HomeMy WebLinkAbout871350THE STATE OF WYOMING THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Co FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated: 1 i b State of Wyoming County of Lincoln X371 1)0 SS. LINCOLN C01..1Ni Y CLERK 01 FIT (ILA' 1'L. f f 'ljl AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE BY THE ENTIRETIES PR PAGE_ B00 c -i I, Maybell Bruce, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 157PR on page 38 is recorded a Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed, dated the 20th day of June, 1963 conveys unto James R. Bruce and Maybell Bruce, as Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties the following described property, to -wit: The Southerly 25 feet of Lot 2 of Block 10 to the Townsite of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. ALSO Lot 3 of Block 10 to the Townsite of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, less and except the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded March 11, 1954 in Book 5PR on page 489 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 3. That said James R. Bruce died on the day of Iggq and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 4. That by reason of death of said James R. Bruce and by reason of S 34 -6- 102 of the Wyoming Statutes (amended 1977), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Maybell Bruce continuously since the death of the said decedent. Maybell Bruce The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Maybell Bruce this r` day of tbruA.r j 2001. Notary Public 'I NollV3IALI435S11 11 NO11 r S3SOcItilld 1V101i1O 130i Ad03 31V01 01 1V03111 S1 11 ONIITIViV1 41 p00 lesuo uetumee leruelui eleunxo,dcly tibbl 9L eldY NA AV 03114 3100 'VC ZI 11 91-9 I) 090400 (01-0) Ampuones 10 fueweweo (peletdwoo 9 1 /1 4100S) NO1140003 91 AmisnaNiE10 SS3NIS(18 40 CINDI 'SC 1 pepuawy sb' E96 pensst si /doo oallwao siu ooIln R111.1111 NJ/16A susuiseped .1ci 1913098804 'n3Aup sem wepePeP II 4 08111 e luePPPe epluen mow 11 190 (worm pue Ammo wInoi lo AR '9 9' 0 110 0 09A.10 (o.ds).01..suprq 100 44018 40048 8 A11t1eN130 309131 081010 le Aelfrell A11nrNI 40 3V1Il. 490 oN z 0 sAA '1 0 09 3 weep lo twain 991 01 uonele, ul urnoulUn 01 4)899 14 gene* 99) al empluon lou 000,0 0111930 40 31140 40 NO1310100 0.1 tI011id b031 124114A0 NIONIA A9401.114 veep lo omen Suutpepun 814 sem lin 1139n-N0N 'S ,peep lo asnea 014 al poInquiuon 4)484013 l s1 SID A940/114 9t13, 'SCE IV SVIA -8 00 iNaciaoaa 31.u. AEI 380 0009801 *NO:Nu3C) uhon t4r0e HIV3O 40 03141/0N11913181038 3100 sL1o43141 3SflO1 eJeL0 1 90 1-Ad lla8 99 Prew 9 3311043 ONIAIM1113 '6 90t'8 A00 '0N1 9800 314 nio47.1 '9A0.49 4U2081.4 00A n 4. 01Pelxku weep sem ueunurn1436, se3 00C 4;n0S V6b 919001-18 AJen44ow uido 8ZCZO (mum Ssueo) p0888910110 'eun/N) 311)0)1 10)131114 '00 13381111N 336 1411 H043 110 311300 3110 AtiNO;Ao vocarvo sv Hons 0011A0 30 30014 3F1 1131N3 ION 00 'F11910 3144.0993e0,iv4490( (00814 10410 10 *01131119)0 'ket9uteo 91 OW NOWSOdS10 AO 90014 ALL ,NC11113051SIO 'onoJci (,wk/044D (10 0131)) H1430 ,i4J§,00 OA 49 0 "Pil) 03NOIS 9100 'Pa 1139114311 399391 '010 .eu(l e4) 10 peimono tivel/) 'uo!u!do ALu uolleeuseAu! Jo/pue uoueupexe io sleep 8 41 8 0 Time se giuueui pug (s)esnen (n)4 en enp pue 'eneld pue '8)04 eum 8111 10 pennono toenp 011P(M Ai 8 1 lA3H.LOW 40 3VYVN N30IVI4 131 841.4M (*.dm Anno .9 0 10010 (ipods).0). •eseueder 'Oxfam eq Amu egg° ON .ziy, '911 30011 '91 tai geA ENI01130 11 kA)t03 1303 '0l Aimnvivvoo 110 119)04. W.60 aa6euew lue4si.ssv (Penle1 gen 10N Do 0009001 0)0010 Bu(o*, 8009 4410100 punt 0010) N00440000 ivnsn 3111303030 0' .1 9909 33 0Z5 OfIVOIN mmnoas1V100 0020 6661''31 'JcIV 1 H1V30 AO 1114l1 sclE PA 40 3100 '00 Luuovbau AaiLeA 4e40 189401 03089480)19 (uopeoof esa)me 189)10 9016 W99 9 9 91 9 9 ,0 A1111004 H3H1.0 EIO 31 tonsunN 1011390H 40 311VN '01 oqpI 's6ui.ids epos 1 mall (GIune0 00910410918l99 1 1/0) 30V141111018 '9 98n0111 99 U201 11494. 1 tnorj HALIVIH JO