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HomeMy WebLinkAbout870358WARRANTY DEED DON M. CORSI and ELMA CORSI, husband and wife, REX M. CORSI and NANCY CORSI, husband and wife, MCMENAMY CORSI and AGNES CORSI, husband and wife, ROY CORSI and ELAINE B. CORSI, husband and wife Grantors of Etna, County of Lincoln, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: REINHART- EDWARDS, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company Grantees of P.O. Box 3258, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: NW1 /4SW1/4 Section 26, T36N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, excepting therefrom the following parcels of land described in Warranty Deed recorded October 8, 1927, Book 17 Deeds, Page 153, Warranty Deed recorded May 4, 1955, Book 10 P.R., Page 192, and Warranty Deed recorded July 8, 1958, Book 28 P.R., Page 427. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this) day of December, A.D. 2000 0)," 0,- f wd- ceidc, Don M. Corsi Elma Corsi Rex M. Corsi Nancy Corsi McMenamy Corsi Agnes Corsi Roy Corsi Elaine B. Corsi STATE OF WyO 9 :ss County of Liman On the 11 day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Don M. Corsi and Elma Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Thole Reynolds Slide of�yio Lincoln Public tarOann+ U� PI 04 8703'58 C& 00 Notary Publ rd BOOK, PR PAGE 2 2 0 State of Wyoming My commission expires on c,/ LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 00 DEC 20 'ANi s39 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER. WYOMING T9- ACO 6uTwoAM go agpgs o saxTdxa uoTssTwwoo AN Ts.IOD g aUTSTa TsJoD sau6V oTTgn Aapgo Ts.1OD PUTS U22G .LZNVd dVM zoo/ .n AJenuer �JNIWO s uolsswwo0 AW 31W rtif 30 A1NM) °nand MNION a d Zia IINIV 'auPS aqq pagnoaxa Aagq gpgq aw oq pa6pa'Mouxap pup 'quawnags suosiad alp aq oq aw o: pa quapT to .UN Ts.toD SUITS pup Ts.IOD W UOQ 'aw aaogaq paapaddp AT .•szad '0002 'G'K 'a- au Jo App aqn. u0 TM aqq oq pagTaosgns aaP sauisu asogM ss: "Mt??! 0 A unoj TsaoD )o- T s.zOD A 0002 'Q'v 'aagwaoaQ go iPp sTgq 'saoqup.z6 pTPs 3o puPq sgq 'SSSNZIM •uoa.zagq. saoupua -1nddd pup s- uawanoadwT "P ggTM .zagga6os asn uT JO to..Topa.z go ApM- go- sgg6T1 pup squawasPa oq puP quagpd sagpgs payTun aqq uT pauTpauoo suoTgoTigsax pup suoTquA.zasai oq goaCgns L ZTi a6Pd d d 8 Z xoog '856T 8 ATn.0 paplooaa paaQ AqupaapM PuP '61 a6Pd ''E'd O T xo0g SS6 T 'T7 ApN papaoaaa paaQ Aqup.I1pM 'E5T abed 'spaau LT x008 'LZ6T '8 iagogo0 pap1ooaa paaQ AquPaaPm uT pagTaosap pup' go sTaa1Pd 6uTMoITog aqq. wo.zga.Iagq 6uTgdaoxa '6uTwoiM 'AqunoD u'oouTrI ''W'd q19 'M6TT2i 'N9EI '9Z uOTgoas T7/TMST7/TMN :qTM -oj 'a :p :S aqq go sMPT uoTgdwaxa ppagsawoq aqq go anq.1TA Aq pup 1apun sgg6T1 'TP 6uTATPM puP 6uTsPa'a1 Age-1@g '6uTwoJCM go aapgs 'AqunoD u'oouTrl uT pup' 3o gop1j pagTaosap 6uTMO"o; aqg uoT1paapTsuoO a'gpn'PA pup pooh 1agao pup sap"oQ uas go urns aqq .zo; 8ZTE8 AM 'euTd'V 1 85Z£ 3(08 •0•d go saaqup1D AupdwoD 1CTTTTgPTrI paTTwTI 6uTw0ICM P OZZ 'SQ2iKMQQ- Z2nIHNIS2i OZ INVEUVM PuP AS11NOD Aga.Iaq 'u'oouTrl go iquno3 'puqa 3o saoquP1D agTM pup pupgsnq 'ISUOD 'gQNIiIS pup IS2iOD AO2I 'a3TM