HomeMy WebLinkAbout970309C A VBL1r+s Bd111111111 Affidavit Affecting Title I, Debra Ann Hainer, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: I am the current owner of the following described property, which was originally conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded May 12, 1986 at Book 238PR, Page 337 in the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. The description read as follows: That part of Tract 69 partly within Section 18, T24N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner No. 7 of said Tract 69 described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of Record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County identical with the southeast corner of Lot 17 of the Taylor Third Subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. 234; thence S89 °55'E, 400 feet to the point of beginning; thence N89 °55'W, 400 feet; thence N00 °02'E, 450.44 feet along the west line of said Tract 69 identical with the east line of said subdivision; thence S89 °55'E, 400.00 feet parallel to the south line of the said Tract 69, thence southerly in a straight line to the point of beginning, approximately 450.00 feet The aforementioned description is correct. The description on every subsequent document within the chain of title has been deficient. The portion of the description which read "to the point of beginning; thence N89 °55'W, 400 feet" was inadvertently omitted. The first document in which the deficient description appears is a Decree of Divorce and Stipulation and Agreement, in the District Court of the Third Judicial District within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, Civil Action 10,605, a certified copy of which is hereby attached. The description as reflected on Warranty Deed recorded March 19, 2003 at Book 515PR, Page 291 has the same deficiency, as does the description on Warranty Deed recorded February 22, 2007, at Book 649, Page 383. That this affidavit is filed for the purpose of correcting and clarifying the description of public record. Dated this 3 day of State of i.X =L. 4t ss. County of L d 2013. Debra Ann Sorensen Trust, Nat; the 29 day of January, 2007 Pr Agib Ii O 4.# r,/ IL '1 Deb Ann Hainer, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Debra Ann Hainer, Trustee of the Debra Ann Sorensen Trust, Dated the 29 day of January, 2007, this gell day of 4.P2i L 2013. Witness my hand and official seal. a�,g1 ,r,� o°° °•e°0p• 0 C9 sion Expires: OgrCeitE a �03G( RECEIVED 4/3/2013 at 12:53 PM RECEIVING 970309 BOOK: 808 PAGE: 366 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT WITHIN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING EDWIN R. SORENSEN, Plaintiff, v. MARGARET M. SORENSEN, Defendant. Civil Action No. 10,605 ECREE OF DIVORCE THE WITHIN MATTER came before the Court on the day of November, 2000. Plaintiff appeared in person accompanied by his attorney, LaVoy O. Taylor. Neither the Defendant nor her attorney, Paul Thomas Glause, appeared, said Parties having entered into a Stipulation and Agreement which is on file herein. Said Plaintiff was duly sworn and the trial was commenced. Having heard the testimony presented and evidence adduced, and being sufficiently advised in the premises, the Court finds as follows: 1. That Plaintiff has resided within the State of Wyoming for a continuous period of more than 60 days immediately preceding the filing of the Complaint and is a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and Defendant is also a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. That Plaintiff and Defendant were lawfully married to one another on May 19, 1978, at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and are now husband and wife. 3. That no children were born as issue of said marriage and Defendant is not pregnant at this time. 4. That the terms of said Stipulation and Agreement constitute a full, complete and final settlement between the Parties in regard to the matters raised therein; that said terms are hereby approved; and that all other terms therein contained which are not specifically set forth in this Decree should be incorporated by reference into this Decree, with the same force and effect as if fully set forth. 5. That irreconcilable differences have arisen in the marital relationship of the Parties and that Plaintiff is the aggrieved Party; and that Plaintiff should be granted a divorce from Defendant for such cause. 6. That the Complaint filed in this matter was not founded in, nor exhibited by, collusion between the Parties, nor is Plaintiff guilty of any misconduct. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Plaintiff be, and he is hereby awarded, adjudged and decreed an absolute divorce from Defendant. 2. That all terms of the Stipulation and Agreement executed by the Parties, be, and the same are by this reference incorporated into this Decree, with the same force and effect as if enumerated herein, and that both Parties are hereby ordered to abide by the ISt cotR co. wro .0367 terms of said Stipulation and Agreement; and that both Parties are hereby given judgment for said rights, benefits and property awarded to them herein and in the Stipulation and Agreement, and the right to have execution issued therefor. 