HomeMy WebLinkAbout870312o )Jesol.s!p AI,JRulnaJd se ;ueoxe `ueaq seq amyl 1 aneIey o; uusew Jo i u dbpelmoul ou spy JO3U0JJ (q) :A }Jed OJd 041 ww; JO }noge `Jepun
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swJe} eyl •6u!o6eao; ay! to Au8 o} luensmd pa ;dope suo!}e1n8eJ JO 'semi 'mill leJeped JO gels elgeolidde Jew Jo "bas 4e 1.069 uo!loeS
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•enlen s}! enueseid o; AJesseoeu
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Apedwd 9141 woJ; swab!
84# 1091100 pus ApedoJd eqj e6euew pue eiejedo pue 4o Ioiluoo pus uolssassod u! upswei Aew Jo1u0J0 ylnelep u! !gun 'esn pue uolssassod
suo!s!nOJd Bu!MOpp;
9143 Aq peuJano6 eq pays ApedoJd eqj jo esn pus uolssassod s,JO;ueJO 1941 Se9J6e Jo}u8J
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'sseupelgepul 941 LOIM uoppeuuoo u! palm Ja4;eeJe4 JO MOU Jey ;e4M's4uewn0op
pue s }uewaaJ6e 'sluauJnJ }suI Jaylo lie pue 'Isrul ;o spaap 'se6e6pow 's }uewe9j6e Alpnoes 'sapu0JVn6 '91UOWOQJ88 18 ;uewuw!nue 's }ueweeJBe
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uop es „e6e6po0V ;01u0J0„ 941 up enoge pagposep s}y6p pue siseJelu! 'Apedwd eqj ueew „ApedoJd 18911 spJOM 9111 •ApedOJd IOOH
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•96864J004 5144 u! pepinoJd se s}unowe Lions uo }swap!
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•sseupa}gepuI 044 441M uogoeuuoo
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•6uluu16aq 10 lined eta
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pug 9 uolloes pies 10 19U103 4s 334 4 44nos LOW LOL s! 113ILIM lulod a 4e 6uluul6ag :sMotIo4
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„Apadoad 1031:1„ 0.14) 6u!WOAM 4o ems 'A1unoO N1OmNI- Ul
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pue sue!! Hs 10 Jeep pus se); 'e)dwls eel ul ApedoJd et'} o} Nom 10 e p elquievew pus pope sP1o9 JolueiO (e) }By} s4U8JJ8M Jo }u8JO 'am
'seeBpoin4 sly ;o }Jed E en Apedoid 8144 ;o dlgs.1eumo o} BupelaJ suolslnold 6u!mono; eU1 •31111 d0 3SN3d3a `AINVHHVM
'pug ene9 pinom esIM.1aylo n 1v4; Apewe.1 Au8 woJ;
Jepuei JBq o} sB os 41nB ;ep 844 Buuno se penl)suoo eq lou ji s Jepuei Aq uonou Lions Auy •pnB ;ap et'} ;o lun000e uo peppue eq A8w Jepuei 4011)M o)
seipewei Aus Jo sgy6I.1 J8U10 AUB 0} uopppe ur 9q pays ydsJ6sJSd sly} ul Jo) pepinoJd sly6;J et' i •siunowB eseq; ;o;uewAed amoes Him os)e eBB6po1q
s!41 him= s,eloN 844 48 e)gmAed pus enp eq IIIM yolyM 1uew/ed uoopeq a se pelvwwl eq (o) Jo 'e;oN e41 ;o w .1e4 Bulu18we1 eyi Jo AoHod
eousJnsul elgeolldde i(ue ;o w.1ei 841 (l) Jeylre Buiinp enp ewooeq o} s)uewAed }uewlie)sui Aug. 411m elgeAed eq pus Buowe peuorpodde eq pus 810N
et o eousleq et'} o} peppy eq (q) 'puewep uo elgeAed eq (8) Iilm'uol ;do s,Jepue je sesuedxe Lions IN 10111910 Aq luewABdeJ ;o eisp et'; 01 Jepuei
Aq pled Jo pa .1mour e;ep eg; wo.1; OIoN e4; u! .1o; pepinoJd e}eJ e4; 1e ;seJe;ul meq Him Burop os ur spuedxe Jepuei ;ttq; ;unows Auy e }epdoidde
sweep Jepuei ;s1)} uol)O8 Aug 8m 'oi perinbei eq ;ou Hays 1nq ;1egeq s,Jo }usJO uo Jepue 'Apedoid et'; u! s ;seJelul s,Jepue-1 ;pegs A1Ie!.1eisw
pinom ;et'} peouewwoo s! Bulpeeoojd Jo uor ;oe A11e ;1 Jo 'e6e8po4q sly; ;O uo)s!noJd Aug y;iM Aldwoo o; qu; 1o;wsJO 11 •H3GN31 AS SSHI11ION3dX3
'Apedoid Lions 40 e)vs einsopeJo; Aug le Jo'96e6poin4 slyi ;o suoisino .1d eq; Jepun peg gigs Jey ;o .10 albs s,ee4SnJj Aug }8 eBeepoin4
sry; Aq pelenoo ApedoJd et'} ;o Jeseywnd et'} '01 ssed pus ;o 4peueq et'; 0; emu! !lugs eOU8lnsul pejldxeun Auy 'en ;e aousmsul paildxautl
•JO;ueJO o} pied eq Heys speeooJd Lions 'sseupe;gepu) eq ;o )In; ul 1uawAed Jays speeooJd Aug
splay Jepuei •ssgupelgepu) et'; ;o eous)sq ledrouud et'; 0; pe1idde eq )lugs 'Aug Ir `.1epulewei et'; pug ;seJe ;ul penJOO8 ABd o} uey; 'e6eB}Jolry
sly} Jepun Jepuei 04 Bulmo }unow8 AUB Aed o; ism pesn eq !legs Apedoid ay} ;o uo1)ero;9eJ Jo JI8deJ ay} 0; peylwwoo ;ou s8y Jepuei Lio14m
pug }dle3eJ net'; Jays sABp 091. ulyl!M pesmgslp ueeq 4ou envy yolym speeooJd At4y •ehe6poini sly; Jepun ;lnO4ep u! ;ow s1 Jo;u8J0 41 Uo!B1o}98J
