HomeMy WebLinkAbout870286of r4 gage Mo '�'is voRtatES 0101411 vE0-12 -2000 TUE 02,09 PM WELLS FARG+O HOME MTG 8396607 8423198 WYCM- 3051 -C -1 Recorded in Book tr Page [Space Above This Line For Recording Data) MORTGAGE FAX NO, 402 536 2230 THIS MORTGAGE "Security instrument") is given on DECEMBER 12, 2000 BARBARA L CONITZ, A SINGLE PERSON ('Borrower This Security Instrument is given to WELLS F'ARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC, which has the address of 150 PARKWAY DRIVE, Wyoming 83128 WYOMIN Family- FNMA!FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3051 9190 el 6R(WY) (9212).01 Amended 5,91 VMP MORTGAGE FORMS (80 Papa 1 of 6 0)521 -7291 Initials e ALPINE (Zip Code) "Property Address"); 10r at .132. Kemmerer, WY Jeanne Wagner, Clerk The mortgagor is which is organized and existing under the laws of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA address is P.o. SOX 5137, DES MOINES, IA 503065137 and whose ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 "Lender Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument (Note" w monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on JANUARY *113, 500 .00 01, 2031 interest, nd This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note andh all r ll renew ew als, for extensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this Purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sate, the following described property located in LINCOLN A. 0 ,,.c•,. i F G y: qtv '`w c cs; County, Wyoming: 4♦ /i .t',, �v�S Lot 401 Pals Park Fourth Addition to the Wyoming, according to that plat filed December in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk. THIS IS A PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INSTRt3mENT. TAX STATEMENTS SHOULD BR SENT TO'' WELLS PARt30 HOME MORTGAGE, INC., P.O. BOX 5137, D8 MOINES, IA 503065137 S of Alpine, Lincoln County, 8, 2000 as Instrument No. 870179 (Street, City), 1 1111111 11111111 P. 07/2Lo 06/6 190£ wao4 Z 4 9 fc Z eaad Lo tZ 1ZSt (AM)V9- Jo auo au1 Jo UM alp d;srpes eels Jamoho •uag al] SuIA3 Iuapp a 8 aM01 S Ja u g [p.m' 2as suopor alt) Jo Blom Jano SarxoJd uitppr AVU2 gar earl a a2 r3afgns st A 2 J a d Oid alp ;o 2Jed Awe ps saurtrizaj Ja ua< P a;I 'luamnJpsul A'aunoas sup call oqa 8 uireurpxogns xapun[ o AsoOeJsppes 2uauuaaage uu uar a P 13I ':u ar psul fpranarys slip aqp puanazd or aluiado uourdo s Ja u a up gorg s uorquatp a oJ3 saJn u (o) Jo :Tian a u sp aj o 'Aq uar a P g p q2 3o ruauuaOJO3ua asurt$x spua3ap Jo 'Aq I qr gp!e; poo8 ur spsaruoo (q) :Japuag or milldam-8 aauueu1 u at trap a ur saa u (e) =mama ssalun ruauunirsul A2usas srtp Jano Aipaopad set q PaJttOas uor28$t[go alp 3o p Hew alp or ourarJm •s2uattaud alp Surpuaprn.a sidraoax Japun or gsruan3 Apdwo.rd [rugs Ja ox °g`dlpoa p ruauand satin sa) u xamoa m a Jamolio 'gdeJOund s {qp xapun mud aq or spunoure jo saotpou Ire Japual or gspuJrq Aridu:aid lugs Jamouo paut,Ced panapanic) uoslad al or Ap3aJtp amp two warp iced nulls Jamoxtoa `Jauuttu rum ur pled 2ou jr Jo `Z gdui8r=jud up papino1d =mew alp ur suopeSirqo asa Aud Mulls Jamoxxog 'Aug Jr 'qua.? puma Jo s2uaruAed plotlasual puu `puauunapsu I A 1 unoa S iq s J r.rd iriglae St= 11 AJadoid alp or a1qurngpire snoj2rsodtut pus scut; `saaiUIO `spuatussasse 'same Ir. ?llM r ire AEA [legs Jamnslo rog •suasuarZ asa3,reco °p 'a2oN at [a Japun anp saltutio are! Atm or 'net pus `•anp IedtourJd or 'z Weaned Japun argeXed spunotuu or 'puooas :arm air) .spun anp saZtetp 1uauiAedaid (w or l manor .anp asa.tapu or 'Tulip sgderEend