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I, Avery C. Neill being a person legally competent to enter into contracts, hereby
make, constitute and appoint my wife, Florence C. Neill, of Thayne, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, my true and lawful attorney -in -fact as hereinafter set forth.
I hereby acknowledge and state that this Durable Power of Attorney has been made
and executed in accordance with the provisions of Wyoming Statutes Sections 3 -5 -101 to
3 -5 -103, and in anticipation of infirmity resulting from injury, old age, senility, blindness,
disease or other similar cause.
I further expressly state that this power shall not become ineffective by reason of
any subsequent change in my mental or physical condition including, but not restricted to,
incompetency or disability.
This Durable Power of Attorney shall be effective until my attorney -in -fact has actual
knowledge of my death or until the recording of an instrument of revocation, with a true
copy of this Durable Power of Attorney attached, in the Office of the County Clerk of the
county in which I reside at the time such revocation is filed.
I further declare and stipulate that from and after the date of execution hereof, this
General Power of Attorney, shall be effective without condition or limitation over all
property, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, which I may now own or hereafter
acquire, and wheresoever situated.
`algl6ue ;u! ao alq!6ue; `pups! Aaana Apedoid woa;aaaq; nneapq ;lnn ao u!aaay ;lsodap
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ay; JO Apadoad leuosJed elgl6ue; uo aoueansu! Lions u!e ;u!ew pue ao; Aed `aanooad 'g
•A ;lean o; 6ul ;elan s ;uawna ;su! aaq ;o pue suo! ;oe ;s! ;es 'sasealaa 'sa6e6pow 'spaap
Lions Li ;!M Al ;uaaanouoo Aewo y ;o aannod amino s!q; !moat o; pue `Aaessaoau
saap!suoo ;oeJ- u!- Aewofe Aw go!ynn A;leaa o; 6uRelan s ;uawna ;su! aeq ;o pue
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;oe -u!- Aawo; ;e Aw o; a ;e!adoadde
woos Neils se saoud Lions ;e aw o; 6u!6uolaq JO aweu Aw u! 6u!pue ;s sa!;!anoas
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•s ;uawAed Lions aoJ sa6aegoslp
pue s ;d!aoaa Allen pooh an0 pue 'aw o; 6u!mo pue anp awooaq Aew aa4eaaaq
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:o; aannod ay; 9A814 Ileys ;oe; -u!- Aawo ;e Aw '6u!o6aaoj
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Aw 4o wed ay; aoj ap!Aoad o; A ;laoq ;ne a ;aldwoo ane1 !legs ;oe;- u!- Aewo}}e AIN
•puoq u!e;ulew JO gs!wn; o; paalnbaa aq ;ou !ilm ;oeJ -u!- Aawo ;e
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from safe deposit boxes standing in my name or in the name of my attorney -in -fact
at any bank wherever situated in which I shall at any time have a safe deposit box
registered in my name or in the name of my attorney -in -fact.
8. Sign in my name checks on all accounts standing in my name, and to withdraw
funds from said accounts; to open accounts in my name or in the name of my
attorney -in- fact.
9. Assign and convey real and personal property which I may now own or hereafter
acquire into any living trust created by me; any such property to be held,
administered and distributed pursuant to the terms thereof.
10. Make such payments and expenditures as may be necessary in connection with
any of the foregoing matters or with the administration of my affairs.
11. Retain counsel and attorneys on my behalf; to appear for me in all actions and
proceedings to which I may be a party in the courts of the State of Wyoming or any
other state in the United States, in the United States courts; to commence actions
and proceedings in my name if necessary; and to sign and verify in my name all
complaints, petitions, answers and other pleadings of every description.
12. Make and verify income tax returns, and to represent me in all income tax matters
before any office of the Internal Revenue Service, within the limitations of the
applicable Revenue Rulings and Procedures.
13. Act as trustee for any trust for which I am the duly appointed and acting trustee
under any trust agreement or other document.
My attorney -in -fact shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses
incurred in the performance of her duties and to a reasonable compensation for services
rendered hereunder, payable out of my income and assets. My attorney -in -fact shall be
required to account to me or my legal representative only when requested in writing to do
so by myself or my legal representative.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as of this 8th day of
February, 2001.
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