HomeMy WebLinkAbout870291;ueweeJ6y
sly; a4noaxa o; i(;uoy;ne !e6el s,JauMO to uol ;e ;uawnoop alaIdwoo apinoJd !legs JeUM0 'SdSfl ay; ;senbaJ uodn 'L
*imam; asuuuag ;o
pawls ssalun tam; !moue. Aue 6uunp awes ay; ulew9J II1M asea1 sly; ;o Suoi ;Ipuoo pue sWJa; Jay ;o Iiy WJel leMBU0J
pea pue wja; areal leul6u0 eg ;10 pue ay; atom sitep 0£ ;Seal ;e Jossa1 ay; o; '6ul;unn ul 'lugs S! aol;ou leg; paranoid
1V1N321 wf1NNV 213d S2IVil d0 'ON w2131 NOI1d01VM3N32I
:S e ;uaJ lenuue 6ulnnoilol mole pue sWJ9j anl ;noesuoo
pue a;eiedas 6uuaollol ay; Jol 'ao1AJas 18 1sod ay1 }o uol ;do ay; ;e paM9u9J aq Aew asee eta :SNOIld01VM3N32I '9
•a6ueyo GUI 10 amp GA1139U9 ay1
atom sAep (o9) A4xls ;seal }e eassaJppe Jo ae, ed ui e6ueyo Aue '6uraunn uI 'payl;ou s! Jaow° 6u!peJ4uoa ay; ssalun
VE66 OLOt8 ,Lfl xaNFIS
1S OOL H,LfmOS OL601
210// xpauwwI,L 3Y
:o; ejgei.ed
:snnolloj se pasJngslp eq !legs S)$oayo wet!
'peleioJd eq Keys y ;uow a ;o ped Job wet! g wow Jepueleo yoea ;o pue ay; le s ;uewlielsul lenbe u! algei(ed
s.IeT1oa 00T /00 pue anTa- xquemy pa.IpunH x1S puesnotty au0
00'SZ9'T$ 40
wns ay; uI pouad eseq ay; 6uunp saslwaJd paslwaa ay; Jot 1e 1U9J lenuue tie J9UMO ay; i(ed Heys aOlnJas Ie ;sod 9 141 'b
eavaiC S go Te1o4 a .Io; too
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pue 'Saoueua4Jndde 's ;uawe ;Ipaleg 's ;uawaua; 9 111 1 44!M Jagle6o; `saslwaJd paslwaa ay; a10H 01 aNY 3AVH 01 '8
•6uTwoILM go egegs 'uiooutr
pue gsaTa go aauxoo aqp qv pelvooi '106 x ■09
ay; se 04 p3JJ9;aJ J34Jeu!eiay saslwaJd ule>Jao asoy; eovues
:swim se 9916e pue;ueueno0 peuol ;uew Ja44eulaJay uol ;eJaplsuoo ay; Job o;ama; salped 8141 :H13SS3NIIM
409J91/ ped a apew pue o ;9,314 pa14oe448 V uol ;oar 'asea1 punoJO 901AJ9S Ie ;sod •s•a 8144 0; suol41Puo0 1819U90 ay;
uI pau!e ;UOO pue ulaJay pegiJOSap Suolppuoo pue swig; ay; tram aouepJOOOe ul 'su6!sse pue sJOSSaoons Si! ';uawweno0
sa2e4S pe4lufl 9 144 to y3Ue1g anl;noax3 ay; lO 4uawysllge4sa 4uepuadepul ue ',e3!AJas Ie ;sod, pelieo J9)4BUI9J911
'aowas Ie ;sod semis pa;Iua ay; pue ',JaUMO, pa11eo '8J0W Jo 9U0 194481M 'Ja;4eul9Jay xo32 mia. 3 StiWOH.L
2I0 M )DSIIKWLL 3V ueenn;aq pue iq 100 Z 'TO ITV uo ow! pa1a4ue pue apew '1N301332I9V 9 141 l
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gala 'ieu6eM auuee( oN
1uauaaaa6y essa- puno�l oJ9Jawwey; ;V a e p v11 )1008 Ul ti
w 44111 ;e 74:74,776 pepiooad
1. (666L aunr 'z•zA) GNnoaoaa
•auoN :uol ;eulwial •9
(00'£90 E 50 6TT7Z -ZT :NdV)
go Aquno3 'a1TTAexo0 go uMOy 'sgeeags utew
buTanseaw 'T xooTs 'OZ pue 6T slot go ITV
:snnolloj se pequosep /(lle6e! pue ',saslwaJd paslwaa,
le ;sod ay; 04 999881 pue saswwap i(gaJay Jaws° 9 111 'Z
8666 -bt1E8 AM '3TIIASx00 NIVW (NV ,LSHI3
uogeoo1 /aweN Alfred
331A2135 7V1SOd ffir
S3.LVLS 0311Nl1
Ground Lease Agreement
u 4
8. The Owner hereby agrees that upon execution of this Agreement by the Owner, the agents, employees or
representatives of the Postal Service shall have the right, subject to the use made of the premises by the Owner, to
enter upon the said premises for the sole purpose of inspecting the same and making test borings, plans and
topographical surveys in connection with the Postal Service's contemplated use of the premises and all other acts
necessary or incidental thereto.
9. The Owner covenants and warrants that the Postal Service shall quietly have, hold and enjoy the Demised Premises
for the base period and all renewals and extensions thereof, if exercised, subject to the terms, covenants, conditions,
provisions, and mortgages or other liens against the Demised Premises which are prior in time and in right to this
Agreement. Any encumbrances on title shall be disclosed in writing to the Postal Service prior to the execution of this
Agreement. The Owner agrees to furnish, in a form acceptable to the Postal Service, an agreement from such lienors
that if they should ever foreclose or otherwise enforce their lien against the property they will do so subject to this
Agreement and the rights of the Postal Service hereunder.
