HomeMy WebLinkAbout871567JO ueld tons 1 kLeg} 6uunp eildxa 3o 9Ieu1w391 ;ou !legs 99091 sly} pue 'luewea36e 3o ueld tons to spuewaJlnba puewdoieAep pue Bu!Hup e44 44!m eoueil woo Aq pays! ;es eq Heys 'pelldw! 3o ssaidxe 'eseal sly; to s;uawennbei ;uewdolanap pub Bump He 'AUeInolued `pue uo!4eiedo 30 luowdoienep to ueld ;pun 3o anlewadoo3 peroxide tons #o suo!s!nad pue 'suo! ;lpuoo 'stump atj} o} w.o }woo o; ppeegipow peweep aq 118118 95091 S14110 suolslnoid pue suo! }!puoo 'sun 944 'wane yaps u! 'pue ;uew9a3603o ueld tons Aue a ;eu!wJa 3o 96U8110 41!pow o}'Ienadde am 4 }!m'9wg o; ew!p wag 'pue A;uoy ;ne plum wano6 Aue Aq penadde uo!} eaado Jo ;uewdo!anap ;o ueid pun Jo and ;eJed000 a o ;u! 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Aew pun Ruy ;iun ayy; equosep pegs uoge30pap yot4m `U010WJ0l03 JO uogezi ;iun tons 10 uo!;empep a Nom o Bully pue Bu!lnoex9 eessai Aq paysildw000e eq 'legs pun Aue 10 6u!wiojei 3o 6upuol 041 •suol;ewJoo Buronpoid; uou tons apnpxe o} pewio }ai eq Aew 'se6 301!0 6upnpad;ou uol48wJo} apnpul o; pewiol AlsnolnaJd spun 'ewer) •seseai JO amp 'pue! 3aylo tons 04 }badge.' 44lm sts!x0 sly; o; 3e!w!s Apuotpne 39 }a im 1 en pue 'os op o; anew/Ts JO Aiesseoeu s! 41 puew5pni s,easse u! yolym'loupe l0 uogonpoidd 941 301 Alateiedes 3o se6 pue pop uolpnpad ay; 301 A41U13!A ele!peww! 94; U! seseai JO 99091 pue! Jett o 411m 99891 sly} Aq pe3enoo 91e 1s9 Ieieu!w 941 pue 918159 pp,ogaseal ay; ail }iun 3o food o;'3apunaieq suogew3o1 atop a1ow Jo auo Aue o) se pue u!a3e4 paquosap pue)t 94) to lied Aue 3o 11? ()Ise 'uoponpad Jape 3o eiolaq J944!a ;y6u Buumpe3 a se aw9 04 awl; wal pue awl} Aue 18 3em0d pue 4443u 944 uorpu Agway s! 'uo!}do s4! 10 'eessei ZI. •3MUmo pioyesea! 3a ;o Aue }o uoiss!wo 3o pe Aue Sol el eti eq Heys 3GUm0 p!oyaseal ou 'pau6lsse s! 9!4)10 pied Aue 3o lie 11 uols!A!p tons Aue o; pJe6ai ;not }!m pa4onpuo0 eq Aew suo! ;eJedo s eesse !le pue `099991 to s ;y6u 94) 4s!u!w!p 3o suo!ieBllgo 941 ammo o; elejado Heys pue! pies 10 slowed 3o suo11.10d 1u8J9111 o; se d14sieumo s,tossel 10 uolsln!p am; Jo ;uesaJd oN •eessal uo Bulpu!q eq pegs 'en!pni ;suoo Jo lenpe uey ;gym eogou 10 pulp .19440 oN •apew 3941093014; s4uOWAed o} padsei 411m Aluo uey; pue 3oss91 WW1 egg p10391 to U!8113 eieldwoo e 4s!1ge499 0; Aiesseoeu uol ;ewao }u! lay ;0 pue s;u9wnoop ,io s;uawnJ;sul pep iooaJ H0 }o satdoo peyt}iao }o Bu! }s!suoo '001 1ou y ;!nrt pagslwnn wag say 099891 !gun 099991 uo 6utputq eq !lays (eswua }o 3o }uawuBlsse Aqj }Sala ;u! s,.Josse 1 dlysiaumo u! (Bueyo oN lied .10 9104M U1 par llsse eq Aeui 39punaJetl_a98sa1 pue 3ossal }o s ;4611 ail 1.1. B6ulseo anawe3 pue mew 0 ;14Bu ay} Bulpnpu! 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Ham 93119 pound 94; 6uunp 9sea19!t ;10 amp A3esianluue 94) atom 3o uo Agleam); pue u! plus 91 Ham 93ns 9481, ay; wail sAep 0610 uo14eJ!dxe 94138U8 6utnsue pm 9sea1 914310 e;ep AJBSJen1UUe ay; eioleq 3o uo spew aq 01 .apue4 3o 4uewAed 43119 '3apum:mey pOul84e3 9138 A4IoAa par Sad 3e9A Jed 301130 arcs sJeumo A;Ie a 94; 04 A31eA0J se 3apuel 30 Aed Aew gasser) 'peen 3o plos;ou s! se6 6upnpoid 10 elgede° Ilam 0 wog se6 eJe4M •1' '9183 ta)uew 6w!tenaad 041, }e A141uow eigeAed 'Ham et310 (mow gyp 1e 'spaa30Jd e4410 (t ;w) y; 6!e -auo 10 A4IeAa 8 pnpad Jaypo Aue 30 0ugose° 0 ampelnuew 94; ua Jo sestweid 944 J10 pasn pue Ham 110 Aue wo.t1 peonpad se8 .J01.10889 Aed of Tic se6 J01940319pJew Bu flettoid 914440 W ;row algeAed '(419/i) 4146'e-imp A118Aa 0 eullose610 am}oelnuew 04; UI pasn 1! pub 'sesiwaJd 941 go pasn 6u!eq si ewes an a1ym 'punol s! 