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L uo!40es 'WELL 'El ''N£Z'1 6u!wo, 'Aluno0 ulooun 'uelppen led!0u!ad 111x!S 2-- C :spuel 0llgnd 6u!M01101 8111 u0 peIBOol 'ep!M lea} og pue 6uoi lee} 908Z `II l 9E elelS aeeg 844 04 loeuuo0 0) eu!jed!d s!y101 uo!sualxe ue .101 uoRezuoylne palsenbaa sey HOIN •(98I '0'S'n 0£) cpapuewe se '0261 101oy 6u!sea1 Ieaau!W 8114 }o gZ uo140as o1 luensand 'IIeM Z -9£ e1e1S aee8 NI 01 AeM- }o a 6u!zuo 4np' _,y 6 11 L66Lti IMAM 1u ea0 }o- #116!0 }o aaploy 0114 Si s! (aOW) •oul saoanosaa se0 u!elunow W a C'7 SOVd Ed P ?IOOB CO (060) oo8Z L66Lt IMAM pau!waa4a0 IplueH pepuewy A M- }o -4gbi 1 penoaddy lsenbed uo!4deox3 ebuea aalu!M pezuoylny eUiledld uo!suelx3 Z -g£ 01e1S aea8 L66L17 IMAM AeM 1 000Z 'El- 1 -1 0 JEW NOISIO34 031S31103EI 1d13038 N811138911 696 tz9Z Z 1IWi o3ldlla30 OTL6 i0I�8 9u11uoXM'cazawwag 11110N 681 /i 00330 P[a13 'awwag J,NIJNIOVNIVIAT UNT JO fV'xnl iouaiuI aLp Jo lua 11JEdaQ saiels pailun 9E6Z8 AM `aen!a ueeJO O a4!ns 'any euoysoys OZ -out `saoanose8 se0 u!e4unon PP MM1!lN 'AN An evaluation of the discovery will be made by the authorized officer to determine appropriate actions to prevent the Toss of significant cultural or scientific values. The holder will be responsible for the cost of evaluation and any decision as to proper mitigation measures will be made by the authorized officer after consulting with the holder. 3. Construction activity and surface disturbance will be prohibited during the period from November 15 to April 30 for the protection of big game winter range. Any exceptions to this requirement must have prior written approval from the authorized officer. 4. Construction activity and surface disturbance occurring during the period from April 10 to July 10 will require surveys of nesting/brooding habitat for the protection of Mountain Plover Nests. Two week notification is required prior to any construction activity or ground disturbance in suitable nesting habitat. The BLM wildlife biologist, or a qualified contract biologist, will perform surveys in suitable habitat according to USFWS Draft Survey Guidelines (May, 1998) for mountain plovers. Contract biologists must submit.a written report of areas surveyed to BLM prior to construction. If plovers are located, then construction activity and surface disturbance will be prohibited during this time period. Right -of -Way WYW- 147997 authorizes a' 4" natural gas pipeline connecting the Bear State 36 -2 well to the Bear State 36 -1 pipeline, 3,347 feet long and 50 feet wide. This pipeline is located on the following federal lands: Sixth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming T. 23 N., R. 113 W., section 36, lots 8, 11, 12, and 13. This amendment to Right -of -Way Grant WYW- 147997 has the same expiration date as the original grant, December 31, 2029. The rental for linear rights -of -way is determined according to regulations found at 43 CFR 2803.1 -2. The rental for Right -of -Way WYW- 147997 had original been paid through December 31, 2004. Rental for this amendment has been requested through December 31, 2004. Future rental payments for the entire authorization will be due on January 1, 2005. MGR has requested an exception to the winter range stipulation, prohibiting construction and surface disturbance activity through April 30. An inspection of the area has shown that due to the current animal condition and weather predictions for the remainder of the restricted time period, this pipeline may be installed at this time without causing stress to the antelope in the area. An exception to the big game crucial winter range stipulation is granted for this project through April 30, 2000. This decision may be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with the regulations contained in 43 CFR, Part 4 and the enclosed Form 1842 -1. If an appeal is taken, your