pup pupgsnq 'Is IOD SSNDV PuP IS2iOD AWVNSWDW 'a ;TM puP puPgsnq IS2IOD ADNVN puP IS?IOD 'W XH2I puP puPgsnq Is a VW'IS PuP IS?IOD 'W NOG STATE OF /a 1 County of-12.r, STATE OF County of STATE OF County of :SS On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Rex M. Corsi and Nancy Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the wit instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. JENNIFER NYGAARD NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LARAMIE r, WYOMING My Commission Expires January 28, 2002 :SS :SS 222 ✓yt —�-z otary Notary Public Notary Public -QCs My commission expires on On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, McMenamy Corsi and Agnes Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. My commission expires on On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Roy Corsi and Elaine B. Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. My commission expires on °awls aq3 paqnoaxa Aagq gpgq aw oq pa6paTMOU3{op pup '1uawna1suT uTglTM aqq oq pagTaosgns aap sawpu asoTM suosaad aqq aq o am oq p3TJTqu 10 UMOU) 'TSaoD PM'S pup TSIOO 'W uoQ 'am aao;aq paasadds A'Tpuosaad 'OOOZ 'Q'fl '.Iagwaoaa To App auk u0 buTwoAM 3o aTPIS uo saaTdxa uoTSsTwwoD AW Tsaop •g auTPTH TSI Sa TsaoD AoupN TsaoJ 'MUTE oTTgnd AapgoN BV AINVerelYM ss: To Aqunoj SO 3IVLS Tsaop Aog TsaoO Awp ua ow �j TSIOO 'W xaE TSIOO •W uoQ 0002 'Q'V 'aagwaoaQ To Asp sTI4 'saoaupab pips go pupa aql 'SSSNIIM °uoaaaup saousua landdp pus squawaAoadwT Tip ggTM aaufaboy °asn uT ao paoaaa To ApM- jo- Squ6Ta pus squawaspa oq pus qua3sd sa�s�s pa 1Tun alp uT pauTsquoO suoTg3Tagsaa pus suoTTsnaasaa oq 1Oacgns L Z T7 abed E' d 8Z NooS 1 856 1 '8 ATnr papaooaa paaQ AqupaapM pus Z6T absd ''E'd OT ){OOE S56T b ApW papao3aa paaQ AWpa1PM 'EST absd 'spaaQ LT 3 [OO8 'LZ6T '8 aagOgDO papaooaa paaQ AlupaapM uT pagTaosap pup' To sTao.Ipd buTMOTTog auk woajaaagq buTldaoxa 'buTwoAM 'A3unop uToouT7 '°W'd TQ9 'M6TT2i 'N9EL '9 uoTloaS v /TMSTI /TMN :qTM -oq 'agsgs aqq To sMpT uoTgdwaxa ppa:Isawoq aqq Jo anaaTA Aq pup aapun SPu6Ta TT 6UTATsM pup 6uTspa'a1 Agaaaq 'buTwoAM To aJpgs 'ATunop uToouT7 uT pup' Jo gopaq pagTaOsap buTMOTTo3 aq uoTgpaapTsuoo aTgpn'pA pup pooh aaggo pus sap'ToQ uay 3o wns auq. a0T 8ZTE8 AM 'auTd'j '85ZE xog '0'd go Saaqusa0 Aupdwoa ATTTTgpT'I paTTwT'I buTwoAM s OZZ 'SQ2ivMQS- ,L2ivHNIaI OJ INV2i2IVM Pup AQANO0 Agaaaq 'u'oouTZ 3o Aqunoj 'pliqa 3o saoqupa0 aTTM pus pusgsnq IS21O0 'Er HNIFI`IQ pus IS2IO0 A02I aJTM pup pupgsnq IS2IO0 SSNDV Pus IS2IO0 AWVNSWOW a3TM pup pupgsnq I S dO0 AONVN pus I S2IO0 W XQ2I a T TM pup pupgsnq I S2iO0 KW IQ Pup I SEO0 'VI NOG STATE OF County of On the 0 day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Rex M. Corsi and Nancy Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake On the /rfrday of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, McMenamy Corsi and Agnes Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. STATE OF County of :SS :SS NOTARY PUBLIC RALPH K. LORD 9953 Barium Lane Sandy, UT 84094 COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL. 24, 2004 STATE OF UTAH :S S Notary Public Notary Public tJ My commission expires on 224 44 Nota y b lic My commission expires on `f Z z7 V On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Roy Corsi and Elaine B. Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. My commission expires on 'awes au; pagnoaxe Iagq gegq ow oq pa6poTmouNop pup ;uawna ;suT uTgTTm aqa. of pagT.xasgns a.xp saweu asogm suosaad au; aq o; ow oq paT JTquapT to umouN Tsaoj pwTH pup Ts/op W UOQ 'ow aaogaq paapaddp ATTpuosaad '0002 Q'y 'aagwaoaQ go App s�z I v.L a dU SJ.V S ton +%eaid 3 uo ww op 46ob9 4eln 'uepiop wog Mamved uvp,op •e9 'M POOL ufOHdg Mat ONv 3110Cld ANYLON r-P 262 Tsaop saufv 6uTwoJCM go aaegS uo saaTdxa uoTssTwwoo AN TsaoD g aU_ITeTQ Ts.xOO AOUPN oTTgnd Aap_loN GRal .XINVEEKM k"'234 fv -tiq zor :w &I pisei hvJ!Slpscald uowiwumo °fcDwus e'`.q p, non .Aou O1ti mut eW of papelm uMo u i p e;; :.g: w uircileul 0ealof)eaol ?'tRgal0)J i6I' T 81W a�olal poittedde Ana uosa�d c7 3 z�,�gv t, '1,0 Aep ;'2 as41 uO 7 7-17-1177=9"C jo Alue1o9 'tom oVaiS SS: 11.4 u0 go A;unop dO 2z \LS TSJOD •W X J TSa0D ewTH Tsa0J •W uOQ 000 'cry 'aagwaoaQ go App sTgf 'saoqupa6 pTps 3o pupq aq1 'SSQNJ.IM •uoaaag1 saoupuagandde pup sluawanoadwT Tip q ;TM aaq ;a6os •asn uT ao pa0oa.x go ApM- ;O- S ;g6Ta,pup squawaspa oq pue wagpd salp1S pa=lTun aqa uT pauTpwoo suoToTalsaa pup SUOTgPA.Iasaa o3 UoocgnS '8S61 '8 ATnp papaooaa paaQ AlupaapM pup '61 abed 2i d 01 a No 0E d S g S6 T oo Auw papaooaa paaQ AqupaaeM 'EST a6pd 'spaau, LT Noog LZ6T '8 19go100 papaooa.x paaQ AquvaapM uT pegTaosap pupT go sTooapd 6uTMolTo; alp woagoaaq; 6uT ;daoxa '6uTwoAM 'Aaunoj uToouTr1 •W•d qq9 'M6TT2i 'N9EW '9Z uoT1o3S b /TMSD/TMN :AT14-01 'a ;p IS att.; go sMpT UOTgdwaxa pea ;sawoq aq; go an ;1TA Aq pup aapun s ;g6Ta Tip 6uTATpM pup 6uTspaTaa Igaaaq '6uTwoAM go a ;e ;S 'Aqunop uToouTri uT pueT go ;ova; pagTaosap 5uTM0T1Og aqn uoT ;paapTsuoo oTgpnivA pup p005 aaggo pup saptiou uoI go wns aqq xog 8ZTE8 AM 'auTdiV 'BSZE X0E1 '0'd go saaquva0 Auedwo0 ATTTTcl Iq pa1TwT7 6uTwoJM p 'DTI 'SQ2iVMCIR :0I ZNV UVM pup AQAN00 J ct t q 'UTooUTrj go Awnop 'pung go sao -uea0 a;TM pup pupgsnq IS2iO0 g HNIV'IQ Pup IS21Oa 1023 'a3TM pup pupgsnq 'IS2IO0 SSNOV pup IS2IOD Awl/NQWOW l eJTM pup pupgsnq I S2IO0 ADNVN pie ISUOD 'W X32i 'TM pup pupgsnq I S2iO0 `dW'IQ pup I S2IO0 'W NOQ STATE OF County of On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Rex M. Corsi and Nancy Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. STATE OF County of STATE OF L tan County of Lark SS SS SS NOTARY PUBLIC ANDREW SPROUL 1634 W. So. Jordan Parkway South Jordan, Utah 84096 CommIsalon Expires July 31, 2004 STATE OF UTAH Notary Public My commission expires on 22 6 On the day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, McMenamy Corsi and Agnes Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public My commission expires on On the WI day of December, A.D. 2000, personally appeared before me, Roy Corsi and Elaine B. Corsi, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instr ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. b.1 /�iS�u e 'l 7E'[° ic"l: g lc w stt Notaryblic commission expires on -M1/o`f