10. To the extent applicable, the Owner agrees to cooperate and assist in obtaining any permits, licenses or
authorizations necessary and incidental to the construction or placement of improvements on the Demised Premises.
Failure of the Owner to so cooperate and assist may be grounds for termination of this Agreement by the Postal Service.
11. The Postal Service shall have the right during the base period and any renewal or extension thereof, to make
alterations, attach fixtures and erect additions, structures or signs in or upon the Demised Premises in accordance with
local codes and ordinances.
12. Upon the request of the Postal Service, the Owner shall at its expense, record this Agreement in the proper
recording office. Said expense shall include all required fees.
13. The Postal Service may sublet or assign all or any part of the Demised Premises, including any improvements
thereon, but shall not be relieved from any obligation under this Agreement except as may be agreed to by the Owner
and the Postal Service. Each subletting or assignment shall be executed in writing by the sublessee or assignee who
shall agree to be bound by and to perform the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement.
14. Improvements, additions and alterations made to the Demised Premises by the Postal Service, its subtenants, or
assignees at any time during the base period or any renewal or extension thereof, shall not be construed as diminishing
the value of the Demised Premises or as leaving the Demised Premises in as good condition as existed at the time this
Agreement was entered, upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. All improvements, additions and
alterations shall remain the personal property of the Postal Service, consistent with the terms of this Agreement. The
Postal Service shall not be required to demolish or remove such improvements but may do so at its option without any
liability to the Owner, within so days after expiration or termination of this Agreement, during which period no rental
obligations shall accrue.
Should the Postal Service elect to remove its improvements, additions and alterations from the Demised Premises, the
Postal Service shall return the Demised Premises in a condition consistent with good engineering practices, damages by
the elements or circumstances beyond the control of the Postal Service excepted. This provision shall not require the
replacement of trees, shrubs, ornamental vegetation, or any other improvements that may have existed on the Demised
Premises prior to this Agreement.
15. 'Friable asbestos material' means any material containing more than 1% asbestos by weight that hand pressure can
crumble, pulverize, or reduce to powder when dry. Sites cannot have contaminated soil, water or undisclosed
underground storage tanks.
Unless due to the act or negligence of the PAstal Service, if contaminated soil, water, underground storage tanks or
piping or friable asbestos or any other hazardous /toxic materials or substances as defined by applicable Local, State or
Federal law is subsequently identified on the premises, the Owner agrees to remove such materials or substances upon
notification by the U.S. Postal Service at Owner's sole cost in accordance with EPA and /or State guidelines. If the
Owner fails to remove the asbestos or hazardous /toxic materials or substances, the Postal Service has the right to
REGROUND (v2.2, June 1998) 2
(6661 eunr 'Z•zv) aNnoaoaa
•suol ;eolll}Jaa pue suol ;e;uaseJdell o;aJay payoelae pue pa;aidwoo seq pau6lsJapun eql 'OZ
;uawaaJ6y sly; to uol ;noexa o; Joud maw 9J9M sydeJ6eJed 6u!Mollol ayl '6 6
:loaJay ped a spew pue o ;oJay payoe>;le are pue luawaaJ6y sly; to uol ;noaxa
o; .loud uodn peke 919M sWJol Jo /pue 's ;lglyxe 's;nodel `sJapp `suol;eplllpow `suolsinad leuoi;lppe 6ulmoliol ayl *Ell
•su6isse pue 'sJossaoons 'sJo ;eJ ;siuiwpe 'sJo ;noaxa
`shay Ile pue Jaumo ay; uo 6ulpuiq aye gamy suol ;Ipuoo ay; pue ;uawaaJ6y sly; to suolslnad pue swag; ayl
;uawaaa6y sly; to sWJa; ay; y ;lnn ;ua ;slsuoo awl; due 'aovues le ;sod ay; dq Apo saslwaJd
paslwaa ay; wall panowaJ aq dew pue ao!AJas le ;sod ay; jo dpadoid leuosiad ay; ulewaJ Heys '6ulpllnq ay; o; pappe
;uawdlnba pue luaulyoew 'sainpgj Ile pue 'oleJay ;ueploul s;uawanadw! Ile 'Jalleil J0 6 ulpllnq Jelnpow ayl •seslwaJd
paslwaa ay; uo JalleJ; J0 6ulpllnq Jelnpow a aoeid o; saJIsap apinaas Ie ;sod ay; ;By; poo;sJapun dilen ;nw s! ;I •91.
•saslwaJd paslwaa ay; uo paoeld aq pinn JalleJ; Jo pun Jelnpow e uaynn elgeopdde si g; ydei6eJed
•asnelo sly; to uol;eloln
due jo ;un000e uo Jo '1ol ;g6noJq 'wall 6ul ;lnsaJ d ;Nigel! Jo /pue asuadxe `uoi;pe to sasneo `suol;pe 'e6ewep 'ssoi 'swleip
lie wall saadoldwa pue 'sang ;e ;uasaJdeJ 's ;u96e `sJapll.o s ;l pue aouuas le ;sod ay; sallluwapul Agway JOUMO ayl
•dpadoad ay; uo 6uldld peleioosse Jo slue; 968.0 ;s punoi6iepun pasoioslpun ou a.1e amyl (z)
•nnel le-laPeA Jo awls aigeolidde itq paullap se 'so ;segse anew 6ulpnlpul saoue;sgns JO sleua;ew dy ;leayun
Jo olxo ;/snopiezey due Jo slonpad wnela ;ad wall uoi ;eulwe ;uoo lie jo am aye sluawanadwl pue dpadoJd ayl (i.)
