ;uewssessy l0 ;uewAed -uoN ;O paj3 •9 'pled ueeq eneq pagloeds e uo s ;uawssasse eq; Jainaqm gpoo 6u!fes uol ;eloossy eq; Jeoll,}o ue Aq peu6ls aleogpeo e yslwn; 'e6aego algeuoseaa e ao; pue puewap uodn '/lays uoi ;eloossy agi •pieog ay; Aq pegslige ;se aq !legs se ;ep anp eqi •olaaaq; ;oafgns aauMp /Gene o; was eq !legs ;uawssasse lenuue ay; to aol;ou ua ;l!JM •poped ;uawssasse lenuue pea ;o aouenpe u! sAep (0£) Amin ;seal le ;0 pea ;sule6e ;uawssasse lenuue ay; ;unowe ay; xg !legs paeo8 eqi 'ma/( aepualeo eq; u! 6ululewea sq ;uow Jegwnu ay; o; 6ulpa000e pa;snfpe aq !legs JapeJaq; pasegoind s ;o! io} ;uawssasse lenuue lsJIJ aqi •10 lsJg 84f Jo eoue/(anuo0 aq; 6uiMollo; y ;uow ay; }o Aep ;sJi ay; uo ;uawssasse o; ;oafgns 910 ile o; se aouawwoo !legs ulaaay woo papinoad s ;uawssasse lenuue aLii 'soma ana :s;uawssassy lenuuy;o ;uawaouewwoa a ;ea 'L •pupj Aug s ;uawssasse Aed o; peJ!nbeJ ao passesse eq lou !legs lueaepaa ay; Aq pawMO 9101 •pieo3 ay; Aq peulwaa ;ep se slseq olpoued aay ;o .ao lenuue 'AIq ;uow a uo p9;381103 eq Aew pue s ;O lie JO0 amen waol!un a ;e paxg eq ;snw s ;uawssasse lepeds pue lenuue ay; y ;o8 •luewssessy jo eleJ wao;Iua •9 '6ul ;aaw 6ulpeoeid agl 6u!Mollo; sAep (09) Alxls ueq; aaow play aq !legs 6ul ;eew ;uanbasgns Lions oN •6ul ;aaw 6ulpeoeid ey ;1e wnaonb peJ!nbaa ay; 10 (Z,q) }ley -auo eq !legs 6ul ;aaw ;uanbasgns ay; 12 wn.ionb paJlnbaa ay; pue 'luewoi!nbaa a3!lou awes ay; o; ;oafgns palieo eq Aew 6ul ;aaw Ja(loue ;uesa id 1ou sl wnaonb paalnbw ay ;1! •wnaonb a aln}l;suoo !legs digsaagwew ay; }o salon ay; Ile 40 %09) viewed A1xls 1523 0; se1ll ;ua seixad to JO saagwaw }o eoueseid ay; 'pelleo 6ullaaw Lions ;Sall ag; ;y `6ulleew ay; ;o aouenpe Li! sAep (09) A;xls ueg; aaow JOU sAep (0E) API!; uey! ssal ;ou saagwaw ile o; was aq 11eys elope s!y; 40 17 JO C su0039S aapun pezpoy;ne uoI ;32 Aug 6upie; }0 esodand e41 ao4 pelle3 6ul1aaw Aue 4o sa3llou ual ;lpM pue E suo11Oas aapun pezlaoy;ny uoll9y Auy ao4 wnaonO pue a31;oN •g •esodand sly; pa1123 Alnp 6ul ;aaw e ;e Axoad Aq JO uosaad ul 6u!lon eie 0(M sieqwew ayl 40 WO 4ley -auo ;seal ;e 4o wesse ay; aney !lays ;uawssasse Lions Aue leg; papinoad 1 01eaagl pal2lea Apedoad leuosied pue saanlxll 6u!pnpu! 'pea ssa33e pmt.'s pue spew uowwoO all 6u!pnpu! ;uawanoadw! laude° e ao ;uawaO8ideJ ao J!edaa 'uoilonalsuo0aa 'uol4Onalsuoo Aue jo ;Soo all lied ao OIOLiM ul '6u!Aegap esodand 8(l aoj Apo aeaA ley; o; algeolidde !uawssasse Roads a 'aeaA !uawssasse Aue ul 'Anal Aew pue Awogine ay; seq uol ;epossy all 'enoge pezpoy;ne s ;uawssasse lenuue ay; of uollpppe u1 •s ;uawenoaawi le ;!a20 ao; s4UawssasSy lepaaS poled !uawssasse lenuue pea to aouenpe ul sAep (0E) A1aly; ;seal le paeog ay; Aq penadde pue peiedead eq !legs le6pnq lenuue Lions •alewgse sot uo paseq ;Uawssesse lenuue ay; ;o !unowe au; xll pue uol ;eloossy ay; to uolleals!ulwpe pue seo!AJas uowwoa aol alewgse ;e6pnq lenuue ue eiedaad !legs paeo8 941 •leopn8 lenuuy 'E l(1 b 0 La 1 2i 6 9. Priority of the Assessment Lien. Sale or transfer of any Lot or the recording of any mortgage or other lien against any Lot shall not affect the priority of the assessment lien. ARTICLE VII ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS 1. Architectural /site Committee: Organization. There shall be a Architectural /site Committee consisting of the Board as soon as the Board has been organized and is operating. 