notice of appeal must be filed in this office (at the above address) within 30 days from receipt of this decision. The appellant has the burden of showing that the decision appealed from is in error. If you wish to file a petition pursuant to regulation 43 CFR 4.21 (58 FR 4939, January 19, 1993) or 43 CFR 2884.1 for a stay of the effectiveness of this decision during the time that your appeal is being reviewed by the Board, the petition for a stay must accompany your notice of appeal. A petition for a stay is required to show sufficient justification based on the standards listed below. Copies of the notice of appeal and petition for a stay must also be submitted to each party named in this decision and to the Interior Board of Land Appeals and to the appropriate Office of the Solicitor (see 43 CFR 4.413) at the same time the original documents are filed with this office. If you request a stay, you have the burden of proof to demonstrate that a stay should be granted. 278 2 6 :spaepueis 6u!mon eqi uo peseq uolieopsnf ivalol}}ns Mogs pegs leadde 6ulpued uolsloap a io Aeis uolilied a 'uolieln6er iueuliiad Jegio Jo noel Aq pepinoJd esiNuegio se ideox3 1� 6 /2 Aeis eqi 6uliuea6 Saone! iseiaiul ollgnd eqi iegiegM pue 'pe4uea6 iou sl Aeis eq} 1! Meg a geJedeJJl puu aielpewwl ;o poogllen eqi `silaaw eqi uo sseoons sduelledde pooglla eqi 'Z 'peluep Jo pe uea6 sl Aeis seined eqi of wJeq °"R Iaa eqi 1. prf ie6eueW plaid uosmuld Reis a oululeig0 Jol spaepueis L wand W18 seJnsolou3 PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT TO ACCOMPANY Bear State 36 2 Well Connect GAS GATHERING LINE APPLICATION II. RECONNAISSANCE AND LOCATION EXHIBIT A WYW- 147997 March 13, 2000 Ade I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The buried 4 inch steel pipeline will head in a southerly direction from Bear State 36 -2 well, located in the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 113 West to an existing pipeline in the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 113 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The total length of the right -of -way is approximately 2803 feet, of which 2803 feet are on Federal lands. A 50 foot wide corridor is requested for construction, operational and maintenance purposes. The pipeline will consist of a 4 inch pipe, 0.156 inch wall thickness, Grade X -42 pipe with a maximum operating pressure of approximately 1200 psig. Associated facilities include valving and metering. All permanent above ground facilities, piping, and vaiving will be a flat, non contrasting color harmonious with the surrounding landscape. Present warehouse stock colors comprise of either Carlsbad Canyon (2.5Y 6/2) or Desert Brown (10 YR 6/3). Reconnaissance reveals that the route selected was the most practical route in relation to the well location and the nearest collector pipeline. No other alternatives were considered because the proposed route utilizes existing surface scars as much as possible. III. ANCILLARY RIGHTS OF WAY AND PERMITS Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will secure all rights of way on adjacent non- federal lands prior to pipeline construction. Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will notify authorized right of way users of Mountain Gas Resources, Inc.'s proposed pipeline crossings or overlaps on the grounds occupied by the affected right of way users. 