3. Plaintiff and Defendant shall each keep the other of them indemnified from any liability for any part of any indebtedness assumed by him or her hereunder, or any federal taxes, and from all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages and expenses in respect to said debts and liabilities. 4. Each Party shall promptly execute and deliver any instrument of conveyance, assignment, disclaimer, release or other instrument which may be required to fully effectuate the terms of this agreement. Dated this CPO day of November, 2000. Approved as to fo s. LaVoy Taylor Attorney for Plaintiff Paul 'Thomas Glause Attorney for Defendant JOHN D. TROUG Judge of the Dist* STATE OF WYODAI COUNTY OF LIqCN 4 .4 1 I, Kenneth D. Roberts;' y'',the 1 9 o Judicial District Court wit1ii and.f6Xesaid county and in the State of fdreseirit, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and corn lete co i r. SIGNE 003 S IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRIC WITHIN AND FOR LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING EDWIN R. SORENSEN, Plaintiff, V. MARGARET M. SORENSEN, Defendant. Sorensen Stipulation, Pg. 1 Civil Action No. 10,605 STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT The Plaintiff and Defendant in the above cause hereby make and enter into the following Stipulation and Agreement: 1. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Stipulation and Agreement has been made and entered into without fraud, duress, coercion, or undue influence being exerted by one Party against or over the other; that there are no representations or agreements relating to the subject matter hereof which are outside of those expressed herein; and that the terms hereof constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties. 2. The Defendant hereby enters her appearance herein, accepts service of Summons and of process, and acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Complaint and Summons issued in this matter; waives notice of the taking of any depositions which might be required in said case, and all requirements for commissions for depositions, certificates and all other formalities in connection therewith; states that she is a competent adult person, not in the military service of the United States or serving with the armed forces of any nation with which the United States is allied; waives the time and place of trial thereof at the Courthouse in Green River, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, at any time convenient to the Court and to the Plaintiff herein, without further notice. 3. That, if upon final hearing of this case a Decree of Divorce is granted and awarded to either Party, the terms of this Stipulation and Agreement shall constitute a complete and final property settlement between them with regard to certain rights and duties arising from their marital relationship, including a settlement of their respective property rights; that this agreement shall be incorporated into any final Decree of Divorce made and entered herein, and said Decree shall provide that the respective Parties shall have judgment against the other for all money and property granted and awarded, and the right to levy execution therefor. Notwithstanding the incorporation hereof in said Decree, this Stipulation and Agreement shall not be merged in said Decree, but shall survive the same and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their respective heirs, administrators, executors and assigns. 4. That no children were born as issue of said marriage and Defendant is not pregnant at this time. 5. The Plaintiff shall be awarded as his sole and separate property, free and clear of any claims or demands of Defendant, subject to Rr it c l u0369 any outstanding indebtedness, except as otherwise agreed, the following: a. His personal possessions and effects; b. All of his U.P.R.R. retirement; c. 1978 Manu Travel Trailer, VIN #58S0653; d. 1954 Homemade Horse Trailer, VIN #U- 22307; e. 1994 Ford Van, VIN #1FMDA41X2RZB09470; f. 1974 Security Traveler Trailer, VIN #56- 50093; g. 1979 Ford Pickup, VIN #F14SRFE 8 987; h. 1954 Indian Motor Cycle, VIN #6435851533; i. Utility Trailer Ed bought from Margaret's father; j. 16 foot Runabout Boat bought in 1988, VIN and motor; k. 317 John Deere Lawn Tractor bought from Walker in 1992; 1. John Deere Tractor bought from Vern Hansen in 1984; m. All household furniture, fixtures, appliances, cooking pots and pans, decorations, bedding, dishes and utensils, etc. from the home in Cokeville, Wyoming; n. Lot 11 of Block 1 in the Collett First Addition to the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon; o. That part of Tract 69 partly within Section 18, T24N. R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; more particularly described as Beginning at Corner No. 7 of said tract 69 described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County identical with the southeast corner of Lot 17 of the Taylor Third subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. 