medal ;o ;soo elgsuossei eq 1o; speeooJd et'; woJ; Jo }11810 esingwle.1 .10 Avd 'ein ;lpuedxe Lions 40 load A10 ;oe ;sl ;es uodn '11849 Jepuei •lepuel
o} AJoloe ;sees JeuUvw 8 ul s;uewenordwl peAoJ }sap .10 pa6ewep et'; eoeideJ Jo JledeJ pugs Jo4J8J0 'JledeJ pue uopero ;sei 0; speeooJd all Aldde
01 s(oa)p Jepuei ;1 *Apedoid 94410 JledeJ Puy uol }tt .1olseJ et'; Jo 'ApedoJd et'4 Bui ;oefe uell Aug ;o IuewAed 'sseupe ;gapu) 8144 4o uol}onpei et'} 0;
speeooJd ay} Aiddu 'u0p08)e Sn }8 'A8w Jepuei 'peJ!edw! s! AnmOes s,Japue14ou .10 Je44elM •AlienseO 844 ;o SAep (9 4) ueayr; myl!M os op o} s)le;
Jo4u8J0 ssol ;o ;mud em8w A8w Jepuei 'ApedoJd et'; o; e6ewep .10 ssol Awn 10 Jepuei A ;poi A)idwold 11899 Jo ;u8J0 'spaa3OJd 4o uoileo11ddy
U8ol 8 44
;o me; mg .104 eousJnsul Lions Linguini o; pus 'Jepue Aq peJlnb9J a91Mre9Io s8 .10 'weJ60Jd aousm 8N sul poold IBuop ay; Jepun l9s s)lwll A311od
wnwlx8w et'; o} do '1180! et'} 40 83U818q )edpupd plsdun 1111; 0144 J04 aousmsul poold )8Jeped uls}ul8w pug ule ;Qo 04 seeiBs Jo;u8.10 'seJe 13J13ZB4
poop 18peds a se Aoue6y ;uewe6eue j Aoue6Jew3 IeJaped 041 40 10430110 et'; Aq peleu6lser mug U8 U! pe}8001 ewooeq ewp Aug }8 Apedoid
18944 944 p)no4s uoslad J9U40 AU8 Jo J0Iu8JO ;o ;)ns ;ep Jo uo!sslwo 'IOU Aus Aq AuM AUB ul peJisdwl eq ;ou HIM 19PU81 4o JOAO4 U1 e68Jenoo
}et'; BurpinoJd 4U9wesJOpu9 118 apnpul 118149 os)8 Aoliod 9OUBJnsul 4383 '93!011 Lions 91118 04 amp; Jo; sJOJnsui 0141 Jo JOwi813s!p Aug
Buiuis }uoo ;ou pue Jepuei 04 eopou uen1JM JoIJd ,sA8p (114) ue4 ;o wnwlulw a }noq;M pegslulwip Jo pe11eouso eq }ou !Hm 968191103 lay} uol }slndps
v Bu)wleluo3 Jamsul pee woJ4 e68Jenoo 40 Se;e3plpeO Jepuei 01 Jen11ep 118gs Jo;ueJO •J8pwal 0; elgeldeooe AlgeuoseeJ eq A8w S8 WJ0;
Lions ul pug saiuedwo3 eOUBJnsul Lions Aq uay1JM eq H8ys S81OHod Jepuei 40 Jon84 u! esnsp 086e64Jow pJBpuels 8 IIIM pug 'esnep aOU8msup3
Aue 40 uo1;BOpdde plone o4 ;ueiol;;ns 4unowO ue 11! ApedoJd !veld 944 uo s }uewenoJdwl 118 6UU8AO3 enIOn 9)g8Jnsul lin; 8114 Jo4 s!seq }ueweOeideJ
8 uo s)uewesropue e68Jenoo pepue;xe pJ8puOls tom eOUSJnsu) 911; 40 s91311od u184urew pug a .1nooid hugs Jo;u8J0 •a3uemsul ;o a3UeuaIu)e4N
•e6e6po)n4 sly} 40 pad 8 eJe ApedoJd 8416uunsur o} BupelaJ suoisiko .1d 6u1Mo)lo4
8 41 •33NVHfSNI 30VWVa A1H dOHd
'sluewenoJdwi Ions 40 moo
844 Aed !pm pue 1183 Jo1u8J0 181); Jepuei o; AJO138 ;sp8s Saou8Jnsse eouenp8 lepuel 04 4slum; Jepuei 40 isenbeJ uodn IIIM Jo4u819 •si81Jelew Jo
'se3l/Jes 5410M 0U1 ;0 }11110301 uo pe4Jesse eq pinoo ua11 18940 JO 'Jell S UOWIeu94Bw '11911 S,Olu8y3ew Aug 4! 'Apedoid 941 01 peliddns 918 S181Je1BW
Aue 10 'pegslwn; eJe seorn.1es Aue 'peouewwoo 9! )11oM AUB eJo4eq situp (g4) ueeyp }sear 18 J9pUal A ;I ;ou Heys 10111810 •uo) }OnJlsuo3 ;o aOpoN
ay} }sul86s s}uewssesss pus sexy; 944 40 1uew9484S uenIJM a mug Aue 48 Jepu91 04 Jemiep 0; 1811140 'swamis/La el8lldoidde 844 ezllo1)ns
Begs pus slUewssess8 Jo sex81 841 ;0 1uew /8d ;o e3uepine A1o43e)SIIBS Japuei 01 yslu1n; puewep uodn Heys Jo4U8J9 •IuewAed 40 93UOP)n3
•S6u1Paa30Jd Ise ;uoo 9141 u1 peyslwn; puoq Aims Aug Jepun ee61igo leuolllppe 118 se Jepuei eweu Heys 10)11810
'Apedoid 894 }su)868 )Uewe0J0 ;Ue oio ;9q luew6pnf esienp8 Aug A)s1185 H8ys pue Jepuei pug nes4) pue;ap pugs Jo4u8J0 '4seluo3 Aus u! •Jeri
Jepun 8035 10 ernsopeJO; v ;o lineal 8 se anion P1no3 }841 9061893 Je410 Jo sae; ,sAauJ011e 9)gsuOSg9J pus s ;so3 Aue sn)d ue118y4 961811351p o}
IUO13)44ns lunowe U8 u) 1epUel 04 AJOl3e4sl ;Bs *noes 10410 Jo puoq A }aJns a)eJodlo3 lueio144ns 8 Jo 9583 Jepuei 4pM ;rsodep 'Jepue Aq pe;senbei
;r .10 '11811 84140 e6J8yosrp 944 BJnoes 'Buim 944 40 8314011 s8y J0111e.19 10448 Shp (g4) ueeyp u!y}1M 'p014 s) 11911 8 4) '10 sesU8 Lieu 991 Jens.sABp (g4)
uaay); Uly1M Hugs 10111819 ;uew/teduow 40 4nsel 8 s8 P0144 s) 10 S84J8 Jel! 8 41 •pez!Pledoef ;ou s1 Apedold 841 w198/94U1 S,Jepuel se Olio! os 'And
01 uop8611go et'} J8A0 e;ndsrp 918; pooh 8 y }im uolloeuuoo u) whip Jo 'luewssesse 'x8) Aug 40 luaWABd Ployyl)M Aew .10411810 •4sawuo° o1446I1d
