HomeMy WebLinkAbout87028202014092 01014114 A205 -10 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY R205 -04 NOTICE: THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. BEFORE SIGNING THIS DOCU- MENT, YOU SHOULD KNOW THESE IMPORTANT FACTS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS TO GIVE THE PERSON WHOM YOU DESIGNATE (YOUR "AGENT BROAD POWERS TO HANDLE YOUR PROPERTY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE POWERS TO PLEDGE, SELL OR OTHERWISE DISPOSE OF ANY REAL OR PERSON- AL PROPERTY WITHOUT ADVANCE NOTICE TO YOU OR APPROVAL BY YOU. YOU MAY SPECIFY THAT THESE POWERS WILL EXIST EVEN AFTER YOU BECOME DIS- ABLED, INCAPACITATED OR INCOMPETENT. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO MAKE MEDICAL OR OTHER HEALTH CARE DECISIONS FOR YOU. IF THERE IS ANYTHING ABOUT THIS FORM THAT YOU DO NOT UNDER- STAND, YOU SHOULD ASK A LAWYER TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. YOU MAY REVOKE THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IF YOU LATER WISH TO DO SO. TO ALL PERSONS, be it known that I, L /Ar 4 of L�� �f� C'L the undersigned Grantor, do hereby make and grant a general power of attorney to ,Et/f Val of /C-E and do thereupon constitute and appoint said indivi ual as my attom -in -fact. My attorney -in -fact shall act in my name, place and stead in any way which I myself could do, if I were per- sonally present, with respect to the following matters, to the extent that I am permitted by law to act through an agent: (NOTICE: The grantor must write his or her initials in the corresponding blank space of a box below with respect to each of the subdivisions (A) through (0) below for which the Grantor wants to give the agent authority. If the blank space within a box for any particular subdivision is NOT initialed, NO AUTHORITY WILL BE GRANTED for mat- ters that are included in that subdivision. Cross out each power (A) Real estate transacts (B) Tangible personal property transactions (C) Bond, share and commodity transactions (D) Banking transactions (E) Business operating transactions (F) Insurance transactions (G) Gifts to charities and individuals other than Attorney -in -Fact (If trust distributions are involved or tax consequences are anticipated, consult an attorney.) (11) Claims and litigation (I) (J) (K) Personal relationships and affairs Benefits from military service Records, reports and statements AZHF Recorded I t ,1 /.��dl�i at ?,.&./.1. M in Book J page Kemmerer WY No l ir Jeanne Wagner, Clerk (With Durable Provision) (Revised 2/97) �7 QI PaonPa.rd 0 c!! JO ad,i,I, UM OUN lUB leas mow pun pueq ,iur SSaN.LIM ivaunmsui ag1 painoaxa 'palae (s)uosiad aql goigM jo JINN uodn /ililua am io '(s)uosiod aq1 luaurn.r;sui agl uo (s)amluars .nags /aag/siq ,iq legl pue '(sai),i1 ioeduo pazuoglne i!agl /.rar.Psrq ui auzus aq1 palnoaxo Aag1 /aqs /ag 1e our 01 papoimou lou pue luarun.rlsur uigliM ag1 01 paquosgns an:/sr (s)aunu asowM (s)uosiod aql aq 01 (aouapina £roloejsiles jo slsuq aq1 uo aui of pano.rd Jo) our 01 umounl iilleuosiad pareadde .s-orjurx7yet "y 1 'aur a.ro ;aq z u0 1oug- ui Aoulo ai nl uu 2!s L1 JOIlunop .4°G 30 ale1S ssau1IM SS3U M :jo aouasard aq1 ui pau2!S rag 3o ,tup e snp leas .spun pau2iS .LNIIL�If12I.LSNI SIHS. JO SNOISIAO2Id IIH1, NO OEIYI12I ONIAVH X1 IVd Q2IIH1 HMS 30 NOSYII2I AS X1' Vd Q2IIH L HDI1S ISNIYOY IISRIY AVIAI JYH.L SINIVTD 'ITV (INV ANY ISNIYOY (INV I'\IO2I3 A1,2IYd Q2IIH.L H0f1S ANY SSII'IIAINYH Q1OH (NY AdINIAIIIQNI OZ IIII2IOY ASII2IIIH `SNOISSY QNY SIIAIIVINIISII2IdII2i 'WORT `SNaLf1OIIXII `S2IIIIH AIM 110.4 (INV 3'IIISAIN NOd I QNY `A1'aVd Q?IIH.L HDf1S AS QIIAIIIDIIlI NIIIIH IIAVH TIVHS NOII.YNINRIII,L NO NOI.LVD0AII2I H3I1S 3O IIOOII'IMONNI 2I0 IIOI.LON 'IHf1.LDV 1IINfl (INV SS3'INfl A1.2IVd Q2IIH.L HDf1S 01, SY IIAI.I,0d33HNI aH TIYHS dOII2IIIH NOII.YNILAI2III1. 2I0 NOI.LVD0AII2I IYHL QNY `NaINIla2IIIH .LOY AVIAI INIIIAIf12I.LSNI SIHI 30 TT[HAIISDV3 NO AdOD U1LIIDIIXII A'IfIQ V ONIAIHDMI AINVd U' IIH1 ANY IVHJ. IIII2IOY AH HH I `2I3QNf1 flHH IDV OZ X»IVd Q2IIH,L ANY IIXf1QNI OZ umfguapun os slou III pue uugJ I pug 'ojg1scnp1l swoop notlalo -sip lsaq aaq/srq ui agspq su slsoialui lea{ /Cul glinn lualsisuoo Siroudno Arelonpg p! us u! uuollad pu of saal2i pug suual sii of loorgns luauuuioddi sup sldaoou )(gong 1ou3 u! Xau.iollg AID] :suual, sag ;O •to ;uea0 aq; jo aqua ;aduioaul ao Smllgeslp ;uanbasgns aq; A q papally aq jou pegs Sau -Jove 3o aannod slq ;'ao ;uea0 aq; Aq paiel ;lul s! ;Jai aq; o ;;poiq aq; ul aaeds mum ai 3I (0) :uolslnoad alquanci sralleur .silo IIV (N) l (so)xoq lisodap a ;us o1 ssaood (yAD loops (legs louJ- ui- Xaruone Xur urogM suosrad so uosiad Cu ,u 01 siaMod 2uro2a.ro3 agl JO Hu 10 Cue ale2alap of lOUj- ui- iiaulolle ,iur of itluoglnu pagilunbun puu !Ind (-I)