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COUNTY OF PRINCESS ANN The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Michael Peter Tillotson this qi day of 2001. ,...,:Witness my hand and official seal. l 't MA dorrimission expires: AA i \t-t- W cov-146 Thl kl k)ctvc 2 598 OTARY PU LIC Z 3o' ab •supuuTSaq 3o 1 ,3 oa ase1 ao asom 'lea; ooz g3nos aoua3 0£Z 39pg aoueg3 :3ae3 OOZ glaoI aouag3 :laa3 0£Z lsaM 93 u 91 13 2uTuuna pus 'SuTmoiCM •IZ•d qa9 '3sabi 611 92u '1141oN (Z£) dpgsutol `(1Z) au0- .C3uariz uop oag 3o MM) .aiapnb 3spag3aoN aql 3o aalipnb asammaoN aqp 3o aeuao0 3speg3nos ,age 3o 3saM Haag 99+i auTod p an 2UTUUT2ag uoTpdaoxg •asupa pus dTgsumoa.' piss 3o TZ uoT3oag uT SuTaq pupl 30 Taoasd pTBs '2uTuuT2aq 3o 3uTod agp gaa3 gsg ao3 a oo 901191 !lee; 90 3 2100006S aOUagT :4993 958 103 M,0000S aouagl °laa3 8L1 103 M100006S aouag3 SuTUUna pup '2uTmo1CM ''I4'd 1 149 91 13 30 lsaM 6TT aura 'glaoN Z£ dTgsutoy 'ZZ Pup `TZ `91 `ST suoTaoag oa uommoo aauaoo aq3 go glnos 3aa3 TZZ pup 3saM Taa3 OZ£T sT 4OTgM leTod s s 2uTuuammo0 :Iqp uo pdaoxa :pup' 3o sa0s21 pagTaosap SuTMOI'o3 aq2 mot ;aaagp SuTudaoxa 'SuTmoAM ''Id'd 1 429 'M 6TT I 'm Z£ Z 1Z uoTazag 30 7.1a0imm 1010igtsVIS Teoapa •2uTuuT2aq 3o auTod 9111 0a 91 uopoag pTss 3o aauaoo asaMg3nos age o; uoTloaaTp LTaalsaMgWnog s uT.aouag3 'spot Og g�aoN aouagl 'spot 09T 3sp2 aouag3 2uTuuna pus 'SuTmoICM `'IW'd 1139 `M 6TT 2I 'N Z£ 1 `91 uoT3oas 3o aauaoo 3saMq3nog aq3 3s SuTuuTSag srioTTo3 sp pagTaosap pup' 3o 3opa3 s 'OS'IH Puy '2uTuuT2aq 3o 2uTod aq3 o3 3983 OL47 lsaM aouag1 '3993 991 g3noS aouag3 1 3993 0L+7 3sva aouaga 'Tea; 881 g3aoN aouegl SuTuuna pup '2uTmolCM ''Ica 1 149 `M 61T 11 `N Z£ 1 `91 uoTloaS 3o VPIHN 9113 3o aauaoo asaMganog aqa 3o glaoN pot (I) auo pup 3spg Laa3 6ZZ sT goTgM luTod 312 2uTuuTSag :puw 3o 3opal pagTaosap 2uTMOITo3 aqa moagaaagl SuTpdaoxa '2uTmom ''W cI qq9 `M 6T1 2I 'N Z£ 1 '9T uoTloag 3o y age. 3o spot LT 44noS 91 11 :z1 Taoapa •suTmoiCM "Iva 1 1 1 9 'M 611 2i 'N Z£ 1 'ST uoTlo99 3o Ylms'ipN Ella 3o spot LT g4nog aq1 :j j Taoapd :OS'I' puv 'rcttt raq 3o Rod RI 0; 1 ZYLII 1s9/16, ootrzp :3aa; IL'8OZ tint OS aoualp :P ZI asu aouatjl P� r$tTrLTiOIi� `�iltxnoD utoout :lag; IL'80Z t 1ON aouatj2 814=11 L�Id q 9 aqf Jo At6I I?I IZZ£.L `9i uoPoaS do ti as Yi 9101 JO 1au100 2sanati torj atii go Isza 129J ILTOZ Pm! mnos spot £S Rod It n 8I trrr ag OSIV •&rmxY$aq go lujod at0 of ma; IL'80Z lsaAS. aouat0, :Po; IL'80Z PIGS 0 ou 7 9 !302J TL'80Z ism aouatix :390; IL'80Z tplo/%j aotraip &utuutu Pug 9T uotlooS pras Jo %LEIS aN ail Jo latuoo 130nMIoN p no spot fiS 8uluut8ag :snaojjog sa paquosap iSjtsinop d mow Sup:go/im diclunoo ujoourl •Y,�j• j t3g mil Jo /ARM NZ£.L '9T uopoas and 66! 11'111 J,ISIHXS ,A) Li keLe4C1 U V 41h. 1 L) Exhibit "A" continued Exception #3: Beginning at a point 811 feet West of. the Southeast Corner of the NANE of Section 21, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence West 641 feet, thence North 204 feet, thence East 641 feet, thence South 204 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Exception #4: Beginning at the NE Corner of the NW'NE of Section 21, T32N, R119W, thence West 470.0 feet; thence South 618 feet, thence East 292 feet, thence North 400 feet; thence East 178 feet; thence North 218 feet to the point of beginning. Exception #5: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NANE of Section 21, Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, and running thence West 383 feet; thence North- westerly along the East bank of the irrigation canal 698 feet; thence East 277 feet; thence South 467 feet; thence East 178 feet; thence South 231 feet to the point of beginning. Being a parcel of land in said Section 21, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, and containing five (5) acres, more or less. Together Vbith all improvements located thereon and all water rights and oil, gas, and mineral rights associated with the described lands being conveyed hereby. Subject to all easements, reservations, and rights of way of sight or record. 600 A.11 7 IL F 'a