•Lid816e18d Bu1M0))0; 0144 U! pepinoJd esiMJai)o s8 ldeoxe pub 'enp 40U sIuewssassa pue sexe4 4o ue!! et'} 104 ;deoxe 'e686poln4 sry; Jepun lepuel
40 ;swap! 844 04 )enbe Jo Jeno A1uoud Bulney sup!! 119 40 0914 Apedold 044 ul8lulew 118gs Jo4u819 'ApedoJd 091 01 pegsruJn; 18!18 }ew 10 13818pU81
Sa31nJ9S 104 10 110 euop ))JOM 104 swl8p 119 enp ueyM Aed !pis pub 'ApedoJd all ;o lun03OS 110 Jo Isule68 peinel 9061893 931nJOS 18M85 pup
s861893 1848M 'sluewssesse 'sex8; lsloeds 'sexy; IIoiAed 'sexel 118 (A3uenbuilep o} loud sluena 118 u! pug)
enp ueIm Aed IB9S 10 }11819 1uawAed
•e6BBpo4n4 S14 ;0 pad a 818 ApedoJd 044 uo sue!! Puy sexe4 et'} o; 8upeleJ suolslnold 6 U!M 0 l1o4 8 41 •SN3I1 aNV S3XV1
•M81 BurwoAM Aq 10 mg) impel Aq pepgiyo .1d sl espJexe 1)3119 ;1 lepuel Aq pesplexe eq 4011 Heys uopdo s!9l 'JeneMOri •10411810 ;o 'eq hut 0980 044 S8
's;selelwl Auedwoo Ammo pe }1w1110 s;seje;ul dlysJeup8d 'loop 6upon eU; 40 %gZ);ueoied am A4ueMi mil WOW ;o d)gsleuMo uI 8611893 Au8 sepnpul
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10 0189„ y 'ApedoJd iB8H 041 ur ;seJelul Aue Jo 'Apedo.1d I$ 0U1 40 pad AUB Jo (18 ;o }UelJO3 UenUM JOIJd S,1epUei 841 Ino411M 'Je ;911811 JO el8s
841 uodn e6e6poin4 sly} Aq peinoes awns 118 elquA8d pus enp Ala }Brpeww! e1810ap 'u0rido s}i }a 'Asw 18
Ping •830N31 AS 1N3SNOO 31VS NO 3fla
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sloe 0SO44 01 uoplppe ul 'slog 18910 )le op 118ys Jo;u8J0 ApedoJd 014) pepuen8un fennel JOU uopu8ge 04 1ey;leu 990168 104u8J0 •409101d o; Alna
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aJlnbaJ Aew Jepu9) 'pezlpjedoef 4ou ale ApedoJd 844 ul 94901941! s,Jepual 'uoluldo e)os s,Japue- u) '98 6uo1 os pus os 6uiop 04 .1oiid 6u1l1JM
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'Ms) Lions Aug 4118; pooh 111 4selwo3 A8w 10)U819 •Apedo .1d eyl ;o A3u8dn03o Jo esn 84# 01 e1g8311dde sapIJoq ;nB 1v }uewuJeno6 Hy ;o 400448
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01 pua1;B o; sew11 e)g8uos88J 118 18 A}JadoJd !B
en} uodn 1a4ue A8w sem;BlueseJd0J putt slue6s 911 pus lepuel •Jeju3 04 4y6llj s,Japual
•en18n lanbe 1989! 18 40 s4uawenoJdwl U41M slueweno.1dwl Lions
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;0 4uesuo3 uey1JM Jo1Jd 844 }no411M Apedold Ise) ey4 W014 s ;uewenoJdwi /118 0A0W8J.10 14s110wep 4011 Heys 10411810 s4uawanoJdwi 40 enowa)
•Jepuel 40 luesuoO uenIJm Joud 044 ;not' }lm S43npOJd 400.1 10 IenBJB 'lips '(986 pus 110 Bulpnpul) SIBJeuiw 'Jegwg Aug 'enoweJ 0)14611
814 Aped 10440 Aug 04 1U816 10 'enoweJ }ou mm 1o4u810 '611)068104 944 10 A418.1eue6 eyl 6u11w; 4noy11M .Apedoid 8141 40 uolpod Aus 10 ApedoJd
014 1 04 Jo uo e458M J0 40 6uiddiJ4s Aue Ja44ns 10 'puled '41wwo3 Jou e3ueslnu Aus pulled J0 lonpuo0 'esn83 lot' Hays JoluB10 •OIseM 'OOUesinN
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4su!868 swl8p anvil Aug San1BM pus sess0)e1 (8) Agsuey Jo }uBJO •se3uv ;sgns snopl8zey pue eIsBM snarl:g y Jo; Apadord ay} Bu186psenui
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ay; uo him!! JO A;j41suodseJ Aum 048913 04 peruisuoO eq jou H8ys pus Apo sesodrnd s,Japuei 104 eq pugs Jepuei Aq epBW sisal Jo suopoedsul
Auy •o6e60o11 ay) 40 uopoas sly) yjIM ApedoJd eU4 40 8OUS11dwO3 euIWJeIep 04 ai8)JdoJdde weep Amu Jepuei S8 'esuedxe 5,.10411810 48 '94994
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eq greys A }rn4OB y3ns Aug (1!) pus ApedoJd 041 woJ; Jo }nogg 'Jepun 'uo e3uB4sgns Jo 8IsBM snopJBZBy AuB 888818J 10 ;o esodsip '488.14 '01045
'aJnI3B ;nuBw '918191196 'esn H8ys Apedoid ay) ;o Jesn pezlro41n8 18440 Jo 1we68 'JO }3BJ }uoo '}uBUa4 AU8 Jou Jo}u8J0 .1ey)1eu (l) 'Bu111JM u! .1apueg
Aq p96pelMou)4oB puB 04 pesopsip Alsnolnard se )de3x3 (3) pug :sJel4ew Lions 0) Bu11s18J uosied AUB Aq Awe 40 SW1B!3 Jo 1101486411 peue480194
10 !811138 AUB (11) 10 ApedoJd 814; 4o sluedn000 Jo 8J0UMO rolJd AUB Aq Apedold et') WOJ; .10 4noge 'Jepun 'uo e3us)sgns 10 elsBM snoprezey