:sejipeo Jaumo ay; asea1 sly; to uol ;noexa d8
•aduuas le ;sod ay; dq paldn000 IIsno!AeJd ;ou saslweid col si asea sly; lI saildde asnelo sly; jo JapulewaJ ayl
•uol;lpuoo yons ;o UOSe9J dq 1! 01 algelleneun palapual uaaq aney
o; aouuas le ;sod ay; dq paulwJalap ale 'loamy; ped due Jo `sesiweid ay; potted due Jo; we.' ay; a;ege dlleuol}Jodad
dew aowas le ;sod ay; 'uol;lppe ul •asea7 sly; Iaoueo 'uoi ;do 91os s ;l ;e `dew Jo 'sueew Jay ;o dq Jam° wall
s ;sop asay; J0A003J Jo s;uawded ;U9J am; wall 's;soo ani ;e. ;sluiwpe snid ;sop ay; ;onpap pue vom ay; ysildw000e
;uemeeJBv eseei punoao
371/1213S 7VlSOd
S31V1S O31INn 4
Ground Lease Agreement
A. C. Timmreck, Owner
Print Name Title
Thomas C. Timmreck, Owner
Print Name Title
Print Name Title
Print Name Title
Print Name Title
Print Name Title
Lessor: Address: AC TIMMRECK /OR
10970 SOUTH 700 EAST
#208 SANDY UT 84070 -4934
Telephone No: (801) 571 -3769
Taxpayer ID: 520 -34 -9282
day o'
Contracting Officer
8055 E TUFTS AVE #400 DENVER CO 80237 -2881
REGROUND (v2.2, June 1999) 4
CCtt24I \L/1,444/114
Signature of Contracting Officer
seJidxe uoissiwwoo AIN
sienpinipui 1OJ
;uauaBpe Mow 3d Jo 111.10A
olignd tie ;oN
pies ode a;elS ue ;u ul peas lepelou pu p y �(w ssau;lM
141.10119S utaJay;
sesodind pue sasn ay; iol pe tielunion pue aagl s,(s)uosiad pies se awes ay; peienllep pue popes 'pau6is (s)uosied
pies ley; pe6pelnnouNoe own pue 'aseai 6ulo6QJoj ay; pa;noaxa own (s)uosiad ewes ay; eq of ew of unnow! s! own
(aseai ay; o; aped lenpinlpul Ap;uapi)
(aseai ay; o; wed lenpinlpul )(plum)
aseai e Aped lenpinlpul Awed!
(aseai ay; o; Aped len
A Ru
(aseai 944 o; ed lenpinlpul Al;uap
seep 9 44 of wed lenpinlpul A)l;uepl)
((seal ay; o; Aped lenpinlpul A I;uepi)
(d 'zl' Ln 'se Ainr)4NI)IOV3d1
'pleseJo;e ele3S pue Aluno0 a a01 pue ul ollgnd tieloN e a atom pejeedde AileuosJad
m oJ
dO Jl1Nf1O0
dO 31V1S
3)1/1213S 7VISOd
General Conditions to USPS Ground Lease
FacilityName /Location
Project: E23628
As used in this contract, the following terms have the following
a. "Contracting officer" means the person executing this contract on
behalf of the Postal Service, and any other employee who is a properly
authorized contracting officer; the term includes, except as otherwise
provided in the contract, the authorized representative of a contracting
officer acting within the limits of the authority conferred upon that person.
b. "Successful offeror," "offeror," "contractor," or "Lessor' are
interchangeable and refer to the party whose proposal is accepted by the
Postal Service.
c. "Lease" and "agreement" are interchangeable and refer to this
document, including all riders and attachments thereto.
a. The offeror warrants that no person or selling agency has been
employed or retained to solicit or obtain this contract upon an agreement
or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent
fee, except bona fide employees or bona fide, established commercial or
selling agencies maintained by the lessor for the purpose of obtaining
b. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Postal Service has the
right to annul this contract without liability, or at its sole discretion, to
deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover
from offeror the full amount of the commission, percentage, brokerage
fee, or contingent fee.
c. Licensed real estate agents or brokers having listings on property for
rent, in accordance with general business practice, and who have not
obtained such licenses for the sole purpose of effecting this lease, may
be considered as bona fide employees or agencies within the exception
contained in this clause.
a. If this contract provides for payments aggregating $10,000 or more,
claims for moneys due or to become due from the Postal Service under
it may be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financing
institution, including any Federal lending agency, and may thereafter be
further assigned and reassigned to any such institution. Any assignment
or reassignment must cover all amounts payable and must not be made
to more than one party, except that assignment or reassignment may be
made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties
participating in financing this contract. No assignment or reassignment
will be recognized as valid and binding upon the Postal Service unless a
written notice of the assignment or reassignment, together with a true
copy of the instrument of assignment, is filed with
1. The contracting officer; and
2. The surety or sureties upon any bonds.
b. Except with the written consent of the Contracting Officer,
assignment of this contract or any interest in this contract other than in
accordance with the provisions of this clause will be grounds for
termination of the contract for default at the option of the Postal Service.
a. The Postal Service may terminate this contract for default if, after
notice and a hearing, the Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals
determines that the contractor or the contractor's agent or other
b. The rights and remedies of the Postal Service provided in this clause
are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under
this contract.
a. This contract is subject to the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41
U.S.C. 601 -613) "the Act").
b. Except as provided in the Act, all disputes arising under or relating to
this contract must be resolved under this clause.
c. "Claim," as used in this clause, means a written demand or written
assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right,
the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation
of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to this contract.