2.s0 Tez •anoadurt suotatpuoa jtos jtaun pamoIIE aq aou jjtm satatnpou uotparul.suoD •auauzdmba uotaanaasuoa aaoddns Sjaaunbapt oa cam ooa a zu suotatpuoa jtos Imp uzaap jjtm •auI `saaanosag sEO utuaunoJ, `daap segaut f, jo ssaaxa ut spa.' aoEJ.zns saauaaa auatudtnba tjans .II auatudtnba uotaanaasuoa aaoddns Ajaaunbapu oa cam ooa st pos uagm spotaad 2uunp satatngoi aauuuaaur to autpnoa JO uotpanaasuoa /Cue mojju aou jjtm auI `saaanosa j sup urEaunop •02usn eaajins puu ssaaau .zoj uotaanagsuoa oa 1otzd paaatauoa aq jjtm saaumoputj aaujans aauntad •satatntaOE uotaanaasuoa dUE 2ugau4s jo aauunpu ut stsEp 9 oa g aaaujo paztaogann alp Ajpou jjtm •auI `saaanoso j sup utuaunoyAj •paanaas uaaq anuq swam Sum jo 4q51.1 puu sattuaad jjE uagm eauauzuzoa 'um uo ganagsuoa autjadtd ./Cum jo 4g21.1 aga q4TM paautaossu scats puu spuoa jju saanoa gatgm 4 a03tJ0 paztaoganE aga Jo panoaddu puu `aapjoq am paauautajdurt eq Hugs uzua$oad 2utagod aaaatj v •auauzdtnba puu sagsE `saanpoad uznajoaaad `sutnap jto `asnjaa `02ugJE2 `aasum uuutnq 2utpnput aaapuuz papatastp jjE stream „aasum„ cats jtsodstp aasum aautadoaddu uE w Sjaduzoad jo pasodstp aq Hugs scats asoga au sjutaaauuz aasEm !seam jjE at uotatpuoa fatuus E ui pauiiauu ui eq Hugs scats uotaanaasuo3 saapouad .2u1aaaut.5ua uanoad puu ajes gum aauupaoaau TIT aq jjugs seotaauad uotauutuzaaa puu `aautuaaulum `uolwaado `uoponaasuoa puu `jupaautu `u.atsap uv •jauuosaad •auI `saaanosag sup utEaunop Sq paaaaatp aq 'um autjadtd pasodoad amp uotgaadsut put aauuuaaureuz Tutaaaupua `uotaanaasuoa `ugtsap eqy NOISHQ AI •papuaaut st spew °saga jo 2upnoaaa ao uotpanaasuoaaa aofuuz oN •aopt..zoa Slum jo aqua pegstjquasa eqa puu spuoa 2utastxa oa peujuoa eq jjtm aaafoad autjadtd aqa oaut ssaaau atjnatgan put. auauzdtnba Hy •uopanapsuoa oa aoLZd Aaua2u kloaujn2aa aattadoaddu aqa uzoaJ paanaas aq jjtm satuzaad iatp n pug puoa paautaossu Say NOLL3fLLSNO0 •A (P°1`:'1)21;;;/4 l' A Construction of the proposed pipeline will occur in a planned sequence of pipeline operations along the route. The construction period will last approximately 2 weeks. All construction materials will be hauled to the job by truck, as needed, and strung along the right of way as it arrives. Pipe will be strung in such a manner as to cause the least interference with the normal use of the land crossed by the right -of -way. A motor grader with a blade will be used to knock down vegetation, such as sage brush within as much of the fifty foot right -of -way as is needed to provide a safe working area. A wheel trencher will be used to dig the trench, stacking the dirt beside the ditch. After the pipe is placed in the ditch a motor grader or caterpillar will be used to push the dirt back into the trench. The fill on the trench will then be tamped into place with the grader wheels, leaving a berm of four inches to accommodate settling. Disturbance of the top soil within the right -of -way will be kept to a minimum. In areas of excessively steep hillsides or to provide a smooth approach to a cut or gully, as well as at stream bank crossings and at established work stations, some blading may be required to provide a safe and suitable working area for the equipment and workers. When this occurs the top six inches of soil will be stock piled on the side of the right -of -way and spread back over the area from which it was taken, after the final grading. Before seeding any disturbed areas (if applicable), the right of way will be restored to its original form, slope, contour, and soil density to the extent practicable. The construction force is expected to number approximately six to eight persons at the peak of construction. No temporary work camps are proposed. The following is a list of construction equipment proposed on the pipeline project: a. 1 Welding Truck b. 1 Tractor Trailer c. 1 Two Ton Truck d. 4 Pickup Trucks e. 1 Seed Driller and Tractor (if applicable) f. 1 Backhoe g. 1 Trackhoe h. 1 Side Boom Caterpillar 3 282 •sapaud pate paTuiaaun ao `I.ua2p slt `aaptoq age pasnuo si asuaiaa u aaipagm of pau2aa Tnogltm paijddu 4uauzaaa2u stq,L .Sum jo 4g2ta uo ifItnpou s Jfum Jo 11 .121.1 age of paptaaun Xiiogm st aspataa paualpaagT ao asuajaa aq� ssatun) Ajo Tq u uo was la T069'D'S'I1 g 7 `9L61, jo iov Xf.zan000J pup UORPAaas1103 aoanosaj OLD. ao •bas is `T096 gJ7 `086T Jo ppy .fititqutj