lawn zapua j Aq panraaaJ smart/Cud Ire 'asrmlagpo saprnoad met a eon dde t 'Parlddg aq hugs Z pee I [q t s saru •spuawd ad do uorpeal[dci�r Aq paJnOas stuns arfa 2sare9t; atpaxa g s¢ ayes Jo v°ptsrnb3e 3o att2tl Ja ua p a pg '2uatufjpstq AIIJnoa8 stlp area Jo uot1is!nboe attp 01 Jorxd 'aapuwj 'A rad0J a as xo azrnboe l s xa uar q Plat[ Cptrnd Ar Ar Hulls `AUa q alp 30 due xamoaaog o pun3aJ Atadtuoxd 1113119 xa ua d It Iteq P i `rz gdgJ�eJed xapun 3j aapua t Aq prag spend p l `2uatunxlsuj Aptanoas sup Aq paanoaa stuns Ire 3o r[n3 Tit 1uawA8d uodn uegl auotu ou to Aottatogap age do alum Hugs xaMOJJ og 'Aotraropap a 2 do a paaxsrp New s,xapuaq re 's1uattrAed A[gpuatu an[amp Jamouor3 ase:t Irons ur 'pm `�urlrJm Tit J9m°'g �.a OJZ t OU OS Aetu xapuaj anp ua guar! e mimosa :mil o p p 1 rua1q s us hugs Aug 2e Japun -r Aq Pra s Tin a rf p 3 alp 3o runotue alp 31 .Mel argearrdde ;o spuatuazlnbal a g1 n you sr atop 01 luno33r !legs xaprral 'me[ atggarrdde Aq praq aq or pauituxad spunoxrtr, a o aou upz000s ur spend ssaa alp J03 Jr '2uaurnuasul Alranoas sup Aq paanaas sums pr 1o3 Arrxnoas teuorltppu se pa8pard a.ru spu d ate aputu sum mspun alp p op pi a qua gortim Jo.; asodxnd arfp pus spund agl or sttgap puu sltparo 8upo rf s 's trn a q P 'JamoJJOp1 01 onrg rugs xapun'[ •s Tin a uo red rings caxa2ur imp 'Ja n n,v 3 8 urpunoo�' [untrue Tie aBJe O 2nO atm 'sound all uo sSutaJea Jo 2saxapur Ace JaMO.tzog Budd oapaxpnba.r a q 2oTi Ja tt' 8uprxm t.•t aaJBe Aeut Ja U l l purls i pal 'pled aq or 'swam! saJpnba�J mul algsa dde 10 pp= sr puauraaJ$e ut ssarun •as1Mxagpo sapinoxd Mel arggoilddg ssarun 'mot sp p rprm uor13auuoo Tit Japua-r Aq Pasn aarn1as Sur.uodar xep aaupsa real 1uapuadapur ue Jo3 Jn o aura -auo a ,Cud or xamwJJOg axinbaJ Aew Ja t il goys a.Yew op Japua-j spruuad met argent[dde puu spun 1 i uo lsa1aput Jam0110E1 s(nd Japua-J ssarun `swailm0JOSg atp BurA can Jo 'punoaou m013Sa alp .3upzArette Arlsnttue 'spund alp 2u nrdde puu ffurprol Jo3 Jam° °a aarega 1OtI Am Ja 3. alt 'cud o spvnd alts Aid*? legs JapuaZ Irma Tie auto l p�I 'stctapr mol.OSg Alma Jo 'Arrtspuaunursul 'doualle lexapal e tq painsur spsodap sogm u of -nuns t r us I s st PI a a 4 �t pugs spun;3 pu 3utpnraur) g g q atld, arum! ;o saan1rpuadxa 3o saretuppsa argvuosum pee e2ep ruaJJno Jo srseq all ruoda P spun{ JO otue alp p a1erurlsa Aetu Ja usl 10 stuair 'punoruu aassa[ age paaoxa or 2ou lunorue 118 III sound plot pui poarioo 'antic Au8 re 'A8ca Ja rya 'OS S spend alp 01 sartdde pegp me[ Jatpoua ssarun „ydsm.bas. is •ha r09Z uorloa P "I Jr 3I '1un°r p uru s 8 spas tl saanr,.�OOxd 2uamapaaS aaeps a p S 'D'S 2i 'attril 01 amp Woz3 pauaw s8 t,L6i 3 Matt ttrxapa; a Ja un amo3; MO1 9a s ,Jamouoa Jo3 a.rnbai Amu ego[ aWe8i1our plural Arlsaapa3 8 Jo3 Japun[ 8 pastas utnurtxeuJ attp paaOxa or you runorut tte up spun o „•swaut n�oJOSB„ Palfe an swan asa d PI g pee 13M103 ‘2111I) raze pu `Auer Japtta7 l.L •sturuuiazd aotr8Jnsur aWsWpow 3o 2uautAsd aqp 3o nal! ur 'g gdaarnd,10 suorstno1d alp l2lm aotrup1OOoe ur `Japun[ or xamouog dq algeted sums Aue 'surnruraad aOUgxnsul poop Jead J) P� 'A� Jr 'soulful aaueunsur a�e8pxour A[xuaA (a) !Aug zi p TJ (p) .stunttuazd anus1nsur ,fa.radoxd ao riJezpq Arxua, (3) ;,(U8 Jr pJadoxd aqp n sum? punoJ3 Jo s2uautAed progasea[ A[zead (q) :ArJado.id ale uo Ting 8 sr 2uaLuttusur A1rxnas sti p 10A0 A1pporxd l:t8138 Auuz gO[gm s1pl3tuss3sse pub saxer AlJBaA (e) :Jo3 „spung wins a `r[nj ur pled sr anon,,; alp pin `a o t atp Japun anp OR spuauxAed Ajlpuouu /cep alp try Japuag or Aed !lugs lanto.uog 