HomeMy WebLinkAbout870376Loan No. 40287 WYOMING CERTIFICATE OF DISCHA '1G1 NNE WAGNER MERER. WYOMING This certifies that a Wyoming Real Estate Mortgage and Security Agreement from PUTNAM RANCH, LLP, which also appears of record as PUTNAM RANCH PARTNERSHIP, A Utah Partnership and Putnam Ranch, and Keith L. Putnam, Trustee of the Keith L. Putnam Inter Vivos Trust dated the 7 day of June, 1994 and Erma N. Putnam, Trustee of the Erma N. Trustee Inter Vivos Trust dated the 7th day of June 1994 to The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, a New York corporation whose name has since been changed to MONY Life Insurance Company, dated July 26, 1996, and recorded on July 26, 1996, in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in Book 386PR, Pagel7l, as Instrument Number 823714, has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled and discharged. Said Mortgage covers property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Signed in the presence of Deputy County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Filed and recorded the day of STATE OF TEXAS 870376 BOOK 4 4) PR PAGE 3 O U SUSAN M DAVIS NOTARY PUBLIC State of Texas Comm. Exp. 03 2004 By: RECEl LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 00 DEC 21 t 2 1 2000, at M. County Clerk, Lincoln County Wyoming TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Please execute this Discharge, the indebtedness secured by the above mentioned Mortgage having been fully paid and satisfied. MONY Life Insurance Company David L. of Agricul wn, Director ral Investments COUNTY OF LUBBOCK On this fl' day of a A 2000, before me appeared David L. Brown, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a Director of Agricultural Investments of MONY Life Insurance Company, a New York corporation, formerly known as The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors, and that he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in said County and State the day and year last above written. v,--sn.--) L )6 Notary Public, State of Texas L S o Z t w o s aouagq =1004 S'ES6'L '4Seg ,L90E9 ttanos aou044 :lea; 9'69Z' l x03 43. aouettq :qaa; V' LOS'Z 1o3 .Z l,0 411 's1eaq LZ u0T130S pTes ;o aauxo0 gsaMggxom at(a ooUagM woa; ZD :TOetL 30 Axepunoq asam 344 uodn pagenlTs guTod E ae 6uTuuT6ag 'aoT33o pies uT paTY3 aq 01 „JNIWO 'x,LN000 NZOONIZ ISM 021 R9NVX HZ2iON ZZ dIHSNMOS LZ NOIZ03S 6S IDNtas zz NoIL Is 6Z y0`I NI SLZY2i,L 30 Ztt'Id„ paT4t3 Tetd eqg t{gtt aouvpi000e uT Tie :butuutbaq ;o aouxoa o4g oq euTT gseg pTes ate} Emote laad O9 L9E 'uot3dYZOsap sT4 .103 buT1eaq aseq eq4 'g4aoN aouat{3 :v'S goers piles 3o euTT 3se3 at{g t{gTM uoTloasaagut ue oq ou ;T eoua3 pies Io uoTloexgo.d 2 buoTe 3aa3 96'£EZ '19E2 ,E-'60061. t;3 tOS aouag4 'gsaM OZl a6ueH 'ggxoN ZZ dTtisuA0I PTes ayg 3o ZZ Uojgoas 3 bZ 1 uT paleooT autT aoua3 8 3o voTloea4oad aq4 14 uoTgoasaa4uT ue of A2m-30- 44bTa pTes buoTe 3ea3 l£'ZLE 'gsaM ,SE,6Z 4gnoS aouact4 LOZ Z t 'oN pe0g Xqunop auTT tiegcl 3o auTT kem- J0- 4146T.z ATiagseaygnoS oqq ggth uoT10aSaalUT U2 04 VtS goexy Ntns 3o aucl ggzoN aqg 6uoTe 4aa3 00'9V 'gsaM eoue44 pees at{g uT paTt3 alea T;Tg.zeD uotgepxooau aeu.1o3 pue' paT;TaxaO aqq uT pagTaosap 5v puno3 goS 4a223, pies 3o l oN .zauxo0 1g buTuuT6ag sMo l'To3 9e pagxxos L AE abed uo spxoaau oTgelso• ;oqd 3 991 Xooe uT llquno) uToouTZ 3 XxaTO attq 3o aoT330 0 44 uT pxooax 30 'peal 4243 3o 4,zed pu'e '6uTwo m '4C4unoO uToDUTg 'gsaM oz t e6ueH '44 ZZ dTc{suMoy 3o "dbS 40e2s 3o g gEgs •a3T33o puss uT paT f f oq 04 „DxIW0 M 'ASNflOO N'IOONIZ watt oz t. 3Owai HIZION ZZ dIHSNMOy LZ NOIU3IS VS ZOVHL ZZ NOI,L03S 6Z LO'I NI SLDV L .10 ,Lt[Zd„ 