HomeMy WebLinkAbout970711Return To: Abraxas Petroleum Corporation Land Department 18803 Meisner Drive San Antonio, TX 78217 AFFIDAVIT OF MERGER RECEIVED 4/29/2013 at 2:57 PM RECEIVING 970711 BOOK: 810 PAGE: 190 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this 23 day of April 2013, personally appeared Stephen T. Wendel, in his capacity as Vice President of Abraxas Petroleum Corporation, a Nevada corporation "Affiant known to me to be the person whose signature appears below and, after being duly sworn by me, stated the following: 1. ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation "Abraxas Petroleum and ABRAXAS OPERATING, LLC, a Texas limited liability company "Abraxas Operating did merge (the "Merger according to the terms of that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger dated March 14, 2013, as evidenced by (i) that certain Articles of Merger dated April 10, 2013 from the Secretary of State of Nevada, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and (ii) that certain Certificate of Merger dated April 10, 2013 from the Secretary of State of Texas, attached hereto as Exhibit B. 2. Pursuant to the Merger, Abraxas Petroleum, as the sole surviving entity, did succeed to all assets and property of every description, and every interest in the assets and property, wherever located, and the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, franchises, and authority, of a public as well as of a private nature, and all obligations belonging to or due to Abraxas Operating, including but not limited to, all past, present and future rights and obligations "Lease Rights and Obligations of Abraxas Operating under all oil and gas leases "Leases in which Abraxas Operating had Lease Rights and Obligations as of the Merger. 3. All correspondences regarding the Merger, Leases, Lease Rights and Obligations or this Affidavit of Merger should be directed to the following: Abraxas Petroleum Corporation 18803 Meisner Drive San Antonio, TX 78258 -4240 Attention: Stephen T. Wendel Telephone: 210-757-9855 Facsimile: 210 -495 -1107 [Signature Page Follows] 0a. 90 FURTHER, AFFIANT SAITH NAUGHT. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEXAR JENNIFER G STEPHENS My Commission Expires June 1,2016 AFFIANT: Stephen T. Wendel, ice President of Abraxas Petroleum Corporation, a Nevada corporation y 0 91 Sworn to and subscribed before me on the�day of 2013, by STEPHEN T. WENDEL, Vice President of Abraxas Petroleum Corporation, a Nev da corporation. Filed in the office of Document Number 20 -75 Ross Miller 04/10/2013 3:40 PM Secretary of State Entity Number State of Nevada C8080 -1990 Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 92A200) Page 1 USE BLACK INK ONLY DO NOT HIOHLIOHT 1) Name and Jurisdiction of organization of each constituent entity (NRS 92A.200); If there are more than four merging entitles, check box and attach an 8 1/2" x 11" blank sheet containing' the required information for each additional entity from article one. ;Abraxas Operating, LLC Name of merging entity Texas Jurisdiction Name of merging entity Jurisdiction Entity type' Name of merging entity Jurisdiction Name of merging entity and, ROSS MILLER Seoretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 99701 -4520 (776) 684.5709 Website: www.nvsos.gov Jurisdiction Entity type Abraxas Pctrolcum Corporation Name of surviving entity Nevndn Jurisdiction Exh Page 1of6 Articles of Merger (Pursuant to NRS Chapter 92A) Corporation, non -profit corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company or business trust. Filing Fee: $350.00 This tom) must be accompanied by appropriate tees. Nevada Secretary of Stela 02A Merger Page 1 Revised: 0 -31.11 x'140103' Entity type Limited Liability Cornpany Entity type .Col oration Entity type *140103* ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A '2 ROSS MILLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 89701.4520 (776)884.5708 Webslte: www,nvsos,gov Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 92A.200) Page 2 USE BLACK INK ONLY -oO NOT HIGHLIGHT 2) Forwarding address where copies of process may be sent by the Secretary of State of Nevada (if a foreign entity is the survivor in the merger NRS 92A.190): Attn: c/o: 3) Choose one: i 'The undersigned declares that a plan of merger has been adopted by each constituent entity L J (NRS 92A.200). The undersigned declares that a plan of merger has been adopted by the parent domestic entity (NRS 92A.180). 4) Owner's approval (NRS 92A.200) (options a, b or c must be used, as applicable, for each entity): E i If there are more than four merging entitles, check box and attach an 8 1/2" x 11" blank sheet I_1 containing the required information for each additional entity from the appropriate section of article four. (a) Owner's approval was not required from •Abraxas Operating Name of merging entity, if applicable Name of merging entity, If applicable Name of merging entity, if applicable Name of merging entity, If applicable This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees, Exhibit A Page 2 of 6 and, or; Abraxas Petroleum Corporation Name of surviving entity, if applicable AEOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Nevada Secretary of Stale e2A Merger Page 2 Revisor!: a -31 -11 liOi ROSS MILLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 897014620 (776)684.6708 Webalte: www.nvsos.gov Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 92A.200) Page 3 U3B BLACK INK ONLY DO NOT HIGHLIGHT (b) The plan was approved by the required consent of the owners of Name of merging entity, If applicable Name of merging entity, If applicable Name of merging entity, If applicable Name of merging entity, if applicable and, or; Name of surviving entity, if applicable