2. Initial Architectural /site Committee. The initial Architectural /site Committee shall be Neil L. Clark. 3. Architectural /site Committee Duties. No Lot Owner shall construct any Structure on a Lot without the prior approval of all plans for such construction by the Architectural /site Committee. It shall be the duty of the Architectural /site Committee to consider and act upon such proposals for the plans submitted to it from time to time, to adopt Architectural /site Committee rules pursuant to Section 5 of this Article, and to perform such other duties from time to time delegated to it by the Association. 4. Architectural /site Committee: Meetings; Action; Expenses. The Architectural /site Committee shall meet from time to time as necessary to properly perform its duties hereunder. The vote or written consent of a majority of its members shall constitute an act by the Architectural /site Committee unless the unanimous decision of its members is otherwise required by this Declaration. The Architectural /site Committee shall keep and maintain a record of all action from time to time taken by the Architectural /site Committee at such meetings or otherwise. Unless authorized by the Association, the members of the Architectural /site Committee shall not receive any compensation for services rendered. All members shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by them in connection with the performance of any Architectural /site Committee function. 5. Architectural /site Committee Rules. The Architectural /site Committee may, from time to time, and in its sole discretion, adopt, amend, and repeal by unanimous vote, rules and regulations, to be known as "Architectural /site Committee Rules A copy of the Architectural /site Committee rules, as they may from time to time be adopted, amended or repealed, certified by any member of the Architectural /site Committee, and shall have the same force and effect as if they were part of he Covenants. The Architectural /site Committee may record the same if deemed necessary. 6. Non Waiver. The approval by the Architectural /site Committee of any plans, drawings or specifications for any work done or proposed, or in connection with any other matter requiring the approval of the Architectural /site Committee under the Covenants, shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of any right to withhold approval as to any similar plan, drawing, specification or matter whenever subsequently or additionally submitted for approval. 