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S1144 4 p99360 s! 11 •1• *seal 3o slow 'sane $9 Bu!ule ;woo pue '3 3N3213d321 SIHI A9 d03213H 12IVd V 30VW ONy 0132l3H 03H3y11V „y„ 119IHX3 339 091V 9 pue 'L '9 slot :tip uoipeg `71( 30dd li fy+(1 61 nab h 913'1 I i no1103 l /LJ 1. 9 C''E7 W u ,9 aye �o Isom 91 l ObUed 'ypoN ZZ opysuMoi ;!m -01 'smog 01 se paquosap 'BulwoAM 0 elms up3u!l 10 Apuno3 944 u! paten ;ls pue! 10 43934 u!e4aa3 494) 110 'spnpad pies 1 9380 ape) pue aney 03npad.op 000J944 99^4311119 }}0 impale pus 'sewn odld 6u!Ae' 101 sluawasee pue Aem to 914611 41,m 'pup! 3o eJn4eU 3anaos4e4m to (se6 w80s woo 6u!pnput) se6 pus Ito W01191044 6u!onpad pus.1016ulleJedo pue'spoU4aw 30410 pue IeolsAtdoe6 Aq Buuoldxa 'Bu!ulw 10 esodind' 044 t u anlsnpxa 943 43!m paquosap 3ageu!e1a4 pull 944 'gasser! p!es 094 own Alanlsnpxa ;e) pue 9500( 'eslwap '4u03 seop spueseJd 9994) Aq pue '491 pue penal 'peslwep 'palue36 se4 'peule ;uo3 39seu19394 4ueweeJ68 pue s4ueuanoo 944 pue 'peepelmoupoe Agway s! 40!4m 10 ;d!9301 043 'Pled Huey u! 4803 S21t/1100 83ow pue U01 1 uogeJap!suoo u! pue 301 '3ossel 01 411 0 41 H13SS3N1IM :09ss0 p9►le0 3euetuare4 $99L sexy 1 'sellsf] O87. a)!fl 'peoH eu11410A 99 g 91 ss03ppe 001440 woo H "Ill asoy ON!H At 1 1 �"�o-� 011 set X110 pue (aloes 30 9110 3a4494m) paHeO 3a14ewa1at o" 71 tr t 411 F oR IIM '.19.19111L119)1 99 xo 'OA sl native 931413 sod 9834^ r 1 AVVa 9 101 0 9s pue etos 914 Ul eu!!eap UM p u3ew a 938A0 0 9391` ueem)eq pue Aq 1.002 A30n1ged 10 Aep U19 04; 9144 0 414! p03a4ua Pile °Pen IN30133NOV 1`I�> ,,..1.fJflc '::f �..1t: ;)��f_) 3Sd31 svo aNv To (.a::1,"t1::; 3 t;l d(1 aldd Sa3onaoad agreement. In the event that said above described lands or any part thereof, shall hereafter be operated under any such cooperative or unit plan of development or operation whereby the production therefrom is allocated to different portions of the land covered by said plan, then the production allocated to any particular tract of land shall, for the purpose of computing the royalties to be paid hereunder to Lessor, be regarded as having been produced from the particular tract of land to which it is allocated and not to any other tract of land; and the royalty payments to be made hereunder to Lessor shall be based upon production only as so allocated. Lessor shall formally express Lessor's consent to any cooperative or unit plan of development or operation adopted by Lessee and approved by any governmental agency by executing the same upon request of Lessee. 13. All express or implied covenants of this lease shall be subject to all Federal and State Laws, Executive Orders, Rules or Regulations, and this lease shall not be terminated, in whole or in part nor Lessee held liable in damages, for failure fo comply therewith, if compliance is prevented by, or if such failure is the result of, any such Law, Order, Rule or Regulation. 