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4. Terms and Conditions:
a. This grant is issued subject to the holder's compliance with all applicable regulations contained in Title 43
Code of Federal Regulations part 2880.
b. Upon grant termination by the authorized officer, all improvements shall be removed from the Federal lands
within 90 days, or otherwise disposed of as provided in paragraph (4)(c) or as directed by the authorized
c. The stipulations, plans, maps, or designs set forth in Exhibit A B, dated May 8, 2000, attached hereto,
are incorporated into and made a part of this grant instrument as fully and effectively as if they were set
forth herein in their entirety.
d. Failure of the holder to comply with applicable law or any provision of this right -of -way grant or permit shall
constitute grounds for suspension or termination thereof.
e. The holder shall perform all operations in a good and workmanlike manner so as to ensure protection of the
environment and the health and safety of the public.
f. The holder shall construct, operate, and maintain the facilities, improvements, and structures within this
right -of -way in strict conformity with the plan of development which was approved and made part of the grant
on May 8, 2000. Any relocation, additional construction, or use that is not in accord with the approved plan
of development, shall not be initiated without the prior written approval of the authorized officer. A copy of
the complete right -of -way grant, including all stipulations and approved plan of development, shall be made
available on the right -of -way area during construction, operation, and termination to the authorized officer.
Noncompliance with the above will be grounds for immediate temporary suspension of activities if it
constitutes a threat to public health and safety or the environment.
Any cultural and /or paleontological resource (historic or prehistoric site or object) discovered by the holder,
or any person working on his behalf, on public or Federal land shall be immediately reported to the
authorized officer. Holder shall suspend all operations in the immediate area of such discovery until written
authorization to proceed is issued by the authorized officer. An evaluation of the discovery will be made by
the authorized officer to determine appropriate actions to prevent the loss of significant cultural or scientific
values. The holder will be responsible for the cost of evaluation and any decision as to proper mitigation
measures will be made by the authorized officer after consulting with the holder.
h. The Holder shall be responsible for total control of all invasive /noxious weed species on any and all
disturbed sites. The Holder is responsible for consultation with the Authorized Officer and /or local
authorities for acceptable weed control methods, and shall comply with the following:
Use of pesticides shall comply with all applicable Federal and State laws. Pesticides shah be used only in
accordance with their registered uses within limitations imposed by the Secretary of the Interior. Prior to
the use of the pesticides, the Holder shall obtain from the Authorized Officer, written approval of a Pesticide
Use Proposal Plan showing the type and quantity of material to be used, pest(s) to be controlled, method of
application, locations of storage and disposal of containers, and any other information deemed necessary
by the Authorized Officer.
Applicator(s) of chemicals used must have completed the pesticide certification training and have a current
up to date Certified Pesticide Applicator's License.
(aaol 10 pazuoyln
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1 1
All equipment and vehicular access into the pipeline project will be confined to existing roads
and the established right of way corridor. No major reconstruction or rerouting of these
roads is intended.
The design, construction, engineering, maintenance and inspection of the proposed
pipeline will be directed by Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. personnel.
All design, material, and construction, operation, maintenance, and termination
practices shall be in accordance with safe and proven engineering practices.
Construction sites shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times; waste
materials at those sites shall be disposed of promptly at an appropriate waste disposal
site. "Waste" means all discarded matter including human waste, trash, garbage,
refuse, oil drums, petroleum products, ashes and equipment.
A litter policing program shall be implemented by the holder, and approved of in
writing by the authorized officer, which covers all roads and sites associated with the
right of way.
Pipeline construction will commence when all permits and right of way documents
have been secured.
Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will notify the authorized officer 2 to 5 days in advance
of starting any construction activities. All private surface landowners will be
contacted prior to construction for access and surface usage.
Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will not allow any construction or routine maintenance
activities during periods when soil is too wet to adequately support construction
equipment. If such equipment creates surface ruts in excess of 4 inches deep,
Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will deem that soil conditions are too wet to
adequately support construction equipment. Construction activities will not be
allowed until soil conditions improve.
Construction of the proposed pipeline will occur in a planned sequence of pipeline
operations along the route. The construction period will last approximately 2 weeks.
