HomeMy WebLinkAbout87034202013933 ft: IVED l7:1 LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 8703 2 00 DEC 9 1 -�a 17 I: BOOK_ PR PAGE WARRANTY DEED E WAGNER KEMMERER, WYOMING VIRGINIA CAROL HOLDEMAN, Trustee, and her Successors, under The Carol Holdeman Family Trust U /D /T 05- 17 -00, ALTON ANKER and SUE ANKER, husband and wife and RAY HUNOLD, a single man Grantors of Gardnerville, County of hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: CLINTON D. GUTHRIE and DEBORAH A. GUTHRIE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of Box 2016, Jackson, WY 83001 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 1111 day of W. A.D. 2000 Alton Anker Sue Anker STATE OP ss- County of da 5 O the ay of A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, V� rLLa Carol Holdeman, Trustee, known or identified to me to be the person w11,oge name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me t-ha8•r 'executed the same. r q v.B L\ STATE OE County of :SS On the day of Alton Anker and Sue Anker, names are subscribed to th they executed the` STATE OF County of Notary Public My commission ed.h..4-4414!A a442/ Virginia Carol Holdeman,Trustee Ray Hunold Ail- expires on Fl. D 1 2_00 a A.D. 2000, .e y appeared before me, ed to me to be persons whose ent, and acknowledged to me that Notary Public My commission expires on On the day of A 2000, personally appeared before me, Ray Hunold, known o identified to to be the person whose name is subscribed to the ithin instrument, and ackno 1 ed to me that he executed the same. Notary Public My Commission expires on LAND TITLE COMPANY State of Nevada XMVdIAIO3 TULL uo saaTdxa uoTssTwwop AW aTTgnd dap ;ON 'GLUE'S Otiq pagnaaxa aq gpgf am 01 pa6paTMou3{ap pup '1uawnajsuT uTLigTM aqp o- pagTaasgns sT auapu asogM uosaad aqq aq oq aw of paT3TluapT ao uMOU3{ 'pTounH JI 'am aao3aq paauaddu ATTPuosiad 'OOOZ 'Q'Ft 1N1r 3 iCup --,1"!`1;a41 u0 a -N 30 Aquno0 •■n vn0,\. .30 H.I,KIS uo saaTdxa uOTSSTmmoD JW aTTgnd Aaug0N *amps agq. pagnaax aqq Jpgq am oq paSpaTMOuNDp pup .na ;suT uTggTM aqq oq pagTaasgns sawuu asogM suosaad aq oq aw of paT3Tqua• o uMOuN 'aatuy ans p aNuy uogTy 'am aao;aq paauaddu iTTuuosaad '0002 'C'V uo saaTdxa uoissTmwoa Aw aTTgnd IauloN 000z 'Q'icr pppnaN 3o is L r aqq pagnaaxa aqs Jpgf SW oq paSpaTmouNDu pup quawn.z�ilYT qTM oq pagT1asgns sT ampu asoLM uosaad aqq aq oq am oq paT3TquapT ao u _a ;snag 'uuwapToH T01P3 pTuTE1TA 'am aao3aq paivaddu .TTuuosaad 'C'V 3o App aqq uo �3O App z sTin 'saoTuua5 pTus 3o pupq 'SSHNJIM •uoaaagq saaupUaganddp pup squawaAoadLUT TTp gnTM aag4a6oy •asn uT ao paoaaa 3o Aum- 3o- sgg6Ta pup squawasua oq pup quaTud saqujs pagTun aLiq uT pauTuquoa suoTgoTagsaa pup suoT qunaasaa gaaCgns ,LIBIHXH QHHDV II HHS :1TM -oq 'aquas aqf 3o sMPT uoTgdmaxa puagsawoq aqq 3o angaTA Aq pup aapun sIg6Ta TTu SuTATuM pup SuTsuaTaa Agaaaq 'SuTwolt4 30 alPgS 'A3uno0 UIODU Z uT puuT 3o gauaq pagTaasap SuTMOTTo3 aqq uoTJpaapTSUOO aZqunTun pup poo5 aagfo puu sauTToQ uay 3o wns aqq ao3 10088 AM 'uos){auf '9TOZ xog 3o saaqupaO SaTgaaTqua aq; Aq squuuaq Sp 'a3TM pup puugsnq 'HINH1119 'V HV21OHHQ Pup HI?1Hyf1D 'Q NO,LNI`I0 Oy ,I,NVEUVM puu XHANOD ICgaaaq 3o iluno0 'TTTA1aup1PD 3o saoauuaD U W GIBUTS u Q r IONf1H 2VH PUP a3TM pup puugsnq 2iH?INfl H11S Puu 2iHNNV NO,LnIV 1 00 LT S0 y /Q /n q snag �T Twu upwap ToH Toaup aqy aapun 'saossaaafS aaq pup 'aagsnay 'NVWHQ'IOH 'IO1YD VINID2JIli CI E R CI ALLNWEEVNI 11OJ!dx3 UO SSJwwo r;'� upoun p •rns ?"y` yp,tlunoo ongnd R nag •r aoluoyy ss: SS: p GID uo 3o Aqunoj d0 H LVLS KQVAHN 3O H,LVIS aaNuV ans aaxuV u0 gTV r VIRGINIA CAROL HOLDEMAN, Trustee, and her Successors, under The