HomeMy WebLinkAbout877471 WARRANTY DEED, RED~ART - EDWA~$ a Limited Liability Company grantors of Alpine, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby CONVEY and WAR~.NT t0 ROSEWOOD BUILDERS Grantees of Box 540040, Xdaho Fails, ID 83405 For the sum of'[Pen dollars and other good and valuable c ' . ~ .: The following description tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereb7 releasing and waiving ali rights under and by vi~ue of the homestead exemption laws ~fthe State, to-wit: Lot 139 of Nordic Ranches Division No. 10, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to lhe recorded plat thereof recorded in the Lincoln County Recorders of~ce. Together with an access easement for'ingress and egress over the Eont thi~y feet (30') of ail lots included in all streets in Nordic Ran6hes, Divisions ~3 andO4 and ~5 and ~6 and ~7 and ~8 and ~9. as shown on the official plats thereof. FURTHER SUBJECT to and reserving unto the Gr~ors, their heirs, successors and assigns, a thi~y foot {30') wide Private Roadway easement and utilities easement along the street frontage as shown on the official plat thereof as recorded in Lincoln County Recorders office. Subject to rese~adons and rest~ctions contained in the United Slates ]?stent and to easements and rig~ts..of-way oi' record or in use. Together with ail improvements and appu'rten.~ces thereon. WfTNESS, t~e h~nd of said grantor, this Jq dayof ~o~ r'-~., ;. r-- ~ ..:.-' ~ Signed in the presence of Ganelle B. Edwards Registered Ag :n,~ STATE OF l O,z.ar~L4 c On the ~ day of ~od A.D. 2001 personally appeared before me Ganel~e B. Edwards, known or identi~ed to me to be the persoas whose names are subscribed ~o the witt~Sn instrument, and sc~owledged to me thal ~hey executed the same. . , . NotsUPublic :, ' .... ..~..,..-: :' ' ,',' i?> · ':" ........ · Commission expires: iP ~ .~ , ¢.. . ~.. ...... ::. Residing in ~a/n ~ .:. . " '(~.5; ¢-' (' ,?~;.. :: ..... ?-~71.,. .... ........ : ..... :. · . ,.,: ..::,,.,