14. Lessor hereby (Lessor makes no warranty of title express, or implied) agrees that the Lessee shall have the right at any time to redeem for Lessor, by payment, any mortgages, taxes or other liens on the above described lands, in the event of default of payment by Lessor and be subrogated to the rights of the holder thereof, and the undersigned Lessors, for themselves and their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby surrender and release all right of dower and homestead in the premises described herein, insofar as said right of dower and homestead may in any way affect the purposes for which this lease is made, as recited herein. 15. Should any one or more of the parties hereinabove named as Lessor fail to execute this lease, it shall nevertheless be binding upon all such parties who do execute it as Lessor. The word "Lessor," as used in this lease shall mean any one or more or all of the parties who execute this lease as Lessor. All the provisions of this lease shall be binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of Lessor and Lessee. This lease may be signed in counterparts, each to have the same effect as the original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we sign the day and year first above written. 5 6:4 9657 SS# STATE OF 7) COUNTY OF, BEFOf -ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for s id County and tate, on tbis /3 ate day o 'Ai ,r ,c 2001, personally appeared, P,9 C, 1-k t to me known to be the identical person described in and who executed thf vlthin and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that Ai/ duly executed the same as <!-r& free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes` ein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix my notarial seal the day and year last above STATE OF COUNTY OF written. STATE OF COUNTY OF written. it C-4 it s$. }ss. )ss. 648 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Jere C. Kov a mamed man dealing in his sole and separate property ENFE IFLOY'I?,,,t4.0 iA! `l "ounly 01 IE Lii1(1.0 t}iYti111SSi )tl Expire" ii My ommission Expires: Notary lic. My Commission Expires: Notary Public. My Commission 'Expires: Notary Public. 4 BEFORE ME the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on the day of 2001, personally appeared and to me known to be the identical person described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that duly executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above On this day of 2001, before me personally appeared to me personally cT who, being by me duly swom, did say that he is the of and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said acknowledged said instrument to be free act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above •.1ossai go A4aadwd alos ay} awooaq Heys 'eoeid u! 4491 4! pue `sa.1!nba.1 losse se `aoeld u! ual .10 61 44p u!MOilol panowei aq Heys s4a9nln0 a41 •as.1noo 1a 4eM .1O aalnoo ay} y no.1 Ja }enn 4o Mo14 awl ay} ao4 palle4su! eq Heys uo!40n14suoo pue ems 4ua!o!44ns to spenlno uey4 `esmoo .194eM 10 aalnoo Aue ss000e spew .1o4 pasn IH4 Aue s! 3.1944 gI d :Heys aessoi `Hann }sal a l0 6uHiup 04 Jopd 'Hann 1594 8 l0 61/1111ip 914 y }inn panlonu! 