AUB 40 as8818J P8u84881U4 Jo '9989181 yesodsrp '4uew)BeJ; 'e6euo)s 'em)3B ;nuew 'wo1481au96 'esn Aug (r) 'Bullion u) Jepuei Aq peBpa)mowjos pug
6 0 $7,01- (penuf�uo�) ZObZoUb9 ON ueon
Z abed 3Jd: 111111k-Z-Z
12 -12 -2000
Loan No 64002402
(Continued) .d@�• 0 9
favor of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with this Mortgage, and (b) Grantor has the full right, power, and authority to execute and deliver
this Mortgage to Lender.
Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against the
lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender under this
Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be
entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or
cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation.
Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws,
ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities.
CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage.
Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase
in Ileu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness
or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses,
and attorneys' fees Incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation.
Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such
steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be
entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to
be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation.
IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees
and charges are a part of this Mortgage;
Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take
whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all
taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, including without limitation all
taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage.
Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any part of
the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on the
Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Note; and
(d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor.
Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the same
effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided
below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens
section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender.
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of this
Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal
property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to time.
Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action Is requested by Lender to
perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the real property
records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or reproductions of this
Mortgage as a financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest.
Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it
available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender.
Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest
granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this Mortgage.
FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY -IN -FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney -in -fact are a part of this
Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to be
made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, or
rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages,
deeds of trust, security deeds, security agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates,
and other documents as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effectuate, complete, perfect, continue, or
preserve (a) the obligations of Grantor under the Note, this Mortgage, and the Related Documents, and (b) the liens and security interests
created by this Mortgage as first and prior liens on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohibited by law
or agreed to the contrary by Lender In writing, Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters
referred to in this paragraph.
