HomeMy WebLinkAbout871494se uosaad ewes ay} s! `y }eaa }o a }eo!}.!}aa0 }o Adoo payoe }e ay} u! pauo! }uew }uapeoap
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Lawana Leavitt named as one of the grantees in that certain Warranty Deed dated the 19
day of April, 1965, executed by C. E. Leavitt aka Charles E. Leavitt, and Inda D. Leavitt,
husband and wife, grantors, to C. Davis Leavitt and Lawana Leavitt, husband and wife, by
the entireties, grantees, recorded December 17, 1968, as Instrument No. 412319 in Book
85 PR, page 159, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the
following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit:
The North half of the NE1 /4NW1/4 and the NW1 /4NW1/4 of Section 21,
T32N, R119W of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, with right to travel
the Dip Hollow Road.
That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as C. Davis Leavitt,
named as one of the grantees in the above described Warranty Deed, that he and Lawana
Leavitt were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of the Warranty
Deed described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of Lawana Leavitt,
named in said conveyance, the undersigned, C. Davis Leavitt, became on August 31,
2000, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the owner of the lands or the
owner of any interest of Lawana Leavitt in the lands described in the foregoing, subject to
any then existing liens and encumbrances.
3. That Lawana Barnes Leavitt aka Lawana B. Leavitt and Lawana Leavitt, the
decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, is the same person as
Lawana Leavitt named as one of the grantees in that certain Quitclaim Deed dated the 6th
day of March, 1991, executed by Coy D. Leavitt, a single man, grantor, to C. Davis Leavitt
and Lawana Leavitt, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as
tenants in common, grantees, recorded May 24, 1993, as Instrument No. 765228 in Book
329 of PR, page 258, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the
following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the NW1 /4SE1/4 of Section 16, T32N,
R119W of the 6 P.M., Wyoming, and running thence West 80 rods, thence
Southwesterly 100 rods in a direct line toward the Southwest Corner of said
Section 16, thence North 27 rods, thence Northeasterly 100 rods to a point
which is 53 rods South of the center of said Section 16, thence East 80 rods,
thence South 27 rods to the place of beginning, containing 37 acres, more or
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tracts of land:
1.003 'Aaenuer to Aep pi ay} a31da
•seoueagwnoue pue sue!! 6u!lsixa uayl Aue
o} loafgns `6uio6eaol ay} U! peqposep spue! ay} u! }T!neaq euenne l0 lseaalui Aue l0 JOUMO
ay} ao spue! ay} to JOUMO ay} 'Tuepeoep peuoi}ueweaole ay} to yleep ay} l0 elep ay} 'OOOZ
‘1,E 1sn6ny uo aweoeq 'llinee1 sinew •a 'peu6isaapun ay} `eoueAe/ uoo pies ui peweu
'lTinee eueme1 to esnods pue lueueloo 6uinwns ay} se leg; pue 'onoqe pequosep pea
w!epllno ay} to 6uipaooaa pue uoiTnoexa ay} to awil ay} le aline pue pueqsnq amen l }inea1
euennei pue ay Tegl 'paaa w!eIoTinO pegiaosep -anoge ay} ui saa}uea6 au} to euo se peweu
'Tlinee sinew •a se uosaed leoITuep! awes eq} si lueiue peu6isaapun ay} ley!
6u!paooe `gZg a6ed `bd to lli )1008 u! '9L61. '61. aagweoea pepaooea pue
'9L61. 'Z1. i(eW pelep paea AlueaaeM e Aq 'alien pue pueqsnq inea1 euennel
pue sinew •a o} 'ao}uea6 1p/teal •a Aoa i(q pe/S AUoo pue to Tow;
one 03 leUT 6uia8) •ssa! JO aaow 'same 0Z 6uiuieluoo `6uiuui6eq to luiod
ay} 01 Pei L991. lSe3 o Z9 y ON aouay} `1334 91.ti ylaoN eoueq Taal L99'1.
;s9 o39 y }nog aouay} `Taal L 1.Z lsem eouogl `Taal 914' y }nos 'eouayl 'Taal
LI.Z Tse3 aouay} 6uiuuna '6uiwoAM `•W•d 41 9 aul 40 M61.611 `NZEI `91. u0Roas
40 aaluaa ay} to Limos Taal 8 pue spoa 179 Si go!gm Tuiod e }e 6u!uu!6a8
:3 •oN uoi }deox3
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'3 aegwanoN pineal •a A03 o} `uewonn 916u!s e '1 pnee-I •a epui Aq ueA!6
peen Alueaaef e ui ao}uea6 ow, own panaasaa pue peTdeoxe pue to }Deal woe
t V9 ley} 6uia8) •sluawenoadw! pue s }y6u aa}enn tam aayle6ol 'ssa! JO aaow
'same t,i,•9 l0 6uilsisuoo pue to }Deal e 6uiaq `6uiuui6aq to aoeld ayT of `sso
JO aaow `Teal 939 y }nos eouayl !au!! aouay 6ui}sixe pue peoj uangny -uoTly
ay} to /(enn- to -Ty6ia ay} to kepunoq }se( et'} o} `ssei JO aaow 'Taal 909 }sea
aouay; 'auei 6uilsixe ail l0 a6pa ylnog ay} of `ssal JO aaow Taal 839 y1oN
aouay} 'Taal 909 }saM aouay} 6u!uuna pue '6u!woAM `•W•d 41 9 ayl to m61, pd
`NZEU `91. uo!Toas to ti/1.3S17/1.MN oyl 40 aauaoa }seat' }nog ay} le 6uiuui6a8
•oN uoildeox3
Li a
C. Davis Leavitt
Subscribed and sworn to by C. Davis Leavitt, before me this 3/g day of January,
Witness my hand and official seal.
County of 4y1: State of
Lincoln Wyoming
My Commission Expires 2/26/2004
My commission expires: February 26, 2004.
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