pup uopusuaduzo3 `asuodsaj Imuauzuoatnud antsuagaaduzoo alp III paugap aau suzaa4 asagp sp) alspm snopauzuq ao aouupgns snopauzuq /Cup jo aspataa alp uzoaj 2uistau ifititquti /Cup lsutu.2p sawl.s pa4tun aqT Atuuzaput saaaffp oN A A jo 4q21.1 jo aaptoq aqy •Tuauzuaano.2 awls ao ifoua5u jpaapad panionut gip oq. slaodaa age Jo 2u!IU alp gpim 4uaaanouoo aaowo paziaogpnu aqT pagstuanJ aq -tugs saoup4sgns otxo4 lcup jo ittds ao aspa -aa aiquliodaa u jo 4jnsaa u su 4uauzuaano2 alums ao ioua2u Tapped Aup pavanbaa ao paambaa laodaa dup jo Xdoo v •ggoi uotloas '0861 jo Tov klttiqun pup not suaduzoD `asuodsaj Ipluauzuoatnud anisuagaaduzo3 alp t q pannbaa sp pajiodaa aq Ijugs LIT l• d ai Of7 Aq pagsgqplsa if4pupnb aiquq.zodaa alp jo ssaoxa ut cola `studs `s3ivat) saouulsgns otxo; Jo aspaiaa'fun `Xiiuuoq.tppv ('86T'T9 T'T9L ddb Ofi `spfuagdtq payutaotgokjod uo suotstnoad `Sitptoadsa Puu 66L lid `LTD aas)•lupa..3 Kam Jo lg. to stgl aapun paztaoglnu satltjtopj uo ao Ifum jo 41121a ei uo pawls ao paluaaua2 `pasn am quip saouplsgns otxol ifuu of pau2aa gltm (•bas la 'T 09g •c•S•n 9T) papuaun su `9L6T Jo PIT io..quoo saouulsgns otxo,y ail gatm X Eduzoo -Rugs (s).zapioq ail `wane Sup uI •pa4p,2jnuzoad ao papopua aaljuaaaq JO 2utlstxa suoilutn2aa pup smpt tuaapad a- quogddp tIp i im Xiduzoo Hugs (s)aapioq aqy •aspaiaa ao Iltds alp jo aouaaan000 aql Jo sAfpp 2ufIaom 9 uttiltm aaotjo paztaoglnp ail of pagsivanj aq -Rugs Iptaaluuz snopauzug Suu jo Iltds ao asuaiaa ajgplaodaa jo Soua2P ems ao ivaapad Sup lfq paambaa laodaa palsanbaa /Cup jo Xdoo y •g ti0T uogoas `lob iiigpi*I pup `uot suaduzo3 `asuodsaU jpluauzuoatnud antsuagaaduzoo aql paambaa sp palaodaa aq jtugs E'LIT lid 2Id� Ov pagsgqulsa sp klt uunb ajqulaodaa ogjo ssaoxa ut cola `sijtds `slipoI) saouulsgns opcol jo aspaiaa ifuV •(66L lavd 2Td3 Of') pepuauzp sp `9L6T Jo 4ov IoaluoD saouulsgns otxoJ, eql jo suotsIAOad qp■ uLZOJuoo limp aaesn `paambaa are saoumsgns opcol.It aanamoq :loafoad uoponalsuoo ail gpm uotloauuoo ut asn aoj pasodoad aap saouplsgns oixol oN •uotlpoot s ail 2uprkpluapI aoj s- pnaalui payloads 1p paitulsut aq Iltm saaNauuz autjadtd Tap st uotptu suoo auiiadid aayv Prior to any discharge, hydrostatic testing water will be tested and processed, if necessary, to ensure that the water meets local, State or Federal water quality standards. Prior to discharge of hydrostatic testing water from the pipeline, the holder shall design and install a suitable energy dissipator at the outlets, and design and install suitable channel protection structures necessary to ensure that there will be no erosion or scouring of natural channels within the affected watershed as a result of such discharge. The holder will be held responsible for any erosion or scouring resulting from such discharge. Sandbags, rock, or other materials or objects installed shall be removed from the site upon completion of hydrostatic testing. IV OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ii Y.k'Os If fA.0 The pipeline will be routinely patrolled and inspected by foot or by vehicle to check for problems such as erosion, right of way condition, unauthorized encroachment on the right of way and any other situations that could cause a safety hazard or require preventive maintenance. If damage shall occur to the pipe from external sources, repair or replacement of the portion of the pipeline may be necessary. Detailed line break and emergency procedures are used as routine operational procedures of Mountain Gas Resources, Inc.. After construction is completed, the pipeline will be hydro- tested using water from the Green River. The procedure consists of pressurizing incremental segments of the pipe to not less than 1.1 times its designed operating pressure. The test period will bee 8 hours to verify the pipe integrity. The water will be drained into a small pit(s) at either end of the