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Rex H. Bateman and Doreen Bateman, Trustees of the Trust Agreement betwegagligsRAYOMING
Trustees dated the 12' day of February, 1983, Grantor(s), of Etna, Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, hereby convey, grant and release to the Etna, Wyoming Water and Sewer District,
Grantee, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other
valuable consideration, a perpetual easement and right -of -way for the installation, and continued
maintenance of a waterline, and related facilities over, under, and through the premises of the
Grantor(s) in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described as follows, to wit:
()(C)i< 458 PR PAGE 7 7 2 WATERLINE Itilad4813
A 20 foot wide easement located in the SW% NEY4 of Section 12, T35N, R119W,
Lincoln County Wyoming, the centerline of which is described as follows:
Beginning at a point 66 feet North and 125 feet East of the center of said Section 12, which
point is on the centerline of an existing unpaved roadway;
Thence Easterly along said existing roadway N86° 06'37 "E 198.72 feet; N87° 52'14 "E
147.22 feet; N87° 45' 27" E, 163.56 feet;
Thence N88° 42'48 "E, 729 feet more or less to a point on the East line SW% NEY4 of said
Section 12.
Grantor(s), for the consideration aforesaid, hereby agree not to construct or maintain any building
or structure of a permanent nature upon the perpetual easement above described.
Together with all rights of ingress or egress necessary or convenient for construction of a waterline,
storage tank and related facilities over, under and through the premises of the Grantor(s) in Lincoln
County, State of Wyoming. All construction related disturbance(s) will be reclaimed by the
Grantee, or its agent, upon the completion of waterline, storage tank and related construction.
Said easement and right -of -way is granted with the understanding and the condition that the
Grantor(s) be reimbursed by the Grantee(s) for any damage caused by its employees or agents
in the construction or the maintenance of said water line.
WITNESS the hand(s) of the Grantor(s) this L3day cif, 2000.
STATE OF 1/0i.'0i't tt rl(9
COUNTY OF 1 ihcoi
On theI jday of (t./.1(1 2000, personally appeared before me
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the signers of the within instrument who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same.
c;E, E 1, t F.•() :r;►�v PUBLIC
Residing at C.41 LAY