All construction materials will be hauled to the job by truck, as needed, and strung
along the right of way as it arrives. Pipe will be strung in such a manner as to cause
the least interference with the normal use of the land crossed by the right -of -way. A
motor grader with a blade will be used to knock down vegetation, such as sage brush
within as much of the fifty foot right -of -way as is needed to provide a safe working
glim Xidutoo pugs (s)zapioq am lima 'Wu uI• •palaintuozd .io paiouua .tajna.taq .io
2utlsixa suopuiaaz pun smut iuuapag aiquoiiddu pu grim *Iuto° pugs (s).tawioq aq j
•asuaiaz .to ptds aqa jo aouazzn000 aq3 jo &Cup 2uppom S Intipm
now() pazuoipnu age of pagsiutnJ aq pugs Tuizaluui snopzuzuq Xuu jo Rids JO asuaiaz
aiquuodaz u jo iCoua5u almS .to iuzapad Sup icq pa.tinbaz palsanbaz /Cur jo
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'(66L PPd 2IdD 0'0) Papuatzre su `9L61 JO PH to.luo3 saouulsgng opcoi
atp 3o suoistnozd gum uuojuoo pugs ausn `pazinbaz azu saouumsgns oixorgi .tanamoq
loafozd uouonzasuoo age grim uopoauuoo ut asn zoj pasodozd ate saomsgns opcoi oN
•uouuooi s atp Sui ivapi zoj siunzmui
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•pasodozd are sdutuo 3pom £.iuzodtuai ON •uoponzlsuoo 3o Avail age
suoszad ig29 xis Alaluuuxozddu zaqutnu o1 paloadxa si aozoj uouonusuoo aq j
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alp imp `ua)iuh sum 1i goigm 11101J EWE 0111 JOAO )iouq !maids puu Arm-Jo-p42!1 am 3o
apis aqi uo paid loop aq wm Tios 3o sagoun xis dal alp szn000 sigi uagM 'szaApom
puu Tuautdinba ag; .oj 'EWE guppom aiquitns pup ajus u apino.id o2 pa nnbaz aq ,uut
duipuiq autos `suot3uis 1.0m pagsilqmsa pug auissozo 31uuq tuuazas 4u su gam su
`i(pn5 JO lno u oa gouozddu moms u apinozd on JO sapisi q dams iCTanissaaxa Jo suan
uT •utnuuutut u o2 2da3i aq !pm /Cum Jo -20tz aqi utgiim Tios doi age Jo aouugzn2siQ
2uq las alupouzut000u o1 saipui .tnoj JO uuaq u 2uinuai `slaagm zapuu2 ag2 gIim amid
owui padunn aq uatp !pm gouazi am uo pg aq,I, •gouau aqi oiut louq lzip age gsnd o�
pasn aq !gm zuliidzmuo JO .apuz2 .olotu u gopp aqi ui paouid si adid age JOIN 'gopp
age apisaq izip aq2 2uplouls Notion am Zip o1 pasn aq !pm zagouan laagm V •uazu
the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, as amended (15 U.S.C. 2601, et seq.) with
regard to any toxic substances that are used, generated by or stored on the right of
way or on facilities authorized under this right of way grant.(See 40 CFR, Part 702-
799 and especially, provisions on polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761.1- 761.193.)
Additionally, any release of toxic substances (leaks, spills, etc.) in excess of the
reportable quantity established by 40 CFR, Part 117 shall be reported as required by
the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of
1980, Section 102b. A copy of any report required or requested by any Federal
agency or State government as a result of a reportable release or spill of any toxic
substances shall be furnished to the authorized officer concurrent with the filing of the
reports to the involved Federal agency or State government.
The holder of right of way No. agrees to indemnify the United States
against any liability arising from the release of any hazardous substance or hazardous
waste (as these terms are defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. 9601, et seq. or the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C.6901 et seq.) on the right of way
(unless the release or threatened release is wholly unrelated to the right of way
holder's activity on the right of way. This agreement applied without regard to
whether a release is caused by the holder, its agent, or unrelated third parties.
Prior to any discharge, hydrostatic testing water will be tested and processed, if
necessary, to ensure that the water meets local, State or Federal water quality
standards. Prior to discharge of hydrostatic testing water from the pipeline, the holder
shall design and install a suitable energy dissipator at the outlets, and design and install
suitable channel protection structures necessary to ensure that there will be no erosion
or scouring of natural channels within the affected watershed as a result of such
discharge. The holder will be held responsible for any erosion or scouring resulting
from such discharge. Sandbags, rock, or other materials or objects installed shall be
removed from the site upon completion of hydrostatic testing.
