HomeMy WebLinkAbout970809KNOW ALL MEN'BY THESE:PRESENTS, that Bank of Jackson Hole of the County of<Teton, State of Wyoming, does hereby certify that a certain mortgage bearing the date, September of 28, 2013, made and executed by WJW Holdings WY, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, whose address is PO Box 3309, Alpine, WY 83128, and WJW Holdings, LLLP, a North Dakota Limited Liability Limited Partnership, whose address is PO Box 9199, Fargo, ND 58106, as mortgagor(s), to Bank of Jackson Hole as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $325,000.00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on September day of 28, 2012, in Book 795 of Photo at Page 138, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, being a partial payment of the debt named therein, do hereby, by these presents, remise, release and forever discharge the said mortgage as to the real estate hereinafter described, being a portion only of the real estate herein after described, being a portion only of the real estate mortgaged therein and thereby, to wit: Tract A, Salt River Ranch, County Rd. 104, South of Alpine and Alpine Airpark Runway, Alpine, WY 83128. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Exhibit "A" It being expressly understood and agreed that this release shall not affect the said mortgage or the security thereof, in any manner or form whatsoever as to the remainder of the real estate mortgaged therein and thereby. Witness my hand this Dd day of May, 2013 Bank of Jackson Hole By: James Mazzarisi, Vice President of Commercial Loans State of Wyoming County of Teton This instrument was acknowledged before me on Mayor. 2013; by James Mazzarisi, Vice President of Commercial Loans of Bank of Jackson Hole. (Seal) RACHEL L. ROCK NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF 'w STAIE`OF, LINCOLN �h .,�''r WYOMING MY COM ION E)PiRES DECEMBER 17 2016 PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Notary Public My commission expires: ta-l°1- Ito {0 RECEIVED 5/3/2013 at 10:23 AM RECEIVING 970809 BOOK: 810 PAGE: 654 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Professional Land Surveyors PAUL N. SCHERBEL Wyo. Reg titration No. 164 Utah Reglitra6on'No.1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada RegistrahortNo. 6805 SCO1T*SCHERBEI., Wyo4igiatrahOti,No.4W68' Utah RegiatialiooNo. 372111 Idaho Registration No 8026 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wye 'Registration No. 5368 KARL F. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 11810 Idaho Registration No. 13493 CFEDS No, 1223 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Alton, Wyoming 81g PinityAryorhIng JaclisOkWYorhing Lavekol Idaho Moriteehat Idaho^ DESCRIPTION FOR WJW HOLDINGS WYMLC TRACT A ADJUSTED (3) To-wit: Exhibit "A" All of Tract A Adjusted (3) as depicted on the below referenced plat; ENCOMPASSING an area of 28.71 acres, more or less; 970561. 22 April "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" OOG The Base Bearing for this survey is the east line of the SEY4 of Section 9, T36N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being S00°-04t-42"W; TOGETHER with a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across Kibbie Parkway, Granite Ridge Road, the Ten (10) foot Access and Utility Easement, the Twenty (20) foot Utility Easement No. 1 and the Twenty (20) foot Utility Easement No. 2, as depicted on said plat; AND TOGETHER with and SUBJECT to a right of ingress and egress over and across the Twenty (20) foot Forest Access Easement and Fifty (50) foot Access Easement, as depicted on said plat; SUBJECT to a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across the Twenty (20) foot Utility Easement 1 and Common Area Easement as depicted on said plat; AND SUBJECT to a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across Caribou Forest Drive, as depicted on that plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County with Plat No. 102-A, titled "ACCESS ROAD ALPINE RETREAT SUBDIVISION 1 AND 2"; RESERVING unto the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns a perpetual right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under, and across the Twenty (20) foot Utility Easement 1, acitOict'ed on said plat, in order to provide a perpetual access and utility easVnierit t� whatever lands said Grantors may designate; that should the actual installed utilities be found to be in a different location than within said Twenty (2'0) foot Utility Easement as shown on said plat, then the centerline of the actual installed utility will automatically become the centerline of the twenty (20) foot utility easement; RESERVING unto the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns a perpetual right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under, and across said Kibbie Parkway, Caribou Forest Drive, Granite Ridge Road, Common Area Easement, Twenty (20) foot Forest Access Easement, Ten (10) foot Access and Utility Easement, the Fifty (50) foot Access Easement and the Fifteen (15) foot Utility, Pedestrian and Equestrian Easement as depicted on said plat, in order to provide a perpetual access and utility casements appurtenant to adjoining lands of said Grantors and to whatever lands said Grantors may designate; all in accordance with the plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR WJW HOLDINGS WY, LLC WITHIN GLO LOT 2 GLO LOT 3 GLO LOT 4 SVANE SE'/4 SECTION 9 T36N 12.11'9W LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING", dated 15 April 2013, as revised, with Accession No.