Attorney -In -Fact. If Grantor fails to do any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name of
Grantor and at Grantor's expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Grantor's attorney -in -fact for the purpose
of making, executing, delivering, filing, recording. and doing all other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to
accomplish the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph.
FULL PERFORMANCE. If Grantor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwise performs all the obligations imposed upon Grantor under this
Mortgage, Lender shall execute and deliver to Grantor a suitable satisfaction of this Mortgage and suitable statements of termination of any financing
statement on file evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Grantor will pay, if permitted by applicable law, any
reasonable termination fee as determined by Lender from time to time.
DEFAULT. Each of the following, at the option of Lender, shall constitute an event of default "Event of Default under this Mortgage:
Default on Indebtedness. Failure of Grantor to make any payment when due on the Indebtedness.
Default on Other Payments. Failure of Grantor within the time required by this Mortgage to make any payment for taxes or insurance, or any
other payment necessary to prevent filing of or to effect discharge of any lien.
Compliance Default. Failure of Grantor to comply with any other term, obligation, covenant or condition contained in this Mortgage, the Note or in
any of the Related Documents.
False Statements. Any warranty, representation or statement made or furnished to Lender by or on behalf of Grantor under this Mortgage, the
Note or the Related Documents is false or misleading in any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished.
Defective Collateralization. This Mortgage or any of the Related Documents ceases to be in full force and effect (including failure of any collateral
documents to create a valid and perfected security interest or lien) at any time and for any reason.
Death or Insolvency. The death of Grantor, the insolvency of Grantor, the appointment of a receiver for any part of Grantor's property, any
assignment for the benefit of creditors, any type of creditor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency
laws by or against Grantor.
Foreclosure, Forfeiture, etc. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial proceeding, self -help, repossession or
any other method, by any creditor of Grantor or by any governmental agency against any of the Property. However, this subsection shall not apply
in the event of a good faith dispute by Grantor as to the validity or reasonableness of the claim which is the basis of the foreclosure or forefeiture
proceeding, provided that Grantor gives Lender written notice of such claim and furnishes reserves or a surety bond for the claim satisfactory to
Breach of Other Agreement. Any breach by Grantor under the terms of any other agreement between Grantor and Lender that is not remedied
within any grace period provided therein, including without limitation any agreement concerning any indebtedness or other obligation of Grantor to
Lender, whether existing now or later.
Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies
or becomes incompetent, or revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guaranty of the Indebtedness. Lender, at its option, may, but
shall not be required to, permit the Guarantor's estate to assume unconditionally the obligations arising under the guaranty in a manner satisfactory
to Lender, and, in doing so, cure the Event of Default.
Insecnri Lender in good faith deems itself insecure.
lyBU s,Aped e4; eoipnfard Jo ;o Jansam a e}n;l ;suoo jou pays e6e6poW sly' ;o uolslnoJd a ;o Aped Aue Aq Jenlam v !y6u Jey ;o Aue Jo ;116u yons
aenlem B se a'eledo !lays }yap AUS Bulslolexe u! Jepuel ;o pvd eqj uo uolsslwo Jo Aplep oN Jepuel Aq peu6ls pus 6ullum u! s! Jenium yons
sselun (s}uewn30a pe'eleu e41 Jepun Jo) e6sBpoW sly' Jepun siy6u Aug pen pm envy o} peweep eq jou Heys .1epuel •sluesuo3 pue sJanleM
'e6e6pool sly! Aq pelnoes sseupe;gepul Ilp o'se Bulwo