51044ew aoelans pue teaau!w `1a48M '04 pa41w!l Aiaessa3eu 4ou }nq 04 6ululeped sa!ou06e 4uewwaAo6 Aq pa.1!nbeJ slenoadde A.1o4eln6a.1.10 s4!w1ed `sesueoi A.1esseoeu Ile `suo!4eJedo 6u!II!.1p Aue 40 }uawaouawwoo 944 0 }.1o!.1d `a.1!nboe Heys aasse 06 •Noo4san!I 04 88900e .1!94143!a4saa 04 se os suo!48He4su! puno.ie 'tiessaoau 1! 'spaen6 914480 pue 6ulouel e4enbape `4senba.1 s, .1osse- 1e IIe4sui o} saaa6e pue `.10uuew a)l!Iuew)ponn pue poo6 a u! suo!4elie4su! aoel.1ns u!e }u!ew IIegs osle eassai •sa!4 uo!40npad He o4 4uaoefpe 10 punae pue u! lw4uoo paaM.1adwd as!oiexa o} saa168 aassa1 'sown JO Hann 6u!onpoid e go 11nsa1 e se sas!weid a u0 suo!48.1ado panu!4uoo g0 wane 944 tit wa4sAs .1apjupds pea4.1ano ue to a6e18noo 914 ul411M spuei Aue uo .1e9A 14083 44 0£ .1agwa4deg pue 6 I!.1dy uaaM4aq J08891 9(44 l 4uasUOO ua44!1M .1o!ad 944 4no44!M suo! }eaado J9AO)jJOM .10 'uogeldwoo -a1 ulllup Aue 40npuo0 10 eouawwoO 4ou 118ys 0assai •g •lenwdde Lions 6u!u!e4go o} .1o4d eouewwoo )I1oMpip A.1o4e.1eda.1d .10 6u!H!.1 Heys aseo ou ul •plegg4Inn Algeuoseaaun aq 4ou Heys lenwdde Lions }ueweoeld pew ssaooe pue uo!48301 0!1!0ads 844 ao4 1ossei 944 go lenwdde 944 p8u!e)go pue `uol4eoo 944 wag pub o4 pea ssaooe ay} .104 a4nw ay} pue 'uol48001 a4!s11aM pasodwd 9144 'Aa4ua JO a48p a ;ew!xwdde 3 144 to Jossa o} uo!4e0y!4ou ua44!1M uan!6 seq aessal 'gun ses!waad 99881 914} uo suo!}eaado 6u!H!Jp 8Ouewwo0 4ou Heys eassai •A dde Heys }!wH !4 aw apaog !yn s 041 Janay0n ua44 `uo! }0!ps!anf pue A4!aoy4ne Lions bu!neq Aoua6e Ie}uawwano6 a01440ue 10 uo!ss!WWoa uo!4enuasuo9 seo pue Hp 6u!woAM 941 Aq anoge 44aol }as u8144 4!Wu!I aw!4 .1apaogs e u! pajaldwoo aq o4 pa.1!nba.1 9.18 suo!48.1ado anoge 944 wane 944 uI •o 1o!.1d a s!xa a sdwo JO se sse .16 a pan! ssalus `suo! }eaado 9 l P 4 144 A4 Li4go 1s!suo011eys 6wpaas -ald •pauopuege s! Hann 819418 sAep (on) A4uann4 paipunq auo u!y }Inn algeo!40ead se Alaeau se suol48aado o} .oud punol uo!4!puoo 9144 0} sas!weid 914} a104sa1 o} seei6e iegpnj aassa1 •paseal uleaaq pue 9141 uo suo!4eaado s,aassa go aswno0 944 ui 3assai Aq pasne0 JO 6np aq Aew 4844 su014eneOxe 191440 .10 suoissaidep 1 9914041p 's `99104 He lanai pue pass -a1 `uw 1111 0} 890168 0assal '6u10npwd spe49 sas!wa1 p!es uo Hann 8 1848 sAep (024) A }uann4 palpuny auo u!y }!M •ses!wald 9144 uo pal!1p II 14083 104 (00 s181 a40° t. /ou pue pu8sno41 aup }seal 4e aq 11814s y014M'puel p!es uo sdwo u!nna o} suol4eiedo s,aassai Aq pasneo sa6ewep loo Aed 11eys aassal 'anal ay} u! 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All sludge pits and waste pits of any kind shall be fenced so as to be inaccessible to livestock. C. All sludge pits waste pits and mud pits shall be drained as soon as practical and all contents shall be removed from the leased lands. 12. Lessee and its assigns hereby indemnify Lessor from and against all suits, claims or actions arising upon Lessor's property which are a direct result of the actions of Lessee or its agents during the proposed operations or as a result thereof. 