'Japua'i Aq JanlenA uaaii.M 8 0) .10 met argeorrddu or roa f n 'apo�l ay Jam; sae ape[ pee 2uatuAgdaxd des Tit; a O a Cg 5 'aausm5ul pee saxlt,pL x03 spend j: aqr anp eat {m Aed Ar2duz°Jd netts aamoJJO die p p N 11 q paOuaprna Nap alp uo 2sasatur pot Jo redpurid do are p puautdedaJd :Isaxa;ui pun ledraurad jo wuau deg I :smotlo; 58 03188 pug 1uuuano3 Ja ua P Z PUe JamoJxog six dPtgAOa I'V?IOdINn palls =rll tr1!m sluuuano3 uuo3iun -aou per. d n t pm gu o ruatu s Ar Tin saa pJo3O3n a aln1risuo:s O2 uoa3rpstan f Aq suormit:A *No= jo saOUexgrun3ua .Cue or p3afgns 'spu8cua 3l �Nai�rnx�.shl A.�zxn�as sIH,I, slueaJem Ja jo p PU swrel au 1sur88g Arxad°Jd all o. app alp Alrelana8 pualap rpm pug' g 'pzoaax Jo saaueaqutnoua Jo3 1daoxa 'paJaqurn3uaun sr Auadoid alp pu pug duadord alp AanuQ3 pun auexti `a8e81JOtu or 2g8r1 alp surf pun paAanuoo AgaJag aauasa alp Jo pastas Alnlmer sr J3MOJJ0$ „'AuadoJd atp su 2uaurfJ1suj A2pxnaaS slue ur or pa.ual sJ S o of Oj i 'lU Wr A1rinoas snip Aq pan/kw) aq osru [hugs suor2rppu pU dat 3 q suuatuaoe 1 J° I Hy 'AUadord age l0 lied p :a23uaJOl 10 .t�ou pub 'sa3ueuapJndd8 'sruatnasua lie put? 'Aliadoxd ay u° paroara Jappuazal Jo mu 5111 U1anoxdzur aqa nu HJJM ?IgHlaool, a,.E c H/90 d 0£22 9£9 'at ON XV.4 1LW 3WOH 0'J 'd S113M Wd O 20 3fli 0002, -O3G DEC -2000 TUE 02 :12 PM WELLS FARGO HOME MTG FAX N0, 402 536 2230 P. 09i21 S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including on floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the or hereafter erected er the that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject shall not be unreasonably withheld, f Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, a Lender and for the periods which, shall not t coverage a to protect Lender's rights IB in the Property in ublect t Lender's Lender's All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall tli c paragraph include a standard r may, at bnder shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of Ions, Borrower shall give prompt n mortgage clause. Lender Lender may Snake proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. p Y give to Lender all receipts of Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise i agree in writing, insurance proceeds p otlee to the i shall be applied to insurance urance carrier and Lender. Property s Le nd, if the restoration or repair is economically in feasible an and Leader's security is not lessened. restoration or repair of for ed. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds secured by this Security instrument, whether or not then due, with any Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has shall be applied m the sums Property, may does not the answer r within nr30 days a notice may use the proeeeds the incur paid to ier h of r Borrower settle abandons the Lender may this collect Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 30 -day restore the to settle a claim, then Unless t is Lender Secu ty Borrower otherwise or agree t e ue. o will begin g when tee notice is Property or to pay sums y period will begin wrier the notice is given. postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lende damage h the t P r o prior so the b shall Borrower's to e r's r g the extent insurance the s p of the payments. I fr in p policies d by this proceeds resetting from y prior t t h e acquisition. airs secured by this Security instrument 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Properly as Borrower's principal residence Application; Leaseholds. he date i occupancy, In