;o ems eyi }o SMBI uogdwexe pee }sewoy eyi ;o s!l ;aueq pug s'y6u pe sanlem pue sesB98J Agelay .1o;ueJO uolldwax3 pealsewoH 10 JeARRM
'e6e6poW sly ;o aouewroped ey; >J! eOUasse ay; }o s! ew11 •o uess3 ail 10 s! awlu
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Asm Aq ssaupelgepul caw pue e6e6poW sly; of eoueie }e1 yllm siosseoons s,JO;ue10 t ;1M !pap Asw `JO'usJO of aolou lnoyllm 'Japual
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uodn Bulpulq eq is e6e6poW slyl'lseJelu! volume }o Je;susrl uo e6e6poW sly; u! pale ;s suoge }lwll 841 0; loefgns •su6;ssy pue siosseoans
•elgeeoJo;ue pue peen upwer hays sloedsaJ Jeylo pe u! e6e6poW sly' jo suolslnoJd Jeylo Ile pug ueloJ s eq !lays ll'pel ;!pow os
eq;ouueo uolslnord Bulpue ;o eyi;! 'Jenemoy !A11P1Isn Jo AggigeoJo }ue ;o sllwg ey; my ;lm eq o; pe! }!paw eq o; peweep eq pays uolslnoJd 6ulpueyo
yons Aug 'eiglsea; ;I •seoue;swnOJlo JO suosied Jey ;o Aue o; se elgeeoJo}ueun Jo pllenu! uolslnoJd ;ey} Jepuei jou Heys Bu!pul; yons 'eouelswnoJlo
Jo uosJed Auv o; se eigeewo;ueun Jo pllenu! eq 0; e6e6poW sly' ;o uolslnoJd Aus spup uopo!ps!Jnf lueledwoo ;o pnoo a }I A111lgeJeAes
•a6e6poW sly' u! suope6pgo He Jo; elgisuods8J sl moieg Bulub!s suosied a4; ;o yoge;ey; sueew situ •JolueJO AJene
pus yoga usew Heys Jo;uvio o' seouoie eJ pe pue 'leJenes pue 1u10f aq Heys a6eBpoW sit; Jepun JO U JO ;o suope611go iv 'sallied eidu11nW
•repuel ;o;uesuoo uaIIJm eyi lnoy;lm'Alpedeo Aus u! Japual ;o ;l ;aueq o41 Jo; Jo Aq piey
ewg Aug ;B ApedoJd eyi u! e;slse Jo ;seJe }u! Jeylo Aue y'!m e6e6poW sly; Aq papaw elelse 10 }sane }u! ey} jo Je6Jew ou eq Heys ereyu Ja6Jell
96e6poW sly; ;0 suolslnoJd
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•6u ;woAM 10 alums a4l 10 smeI ail i ;inn aouepJOase u! panJlsuo3 pue Aq minima
aq !leis a6e6poW sigi •BulwoAM 10 awls aq; u! Japual Aq paldaooe pue Japual of paien!iap uaaq say a6e6 ;Joyil siy! 'Aug algeollddy
'uewpuewe Jo uol'ple ;le eqj Aq punoq Jo peBJgyo eq ol'48nos sewed Jo Aped
ey} Aq peu6ls pug Bullum u! uen16 sselun angoaya aq gays e6e6poW sly} o} ;uewpuewe Jo ;o uolleJalle ON •e6p6poW sly} u! ypo; las sral ;aw
eyi o; se sewed ay} ;o'ueweei6e pue BuipuelsJapun e11;ue eqj sa ;n }!}suoo 'sluewnooa pee Aue y'!m JeyleBo; 'a6s6poW situ •sluawpuawy
:e6e6poW slyl;o ped a ere suolslnoJd snoeueaeoslw 6ulmopo} et-1.1 'SNOISIAOHd S1103NY1133SIW
•sseJppe'uOJJno s,Jo}ueJO ;o sew!} pg le pewro;ul Japual deed o1 see .16s Jo ;uvr0 'sesodind a you Jod •a6e6poW sly! ;o Buluul6aq eqj Jeau umoys se
'sseJppe s,Japuel ol;ues aq Heys a6e6poW sly! Jeno A'uoud spy yolym uell Aug }o Jeploy ay; woi; ainsopelo; ;o seopou ;o seldoo py •sserppe s,Aped
ey} e6ue110 o} s! aollou ey; ;o esodind ay; ley; BuiA}peds 'selped Jaylo eqj of eollou uep!Jm IvwJO; BulnlO Aq a6e6poW sly; Jepun seol'ou 10; sseJpps
s eBusyo Asw Aped Auy •e6sBpoW sly; ;o BuluulBeq ey! Jveu umoys sasseippe ay; a; pe}oeJlp 'pledeJd e6s }sod 'Hew peJe}si6ei JO pegipeo 'seep
Pig new se;pls pe ;run ey' u! papsodep ueym enpoege peweep aq Heys 'pellew g 'Jo 'Japnoo ;y6lureno pazlu6o0eJ Appuo1lsu S yllm pellsodep ueym
Jo 'peJenllap AHen;os ueym enpoe}}e eq Heys pus (me! Aq peJlnber esiMJay ;o sselun) enwlsoe }ale} Aq rues eq Aew 'Bul;pm u! eq pays 'JOIU8JO 01 ales
}o eopou Aug pus gne;ap ;0 831 ;OU Aug uoi }e11WH lnoy }!m Buipnpu! 'a6eBpoW sly} Jepun eolou Auy •S3111:yd 1:13H10 ONY b101NVEIO Oi S33110N
'Mel Aq pepinord
scans Jeylo lls o; uolllpps u! 'slsoo pnoo Aug Aed !gm osie JO1USJO 'mg! elgsogdds Aq pa;;lwrad'ue ;xe e4} of 'eouernsw egg pus 'see; isslerdds
pus 'spode) ,sloAenrns '(slJodaJ ernsoloaro; Bulpniou!) spodeJ egg 6ulule;go 'spJooeJ Buiyoises ;o }sOo e41 'seOIAJes uogoalloO 1uew6pnf —!sod
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,sAeuro}}s aigeuoseal 6ulpnpu! 'prism! a s! amyl }ou Jo iegjeym sesuedxe 18691 sdepuei pus see ;,SAeuJO ;}e elgeuosear s, .1epuei 'mu! elgeolldds
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111un ern ;lpuedxe }o e'pp ey' WOJ; lseJelu! Jseq !leis pus puewep uo elgsAed ssaupe ;gepul ey ;o ped e awooaq Heys s ;y6u s;! }o ;ueweoio;ue
ey; JO ;saJe ;ul s ;o uogoe;oJd ay; Jo; ewg Aus ;e Aresseoeu ere uoluldo s,Jepue u! ;eyi Jepuel Aq paJJnOUl sesuedxe algeuoseer pa 'penlonu!