However, a written demand or written assertion by the contractor seeking
the payment of money exceeding $50,000 is not a claim under the Act
until certified as required by subparagraph d.2 below. A voucher,
invoice, or other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when
submitted is not a claim under the Act. The submission may be
converted to a claim under the Act by complying with the submission and
certification requirements of this clause, if it is disputed either as to
liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time.
c. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to prohibit transfer
of ownership of the demised premises, so long as such transfer is
subject to this agreement.
a. The Postal Service and its authorized representatives will, until three
years after final payment under this contract, or for any shorter period
specified for particular records, have access to and the right to examine
any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, or other records of the
contractor involving transactions related to this contract.
b. The contractor agrees to include in all subcontracts under this
contract a provision to the effect that the Postal Service and its
authorized representatives will, until three years after final payment
under the subcontract, or for any shorter specified period for particular
records, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent
books, documents, papers, or other records of the subcontractor
involving transactions related to the subcontract. The term "subcontract"
as used in this clause excludes:
1. Purchase orders; and
2. Subcontracts for public utility services at rates established for
uniform applicability to the general public
1. Offered or gave a gratuity (such as a gift or entertainment) to an
officer or employee of the Postal Service; and
2. Intended by the gratuity to obtain a contract or favorable
treatment under a contract.
REGLTCR (v2.2, June 1999)
A -1
ue 4e palsll aq 1(!M (saleily;e a;eJodJoo pa48Jado Aguapuadapul ;o
asoy; 6ulpnpxe 4nq 'pawlopad 6ulaq sl peiluoo et'; 8184M auo ay; ue94
191410 Jope1)uo3 ay; jo luewysl(ge ;sa ue ;e Buwn000 asoq; pue pet ;uoo
sly; Aq paleiau96 l0u °soy; 6ulpnpul) eouewJoJJad s ;l 6uunp Buwn3oo
JO peJ1uoo sly; ;o uognoax9 ay; ;o awl; a4; ;e Bul;srxa JopeJ;uoo
ay; jo s6uluado luawAo(dwa a(ge ;ins Ae ley; saaJ6e 1opej;uoo ayi •q
•(dlysaoguaJdde 6ulpnpul) 8ululell 1o;
uolpalas pue 'uol;esuadwoo to sw.o; Jay ;o Jo Aed ;o sales 'uolleulwJa;
Jo 11oAe( 'BulsUJanpe 'Iuaw;p'uOeJ 'Ja;sueJ; JO uogowap 'BulpeJ6dn
luawAoIdwa se lions 'sasgoeid 1uawAoldwa ile ul uogeulwuoslp
Inoy1IM eta weuwa!A ay; JO %MJA;MA pue SyeAARGA palgeslp paggenb lead
aswuaylo pus 'luewAoldwa ul eouenpe 'Aoldwa o; uolpe angewJ e
9)15) o; saaJBe Jopei uoo ayi •poggenb s1 ;ueolldde Jo eeAoldwe
a4; 4o!4M 10; uoglsod Aue o; peal ul 'We weu)a/ 943 ;o uelalan
Jo MAMA palgeslp e sl ;ueolldde Jo eo oldwa ley; asneoeq lueolldde
Jo OaAoldwa Aue 4sule6e a ;eulwuoslp sou Aew Jopei ;uoo ayi •e
'algeolldde sl asnep 6u(Mopol
a 'aloes Jo 000'01$ Bugeel06e s4uewAed Jo; sapinoid peJluoo s144
V2I3 WVN131A 3H1 d0 SNV2I313A
LP uJ sera aooid a Aq 11 dsI a�O
p y; q pawanoB aq II!M asnep sly( Japun salndsla •y
'a31AJag lelsod ayi ;o s4seia;u1041 palad o4 uoge6g!i
ay; owl 181490 01 GONGS lelsod ay; ;songs.' Aew JoloeJluoo 944; '4(nsaJ
e se uoge6g!( '44(M peue;eaJy) sI Jo 'ul peAlonw sawooeq JopeJ4uoo
ay; 1! ley; 'JanoMOq 'papinad '(aouegdwoouou 10; suolpues 6ulpnpul)
asnep sly; ;o suompuoO pue sum; 944 BupJo;ua ;0 sueaw e se
pap Aew eowag !Mod ay; se 1apio aseyolnd Jo peiuoogns'ions Aue
o; pedsei y;(M uog3e lions 01184 ;snw 1opejluoo ayi *Jell* angnoax3
ay; Japun paned slaplo Jo 'suogeln6ai 'salty Joge ;o AJe40J3ag Aq
paldwaxa ssalun p8J4uoo s144 Japun sJappo eseyand Jo spe. ;uoogns ((e
u! 'B ydeJ6eied sly; 6ulpnpul 'asnep slyl;Jasul ;snw JopeJ ;uoo a41 6
•MBI Aq woad aswua410 se
Jo 'Almon ay; jo Jam JO 'uogeIn69J 'airy Aq Jo 'Japmo angnoax3 9(41
Japun pa)4onul salpawai pue pasodwl aq Aew suolpues Jay)o pue !Apo
angnoax3 ay; won 9ouepio0oe ul speJluoo Jaypn; lo; a1g1BI(auI paiepap
aq Aew JopeJluOO 044 :;Jed ul JO aloyM ul 'papuadsns Jo 'pa1eulWJal
'paleoueo aq Aew p8J ;u03 sly; 'wpm Jo 'suogeln6aj 'saint pies
a4; ;o Aue 441M Jo asnep sill 44TH Aldwoo of sue; JopeJ4uoo a4; 11 1
pue 'suogean6aJ 'saw my; won aoue: dwoo "impasse o4 uoge6gsanul