sixty days after the a year of unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not ncP for at least one year after Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property Borrower shall unless action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun destroy, damage or impair the Property gun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the ports or otherwise materially i the gal created b cure surh a default and reinstate by this Security Instrument or bender's security interest. Borrower may cure iu. L defa ga faith d e, spro precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other ided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a tulip impairment of the Lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest material in default if Borrower, during the loan application pprocesss Borrower g to provide d uring with any application rmiog) in connection with the loan► gave materially falsse e or inaccurate information or statements s h a lt also be ements to Lender (or failed to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this by the Note, including, but not limited leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower ac leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. s Security Instrument is on a 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Pro pert quires fee title to the Property, the I►e y. If Borrower fails to perform e covenants and agreements contained in this is S Instrument, or there is a le proceeding that m proceeding uri in str bankruptcy, y significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property p y, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender pay for whatever is necessary i? y (such as a include paying protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument appearin court, may paying and reasonable attorneys` fees a nd entering on the Property to m repairs. Although Lender ct may take action under this paragrap h Lender's actions may r Lender does not have to do so. in Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become add' r ph h i Security Instillment. sburs Borrower and itional debt of Borrower secured b Lender a to other tombs of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the Slate of disbursement at the Note rate and shale Lender agree with interest, upon by this payment. Pan notice from Lender to Borrower requesting 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage in mortgage insurance Bo ro coverage; pay by i the le secured f, for any by this on h lo am ge coverage coverage required equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously effect, in e insurance er s in effect, t, If, e a y rider lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay reason, the cast to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mart p Y he premiums required to substantially w e r v o f equivalent mortgage tg insurance coverage p viou l not effect, from Borrower t f m at a cost substantially equivalent quivalent to the subs twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance oe being gate insurer er each mo approved by Lender. If one-twelfth in effect, f Lender ar mortgage use nsu retain these payments as a loss reserve h al l pay to insurance ndec ve h month a sum equal to g pasd by s rowe wnen Sue mortg age i coverage lapsed or ceased to lieu of mo rtgnsrance, Loss reserve 410L ANY) s92121.01 Page 3 of 8 1 y, Form 3061 9 /9c MI `'s�tuiu� 06!6 LSO£.:ALMA 2/ 'd O£ZZ 9£9 z0t7 ON Xd.d 9 Ao g e9sd LO IZ L 6) (Amaw-tb '3uatrana3strl A23snaaS sigl 3o pue atou ag2 Jo ddoa PatuaoJuo atm uanr3 aq ins aamoaaog ,(do7 s4.iaAto.uog 9i Palglaap ant alojq aqo pus #uatutuosul dlzanaaS sup 3o suorsrnoad a a uao gal tit pua sig 2 rlluoa aril 1nog3jM =13330 ua,tr$ l Ol, •uorsrnoad Sur a algeaanas aq or 4 gM arom alp 10 3uaum tlsuj dtpnaag sup Jo suorsrAwd amp() 1aa33e lot s ar uoa tons 'Mel argearrdde tpr,r� star oa wru atoa�I age JO lua#suI d2ranaas srgl3o asnsla Jo tors ;void ,Sus pp l .Ii agl3o noel alp pus Me tgtit Juana atp ui Taproot sr 6lrado,td alp gaigM u► uoj3arpsranf I papal dq paruanog aq rusts wauaruisul Samoans srtu I# putranas !anti au urano 'tde sup ur pap ;Woad se uann Iraq& aopun ao dq Qu a agl aapun pa aaA o1Jog of uanrn uaa anti o3 atuaa sup ur ao3 paprnoad aarlou £u q t A p 1 Mils ittaraarulsrrj un;yaS 01 u r ssera lsat; dq you aq llemo aoq 01 aapou dq salsuarsap aapua-j ssaaPpe amp° Cue 10 ureter tot pe y sera l a a Pual o3 aapou du p a"1 3 1 pa3sls pe as p s,aapua d alp 03 Palaaarp aq riegs ao;ou a 'aa u o am ou �iq saleuS aannoaog ssaapps aatjlo Sue JO atricew dq ao lr SuraanrlaP dQ ua,ti3 aq tress tuaurna2s r 3 Jo papinold aa n saalnbaa mgr argeatidde ssarun Emu seep )sag d 3 ntouog or aapou du .pr q 1r Sur )no 3uaut�Cedaad mind a se paleaa3 rum u0rlan as a 'Seal ;ox 6T aq 11, a jaa aql .spun oJ1o 03 3 u6rdaad laaarp a Srat�leur Aq o aloltii panto ledraurxd alp ulanp d d u u r a xd sup pvn3aa a 3; •aaMOaao 0 of papun3aa a r M g 1 3 i 0 0 gd q Il, siltuil parquuad popaaaxa tourer, aantoaaog wog palaai a Speo r gl a su ms �f p dace aap •a d 3 aSaega air] aanpaa o1lftessaaatt =lotus ag3 dq peon as a (q) �Ptre `uwr a rwaad agl of a tlrM uorlaatuo u F q limp aaaega ueor trans Sue (a) :ua 'error! 1 pap i palaalloa aq 03 JO palaalroa saaaetla too; .110 .10 Namur a u I tq £Tt u o' arp p l pup tear 'sa2aega ueor umwrxem seas gaignn Mel r 01 laafgns sr 3uatunalsu d unaa SIT Imp os r alp 3 2 cq u Mgr ig 'tuasuoa s,.taMOxro 2 5 gl q pamaas nor a rft pue ti JO now' `d3S `pu x a o 3 O e A% N I(1 0 as un due kt ue ra ta g e I tut 31 'o p sga an 1IB S sup Jo =al alp 03 par±aaa un saopepotuur i due a�jeu stuns atp iced o1 pa30atlgo �i1BU0saad lot sr p P T imp Si aa�e (a) pus .2uauanalsul �CltanaaS sup Imp Saimaa pue' luraa o 4 II our o7 /quo r u una3s autulsuj dlunaa sr q3 R uaanaas S sup swaal agl spun Mil alp ur top rsaaarur l a tun aaog 2 1 3 i 3 Sidi svSts -oa ogM aaMOas Any I dlranaaS sup Suru41S -oa sr (e) :a1o�r aq1 atnaaxa tot sao m 3o suorsrnoad alp 03 taafgns 'aanto b 'reaanas pore 3urof aq ;legs sluatuaaa s pus sluauanoo s,aaM.oaaoU 1 tu pore aapua'I 3o su /rsse pue saossaaans a 1 tr aua u LI gd sup 3o macaroons pus slusuanoa agu •s iaua s-o :Amgen nJae q r 3 i pug PU3q Ilegs lu esaao sul z iranaaS I 3 1 aS pug tulol• !punog sualssy pue saossaaan aql apniaaad o 3o aanteM a aq tot S 'ZI 11etl Spart ao 3gSra Sue dulsra.raxa ui aapua•3 dq aausasa o Amy r a a l d ue 3 osraaaxa s,aamo aaoli JO aamoaaog jeurgrao ago oin pustuap ,Cur 3o uoseaa rf q 3 d 'lsaaalur S saossaaans uopezrlaoure ,(3tpour as1Maaglo ao luawded 103 amp puma 01 asnJaa ao lsaaalur tar a ss cans dug lsureae sgurpaaaoad aauaur'woa S g q paanaas scans aril 30 01 paarnbaa aq 3ot liege aapua-j •tsaaalut tar saossaaans s,aaMOaao$ ao JOMOa10 iteys aa.MOaaog 3o isaaalur ur aossaaana Cue o2 aapu d 13 Ieuiaro ag13o Ammar' alp assnlaa 01 aleaadc tot uorlearjrpour JO 3uaurded 103 mug alp 30 otsualx a At O lei Japu '-j ti a Us.roa o I aS sup q paanaas sums aq# 30 uorlezr3antua 3 luoctand. Hans 3o moo= alp a8ustla JO Z pus I Sgdea4eaed u; 