Unless otherwise provided In the certificate of trust or governing Instrument of a business trust, a merger must be approved by ail the trustees and beneficial owners of each business trust that is a constituent entity In the merger, This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. A Page 3 of 6 ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE I1SE ONLY Nevada Secretary of State 92A Mercer Page 3 Revised: 8 -31 -11 and, or; Exhibit A Page 4 of 6 ROSS MILLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 09701.4520 (775) 684.5708 Webeitol www.nvsos.gov Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 92A.200) Page 4 USE BLACK INK ONLY DO NOT HIGHLIGHT ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (c) Approval of plan of merger for Nevada non-profit corporation (NRS 92A.160): The plan of merger has been approved by the directors of the corporation and by each public officer or other person whose approval of the plan of merger is required by the articles of incorporation of the domestic corporation. Name of merging entity, If applicable Name of•merging entity, If applicable This form must be accompanied by appropriate Peas. Name of merging entity, if applicable Name of merging entity, if applicable Name of surviving entity, If applicable Nevada Secrelery of Slate 92A Merger Page 4 Revised: 8 31 11 01_,0r USE BLACK INK ONLY- DO NOT HIGHLIGHT This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. Exhibit Page 5 of 6 ROSS MILLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 89701 -4520 (776) 684.5708 Webalte: www.nvsos.gov Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 92A.200) Page 5 ti) Amendments, If any, to the articles or certificate of the surviving entity. Provide article numbers, if available. (NRS 92A.200) Not applicable. 6) Location of Plan of Merger (check a or b): C (a) The entire plan of merger is attached; ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY or, 7 (b) The entire plan of merger Is on file at the registered office of the surviving corporation, limited liability ►Y company or business trust, or at the records office address if a limited partnership, or other place of business of the surviving entity (NRS 92A.200). 7) Effective date and time of filing; (optional) (muet not be later than 90 days after the certificate is filed), Date: Time: "Amended and restated articles may be attached as an exhibit or Integrated into the articles of merger. Please entitle them "Restated" or "Amended and Restated," accordingly. The form to accompany restated articles prescribed by the secretary of state must accompany the amended and /or restated articles. Pursuant to NRS 92A.180 (merger of subsidiary into parent Nevada parent owning 90% or more of subsidiary), the articles of merger may not contain amendments to the constituent documents of the surviving entity except that the name of the surviving entity may be changed. Nevada Secretary or Stale 92A Merger Page 5 Revised; 0.31 -11 3.7 0191, Articles of Merger (PURSUANT TO NRS 82A.200) Page 6 USE BLACK INK ONLY DO NOT HIGHLIGHT ABOVE SPACE I8 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 8) Signatures Must be signed by: An officer of each Nevada corporation; All general partners of each Nevada ilmtted partnership; All general partners of each Nevada limited liability limited partnership; A manager of each Nevada limited liability company with managers Drone member If there are no managers; A trustee of each Nevada business trust (NRS 92A.220)* x. ROSS MILLER Secretary of State 204 North Carson Street, Suite 1 Carson City, Nevada 89701 -452o (775) 6845708 Webelte: www,nvaos.gov If there are more than four merging entitles, chock box and attach an 8 1/2" x 11" blank sheet containing tho required information for each additional entity from article eight. Lbraxes erar LLB 1 1 Name X !Robert LG. Watson, Manager :March 14 2013' Signature Title Date Name of merging entity X Signature Nemo of merging entity X Signature Tltle Date Name of merging entity Signature end, ;AbraxasP �leua Corp do Name of X Signature Exhibit A Page 6 of 6 Title I Date Title Date Robcrfh,C. Watson ;'Cliaitman of theaoard, President and Chief •Lxecutivc Ofioor ,March 14,2013; Title Date The articles of merger must be signed by each foreign constituent entity in the manner provided by the law governing it (NRS 92A.230). Additional signature blocks may be added to this page or as an attachment, as needed. IMPORTANT: Failure to include any of the above Information and submit with the proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected. This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. Nevada secretaryofState 92A Merger Pogo 6 RaVfaed: 0,91.11 s r, Corpc.,..... ection P.O.Box 13697 Austin, Texas 78711 -3697 r.Xhl121t B Office of the Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF MERGER J ,,een Secretary of State The undersigned, as Secretary of State of Texas, hereby certifies that a filing instrument merging Abraxas Operating, LLC Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) [File Number: 800818925] Into ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION Foreign For Profit Corporation Nevada, USA [File Number: 9091006] has been received in this office and has been found to conform to law. Accordingly, the undersigned, as Secretary of State, and by the virtue of the authority vested in the secretary by law, hereby issues this certificate evidencing the acceptance and filing of the merger on the date shown below. Dated: 04/10/2013 Effective: 04/10/2013 Phone: (512) 463 -5555 Prepared by: Lisa Jones John Steen Secretary of State Coine visit us on the internet at http://www.sos.state.tx.us/ Fax: (512) 463 -5709 Dial: 7 -1 -1 for Relay Services TID: 10343 Document: 475283270002