HomeMy WebLinkAbout870805RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 0 I JAN I6 AN 11 39 JEANNE a +VAGI'.EP KEMMERER. WYOMING I, Dale E. Richardson, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1) That under the date of February 26, 1977, for valuable consideration, Ted A. Hale and Marvel Hale, husband and wife, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on March 22, 1982, in Book 185 of Photostatic Records on Page 651, conveyed to Dale E. Richardson and Mary Ann Richardson, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common, the following described property, to -wit: State of County of ,-G�PL� B004 PR PAGE 31 7 ss870805 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP BEGINNING at a point on the centerline of U.S. 89 N. Highway, N38 10'E, 1620 feet, more or less from the Southwest Corner of Section 12, T33N R119W and running thence N90 0'W, 1025 feet more or less to the west boundary of said Section 12, thence N0 0'E, 350 feet more or less to the North Bank of Salt River, thence Easterly along said North bank to its intersection with the centerline U.S. 89 N. Highway, thence Southeasterly along said centerline 270 feet more or less to point of beginning 2) That a portion of the above described lands, owned by Dale E. Richardson and Mary Ann Richardson, were conveyed to Leonard Sullivan by Warranty Deed, dated 2 -22 -1982, recorded 3 -11 -1982, at Book 185 of Photostatic records on page 380, described as follows: Beginning at point which is N38 10'E, 1620 feet, thence West 228 feet, thence North 25 feet from the Southwest Corner Section 12, T33N, R119W and running thence North 65 feet, thence West 100 feet, N56 0'W, 630 feet more or less to the North bank Salt River, thence Southwesterly along said North bank to the West boundary line Section 12, thence South along said West boundary 3.30 feet, thence East 797 feet, thence North 25 feet more or less to a point of beginning also an easement for a right of way road beginning at a point N38 10'E, 1620 feet from the Southwest Corner Section 12, T33N, R119W, and running thence West 228 feet and extending 25 feet to the North of said above described line 3) That a portion of the lands described ,above, owned by Dale E. Richardson and Mary Ann Richardson, were sold at Sheriff's Sale, and were subsequently conveyed by quitclaim deed to John R. Holtbinger and Agnes Holtsinger, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, dated 11 -16 -1998, recorded 11 -21 -1988, at Book 267 of Photostatic Records, on page 321, described as follows: Beginning at a point which is N38 10'E 1620 feet; thence North 25 feet; thence West 228 feet from the Southwest Corner of Section 12, T33N, R119W and running thence North 65 feet; thence West 100 feet; thence N56 0'W, 630 feet, more or less, to the North Bank Salt River; thence Easterly along said North Bank to the Intersection of Highway 89 centerline; thence Southeasterly along said centerline 240 feet, more or less to the point of beginning (continued on reverse side) That by reason of said first conveyance aforesaid, the said Dale E. Richardson and Mary Ann Richardson, husband and wife, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Mary Ann Richardson, on the 2nd day of June, 1994. That by reason of and upon the death of Mary Ann Richardson, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Affiant, Dale E. Richardson, as surviving spouse, less and except those lands owned by Leonard Sullivan and John and Agnes Holt $finger. Affiant avers and certifies that Mary Ann Richardson, is the identical party named with the Affiant in the first aforementioned deed from Ted A. Hale and Marvel Hale, whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. DATED this f/ day of Subscribed and sworn to befpre me and in my presence by Dale E. Richardson, this day of ae-4 ee-0- 2000. WITNESS my hand and official seal. KAREN BROWN County of Lincoln My Commission Expires: Notary Public State of Wyoming June 30, 2001 My Commission Expires: o 4 e E is cC Notary Public p _e_e oe-e ScJ 2000. 318 011692 DECEDENT INFORMANT DISPOSITION CERTIFIER CAUSE OF DEATH 5 1 1 1 44. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (PHYSICIAN OR CORONER) (Type a. Print) Allen D. 04. REDLRTRAR PART E i dISHl 2 f!,( a ea lacy 8mat. IMMEDIATE /FRO dddaap Ob Mion 29 MANNER OF DEATH aay Accident Sucloo a P eivn rs MIgattmt 0 CLAM not bb Delannhed TYPE LOCAL FIE NUMBER OR p,bN t DECEDENT.NAuE FIRST N PEFFAMZ.. Mary FOR A. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER INSTIUCUOxs 545- 54_. SEE HANDBOOK VII 2-89 1/89 15M Ea. ADELaN B.CWay (Years/ 52 50. UNDER 1 YEAR Months Days Notes SG INID €R 1 DAY Mv.aes HOSPITAL fKj' r.�Iroat.n 714 FACILITY NA/30 (1f not'08l)lul/do Aim, !peel and numb&) Star Valley Hospital S. STATE pr 11101111/1 not Jn us A name eonrrvl Caifornia t If *At DACEOENT EVEN U.B. ARMED FORC (SPap )01 a 00) H No 1301 RESIDENCE.STATD 7314 COU 1 NTY Wyoming Lincoln 130. CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION 2eI Bedford 1 1 IN E CRY LPAN97 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN l Yes Or nal ISpooOy Cub�ann. Puerto Roan. Elul Na►P F, Yea (Specil No 17. FATHERS NAME FOR Roy ii oom 1901 NFORMANT4MME 7 YPQ Or Frgll) I II Dale Richar 1 9e MARINO ADDRESS 57119070 RFD. NUMBER Box 173; Thayne, Wyoming 20a Meat Cm/ratan Removal barn 6182. Other (Specify/ Burial ST a0) 461411oo. F^Y oadn9 tavonadla19 mitral 0l,, t 19(8 CAIRE (ONea10O input/ Mat yMNaad evolle newl:g In Math/ u67 Carter 9? This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services,1Cheyenne, Wyoming. Date Issued: This copy is not valid unless it bears a raised seal and is produced on multicolored security paper. MIDDLE Ann OTHER: 20b. ATE /Mo. Day. Yr) 6/4/94 DUE TO (00 AS A CONSFCUENCL OR Oa. DATE OF INJURY (MnN1.Day.Ynal STATE OF WYOMING DIVISION OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Nlayng Hone R. LAST Richardson 7a. PLACE OF DEATH )Cnae, only one) 9. MARRIED. /EVER MARRIED. t0. SURVINNG SPOUSE ill lade" gm, mLden neon,) WIDOWED. DIVORCED Specfy Married Dale E. Richardson 12a. USUAL OCCUPATION flloe tri .o,A 4000 M4n most g 01 laar of i/e, 41.0 nelaed) Housewife Mdo% Las/ OTYORTOWN 83127 26a CEMETERY OR CREMATORY -NAME Afton Cemetery 210. NAME OF FACILITY 2t. FUNERAL 9EAV Aa Such 426 1M death btram pse (Spnalene and Me) 226 DATE sIGNED Day. Yr) 22. HOUR OF DEATH e o e "9`t 4 1 0 A t=om 226 NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN W OTHER THAN CERTIFIER (Type or Pred a:lhal coded d88th Donal tole, No node at doh% aueh as cardex a held 1.6a9 Lot ovy and cane on oath Ina. 4 PART R OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDMONS.0944)0 09 conInbutmg lo Mah but not telatod 19 T:11Ra goon n PART I 30b TINE OF INJURY 308 PLACE OF INJUfY.A1 hone. tom shoat 80,00,7 office buiong alt. (9pec'ry) M 2 3 205 0 Other /Spoof, I 74. CRY. TOWN. 011 LOCATION OF DEATH Afton 1214 KND OF BUSINESS OR uaDuSTRY Homemaking I 136 074EE7 080 NUB10E11 11 Betsy Court 11S RACE.Amenicart tg0n Bad, WNIe. Etc (Speedo White 116 MOTHERS NAME Rat Mdas Gertrude Fisher STATE 2011 LOCATION Cary OR TOWN STATE Afton; Wyoming Wafer 214. ADDRESS OF FACEITY Schwab Mortuary 45 Afton, Wyoming End �d T 23 OA Ina Laid el eaamNlgn.ro enelltgabyL n al the INrl9, de o and ^N OROandea aapare4 plate aw to ma medal stated (Stgnatum and Ts.) 236 DATE SIGNED (Mo. Day Yr.) 1 199 RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT Spouse 23d PRONOUNCED DEAD No. Oay, 70 e Deputy State Re 9 ist q c'. O g 3 STATE FIE NUMBER 2. SEX 13 MTV ilF OenRlrti. Day. r4"1 Femal June 2, 1994 6. DATE CF VAT/4M. Da. Y.) June 21, 1941 1fl DECEDENT'S EDUCA77001 'Specify only RSAest gray caloYefedl 2 'Semtd ry 101211Conat2e 1, T ai 6 11 4 DUE /TO R AS A (OR AS A C9NSEOUENCE OR DUE 70 (0R AS A CONSEOVENCE OF)'. Oc INJUFW AT WORK! /SPPCIIY Ws at o0/ 1 70 COUNTY OF DEAR Lincoln 64406!nStrodo 23c. HOUR OF DEATH 236 PRONOUNCED DEAD pent M.D.• 110 Hos ital Lane; Afton, Wyoming 83110 J 25u. DAR! RE ENEDDY EG F At87RAR /MO. Day. Yr.) Aotrourote tualualsel4HMf Onset and Death 27 AUTOPSY (-336.)7 7 A WAS CASE REFERRED TO CORONER yes ce not (Speo(Y yea al no) No No 3 cesom E HOLY INJURY OC IRRED 301 LOCATION (Sheet a a fRe ber or (Lay Brute ldlrtrber CEly a town. 9tak1 319 M M