tested line to minimize erosion. The holder shall conduct all activities associated with the construction, operation, and termination of the right of way within the authorized limits of the right of way. VII STABILIZATION AND ABANDONMENT Following the completion of the pipeline test, the right of way traversed by the pipeline construction will be restored in accordance with the landowner's requirement, or those agencies having jurisdiction. All disturbed areas will be recontoured so that the disturbed area blends into the surrounding terrain. Appropriate measures will be taken to prevent erosion through the use of construction diversion terraces, rip -rap, matting, and water bars. 5 234 SrI SZd a Sri aaoU /sqI OT S S S Srld a.13U aaoU /sqI 9•LT SZd aaou/sgi g• Srld a.iou/sgI SZd a.zaU/sgi SZd a.zaU /sqI 9 SZd aaoU /sqI 9 a4u11 ZutpaaS IIt1Q 9 SZd st lugp aanyxtuz peas Jo uor .zod =aanpctuz pass Jo uopuuruclag o% sump aanpatu peas jo Nand Jo oh :ElnurzoJ (Srid) paaS and aand suuusoJ �atasA audzaN Uuu4tz0 UuuusoJ A1.aUUUA Iu1 ssU.z.2 sss.z2.z apes u uowo xtyN peas gsaujAymopuaN 4a� ssuaaota uUtpui ncinus upautp Ituglaaztn s cis gamog ssua lu `m uaalsam sepacls xIw paaS uslmoZ utluS tu�os moliuuzagom "primps atuosput,IS ssu.12eo111 uUtpui ssua wagm a3ItdsAottl,L ssuJ2wuagm uza4saM sapaciS x!IWW paaS salts puuicln •suo- puoupads s fuoluin.2aa .zo s o; &Iduzoo Item peas puu alga uopuotiddu aqy •pass aqq .zanoo pautugo .10 pa3lua puu palsuopuoaq aq 'um pass aqa. Tugp.zp aoj alqu4Ins lou suaau ut puu it?aP u ,SuIsn payusid aq 'pm paaS •suoquogpads s SamlnaJ ao maumopuul alp of papoose.' aq 'um Joptzzoo autladtd 2uolu suaau paganlstp tly 7 If pesticides are required, Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws. Pesticides will be used in accordance with registered uses and within limitations imposed by the Secretary of Interior. Before using pesticides, (including emergency situations, Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will obtain from the authorized officer a written approval of a plan showing the type and quantity of material used, pest(s) to be controlled, method of application, location of storage, disposal of containers, and any other information deemed necessary. Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will be responsible for weed control on the disturbed areas within the established limits of the right of way. Mountain will coordinate with the authorized officer or local authorities, to obtain acceptable weed control methods for the disturbed areas within the right of way limits. Mountain will obtain any necessary authorization to abandon the facilities from the appropriate regulatory agency. The pipeline and all aboveground pipeline facilities will also be removed and all unsalvageable materials will disposed of at authorized sites. Regrading and revegetation of disturbed land areas (if applicable) will be completed as necessary. 236 Od Olid 1 L66L 00/01/£03 LiV9 0 N eo' 000Z 0 000Z -S3OEMOS311 Ao frt 000Z 'CI goieN il Iranixa )dH» SVO NIYINnOri 2:10J 3N1 03S0dCMid 3N1 03S0d0217 GV02:1 ONLLSIX3 SZOG 9COL-Z9c(LOC) XVA ONIVIOJJA 'SONIZIdS NOC) 13381S N13 1 'OOSSW NWIND •0 :A8 0323%ft:1313d 4 r ,7 r" z .r II g u, N 0 r--- co ISM a O .o co co M in 4o co 4cf —O V 0 0 0 0 0 0 X i- c co N o 0 c o E N N oz a N O 1> O to. t �a O N N 0 Cr) CO cn CO 0 r C L L L L 1— 4— C C C C C N o u n o a 11 E E E E E E E C O 0 d p d N p` CC o N O to 0 N to N O 0 O t to N 0 U w 0 a Q cn N 0 X X X O r w0 0 o 2 Lv 03 0 c) 0 0 CD U 0 r- O co C N NoC OnM OnM O 'o M O -o co 0 O M o M OrM��Ooo LO Q C C p� E o` 0 0 O U a0 r--. so QQ 0 0 0 d 0 2 C 'al V M N tn W o 0 v o o E LL. cD N 0 C N O U U d p o 6 m C O_` 0 C a C p y X a d L L_c c a Z,- 0 t o 0 o C c c 0 a) o om� E E E E E E 4— C 288 Form 1842 -1 (February 1985) 1. NOTICE OF APPEAL 2. WHERE TO FILE NOTICE OF APPEAL SOLICITOR ALSO COPY TO 