03 p araa;aa stuatu d Sup ow 43 #oIa p grip pr .20 puma Sou `li 's bags Iedrauud 03 spaaaoad 3o uorisat;ddr due 'aupuM RI aaaag 0 srnua(4o JO/110310H puo .I puaj s aju 1sod stuns am 03 ao Suadoad ag3 3o aredaa ao uope3olsaa 07 aagjra 'uor#do s2r le `spaaooad alp u a dtdde pus lea o 0 •*an!) nest Iota JO Jac/login Jac/login '3uawtulsul dltanoas sup �Cq paanaas 'uanr$ sr aarlotrl app a aa g lava s,Cep OE tat rM as It 01 paaraotpne Si aapua7 ors a�igtu 02 saoua tp a p 3 a tll. pu j 03 puodsar 03 slieo aaMoaaog 'saasturp o3 uurela 0 a;13as a0 pas,�ne F qt 3etrl aantoaog 03 aaptta7 &q aapou sous 'Jr JO 'aamoaao d ao 'anp uagl ear smuts a g q P Ptre4e sr �ftaad0ad alp 31 hogs spaaaord alp 'saprnoad asrmaatio Mar argear;dde JO Sur3uM u a0J 13 aSiM.ra 3o as u lumunmui 5 spy q paanaas scans aqi 01 parldde aq alp aaojaq �Clalerpatutur paanaas stuns alp Jo 3unotus atp uegl 9501 Si our g F a'I 3 aannoalp 30 ssatun 'Surxul 1333 atp q,ig tar d#aadoad at2 3o Sur �IL►1 alp aa dralerpatutur �fuadoad alp 3 amen #a�raetzr 110 3erpaururr duadoa a� 3 [spied 0 3o Juana aq3 ul /antoaao& 03 prod aq ;logs aatro du d t.p 3o anion 1a�laeru area alp (q) ,Cq paprnrp '2upre3 a aao a d a rr tog b Jowl agl nlojaci Telo3 ag3 (e) :uoitaea3 2 utntolto3 alp �Cq patldrtintzt spaaaoad o q I l paurutl paanaas stuns ag13o tunntue dq paanaas sums aqo `Su tt tar 0t 3 a p aa o as r q3 3o lunouae aq3 dq paanpaa aq awls ivatutulsui X#tanaaS sup q a q Rums sums alp Jo lunotue a p t a I pus aamoaaog ssarun Su l aqt aaojaq �Cialerpaurwr ltaturulsul dlpn:sas ql unto aaleauS JO 03 limbo Sr 9ur31e1 MI) aao;aq dlalerpatutur dlaadoad NJ ;o anon la,lrotu 1 3 0 3 0111 tart& tai dlaadord at;l 3o 21473 lerlazd s 3o loan ag3 ul 'aamoaaog 03 prod SSO O All Trifilit `an UM `3uatutulsui Stratton sup dq paanaas stuns age of parrdde aq rags spaaa0ad art `duadoa P tml 13011 JO latpagnt d alp 3o gags; lelot a 30 Juana aqt 313 pus pauStsse ,Cgaaat an 'totlsttwapuoa 30 Harr tar aousdanuoa ao3 10 *Ariadoicr t at 30 laud dote 3- n Sur 1 'aapu3r or pled aq ;legs aatpo Sus g3rM uorlaautroa tar 'repuanbasuoa in laaarp 'saaatusp .103 turgid ao eMe due Jo rleut JO uo►�suutapuoa 'uopaadsar alp ao3 asnsa aiquuossaa Surd rands or aadsul us 03 aoracI 3o mu!) r aqu l o aapou aaMTO.uo anr8 Irmo u 3. 13 tl F a-r 'dlaadoad aq3 3o suopoadsur put, uodn saratua arg0u0sraa a�letu diva 1ua20 53r 10 as ua g 'Wren algearldth ao aapoa[ pus aamoaog uaohloq tuatuaaags ua23raM due t p `I 'uoro spIIO •d aSeSlaotu 103 ltatuaa10baa MO HMO. j 'anaasaa spar a aprnoad of ao '1aa33a tar aatreansur a.Se$3aotu Lumpur tip Pa,nnbosswntuiaad atp did [puts aaMOaaog •paurelgo sr pone algerleAS s awoaaq uteSe as ua d d tp pop aQ3 ao3 putt lunotus alp tar) aaeaanoa aout;snsur aar$laaur 3. 2 panoadde a aansr;r tae dq papinoxd (saarnbe,a xapua•I onto p a'I 3o uopdo alp In spa.un5aa aq aaauoj ou Saw sluawdsd 1,, 0 OJW 3WOH 00K3. S113M Wd £t:ZO 3AI OOO 1-O3a DEC -12 -2000 TUE 02:15 PM WELLS FARGO HOME NTG FAX N0, 402 536 2230 the Pr r of 17, '.Transfe tho 3 3 E) k sold or transferred th if a Property or interest in Beneficial is sold B o er If fr o r k sold o t ri a written consent, Lender t s in at B s rower is require o transferred re a any part of the Property naor tural any interest in it Security Instrument. co However, this option may, not s option, by Lender if immediate Borrower is of a n person} without payment in full of all sums secured this of this Security Instrument. the exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must Instrument> If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period