;o sasodlnd Jo; Animas ay; pue eo!AJag lelsod ay; Aq s4un000e pue
'splo0aJ 'spoq s,JOpBJ4uoo 044 04 swam )luuad ;snw pue 'AJe;9J0ag
ay; ;o wpm pue 'suoge(nBaJ 'salty ay; Aq pue 'Apo angnoax3 ay;
Aq pallnbei s4JodaJ pue uogewlo;ul ale yslwnl 4snw JopCJ4uoa ayi •a
'Jogel ;o AJC ;aJOag 944; to wpm )uenalOJ pue 'suoge(nBaJ
'salty ay; jo pue 'papuewe se '9964 'qZ Jagwa ;dog 1 917Z11 (03)
Jap1p angnoax3 to suolslnad 11 won A(dwoo Isnw Jopel;uoo ayi •p
•s;ueopdde pue saaAoadwa o) algeuene
meld snonoldsuoo ul a0gou 944 to saldoo ;sod ;snw pue 'asnep sly)
Japun s4uaw)lwwoo s,JopeJ ;uoo ay; jo ange4uesa1dal ,sle)poM 10 uolun
ay; Bulslnpe '1009;0 6u14oe14uoo 041 Aq papinad 'a0l;ou 8 'Bulpue;sJapun
18440 Jo luawaa16e Bulule6Jeq anlpapo3 a se4 JopeJ4uoo ayi 431yM 441M
ange;uasaJdal sJ9J11OM Jo uolun 'pea 0I pues (snw JopeJ ;uoo 041 •3
•ul6uo leuogeu JO 'xes
'uo161191 'lobo '3381 04 p18691 ;noy4lM ;u9wAo(dwa 101 palaplsuoo eq !pm
slue3pdde paypenb He ley; 9)8)s ';(eyaq 51! uo Jo ;I Aq paoeld saaAo(dwa
10; SIuawOSIVGApe Jo suoge;l3pos Ae ti! '4snw JopeJluoo ayi •q
°seal punoJO SdSfl o} suoi ;ipuo3 leieue°
Z (6661 ounr 'Z'ZA) H311O3a
'asnep s144 ;o suolslnad ay; 4410; Bugles Jaoglo Bulpe1)uoo
944 Aq papin01d saogou 's;ue0l(dde pue saaAo(dwa o4 algellene
'meld snonoldsuoo ul ;sod 04 saaJ6e Jopel4uoo 94j •d14saolluaJdde
6ulpnpul 'Bululel; 10; uolpalas pue 'uogesuadwoo to sup;
Ja440 10 Aed ;o 50)81 :uo13euluua) 10 goAel :6ulsg.anpe ;yaw)lru391 10
)uaw)1n1oa1 :1a;suel4 Jo 'uogowap '6u1Pel6dn ;uawAo(dwa '01 po)Iu41 aq
sou ;nq 'apnpul ;snw uolpe sly( •ul6uo leuogeu 10 'xas 'uo!Bll9J '10100
0381 04 p1e691 ;noy;lM ')uowAoldw9 Buunp p94e91) ale saaAoldwa ley;
pue 'paAo(dwa ale s)ueolldde ley; aJnsua o4 uolpe angewly;e axe; ((IM
Jopelluo3 041 ul6uo leuogeu 10 'xas 'uo!Bllal 'lobo 'Goal ;o asneoeq
s ;ue0lldde Jo saaAoldwa;sulele a)eulwuoslp ;ou Aew JopeJ4uoo awl *8
AllNll8Odd01Vf O3 Lb
•100 (4o 6ulpeJWoo
944 40 uolspap Aue Won Aldwoo pue 'pe1;u00 94) Jepun Bulsue uofp8
leadde 'wlep ';0!I91 isanbal Aue jo uogn(osal leug Bulpued 'papas
5144 40 GouewJopad 4)4M AlluaBlllp paaoad ;snw Jope.luoo 941 'I
'asnep ;sala4ul 0 444 441M a3uepJ000e
ul pauluua43p ales a 4e pled aq !gm swlep uo Isamu! aldw!S '4
•)uewAed ;o alep ay; pun
'Joie( sl amp ley; II '9np aq pinoM as1MJ9ylo ;uawAed amp 941 •Z
10 :(Pannbai 1! powers
Apedad) wlep 944) se /Nasal mpg Bu(peJluoo a4; amp 0 41 1.
-wa; pledun
pue anp punol lunowe 043 uo Isamu! Aed (Ann mimes lelsod 941 'B
')0V 941111 papinad se ;Ins a salt' J0 sleadde
JopeJ)uoo ay; ssalun mug Si uolspap s,Jaog4o Bulloei)uoo all
'spew eq I(IM uolspap 944 40!9M Aq alep all jo 1o)EJ)1J00
ayi A;gou Jo mop 941 eploap 'sAep 09 ul4IIM '4snw 1a3ylo 6ug3eJ)uo3
94; '000'09$ Jam swlep p99llJa3- JOpeJ)uoo Jod •;sanbai ay; ;o
sAep Og u14p1M uolspap a J9puaJ 'JOpe14u03 ay; Aq Bu14um ul pa)sanbaJ 1I
;snw 193J44o Bulpaguoo ay; 'mg JO 000'09$ 10 swlep J0138J4u03 JOd 'a
s,JOpeJluoO ay; ;o pnpuoo ay; Jo; A4I(Iglsuods9i Aelano
Bulney Jope.luOO 9U) ;0 19u)Jed (eJaua6 10 190140 uV (1)
Jo :wpm! uoge0o( Jo weld
suopel;uo3 ay; 4e 981893 ul 1 Auedwoo Joluas v
-Aq pa4noexa
aq 4snw uo14eo!!gJao a44 'lenpinlpul ue;ou sl JopeJ)uo0 ay 1( (q)
•1enpo!pu! 484; Aq pa)n3axe
aq Isnw uoge34!)190 ay; 'lenpinlpul ue sl 10pe1 ;yo3 ay; 1( (e)
a(ge1l 5 I
a3!AJag lelsod ay; sanal(aq JopeJluo0 ay; yolyM Jo; Iuaw)snfpe
pe1;uo3 ay; spagai Ala ;eJn338 p9lsanba3 lunowe ayi (o)
pue !lalloq pue a6paynou) s,lopeJ)uo3
ay; jo ;sag ay; o; a)aldwoo pue a ;e1n03e ale emu Bulpoddng (q)
'4418; pooh ul Gpew sl wlep ayi (e)
ley; uol ;eog1>Ja3 a wlep 94; 4)IM llwgns
Imp 1ope1)uo3 ay; '000'09$ 6ulpea0xa swlep Jope1)uo0 Jod •Z
*mow 6ulpelluoo ay; Aq uolspap
ua)UM 8 04 pafgns sl 1ope1)uo3 ay; ;swe6e Gown 18)sod
ay; Aq wlep'' *uolspap uaguM a 1(4 1009;0 6uIpe1)uoo ay) 0l
pa4;lwgns pue 6u1luM ul pew aq ;snw 1opeJ)uoo ay; Aq wlep v
3)IA2I3S 7v1SOd
531t/1S 0311Nf
General Conditions to USPS Ground Lease
0 54
appropriate local office of the State employment service system where
the opening occurs. The contractor further agrees to provide such
reports to the local office regarding employment openings and hires as
may be required. State and local govemment agencies holding Postal
Service contracts of $10,000 or more will also list all their suitable
openings with the appropriate office of the State employment service.