s! uogoe pnoo Aue IOU Jo Jey ;ayM •leadde Aug uo pus Ipu }'e see} ,sAewo; ;e elgeuoseaJ ss aigeuoseaJ e6pnfps Aew pnoo ay; se wns yons
JSA000J o; peel ;ue eq guys .1epuel 'a6e6poW s!y; ;o sWJel eq ;o Aus a0JO }ue o; uopOS Jo ;ins Aug se ;n ;gsu! Jepuel •sesuedx3 '.seed ,sAeu.iolly
e6e6poW sly; Jepun salpewaJ sl! esloJexe pus line;ep a eJeloep 0; ;y6u s,Jepuel 1oa1}e jou !leis wioped of Jolu5JO ;o eJnlle; Jelly
a6s6poW sly' Jepun JOIUSJO ;o uogeBugo us wioped 01 uopoe egg; Jo seJn;lpuedxe slaw o; uopOele to pus 'Apewer Jeglo Aue }o llnsJnd epnIOxe
;ou gets Apewei Aue enslnd 01 Jepuel Aq uog3e13 •uolsinord Jeylo Aug Jo uolslnoJd }81 y;lm eouslldwoo ;Ou ;s puewep o; es1MJe4lo sly6u s,Aped
ey; eo!pnfeld JO jo Jeniem s e }n ;!;suoo jou Heys e6e6poW sly ;o uolslnoJd a }o yoga .1q s ;o Aped Aue Aq Jenpm y •salpawaa 10 uoll `JeAIeM
uolllsodslp Jo ales ey; jo ewg ay; elo;eq sAep (pl) ua1
;seal }S uen16 eollou ueew Heys eolou ejgeuoseabi 'spew eq 01 s! ApedoJd IeuosJed ay} ;o uolllsodslp pepuelui Jay ;o Jo gips a ;eniJd Aug y014m
J9; ;8 awl; eg ;o Jo Apedoid leuosJad eq ;o eies ollgnd Aue jo eosid pus awl; ail ;o eollou elgeuoseaJ JolueJO enp Heys Jepuel 'ales 10 a011oN
ApedoJd e41 ;o uoipod Aue Jo pe uo ales olignd Aug 18 p!q o; pellgue eq Heys Jepuel sales
elsredes Aq Jo eies euo u! 'Ale ;SJedes Jo JeyleBo' ApedoJd 041 10 pad Aue Jo He gas 01 eaJ; eq Heys Jepuel 'salpewaJ pus s146u ell 6uISIOJexe
u! •pepeysiew ApedoJd 041 ensy o; ;y611 118 pug Aue sanlem AgeJey Jo1u1J0 'Mel elgeogdde Aq per ;lwied lue;xe ey; ou ApadoJd ail 10 sleS
A;inbe u! Jo m5I le eminent) Jo e;oN ay; JO e6sBpoW 5141 ul pepinord salpewaJ pus sIyBjJ Jeylo pe aney Heys repuel •salpawaa Jai n°
repuel 10 puewep eq; uodn
Ale ;elpeww! ApedoJd ail a'eoen (q) Jo 'Apedoid e4110 esn ey1 Jo; Isluei elgeuoseer a Asd (s;; Jegpe 'uogdo s,Jepuel ;e 'pays pug ApedoJd eq1
}o ieseyornd ey! Jo repuel }o eousiegns;s;upua; a awooaq Heys Jo ;up10 'JO1u8JO 10 ;lne;ap uodn ApedoJd e41 10 uolssessod o1 pegilue sawooeq
es!nue4lo repuel Jo enoge pepinoJd se pros sl Apedom ey' Jeie ApedoJd egg ;o uolssessod u! sulsweJ JO UBJO ;I •03U0J911nS le AOueuau
•uogoes slyj u! pepinord s ;y6u ey ;o espJaxa eyi wag penleoer slunows pe jo uo ;eogdde Jaye repuel
01 enp sseupelgepul ey' u! 6ululeweJ Aouelopep Aue Jo; ;uew6pnf e ulelgo Aew Jepuel 'mar algsolidde Aq pe ;;lwred 41 •luawBpnp Aoualollaa
e }n }e }s Aq pepinoJd se eJnsopaJO; „ales pus lueweslpenpe„ JO „ales
10 Jemod„ Aq Apeol;peds pus 'ales laplpnfuou Aq Apedoid ail ;o ped Aug u! JO ge u! 1seJe;ul s,JO}ueJO esopeJO; Aew Jepuel 'ales leIOlpnfuoN
•ApedoJd e41 ;o ped Aug Jo pe u! ISOJOIUI s,Jo }usJO Bulsoloe .1o; eeioep lelolpnf S u!S }go Aew repuel 'amsolpaJo3 !empty
.10/110081 s se BuiAJes woJj uosied a A;psnbslp'ou Heys repua Aq ;uewAoidw3 ;unows leguelsgns
e Aq sseupe'gepul ail speooxe ApedoJd ay; ;o enisn luersdds ey; }ou Jo 1e1.11e4m ;slxe 11eys Jenl8Oal a ;o ;uew'ulodde eyi o; !y6u s,iepue
mel Aq pe ;11wJed puoq ;not;lm e,ues Aew Jenleoel eqj •ssaupe ;sapid ey; ;sule6e `diysJenlaoei ay} ;o ;soO ey; enoge pus J8AO `speeoold
ay; Aldds pus ApadoJd ay; WOJ; Web] eqj ;oe o° 01 pU8 'ems JO eJnsopeJO} Bulpeoeid ApedoJd ey; a ;elado 01 'Apedoid ay; enueseid pus loo ;ord
01 Jemod eyi y ;lm ApedoJd ey; ;o ped Aug Jo HS jo uolssessod ails} 01 pelulodde JOAI0381 S aney 01 }461.1 eyi envy gays Japual •Jenlaaaa luloddy
•Jen1800J 8 y6noJ4;