Lender provide a period of not permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. st pay all sums secured by this 18. Borrower's Right rider may invoke any remedies ght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the ri ht or to the earlier of: a 5 applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Pro Property B to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time pri Security Instrument; m may p enentry re nsuement enforcing tethis of the Security p pur pursuant t Those dayo any power conditions are o s (f that t e Borrower: sale such other dein t his as P (a) pays in this ail sums which then would be due under this Security curity Instrument and the Note as if no cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (e) pays all expenses (b) including, but not f a n y d to, reasonable attorneys' g e fees• and (d) acct }erasion had occurred; nt, including, the lien but this mired Security t Instrument, rights in the Property incurred in enforcing this Security Ipso assure ()takes such Borrower's action as 's Lender may reasonably require c o assure t Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Periy and BO A °War s obligation to pay the sums secured by Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the this obligations Security secured hereby shall remain fully ef as if no not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17, acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall 19. 19 Sale of Mote; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a Instrument) 19S may be sold one n more Lo an without partial interest in the Note (together with this Security I the "Loan may be sold that collects r more month! thout prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity (known a s more changes of the y payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one g Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be law. The notice given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law information Y applicable law. an uired b P ytnents should be made. The noticewiil also ota sin any other address of the new Loan Services and the address to which a s s S o a H 20. azrduubtances. Borrower shall not cause or e Fazard0. Hazardous ub to or in the Property, .Burrowers permit the presence use, disposal Property Hazardous Substances is o violation of any hall not do, nor allow anyone else tondo, anything in or release of any Prop on the Property of of y quantities Environmental of a does Substances that are en anydrin afce u s e for u preceding two sentences shall not d to to the presence, use, or residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. generally Borrower shall promptly y cognized to be appropriate to normal P mptly give Leader written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by governmental or regulatory :agency or private of which governmental o re has actual al kn y or private If Barry involving learns, the is notified and b any any Property b any govern Substance or r e or Environmen Law any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is governmental necessary, or re all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law regulatory authority, that As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances def Borrower shall promptly take Environmental Law and the h following 20, med as toxic or hazardous substances by pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, containing asbestos�a8foetxnatdeh amenable or toxic ct ve