7. Liability. Neither the Architectural /site Committee nor any member thereof shall be liable to the Association or to any Owner or project committee for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of (a) the approval of any plans, drawings and specifications, whether or not defective, (b) the construction or performance of any work, whether or not pursuant to approved plans, drawings and specifications, (c) the development, or manner of development, of any property within I lie uo sa141n140e a0ueue }ulew pue lenowaJ MOUS Job apinoJd pue JledaJ 'Ule4ulew lleus `sai4ylglsuods9J }Jed se `pieos aul •pieo8 ay} }o I4lllglsuods9J ay} aq !legs peoj MolloH uedsy pue 4Jno3 uosiy 'en!Ja sllfH kuegMeJ4S :speoa uowwoQ ay4 Jo JledaJ Jo/pue 4ueweoeidaJ 'uogeJa }le 'eoueua ;wew sql •eoueua ;uleW leiaue •g }ueJeloaa o} pue 'SJaunnQ 401 Iie 0410U j1 J0 `pezlue6Jo Il 'uo14el0ossy 941 o} paJanllap '6u14uM ul a014ou Aq }UeJeloaa 9114 Aq JO 'a9441wwo3 a}ls /leJn40a41LioJy ay} Aq 'J9UMQ ue Aq aw44 o4 awl} woij pa6uego aq stew ssaappe Lions Aue wig 'JanaMOq papinoad Z1.4E9 AM 'pio }peg 'j x08 Od }e }ueae1Oao 944 04 }l 'JOUMO eq; Aq pawn° uolslnlpgns a(4 ulg4!M 401 Aue }e ueLi4 'JeuMQ ue o} }l 'uor4ezlue6JO s4! uodn 6ug!JM u! 4ueieloea pue sJeunnO ile I}f 4ou pue aUIWJa4ap i(ew uo14eloossy au} se ssaippe Lions 4e 'aa441wwoa a41s /leJn4oa41Li3Jy au4 04 JO U01191OOSSy ail 04 Ii :snno1loo se passaippe 'pledaJd a6e }sod 'flew sa}e4S pa41Un aU4 uI pe4lsodep uaaq seq awes aLi4 J.o Adoo e Ja Ile wog (n) Jnok-I4uaM4 paJan!Iap uaaq ane1 o} peweap aq hays }l 'clew Aq apew sl luanllep 'I!ew Aq Jo ipeuosiad Jag4!8 paJanllap aq 'legs uo14eJeIoaa s!Li} Aq pQJlnbaJ JO pe44iWJad 4uewnoop J91110 JO 9o140u Auy •nJen!Iaa :swawn0oa :seo14oN •A4Illoe} Lions }o siasn pa441wJed aJe '6up{e} Lions jo aw14 9144 4e `oLiM sJauMQ au4 6uowe i(Ilenba papinlp aq !legs Appel uo14eaJOaJ a4en!Jd e sa}n4l4suoo gown s4uaweA0JdWI o} 6ui 1e19J paeMe AU8 }o uo!pod a(4 4844 'JSASMO1 'papinoad 'SJeuMO lie }0 545aJa4UI 9144 4UasaJdaJ 'auole aweu s41 uI 'pus LiOILiM uo14eloossy au; O} AIanlsnloxe penJesaJ ulaJaq 6uleq uo14edlolped JO 416IJ Lions 'uogeuwepuoo Lions 04 6u14elaJ 6ulpaeoojd Aue u! `es!MJaLi40 Jo 'Aped e se a4edInnped o} pa1414ue aq 'legs JeunnO ou pue paeMe Lions }o uo!pod Aue o} poi4l4ua aq Ileus JeUMQ oN •au!WJa48p 'uol4aJ0slp 9105 s4I uI /ew uol4eloossy au} se punj. 4UewdoI9nap au} JO pun}. 6u14eJedo au4 J9Li4!9 ow! pa41SOdep pue uo14eloossy ay4 04 pled aq 11egs uo14euwepuo0 uI paeMe aJI}ua 9144 `ulewop }uaulwa po nag ul aseLio ind 94en!Jd Aq JO ulewop }uaulwa }o 4q6p Aq 'an4e4s Aue .iepun 'esn ollgnd -lsenb Jo ollgnd Aue Jot U8)ie4 9q !legs 'ulaJaLi4 45aJ8}UI Aue JO 'speoll uowwoa }o uo!pod Aue JO lie 'awl} o} awl} woo} JO 'awl} Aue 4e }i •eaJy uowwoa 40 uol}euwapuoa •E •asealaJ JO 90U8,Sanuoo '4uewu6lsse 'J9(SUeJ4 'uo14e6elep Lions ,4o ao14ou a }0 4UeJei0aa aLi4 Aq 6ulpiooaj au} uodn anl}oage `awes 8u} 4d90de'legs uor3eloossy au} pue 'uo14eloossy au} o} }ue.ieloea Aq pasealaJ Jo peitanuoo 'pau6lsse 'paJJaesueJ} 'pe ;e6alep aq stew uol}ejeloaa s!q4 0} }uensand 4ueJel08a ago w pa}san sJ8Mod pue 9}14619 9141.0 lie pue i(uy •sJannod }O 4Uawublssy •papinlpgns JO papinlp aq Aew 401 oN •s4Uawssesse 6ul }oa11oo pue 6ul,nal asodJnd 944 Job }deoxe 40-1 916uls e se awes 914 uol}eJeloaa x114 0} pa4oafgns aq Aew Lions se pue '8419 6ulpllnq pue 401 9uo se meal; aq Je}}eaJau4 Aew s401 pa4epliosuoo Lions •paulgwoo eq i ew Apadoid au} ulg41M 5401 snon61}uoo aJOW JO MI 'uoi4epliosuoa :bul}4llas 401 1. •ea441ww00 e}IS/IeJn4oa41LioJy au} 03 pa431wgns iesodoid Jag }o Aue Jo 'suo14eo141oads s6u!MeJp 'sueld Aue o} 4oedsaJ Li}IM JOUMQ Aue JO uo14eloossy 914 J8811 JO 441M 41nsuoo '04 paJlnbaJ 4ou sI 4nq 'stew }oaiag4 Jaqwew Aue JO `aa4}Iwwoa a}IS/IeJn}oa4t(OJy a(4 '6u!o69JO0 914 }o !4lleJaue6 al; 6u14lwll /t8M Aue Li! 4no1}!M •Li}Imp pooh uI pa408 'wig Aq passessod 96palnnowi Ien1oe 841 Li}IM 'seq Jagwaw Lions 48(44 `JanaMOq 'papinoad '40aJJO0 ale ulaJaLi4 s40eJ. 8144 40U .10 Jan491M 'alo14Jy s1U4 �o 'anoge L uo14oa9 o4 4uensJnd e}eol}gJao e 40 6uli. pue uo14noexe 844 (p) Jo `ApedoJd 8 114 T L4.- 11, iY:cra Cy bb SNOISIAObd 1`d2J3N30 IIIA 310112N 19 ►''f ri 01 8 roadways. The maintenance, repair and replacement of all improvements on each Lot shall be the responsibility of the Owner of such lot. ARTICLE IX ENFORCEMENT, DURATION AND AMENDMENT 1. Enforcement. The Association, or any Owner, shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Association or by any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 2. Duration of Restrictions. All of the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Declaration shall continue to remain in full force and effect at all times against the Property and the Owners thereof, subject to the right of amendment or modification provided for in this Article, for a term of twenty (20) years, after which time they shall automatically be extended for successive periods of twenty (20) years. 3. Amendment. This declaration may be amended during the first twenty (20) year period by an instrument in writing signed by not less than ninety percent (90 of the voting Lot Owners, and thereafter by an instrument in writing signed by not less than seventy -five percent (75 of the Lot Owners, which amendment becomes effective when the instrument is recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Declarant shall have the right, during such time as it owns not less than seven (7) Lots, to amendment or modify this Declaration by an instrument in writing, and all Lots within the Subdivision including those previously sold shall be subject to such modification. Any such amendments shall be duly executed by the Declarant and are effective when recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 4. Annexation. Additional residential property or common area may be annexed to the Property by Declarant at any time, provided only that all of such additional Property and Owners shall be subject to this Declaration. 