Carol Holdeman Family Trust U /D /T 05- 17 -00, ALTON ANKER and SUE ANKER, husband and wife and RAY HUNOLD, a single man Grantors of Gardnerville, County of State of Nevada hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO CLINTON D. GUTHRIE and DEBORAH A. GUTHRIE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of Box 2016, Jackson, WY 83001 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations and restrictions contained the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. e WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this Alton Anker Sue Anker STATE OF NEVADA County of STATE OF STATE OF County of On the day of Virginia Carol Holdeman, whose name is subscribe that she executer -tame :ss County of 197,5tet./ On the 7 of 4 6 IA A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Alton Anker and Sue Anker, known or identified to me to be persons whose names are subscribed to the within in_trument, and acknowledged to me that they execute WARRANTY DEED Notary Public My commission expires on 1 Ray Hunold Notary Public My Commission expires on LAND TITLE COMPANY ary Pub i My commission expires on vZ /(l /q 175 day of W.t A.D. 2000 Virginia Carol Holdeman, Trustee ''.p. 2000 perga<Z7 appeared before me, Trustee. dentified to me to be the person e within instr t, and acknowledged to me On the day of A D-.`"2°0��f, _personally appeared before me, Ray Hunold, known or i _de t to me to be erson whose name is subscribed to__the --wi �iin instrument, and acknowledged to that he executed the same. 94T 'L600ZL ;uawnoo018 abed ad96Z MooU U1 4661 "ZZ UweW paprosw (gl!'6o3) suoll0u4sa2J pue suaplpuor's;ueuano3 Jo uoi;eielaaQ o; ;zeros •tiepunoq I(pa;seM ;80W ay; uo;uawasea 9 04 V •dew pies awes uo paquasep se tuawasea abeuleip 4 09 V 'smog iol £luo Z ;owl aaJ pug gig 4 iosi lo ;sea anp 8uutl dew uol61s1p puei a4i Jo a'9 g'ti 's '1. slaaied iol peoa 3 1aW3 OM se uMOWI ;uawasea ei0eud aaisnlaxa ue sl situ yawed pies to kepunoq Appal aq; uo mod a o1 i9aj fZ'619'3..11.96saaa69P91N saual; •'69 LeM Jo awl hem-Jo-Wu Apa ;sea pue lamed pleas to M punoq Ilya ;saM ay; uo Gum ;ulod pies'6uluul6aq lo;ulod atli of seal JO mow psi C0' I96'3.9x.OZsoai9apZON 9011941 :;aaJ 99 9SOOJ6aP68N aauay; :91 uoli39 Jo iawoo b/1 S aqi ;e 8ulauauuw02 :aupia ;1193 paglissap ButMolIOJ 0 4 11 apis ialla ;aaJ at 6ulaq iUewasga ;001 -09 v :ivawasua 889320 pagp3sap 6 uIM 0 11oJ 044 o ;oafgns lamed pies ssel i0 aiOw salad 91'p suleluoa 1 .11 •seal JO aiow s0A00 L4.OZ 61!0;uoo „i# lamed„ se uMOU)I 'awed P!e9 •Buluulhaq Jo;ulod eni; am o4 8601 JO WOW 1001 BY1ie 1 3a1Ci198eeJsap688 muffin :s1 uogoag JO ieuioa X11$ a4; 01 ;as) 89•2$C '3„2'li►,Z96aaJeaP69s soupy; :uolslMpgns eIIIH uadsy Jo JaUio0 e Suleq asp; duo sseiq C a Rq poem= ;u1od Resist uO1Was l0 suit Moos 84101 iaaJ event £UM Jo- 0111p LsM4 a4i 6 uoIu Ma9Z.OZsaaJeepZOS aauay; :68 A$M441H to lie to JBU Apa;SBa OW o; 8801 i0 slow 4 '11/1..C'OP,L1se0i6oPieN s0uat :1091 P8'91C1'3„rgp14Zsaw6epZoN aauay; :buluuleaq Jo ;urod eni; $114 04 ION 11ttCZ 'M „C2. /099aifaP 62N WOULD :gC g 94 `pi suopaas o; UOWIUO3 iauioa 11314908 awls Bulouawwo3 :sMOpoI se pagiiasap Llielnnpied wow '6uiwod(M'L;unoo 11133111 'W'd 1U9'M611a'NBCj'01 uol;oa8 Jo Z/i s 941 ui Pull 10 lowed V 'dVW OIVS NO ..1 iOVaj„ SV NMON)1$NI3a 133WVd SIH.L 'HU31a JLLNnOQ N'IOONI1 AO 9800e/ .D131411000 '1661'ZZ H3WW NO 83HQNVa )133213 1130 SV NMON)4 dVW Noisiniaens V SV 030HOa3a sv '0611'9Z JOgWOAON 110 9909ZL '0N ;uawno00 991 abed adZ6Z Flo °a 0 1( QloN(1H /a31INV/NVW'3a1OH)1JlMOM. se papiosai Alsnolnaid dew uols!nlp puei O Jo um/0d v 1 1Ot:11 S3HONV 1 M331:13 1 N411d12��S3C� 'wen ..ti "9I HY 1