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G'th s S`bl ANY ALTS` ATION OR ERASURE VOIDS THIS CERTIFICATION. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH r STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1 7 1 !1 1 1 ---TTT STATE FILE NUMBER LAST SEX RACE (White, Black, Am. Indian etc.) DATE OF DEATH (Month,Day,Year) Specify BEVERLY JEAN: GREEN;`HEATON z. Female 3. White WAS DECEDENT OF SPANISH CI I YES -�10 If y e'a; I ndtcata tut): DATE OF. BIRTH (Month,Day,Year) AGE (Last Mexlcen❑ Puerto Rican:: Cuban Othef (1) oth6,, epecIfy)' Birthday) 5. NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST BIRTHPLACE (State or foreign country) USUAL OCCUpATION kind of Work don 4trt working llfe, ;even retired.) 13a Homemaker NAME OF ATHER ;Sheldon John Gr een USUAL RESIDENOE- (Street addras;dor roeaboh,) =1471 West 4180 Sout ITY OR TOWN ICOUNI T)t`' Tay_lorsville 2 PART f; DEA H WAE'" AU$ED Date, Issue A3her: f -123uJ Un a NAME AND LOCATION "OFCEMETERYLSR CREMAT Valley Vieww Mem, Y: ''IMM DIAT CA (A) 'CONDITIONS VAN) WHICH DAVE RISE;TO THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE,' (A), STATING THE UN= >DERLYING=CAUSE ],:AST:' (C) PARTS. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS C0 IMMEDIATE CAUSE GIVEN IN PART), is is to certify that this is a ti cier" ar thority,of section: f3-2 MID DESCRIBE HOW INJURY, OCCURRED (enter eegdenjcd of SHOULD BE ENTERED ;IN ITEM 29) i 39. 0 What co Utah n me which Nay 2, 1928 Never Married Married Widowed 10. Divorced 'I1oND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY CE OF Home 'INSIDE CITY LIMITS? I YES NO 118b. (STATE AND ZIP CODE NAME of hospital, nursing home or other inptftdti n yrherq q Ih 9c cufred.' CITY OR TOWN Of outside an institution, give street address df lopation) Inpatient E.D. patient 1 20s-" Cottonwood Hospita DOA 120b. Murra MEDICAL EXAMINER: 1 hereby certify that (d the` peat of n y'coley/ler:101Me: ^.oath occurred e. at the ndlor, hour, date and place stated above 'rpm the.cau6ee stated below bend on exam nation of "th 7ody Investigation p1 the circumdtantes.. to Decedent was ;cro '•unced dead att.f -to 22. HOUR MO i DAy R Burial Entombment❑IDATE Remova Cremation RI�UT�NG�TO;DEA 3IIT NOT RELATED TO THE Accident "Pending, eat)gatiorf DA o In)ui'y (Monfh,Day, Year) surcide Undetermined tf tp urad Homicide o Accidently Or PuOge)yr 33a LOCATION OF itoart -STREE'r'AND;NUMRbR OR Y rimif N`A f(D t:IYY O TdWN. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER Edna Howarth Utah 84107 !PHYSICIAN 0 er line for Baand i9 r C8 0 7 .54 Yrs. y of the cer ilicateon file in this office. This certified copy is issued he Utah C Annotated, 1953 As Amended. Barry `E, Nangle DIRECTOR OF VITAL RECORDS Months I Days IF UNDER 24 HOURS Hours I Minutes EDUCATION (Specify only highest grade completed) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Elementary or Secondary (0-12) College (13-16 or 17 11. 12 12. 259 -30 -3554 NAME of surviving spouse (If, wife, enter maiden name.) Was decedent ever In U.S. Armed Forces? 17, YES n NO I i, _R NAE `ATIQSIS7 NG DDRESS OF INFORMANT r. Kerr r/ Heaton, husband 1471 West 4180 South 18 _Taylorsville, UT 84107 GNATURE WV 4 6 1: •r 1 21b. ere y Bert y at to t e est 9 my kn9wIed9e the'death occurred at 1..ERT IER'S name and title (Type or print) DATE SIGNED (Month,Day,Year) the hour, date and place,Statsrl above from the tause etated,4Alow, that 1 attf,pded the el decedent, and I1 month f�, 4„ r(f a llva 4n I r/ Y1tr yy �s p y al 1 211 31d m month T /A' 1 j j d�y yeas 3 1 21s. uhr ord R. i L CiSe 1 r 1 1 f If not certified by medical examine Was death reported to him? YES NO t CE RTIFIERS address and zip code !UTAH PHYSICIAN II yes enter the date and now reported: (24 Aour clock) LICEN E NUMBER YE hR 1219. 1 S. 30 1... i i tA r 1 ON 1A+ t Io 7 L m 1 49 "SIGNT otTOnerai ecto FU R HOME—..me ddress and ll ns umber 254838u�5 P e5woe d .hmeSLC UT 84107 Date accepted for registration by local IEZ kt 28 J u a 2 1983 AUTOPSY 1 IF YES, were findings cons(dered YES death? ICI.. to determining cause of deat 31a. I 1b YES NO clock) Interval between onset and death A Interval between onset and death Interval between onset and death TIME OF INJURY 1 URY AT WORK? PLACE OF INJURY (Specify home, farm, factory, freeway, 1 (24 Hour Clock) YES NO street, office buildings, etc.) 1 3b. 34. n n 35. Distance from place of injury to Were laboratory tests done for Ware laboratory testa usual residence (Item 16) drugs or toxicicals? 38. ne tor alcohol? ho� NO 136b Miles 37 YES NO 'ul(d hi Injury;" NATURE OF INJURY If motor vehicle accident, specify if decedent was driver, passenger or pedestrian. 40.