3. STATEMENT OF REASONS SOLICITOR ALSO COPY TO 4. ADVERSE PARTIES 5. PROOF OF SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ON TAKING APPEALS TO THE BOARD OF LAND APPEALS DO NOT APPEAL UNLESS 1. This decision is adverse to you, AND 2. You believe it is incorrect. IF YOU APPEAL, THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES MUST BE FOLLOWED 289 Within 30 days, file a Notice of Appeal in the office which issued this decision (see 43 CFR, Secs. 4.411 and 4.413). You may state your reasons for appealing, if you desire. Bureau of Land Management 312 Highway 189 North Kemmerer, WY 83101 Office of the Regional Solicitor Rocky Mountain Region 755 Parfet Street, Suite 151 Lakewood, CO 80215 Within 30 days after filing the Notice of Appeal, file a complete statement of the reasons why you are appealing. This must be filed with the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Board of Land Appeals, 4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203 (see 43 CFR Sec. 4.412 and 4.413). If you fully stated your reasons for appealing when filing the Notice of Appeal, no additional statement is necessary. Same as Item 2, above. Within 15 days after each document is filed, each adverse party named in the decision, and the Regional Solicitor or Field Solicitor having jurisdiction over the State in which the appeal arose, must be served with a copy of: (a) the Notice of Appeal, (b) the Statement of Reasons, and (c) any other documents filed (see 43 CFR Sec. 4.413). Service will be made upon the Associate Solicitor, Division of Energy and Resources, Washington, D.C. 20240, instead of the Field or Regional Solicitor, when appeals are taken from decisions of the Director (W0-100). Within 15 days after any document is served on an adverse party, file proof of that service with the United States Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Board of Land Appeals, 4015 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203. This may consist of a certified or registered mail "Return Receipt Card" signed by the adverse party (see 43 CFR Sec. 4.401(c)(2)). Unless these procedures are followed, your appeal will be subject to dismissal (see 43 CFR, Sec. 4.402). Be certain that all communications are identified by serial number of the case being appealed. NOTE: A document is not filed until it is actually received in the proper office (see 43 CFR, Sec. 4.401(a). 8d 0E090/9 40 6uiluud luawwanoO s n •olignd ay) of uado sl aol);o ay) Au)) )xeu ay) uo apl)}o a ;eudoJdde ay) ul panlaoai s! )I 'pair (law!) aq of pawaap aq dews pasop felpl};o sl aowo uol6ulyseM ay) JO ap!8O ems 9142 AEp a u: sile) goi4M )o AEp Ise! 941 'pouad pa ;els a my ;lM paw aq o) uolsloap Jo 'uol)Ein6aJ 'noel /(q paainbai luawnoop Auy (a) •olignd ay) of suedo lxeu aoi}}o ay) anoy ay) pue i(ep ay) jo se pall) aq of pawaap aq !legs `olignd ay) of uado lou sI aol o ay) uayM tianllap leuosJed Aq Jo flew ayl ul Jaylle 'sol)}0 uolbulyseM OGz ONIlId dOd 30Yld ONd 31A1I.1 :SdfOH 301330 Z'1. 1. 11:1dd9f1S ay; ul 10 00410 ele)S au) uI panlaoaa sI yolyM `Jeldeyo slyl )o suolleln6aa ay) Joplin pall; aq o) pal ;lwied JO `pailnbaa luawnoop Auy (p)Z 28) 'pas •paleooi sI apl))o pea po!yM ul Alp ayl )E pap ul sI JanayolgM 'awl) bulnes 111611/ep JO 9w!) pi puels ''w•d of 'w'e O WO1) eJE sp1039J jo uollpadsul 9142 puE sluawnoop 6 u!L) ay) Jo) olignd ay) of uado 91E aol}lO uol6ulysBM ay) pue saol)}0 ales ay) yolynn 6uunp smog ay1 •Japmo anI)eJlslulwpe 191420 JO IEl ;uapsaJd B 10 AEplloy leuoileu a 40 esneoaq pasoip aq stew solo ay) a194M sAep now )o uolldapxa ay) yllnn '>{aaM pea )o AEppd y6noJy4 Aepuow uo `ydeJ6eaed sly) ui pawoads smog ay) 6uunp spJooeJ )o uollpadsul ay) pue s)uawnoop 40 6 ulII) ay) Jo) pllgnd ay) o) uado are luawa6eueg pue )o nEaJng ay) )o a3I})O uo4ulyseM awl pus saol)}0 elB)S (e) •sao1JJ0 elElS to Smog aoJJJO 4 281- •03S