Jo 'wee Aq uosJed u! Jay;le yde16siedgns sly; Jepun s ;y6u s eslo.exe Aew .1epuel •pe ;slxe puewep eq; Jo; spuno161edoid Aug jou Jo Jayleym
'spew ere s;uewAsd ay; yolym 1o; suope6llgo eyi Apps Heys puewep s,Jepuel 01 esuodsei u! Jepuel 01 sJasn MAO JO s ;usual Aq s'uewAsd
•speeooJd eyi 1oajoo pug ewes 841 eggl;o6eu o; pue JOiueJO }o awsu eqj u! loo .1ey';uewAed u! penla3eJ s ;uewnJ ;sui es .1opue 01 loo;— ul— Aeuro ;le
s,JO ;ue .19 se repuel se ;eu6lsep AlgeooneJJ! JoIUBJ0 uay; 'repuel Aq pe ;oe!!oo eJe slues egg ;I •Japual 01 AlloeJlp see; esn Jo 1u81 ;o s ;uewAed
wisw o; ApedoJd 841 ;o Jesn rey'o Jo ;ueue; Aug e1lnbea Asw repuel }yBp sly} ;o eousiegpn; u! ssaupe ;gepu! ail ;suis6e 's ;so3 s,Jepuel enoge
pus JOA0 'speeoord ;eu eyi Aldde pus 'pledun pug enp ;sad s ;unows Bulpnlou! 'sluelj 041 1081103 Pug yeplpnf —uou Jo !s!o!pnf Jey ;eym 'aJnsopeJO;
;o Aouepued eyi Buunp Bulpnlou! ApedoJd eyi ;o uolssessod won 01 'Jo ;ue10 o1 e0gou lnoyllm ;y61.1 eyi ensy !leis aepual •sluaa 10a11o0
•epoO IS1OJewwo3 WJO;IUfl eyi
Jepun Aped parnoes S ;o salpewaJ pug s ;y6u et; !le aney !leis Japual ApedoJd ISUOSJed ey; }o pad Aue Jo lie o1 ;oedsei yHM •salpawaa oon
•Aed o; pallnbei eq mom roluer0 yOlym A;leued luewAsderd Aug 6ulpnpu! 'elgeAed pus
enp Alalslpeww! sseupelgepul eJgue ail BJSpep 01 Jolu8JO o; e3pou ;noygM uolldo s lg 148p ay! ensy Hsys Japual •sseupa;gapul alelala3Oy
:mgr Aq papinoJd selpewar Jo s ;y6u
Jeylo Aus 01 uoplpps u! 'selpeweJ pus s ;y6u Bulmopo; ey; }o Brow Jo euo Aue esloiexe Asw 'uolldo s `Jepuel 'e6e6poW s14; u! uogellwll Aue JO eloN
ail u! uoi ;ellwli Aue 01 oefgns gig JeyeaJey} ewi; Aue 1e pue pupa ;0 ;uen3 Aug ;o eoueJJn000 ail uodn •linyd3a NO S3103W31:1 UNy S.HOIu
leOpOerd Algvuossel se uoos se e0uelldwoO
eonpold o; ;uepi}}ns sde ;s AJSsseoeu pus elgeuoseaJ pe se ;aldwoo pug senupuoo JeggeJey; pus amps; e41 Arno 01 luelo1Bns sdels se }eglu!
Alelelpeww!'sAsp (gl) ueeyg ueg; grow sarinbeJ amp eyi;! (q) Jo :situp (S}) ueeyl; uiypm eJrts; eyi sump (s) :amp; yons jo amO fiulpuewep
e0pou ual ;um spues Jepuel lege 'JO'u8JO (peiJn000 aney p!m 11ns ;ea ;o 'uen3 ou pus) pain eq Asw 1! 'sy'uow (gL) enlam; Bulpeoerd
ail ulyllm a6s6poW s141 jo uolsinord ewes eqj ;o yoeerq s jo eopou v ueniB ueeq jou say JOIUSJ0;I pus elgsrn° s! mpg a yons j1 •9J113 01 W6lu
b aBed
•r N (panui>uoo)
ZOtZ001I9 oN ueol
12- -2000
Loan No 64002402
otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course of dealing between
Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of Lender's rights or any of Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions. Whenever
consent by Lender is required in this Mortgage, the granting of such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute continuing consent to
subsequent Instances where such consent is required.
STATE OF /f/[/�0
On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared KYLE L. ERICKSON and WENDY D. ERICKSON, to me known to be the
individuals described in and who executed the Mortgage, and acknowledged that they signed the Mortgage as their free and voluntary act and deed,
for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
Given ynd€r m hand and official I this �.Z
e Stat
Notary Public in a for
State of
LASER PRO, Reg. U.S. Pat. T.M. Off., Ver. 3.27 (c) 2000 CFI ProServl
MORTGAGE (P3 o 312., 0 1 4 Page 5
day of
Residing at l/! L.
My commission exp elf s
s, Inc. All rights reserved. [WY -003 F3.26b P3.26b KERICKSO.LN)
State of
Expir s September 18, 21:C3