c. Listing of employment openings with the employment service system
will be made at least concurrently with the use of any other recruitment
source or effort and will involve the normal obligations attaching to the
placing of a bona fide job order, including the acceptance of referrals of
veterans and non veterans. The listing of employment openings does not
require the hiring of any particular applicant or hiring from any particular
group of applicants, and nothing herein is intended to relieve the
contractor from any other requirements regarding nondiscrimination in
d. Whenever the contractor becomes contractually bound to the listing
provisions of this clause, it must advise the employment service system
in each State where it has establishments of the name and location of
each hiring location in the State. The contractor may advise the State
system when it is no longer bound by this clause.
e. Paragraphs b, c, and d above do not apply to openings the
contractor proposes to fill from within its own organization or under a
customary and traditional employer /union hiring arrangement. But this
exclusion does not apply to a particular opening once the contractor
decides to consider applicants outside its own organization or
employer /union arrangements for that opening.
f. Definitions
1. "All suitable employment openings" includes openings that occur
in the following job categories: production and non production;
plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and non
supervisory; technical; and executive, administrative, and
professional openings as are compensated on a salary basis of
less than $25,000 per year. This term includes full -time
employment, temporary employment of more than three days'
duration, and part-time employment. It does not include
openings the contractor proposes to fill from within its own
organization or under a customary and traditional employer /union
hiring arrangement or openings in an educational institution that
are restricted to students of that institution. Under the most
compelling circumstances, an employment opening may not be
suitable for listing, including situations in which the needs of. the
Postal Service cannot reasonably be otherwise supplied, when
listing would be contrary to national security, or when the
requirement casting would otherwise not be in the best interests
of the Postal Service.
2. "Appropriate office of the State employment service" means the
local office of the Federal /State national systems of public
employment offices with assigned responsibility for serving the
area where the employment opening is to be filled.
3. "Openings the contractor proposes to fill from within its own
organization" means employment openings for which persons
outside the contractors organization (including any affiliates,
subsidiaries, and the parent companies) will not be considered
and includes any openings the contractor proposes to fill from
regularly established "recall" lists.
4. "Openings the contractor proposes to fill under a customary and
traditional employer /union hiring arrangement" means
employment openings the contractor proposes to fill from union
halls as part of the customary and traditional hiring relationship
existing between it and representatives of its employees.
g. The contractor agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and
relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Vietnam
Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972, as amended.
h. In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with this clause,
action may be taken in accordance with the rules, regulations, and
relevant orders of the Secretary.
i. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to
employees and applicants, notices in a form to be prescribed by the
Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, provided by
or through the contracting officer. These notices state the contractor's
obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance
in employment qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam
era, and the rights of applicants and employees.
j. The contractor must notify each union or workers' representative with
which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding
that the contractor is bound by the terms of the Act and is committed to
taking affirmative action to employ, and advance in employment,
qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era.
k. The contractor must include this clause in every subcontract or
purchase order of $10,000 or more under this contract unless exempted
by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary issued pursuant to the
Act, so its provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
The contractor must take such action with respect to any subcontract or
purchase order as the Director of the Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs may direct to enforce in these provisions,
including action for noncompliance.
In the event the contractor enters into proceedings relating to
bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary, the contractor will fumish,
by certified mail, written notification of the bankruptcy to the contracting
officer responsible for administering the contract. The notification must
be fumished within five days of the initiation of the bankruptcy
proceedings. The notification must include the date on which the
bankruptcy petition was filed, the court in which the petition was filed,
and a list of Postal Service contracts and contracting officers for all
Postal Service contracts for which final payment has not yet been made.
This obligation remains in effect until final payment under this contract.
This agreement or a memorandum hereof, must be recorded at the
expense of the Lessor. Such expense includes all fees required for or
incident to recording. If the Lessor fails to record the Lease, or a
memorandum thereof, the Postal Service may record the Lease or a
memorandum thereof, and deduct all costs associated therewith from
future rents.
