HomeMy WebLinkAbout970751STATE OF WYOMING County of Fremont ss. AFFIDAVIT ESTABLISHING TERMINATION OF TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES The undersigned, CLARA A. LEHMAN, being of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. That she is the surviving wife of HERBERT K. LEHMAN, who died February 21, 2013 in Riverton, Fremont County, Wyoming; that there is a copy of the official Death Certificate attached hereto as Exhibit A, certified to by the public authority in which such original death certificate is now a matter of record.. 2. That the Affiant and the deceased, HERBERT K. LEHMAN, were, at the time of his death, the owners, as tenants by the entireties with the right of survivorship and not as tenants in common, of the following described real estate, to -wit: Lot 10 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 7, as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln, County, Wyoming 3. That said tenancy by the entireties was vested in Affiant, and the deceased by a Warranty Deed from HERBERT K. LEHMAN, as Grantor conveying said real property to HERBERT K. LEHMAN and CLARA A. LEHMAN, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties with the right of survivorship and not as tenants in common, Grantees, dated November 22, 1993, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming on December 2, 1993, Book 341PR, Page 559, Document No. 775379. 4. That said estate by the entireties was terminated by the death of the said HERBERT K. LEHMAN and the Affiant, CLARA A. LEHMAN, as the surviving spouse of the deceased, is now the sole owner of the above described real property, and that this Affidavit is made and placed of record for the purpose of establishing Affiant's sole ownership and interest as aforesaid, in compliance with and according to the provisions of W.S. §2 -9 -102. DATED this,) ,La day of April, 2013. Subscribed and sworn to before me thiss -ay of April, 2013, by Clara A. Lehman. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Tina L. Davis N otary Public A V 7, k County of s State of Notary ublic Fremont 1 Wyoming my Commission Expires 12123115 RECEIVED 5/1/2013 at 9:54 AM RECEIVING 970751 BOOK: 810 PAGE:421 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY C ara A. Lehman, Affiant 00421 Decedent: Name: Gender: Date of Birth: Date and Place of Death: Date of Death: City of Death: Location: Additional Decedent Information: Place of Birth: Residence: Marital Status: Armed Forces: Name of Father: Name of Mother: Informant: Disposition: Method of Disposition: Place of Disposition: Funeral Home or Facility: Facility: Cause of Death: The immediate cause is listed (a) COPD Other Significant Conditions: Manner of Death: Certifier: Type: Name: Address: Date Filed: 685118 CERTIFICATI VITAL RECORD STATE OF WYOMING Herbert K Lehman Male August 21, 1928 February 21, 2013 Riverton 3911 Spy Glass Circle Broadwater, Nebraska Riverton, Wyoming Married Clara A Blakeman Yes Else E Lehman Lottie C Ruby Clara A Lehman Burial Mountain View Cemetery, Riverton, Wyoming Davis Funeral Home, Riverton, Wyoming on the first line followed by any underlying causes. ADVANCED ARTHRITIS Natural Death DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: County of Death: Relationship: Time of Death: Physician Mike Miller, M.D. 1620 Riverview Road, Riverton, Wyoming, 82501 February 27, 2013 1.1, This is a true certification of the document on file in the office of Vital Statistics Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. V DATE ISSUEDFriday, March 01, 2013 r This copy is not valid unless prepared on•paper with an engraved border. 1 1°° °9 a1 'ANY ALTERATION OR ERASUR V.ID Social Security Number: Age at the Time of Death: 2013- 000535 84 years Fremont 07:00 (Actual) J ames McBride Deputy State Registrar 00422