HomeMy WebLinkAbout871493INS State of Delaware Office of the Secretary of State PAGE 1 I, HARRIET SMITH WINDSOR, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER, WHICH MERGES: "BROCK OIL AND GAS CORPORATION A DELAWARE CORPORATION, WITH AND INTO "BROCK EXPLORATION CORPORATION" UNDER THE NAME OF "BROCK EXPLORATION CORPORATION A CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE THE TWENTY —SIXTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2000, AT 11:59 O'CLOCK A.M. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATE OF MERGER IS THE TWENTY —NINTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2000, AT 11:59 O'CLOCK P.M. 871493 0928917 8100M 010037070 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LE I FEfl 16 f' oo J�E^pAf BOOK 4 PR PAGE Harriet Smith Windsor, Secretary of State AUTHENTICATION: 0931320 DATE: 01 -23 -01 t 00:pT 0002- ZZ -O3a raogJO Sulletad() jam put luapcsaid uosyago's _M aaruojN NOIIVNOd2IOO NOLLYYI01aX3 DO2ia '0002 `lagtuaoaQ }o Atip is snll palnoaxa uaaq sect 139rayi Jo aleoutua0 step `30S'13HM SS3N1IM NI '1E ragwaoaci '•tu'd 6s: I I aq Ilects laSiztu mil Jo mull put xep aitgooJa aqL i, ICcIrl. "0002 •uopeJOt ,poig ow! serf V PO �taoig jo IDS= at 18utzuotpne '666 bZ�eW uo paldope uotlerodlo3 Su1M mS *gip =palm Jo pwog ayl }o suountosar atu Jo (doo e s} olarait pagoesly 9 „uot)EJodio) Sutntnrns„ ;qi) uouerodroJ uoTuoidxa Nome st uottrodaoo Sutetnms *quo acuea at;i 'uo9suoidx3 Jo Am pTsgns patoto AttogM B st seO V no 'Z LS PO XooJQ,,) uotlerod,00 ateMeiacJ s'uottBrot top •V f pa* 110 )lows pu *(„uorerotdxg )pore uotmed1o7 aieMEtaa li `uorltjodioD uotlerotdx3 porg an suotZEiodioo luanit ;suoo act} Jo uoueiodroont Jo alms put aurtu ayI 1 •2iPME1 t JO SIEMS *1.1) 10 Mel uoprrodio3 jtiacioD a41 }o £5Z uopoas of 5LTT6L0 (9605'9700 000e/PO/OT RV 6577 Qr77I3 SNOI2VdOdt7O0 SO NOISIAIG SSFISS 3O .i2SSd33S 22IvMY73Q SO SSVSS iutnsmd pauturgns Agai;q st liamiskr 30 31H31 JLL 1 D SINI. NOLLV?IODIOD NOLLYHO MX3 )DONS O1NI (INV FLLIM mcamora03 stns MT 1I0 XDOUEI ONIDITUi 1130113 30 3.LVDLII12I3 68s kJ •Albt r J 1 t a roc ra t a do._. atth Coa papyltbe "empanel Meetint; 06/)0■3 vi DEC -22 -2000 14 :41 Attachment to Certificate of Merger Merging Brock Oil and Gae Corporation into Brock Exploration Corporation oard ect 11 WHEREAS, thc Company is considering the possible merger of its wholly owned subsidiary, Brock Oil and Gas Corporation "BOGC a Delaware corporation into thc Company. RESOLVED, the officers of the Company are hereby authorized and directed to investigate and consider whether they dam it advisable and generally to the advantage and welfare of the Company that BOGC be merged with and into the Company. 5 JO FURTHER RESOLVED, if as a result of their investigation and review, the officers of the Company deem it to be in the best interest of the Company that BOGC be merged with and into the Company, the officers of the Company arc hereby authorized and directed, without any further resolution or authorization of this Board of Directors, to (i) execute on behalf of the Company a Certificate of Merger; (ii) cause the filing of such Certificate of Merger with the Corporation Division of the State of Delaware in accordance with Section 253 of the Delaware Corporation Law Annotated; and (iii) perform any and all acts that may be required to carry out the terms and intent of these resolutions. FURTHER RESOLVED any and all acts of the officers of the Company to the date hereof in connection with the possible merger of BOGC with and into the Company and the transactions referred to in the preceding resolutions are hereby in each and every respect ratified, confirmed, adopted, approved and accepted as the acts of the Company. 96% P.05