REGLTCR (v2.2, June 1999)
A -3
1 (6661. ounr 'Z'ZA) Sd32134
'Auedwo3 luaied e Aq papa ;uoo Jo pauMo Si Ja93(3(o 314; 3(! 3Ioolq s!y; N0940 •O
f7z O z NMI s,JoJ9}3(O
1.176 uuod NnseaJl 'S-fl 'wn498 xe1 I8Japad A!Jauenp s,Joja3(3(o ay; uo pasn Jagwnry uogeog! ;uapl aeAoidw3 Jay4o
10 JagwnN *nogg !epos s,Jaalso 94; s! NIl 9 41 'Pep!noJd coeds a4; u! (NIl) Jagwnry uo!;eog!;uapi i9i edxel s,Jaa3(3(o ay; Ja ;u3 •q
'aswua4 ;o Jo `s ;Uewa6uejle lenpei ;uoo '6u! ;on /xad 's446u 6ul ;on Auouiw
4ueu!wop 3(o asn ay; 46noJ44 IoJ ;uoo aspiaxa Aew loJ ;uoo o; Joao 944 uMo;ou paau Auedwoo;uaJed v Jaa}3(o 344 ;o suo!spap
Aogod ssau!snq o!seq on Jo 'eu!wJ9;ap 'a ;e!nwioo 0; alge aq o; sueaw IoJ ;uoo of Jaa3(3(o ay; u! s346u 6u!4on a4; ;o 4uaolad
09 U944 310W UMO 0; sueaw UMO of •JO1a3(3(o ue 3(o sa!ollod ssau!snq o!seq ay; s!oJ ;uoo Jo sumo ;ey; auo s! Auedwoo ;waled y 'e
2138Wf1N NOIiVOIdu.N301213AVdXV1 ONY ANVcIWOO 1N32IVd Z'9
Ienp!n!pu! JO Jap!o4a1e9s
Aue swami ay; o; salmi! 40!4m ;13 s6u!wea ;au ay; 3(o }Jed ou ;gad Jo; paz!ue6J0 4ou 'sasodJnd Ieuo!;eonpa Jo ogl ;uaios
10; paleJedo uo! ;n;! ;su! Jay ;o Jo '4snJ; 'uogepuno; 'uo!;eJodJoo Auk/ 'NOIIVZINV02I0 1.1dO2id 2I3H10 210 1VN011YOfl(13 '4
'ewe snidins Joge! e u!
4OeJ ;uo0 a ;o uo!uodojd Ie! ;ue;sgns a pawio3(Jad aq o; asneo Jo moped !gm 4014M wig y 'N2133NOO V321V Sl1d2IfS 2I08V1
;u9wAoldwau0 pue 4uawJ(oldw3 uf spuaJl eaJy 'uo!;eo!!gnd
sl! 141M uo!4OUnfuoO u! ;uawuedad 4994 Aq yons se pals!! s! y314M pue (4uawAoldwaun le! ;ue;sgns ;o eery page° osie) snidins
Joge! le! ;ue4sgns 3(o ease ue se Joge ;o 4uaw4edaO ay; Aq pawsselo s! 40114M ewe ue sueaw ewe snidJns Joge! Ie! ;ue ;sgns
;uawAo!dwaun pue ;uewAoidw3 u! spuaJl eaJy 'uol ;eoggnd s41 4 ;!M uo!4ounfuoo u!
;uawuedad 4944 Aq yons se pals!! s! pue (4uawdoldwaun 4ua;s!sJad pue Ieque ;sgns 3(o eaJy palieo osie) snidins Joge! 4ua4s!slad
pue Iei ;ue ;sgns ;o ewe ue se Jogel ;o 4uawuedaa 394 Aq pa4!ssep s! yo!4M ewe ue sueaw ewe snidins Axle! ;ua;s!sJad 'z
Jogel ;o tie;aJOaS 341 Aq paglssep
os seale' Joge! Jo sa ;e ;s 3(o suo!4oas a4eudadde sueaw 4uawAo!dwaJapun Jo ;uawAo!dwaun pa1e1 ;uaouoo 3(0 wipes l
•ydeJ6eJed siy; u! paugap se 'ewe snidins Joge! le!4ue ;sgns e Jo 'ewe snidins Joge! 4ua;sislad e ';uawAo!dwaJepun
10 4uawAoidweun pa ;eJ ;ueouoo 3(o uof3as e Jay ;!a Si theme ;o awl4 3914e 40114M eaJe Ieo!yde16o96
;uawa6euew step -o; -step 944 u! p9AIOAUI (Ian! ;oe
se paugap s! pa;eJadp •suo!spap Ao!!od aNew o; JaMod ay; 6u!s!O1axa se paugap s! pa!IoJ ;uo3 uawoM .10 uewoM e Aq mend()
pue 'paIIOJ ;uoo 'pauMO uaoJad 1.9 ;sea! ;e s! 9014M ssau!snq a s! ssau!snq pauMO -uewoM y 'ss3NISl8 O3NMO -NVWOM '9
(ysapel6ueg Jo 'ue4spIed 'e!pui ul ale su!6uo asoyM asoy;
sueaw „sue3!Jawy ue!puI- ue!sy„ •ueM!e1 Jo 'ea140ndwe1 'soe-1 'spiels! seue!JeIN UJayJory 341 'spuelsi owed ay ;o sa!JO ;!1131
4sn11 •S•n 344 'wen0 '9014e9 '8910>1 'weWa!A 'sau!dd!I!yd 314; 'eu!40 'ueder u! are su!6!JO aso4M asoy; sueaw „sueouawy
Og!Oed- ue!sy„ •sueneMeH an!;eu pue `slnaiy 'sowpIs3 'sueipul ueouawy sueaw sueouawy an! ;ery sueouawy ue!puj -ue!sy
Jo sueouawy Ogped -ue!sy 'sueouawy an!;eN sueouawy O!ueds!H 'sueouawy rem aJe oyM suaz!4!o •S•N AI9weu 'dnoi6 R4!JOU!w
pa6e4uenpes!p Afeo!wou033 pue Alieloos a ;o sJagwaw a1OW JO auo 'Aq papa ;uoo 918 suo! ;eJado ssau!snq Ailep pue ;uawa6euew
asoyM pue pauMO wowed 4.9 ;seal ;e s! 4944 U.190000 a s! ssau!snq peuMo- A4IJOuiw
suoge3ijipeo pue suoi ;e ;uesaadej
8 N011038
V 'V321V Sl1d21f1S 2IO8V1
V 'SS3NISf18 43NMO
uo!4Oas 'p; Ja4dey0 '!enueln! ;uawaJnooJd SdSfl 999 osiy) •saartoidwa 009 ue44 3JOw ;ou 6u!Ao!dwa az!s a ;o u344
'paysilge4sa uaaq sey plepUeIs ou 3(! Jo 'LZL wed 21d0 u! VSS iq 4uol 4as spJepue4s 943 144!M 4ualsisuoO az!s a 3(o 5! pue '133(}0 ue
6u!u!wgns s! 43!4M u! suol ;eJado 3(0 peg 944 U!;ueu!wop 4ou s! 'palelado pue pauMO AI4Uepuadapu! s! LO!4M 'sa4e!Ig3(e s4! 6uipnpu!