13. Lessee shall abide by all laws and regulations prescribed by appropriate governmental agencies having jurisdiction over operations contemplated hereunder. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver by Lessor for Lessee not to comply with any and all rules, regulations and requirements of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission or another governmental agency having such authority and jurisdiction. 14. The provisions herein shall be binding upon, and available to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of both Lessor and Lessee. 15. As to all excavation operations conducted, Lessee shall separate and store the various soil horizons separately from one another and mark or document stockpile locations to facilitate subsequent reclamation. When separating soil horizons, the Lessee shall segregate horizons based upon noted changes in physical characteristics such as color, texture, density or consistency. Segregation will be performed to the extent practicable to a depth of six (6') feet or bedrock, whichever is shallower. 16. Lessor may install a Sprinkler System(s) on the leased premises during the term of this lease. A. Lessee agrees not to interfere with the operation of any Sprinkler System during the crop irrigation season, B. Lessee shall not install ramps, berms, mounds or any other devices or structures to cause the wheels of Lessor's Sprinkler System(s) to elevate higher than the currently existing ground surface elevation, nor shall any pits, dugouts or lowering of the ground surface be used on the premises as a means to lower Lessee's pumping equipment below any Sprinkler System without prior written consent of Lessor (Lessee shall use "low profile" pumping units), C. Lessee shall schedule and conduct all drilling rig and workover /swab rig operations in the non irrigation season unless approval otherwise is granted by Lessor (also see Paragraph No. 8. above), D. In the event that a pumping well(s) is located on the leased premises, only low profile pumping unit(s) shall be used on wells located within the circumference of an existing Sprinkler System(s), E. Lessee shall locate all treaters, separators, tank batteries and other production equipment outside the circumference of Lessor's Sprinkler System(s), and F. In the event Lessor elects to install a Sprinkler System(s) on lands currently not under a Sprinkler System, within 90 days of written notice from Lessor, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, Lessee shall move all treaters, separators, tank batteries and other production equipment to a location outside the circumference of the planned overhead Sprinkler System. G. Lessee's well /lease roads shall not be crowned, raised, bermed, mounded, rocked or graveled that are located within the circumference of a Sprinkler System. No bar ditches or drainage ditches shall be constructed along well /lease roads unless approved by Lessor. H. Lessee agrees not to locate a well within six feet (6') of a Sprinkler System wheel path or track. Signed for Identification: LESSOR: CDX GAS, LLC, LESSEE: Jere K o a h ,0