The pipeline will be routinely patrolled and inspected by foot or by vehicle to check
for problems such as erosion, right of way condition, unauthorized encroachment on
the right of way and any other situations that could cause a safety hazard or require
preventive maintenance. If damage shall occur to the pipe from external sources,
repair or replacement of the portion of the pipeline may be necessary. Detailed line
break and emergency procedures are used as routine operational procedures of
Mountain Gas Resources, Inc..
After construction is completed, the pipeline will be hydro- tested using water from
the Green River. The procedure consists of pressurizing incremental segments of the
pipe to not less than 1.1 times its designed operating pressure. The test period will
aaon /sqj Sj
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xijij paaS saliS puulda
•suoprogioads v(ouagu Aio;ujn2oi
JO maumopuuj otp of Ajdutoo JITM aanixiut pas pun uopuogddu ota pass
aqi aanoo 01 pauptio ao palm puu palsuopuoiq aq jjim paas agp `2ugjtip .zoj ajqultns
iou sear ui pun !Hip u 2uisn paluujd aq !um paaS •suotirouloads s,Souau £iowjn2oi
.to maumopunj atp of papaasaa aq flTM .zoptuoo auRadid atp 2uoju snare pagannsip iiv
•stuq plum puu luplutu
`dut -du `saouuaa uotsionip uopotuusuoo Jo asn alp g2noitp uotsoio 1uanoid uavi
oq jjim sainsnatu almidoiddy •uiuuol 2utpuno.tms otp olui spuajq narn pagtnusip atp
otp os painolu000i aq jjim snare paganasip jjy •uogotpslinf utnnq satoua2n asogi so
;uautannba.i s i umopuuj otp gpim aounpr000u ut paaotsaa aq jjim uouonausuoo ottuodtd
alp Sq poSnAua2 Acum 3o age autjadid aqp jo uopoldutoo otp gutmojjod
Cum jo lgSi t aq1 jo stiuuj pazuog1nu otp uipim iinm jo 2441 otp jo uopnttiuua;
pug `uopntado `uotjonalsuoo otp glim paiuioossu satlinpon jju pnpuoo jjugs .tapjoq aq j
a2 I StnpaaS jjuU
•uotsoaa aztuttutut o; autj pa1sa1 otp jo pua iagita W
(s »id !puts u omui paunup oq jjim .ta1nm adtd atp Sjpon of smog 8 aaq
ssuadaou uuipuj
gsng1jns Jouptn0
urtiouinbs gsnigoptog
ssuApuagm =IsoM
)(ij paaS spunjmo' auijuS
gsngajns ajnospnfS
ssuJ2aoIN unipul
ssnadpatjm a)jids)joigs
ss1J21uatjm uJolsaM
Wet Meadow /Marsh Seed Mix
Alkali sacaton
Nebraska sedge
Tufted hairgrass
Alkali grass
Drill Seeding Rate
3 lbs /acre PLS
1 lbs /acre PLS
2 lbs /acre PLS
4 lbs /acre PLS
Total 10 lbs /acre
Pure Live Seed (PLS) formula: of purity of seed mixture times germination of seed
mixture= portion of seed mixture that is PLS.
If pesticides are required, Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will comply with all
applicable Federal and State laws. Pesticides will be used in accordance with
registered uses and within limitations imposed by the Secretary of Interior. Before
using pesticides, (including emergency situations, Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will
obtain from the authorized officer a written approval of a plan showing the type and
quantity of material used, pest(s) to be controlled, method of application, location of
storage, disposal of containers, and any other information deemed necessary.
Mountain Gas Resources, Inc. will be responsible for weed control on the disturbed
areas within the established limits of the right of way. Mountain will coordinate with
the authorized officer or local authorities, to obtain acceptable weed control methods
for the disturbed areas within the right of way limits.
Mountain will obtain any necessary authorization to abandon the facilities from the
appropriate regulatory agency. The pipeline and all aboveground pipeline facilities
will also be removed and all unsalvageable materials will disposed of at authorized
sites. Regrading and revegetation of disturbed land areas (if applicable) will be
completed as necessary.
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