materials, products, toxic this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" ydc, and radioactive materials. As used in relate to health, safety or envirotunental protteectionf epees! laws and Caws of the jurisdiction on where the Property is located that NON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: Acceleration; Remedies, Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration s applicable Taw provides otherwise The notice shall specify: following Borrower's Borrower s breach (c) a date, not less than o ti days from the date the shall s is given to Borrower,) which under paragraph 17 unless (d) that failure to ch the days from on the date the the dates (a) the default; Borrower, by the action required to cure the cured; secured that f by a lur to Security re ,Instrument and sale of the Property. y r result default must be cured; and specified in the notice may re !n acceleration of the right reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to p sty• Tne notice t ball further inform a rro au of the any t e r defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. 11 the default is not cured oil or bet assert the before f date to a default or the other Lender, at its option, may require immediate L uther at its and may y invoke the payment in full of all sums secured bye this date speen in the without further demand collect all may inv incurred kth pojn power o sale and any other remedies permitted this S bleu I shall be en fled to attorneys' s' fees mitred ra by h 21 in le taw. Lender shat ted be pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, including, but not limited y and costs of title evidence. II Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall ive PO sion of the Pro rt S notice of intent to foreclose to Borrower Pe y, if different, In accordance with applicable law. Lender shall give notice of the sale to 41 6R(WY) (9212).01 Pegs 8of6 Initlpls:�� Form 3051 9/90 11111 1•11' P. 11/21 epp-6RiWY1 192121.01 DE !.2-2000 TUE 02:16 PM WELLS FARGO HOME MTG Borrower in the manner provided in paragraph 14. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Lender or its designee ma y purchase the Property at any sale, The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited t shall be n sold attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or Persons legally entitled to it. to, reasonable 22. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. 23, Waivers, Borrower waives all rights of homestead exemption in the Property and relinquishes all ri hts Instrument dower in the Property. R of curtest' and 24. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be Inca rporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security Instrument. r with this [Check applicable box(es)] Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider Graduated Payment Rider Planned Uni Development Rider r: 1 -4 Family Rider Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider B'weekty Payment Rider I 1 v.A. Rider ❑Other[specify] Second Home Rider (s )[p s BY SIGNING BELOW, Burrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Securit Ins in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. Witnesses: Y trument and My Commission Expires; 9/12/03 (Seal) Borrower STATE OF WYOMING, katitaft Tthton County ss: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 12th day of December, 2000 by BARBARA L CONITE, A SINGLE PERSON Pape6 ARBARA L CoNXTZ FAX NO, 402 536 2230 03 P. 12/21 (Seal) Borrower (Seal) Borrower (Seal) Borrower Form 3051 9/90