234; thence S 89 degrees 55 minute's East, 400 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minute's East, 450.44 feet along the west line of said Tract 69 identical with the east line of said Subdivision; thence South 89 degrees 55 minute's East, 400 feet parallel to the south line of the said Tract 69, thence southerly in a straight line to the point of beginning, approximately 450.00 feet. Encompassing an area of 4.00 acres, more or less; P. One -half of the parties savings account in the First Security Bank in Montpelier, Idaho as of the date of filing of the divorce action; q. His personal checking and savings accounts; r. Boat and motor; s. Suzuki Four wheeler, VIN t. Refrigerator; u. Two chest freezers; v. Bedroom set; w. New computer with extras; x. Scanner; y. Dishwasher; z. Table Chairs; aa. Two televisions; bb. Pellet burning stove; cc. Couch; dd. Telescope; ee. Wood burning stove; ff. Coin collection; gg. Entertainment Center; hh. Microwave; ii. John Deere snow blower; jj. Shed; kk. 1966 Marlette, VIN #60163; 11. Two recliners; mm. Dryer; Sorensen Stipulation, Pg. 2 t ;O3 O nn. All other property currently in his possession not specifically set forth in paragraph 6 below. 6. The Defendant shall be awarded as her sole and separate property, free and clear of any claims or demands of Plaintiff, subject to any outstanding indebtedness, the following: a. Her personal possessions and effects; b. All of her retirement, 401K, pension plans or other employee benefits acquired by her through her employment; c. Her checking and savings accounts; d. One -half of the parties savings account in the First Security Bank in Montpelier, Idaho as of the date of filing of the divorce action; e. 1999 Mercury Mountaineer, VIN #4M2ZU54E2XUJ23794; f. 1980 Mercury Car, VIN #0Z66G604197; g. 1980 Chevrolet Luv Truck, VIN #CLN14A8243952; h. 1988 Ford Pickup, VIN #1FTEF14N8JKB59984; i. Lot numbered Fifteen (15) of Block numbered One (1) in the Collett Addition to the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as serveyed, platted and recorded, together with any and all improvements thereon; j. Rototiller; k. Lawn Mower; 1. China Cupboard; m. Upright Freezer; n. Little Freezer; o. Bedroom Set; p. Computer; q. Table Chairs; r. Two televisions; s. Two lamps; t. Two end tables; u. Washer; v. Microwave; w. 1905 Del Rio Drive, Kemmerer, Wyoming, more particularly described as Lot 3 of Block 4 of the Lincoln Heights Fifth Addition, First Filing, to the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming; x. All property whether real, personal or mixed, wherever located or situated that the Defendant inherited from her mother; y. All property currently in her possession not specifically set forth in paragraph 5 above. 7. That Plaintiff shall pay and be responsible for the following debts and obligations: a. All debts incurred by him since date of separation; b. US Bank; c. Plaintiffs credit cards; d. Any debts incurred solely in Plaintiffs name. 8. That Defendant shall pay and be responsible for the following debts and obligations: a. All debts incurred by her since the date of separation; b. Any debts incurred solely in Defendant's name. Sorensen Stipulation, Pg. 3 9. That Plaintiff shall pay Defendant the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($1,750.00) for the shed that he is retaining by November 20, 2000. 10. Plaintiff and Defendant shall each keep the other of them indemnified from any liability for any part of any indebtedness assumed by him or her hereunder, or any federal taxes, and from all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages and expenses in respect to said debts and liabilities. 11. Each Party shall promptly execute and deliver any instrument of conveyance, assignment, disclaimer, release or other instrument which may be required to fully effectuate the terms of this agreement. 12. In the event any subsequent action should be commenced by either Party against the other involving any of the agreements which are the subject matter of this instrument, then it is agreed that the losing Party to such action, as evidenced by an order or judgment against that person, shall pay all of the successful Party's attorney fees and costs in such action, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. 13. That the Plaintiff and Defendant state and acknowledge that this Stipulation has been entered into without any undue influence, fraud, coercion, or misrepresentation; and the Parties further acknowledge that each has read and understands this Stipulation and Agreement, and with such knowledge and understanding, each has executed this Stipulation and Agreement, freely and voluntarily. The Parties acknowledge that the provisions made are adequate and reasonable and are satisfactory to them. 14. Each Party hereby certifies that he or she has been represented by counsel, or that each has had an opportunity to be so represented prior to the execution of this Stipulation and Agreement. 15. Any modification to this agreement must be made in writing. DATED this 72-4 day of November, 2000. Sorensen Stipulation, Pg. 4 AO Ale EDWIN R. SORENSEN, Plaintiff %//,.A.�rt/Lr i MARL T M. SORENSEN, Defendant ijO3772 The State of Wyoming County of ate,, L. i rv-c o 1 h The foregoing Stipulation and Agreement was acknowledged before me this 7 day of November, 2000, by Edwin R. Sorensen. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 6 7- J.'- 2 b The State of Wyoming County of Sweetwater The f regoing Stipulation and me this -day of November, 2000, Witness my hand and official seal. M Commission Expires: 0 1 90 1 Sorensen Stipulation, Pg. 5 SS. SS. Agreement was acknowledged before by Margaret M. Sorensen. I 17 /id/0( Zia 6/7) Notary Public TEE BUSTON NOTARY 'U t -v OF S I A ft OF y 1T r F\ S WYOMING 373