'UJaOUOO a s! 4uawaln3oid aOlnlaS !e4sod 3(0 sasodJnd 941 103( UJaQUOO ssau!snq hews y 'N2133NO3 SS3NISf18 TWINS 'O
•sa!;!4ua anoge 341 3(o auou Jo 'uo! ;ez!ue61o;g0Jd -uou 1344010 !euo!;eonpa 0
'waou03 ease snidins loge! 0 'ssau!snq pauMO -uewoM 0 'ssau!snq pauMO- ,Uou!w 0 'UJaOUOO ssau!snq fews 0 e 51 •q
pue :uo!4n4i4su! !euo!;eonpa ue 0 Jo 'uoi;ez!ue610 4goJd -uou e 0 'aJn;Uan 4u!of e 0 'digsieuued e 0
'!enp!n!pu! ue 0 3(o a;e4S 34410 sMe! 944 Japun pa;elodJOOU! uo! ;elodlo3 e 0 se sa;elad0 •e
:4! 4344 s4uasaJd9J 'mIoo!q a!geo!idde 394 6upIO94o Aq '10193(;0 941
301/135 7V1SOd
S31V.S 0311NR
Representations and Certifications
05 6
d. If the block above is checked, provide the following information about the parent company:
Parent Company's Name:
Parent Company's Main Office Address:
No. and Street:
City: State: Zip Code:
Parent Company's TIN:
e. If the offeror is a member of an affiliated group that files its federal income tax return on a consolidated basis (whether or not the
offeror is owned or controlled by a parent company, as provided above) provide the name and TIN of the common parent of the
affiliated group:
Name of Common Parent:
Common Parents TIN:
a. By submitting this proposal, the offeror certifies, and in the case of a joint proposal each party to it certifies as to its own
organization, that in connection with this solicitation:
1. The prices proposed have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose
of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to the prices with any other offeror or with any competitor;
2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices proposed have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the offeror
before award of a contract, directly or indirectly to any other offeror or to any competitor; and
3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the offeror to induce any other person or firm to submit or not submit a
proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.
b. Each person signing this proposal certifies that:
1. He or she is the person in the offeror's organization responsible for the decision as to the prices being offered herein and that
he or she has not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to paragraph a above; or
2. He or she is not the person in the offeror's organization responsible for the decision as to the prices being offered but that he
or she has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the persons responsible in certifying that they have not participated, and
will not participate, in any action contrary to paragraph a above, and as their agent does hereby so certify; and he or she has
not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to paragraph a above.
c. Modification or deletion of any provision in this certificate may result in the rejection of the proposal as unacceptable. Any
modification or deletion should be accompanied by a signed statement explaining the reasons and describing in detail any
disclosure or communication.
a. The offeror must complete the following representations:
1. The offeror has has not employed or retained any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee
working solely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract.
C( 2. The offeror has has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee
working solely for the offeror any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee, contingent upon or resulting from the award of
this contract.
b. If either representation is in the affirmative, or upon request of the contracting officer, the offeror must furnish, in duplicate, a
completed Form 7319, "Contractor's Statement of Contingent or Other Fees," and any other information requested by the contracting
officer. If the offeror has previously furnished a completed Form 7319 to the office issuing this solicitation, it may accompany its
proposal with a signed statement-
1. Indicating when the completed form was previously furnished;
2. Identifying the number of the previous solicitation or contract, if any, in connection with which the form was submitted; and
3. Representing that the statement on the form is applicable to this proposal.
REREPS (v2.2, June 1999) B -2
a d
c. Licensed real estate agents or brokers having listings on property for rent, in accordance with general business practice, and
who have not obtained such licenses for the sole purpose of effecting this lease, may be considered as bona fide employees or
agencies within the exception contained in this clause.
a. By submitting this proposal, the offeror certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide for its employees any segregated
facilities at any of its establishments, and that it does not and will not permit its employees to perform services at any location under
its control where segregated facilities are maintained. The offeror agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal
Opportunity clause in this contract.
b. As used in this certification, "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms or wash rooms, restaurants
or other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms or other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or
entertainment areas, transportation, or housing facilities provided for employees that are segregated by explicit directive or are in
fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise.
c. The offeror further agrees that (unless it has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time
periods) it will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors before awarding subcontracts exceeding $10,000 that are
not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause; that it will retain these certifications in its files; and that it will forward
the following notice to these proposed subcontractors (except when they have submitted identical certifications for specific time
A certification of nonsegregated facilities must be submitted before the award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000 that is not exempt
from the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for all subcontracts during a
period (quarterly, semiannually, or annually).
By submitting this proposal, the offeror certifies that the offeror is, is not an employee, a personal service contract employee
or a member of the immediate family of a Postal Service employ personal service contract employee OR a business
organization (partnership, corporation, joint venture, etc.) substantially owned or controlled by a Postal Service employee, a personal
service contract employee, or a member of the immediate family of a Postal Service employee or personal service contract
employee. "Immediate family" means spouse, minor child or children, and other individuals related to the employee by blood who
are residents of the employee's household.
REREPS (v2.2, June 1999) B_3
Representations and Certifications