5. Violation Constitutes Nuisance. Every act or omission, whereby any restriction, condition or covenant in this Declaration set forth, if violated in whole or in part, is declared to be and shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by Declarant or its successors in interest, the Association and /or by any Lot Owner; and such remedies shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive. 6. Construction and Validity of Restrictions. All of said covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in this Declaration shall be construed together, but if it shall at any time be held that any one of the said conditions, covenants of reservations, or any part thereof, is invalid, or for any reason becomes unenforceable, no other condition, covenant, or reservation, or any part thereof shall be thereby affected or impaired; and the Declarant, grantor and grantee, their heirs, successors and assigns, shall be bound by each Article, Section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of this Declaration irrespective of the fact that any Article, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or inoperative or for any reason becomes unenforceable. 7. No Waiver. The failure of the Declarant, the Board or its agents and the Owners to insist, in one or more instances, upon the strict performance of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or restrictions of this Declaration, or to exercise any right or Out to eie)s ollgnd AWN 3 UOVIIIIMU.100 uloauf ao Aiuno3 NM011191013H 6 r virkr on end AINI Y Auedwo0 Allllge1l paiiwii 6ulwoAM B '011 SII!H /JJegMea4S c..a.;.:.r ;b Fvc.4 V 0 tit :salidxe uoissiwwoo AII Teas Ielo144o pue pueq AW ssauljM 6002 /'i37hJ 4o Aep siyl 011 sIIIH AaaagMea4S 4 ae6euev `N-1810 .l IIeN Aq aw eiojaq pa6 lnnowIoe seta luawnilsul 6ulo6aJo4 ay1 N100N11 zIO AiNfO0 ONIINOAM 3O 31V1S •ua}}pM anoge lsa!4 Rai( pue Asp ay} 4o se pelnoexa Alnp aq 04 uolleaeloaa s1g4 pasneo sey lueaeloaa 'AO32I3HM SS3NIIM NI 'eouelsul Jaylo Aue ul suollolalsaa pue suolllpuoo 8144 4o Aue 4o JanleM e aq of pawaap aq lou Reis `ulaaay suollolalsaa pue suolllpuoo 9141 4o suolleloln Aue 00J04U8 of aanlle4 ao eoueosainboe Aue .10 'aalllwwoo u6isep aqi Aq palueJ6 suollolalsaa pue 911.1e1.19AMo 'suolllpuoo soma 4o sluawlsnfpe JO seoueuen Auy •ule eq pauleluoo siueuanoo 944 4o uolleolidde 9140 III sdlyspieq Aaesseoeuun luanald pue saiiino!44Ip (eolloe.ld 9WOOJ9n0 0l JapJO ul suollolalsaa pue suolllpuoo 'siueuanoo 6ulo6a.104 814140 sluawlsnfpe pue saouelJBA aigeuoseal mop Aew `uollaJoslp alos sll ul 'aalilwwo0 alls /Ieanloellyoay 8141 •seouelaen paeo8 814140 }leyaq uo Jo Aq peu6ls Alnp pue 6ul}lann ul passaidxa ssalun °pew ueeq aney of pawaap aq Keys 4oa .1814 uolslnold Aue 4o paeo8 8141 Aq aen1RM ou pue 'goeeiq Lions 4 Jan!BM a pawaap aq lou IIe14s '409,914 1U9U9n00 Aue 40 goeaiq ayi 4o 96p9IMOUM 8 141 g1IM 'aauMO ue WoJ4 luawss9sse Aue 40 luawAed 4o lua6e sll ao paeo8 814) Aq aoueldeooe pue ldla3al ay1 1oa448 pue 80.104 IIn4 ul ulewaa IIe14s uollo!alsaa Jo uolllpuo lueuenoo 'Waal Lions 40 '8Jnln4 8141 ao4 'luawyslnbulleJ a .0 a8n18M a se panalsuoo aq lou Keys 'uolloe Aue alnll4SU1 04 ao aollou Aue aAas 04 Jo `pauleluoo ulaaay uogdo