'PailF1 getd 044 gqpp aouepa000e uT TTe 'buTuuT6oq 3o lauaoo aqg o4 sautT gsaM pine isea pTes 044 buoTe 4aa3 9'L9E 'uoT:ld Fzosep stq xo3 buTaeaq eseq at{q 'S{g.zoN eouat 4 :vs 40exs pTes ;o auTT sea (4 43ri Teo wapT 6Z ;o',T pies 3o au' 4saM aq4 t{gtat uotg3as.aiut ue oq autT eoua3 pees buoTe 4 S£'ZEZ '4sat ,E'60,6L 1 13a 0 N eouat{3 :euTT aoua3 a ggtn uoT4oas.xaluT ue 04 ED xoog uT pxooax ;0 goeal 424 3o atm gse3 0t{q Pue 91.1. S(O0 gaa;F £S'OZt 'gsaM ,ES0LL tjgnos 20 u 8 g4 :818 abed uo spsooag 0T4u4s0.0t{4 30 9Ll xo0g uT aoTx3o pies uT pxooe2 30 L# Taaxed 3o .zauxo0 4ser►t{410 at{g 44Tm TE0t3uept qutod e o3 ;ea; 9'61£ gsea aouat{q ;s PTus atl4 uT paTT; ageot3T aao uoTaepa000i louZOO poet paT;T4.xao 044 uT pagtxosep se puno3 '3soM OZ l a6ueu '4420N ZZ dTgsuioy pips 3o 6S 4oe1y 3o Iauxoo 4seagfxoN aqq 42 6uTuuTbaa :sMoTTo3 see pagt.zosap 'BZb abed uo spxooau one:1s0104d 3 Z9L x008 uT pUe ZZL abed uo spa0oall aigegsogogd 3o E6 Noog uT Alunoj ujo3UTZ 3o xaaTO ago 3.o eoT33O 844 uT pxooax 3o asog3 3o 3xgd pue buTwoiCM 'Xquno0 uroouT'i 'gsaM OZL abuEg '433 ZZ dtgsuMoy 'CZ uot108s 3o 6Z go•j 3o gzed geu,L LOC goueu uosugor uT pxooax 3o 4ova4 4e44 3o auTT gsaM ayg buoTe "V ZIgIHXR Parts of Sections 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21 and 22, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the North line of said Section 2 at a point located South 89 °57'07" East, 3768.40 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 2, said point being also located on the East right of way line of Lincoln County Road No. 207; running thence West along the North lines of said Sections 2 and 3 to the Northwest corner of said Section 3; thence south along the West line of said Section 3 to the Northwest corner of the SwgSwi thereof; thence East along the North line said SW ;SWi to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along the East line of said SW +SW•4 to the Southeast corner thereof and the Northeast corner of the NWiNW; of said Section 10; thence South along the East line of said NW }NWI to the Southeast corner thereof; thence West along the South lino of said NWiNW; to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South along the West line of the SWiNWZ to the Southwest corner thereof and the Northeast corner of the SE•1 of said Section 9; thence West along the North line of said SE+ to the Utah- Wyoming State Line; thence South along said State line to the South line of said Section 9; thence East along said South line to the Southeast corner of said Section 9 and the Northwest corner of said Section 15; thence South along the West line of said Section 15 to the Southwest corner thereof and the Northeast corner of said Section 21; thence West along the North line of said Section 21 to the Utah Wyoming State Line; thence South along said State line to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 21; thence East along said South line to the Southeast corner of said NE; and the Southwest corner of the NW; of said Section 22; thence East along the South line of said NW; to the East right of way line of Lincoln County Road No. 207; thence Northeasterly along said East line to the West line of Tract 43 in said Township; thence North along said West line to the Northwest corner of said Tract 43; thence East along the North line of said Tract 43 to corner Number 5 of Tract 48 in said Township; thence along Tract 48 North to Corner Number 6; thence East to corner 7; thence North to corner 8; thence F.ast to corner 9; thence North to Corner 10 and the South line of Tract 49; thence West along the South line of Tract 49 and said South line extended Westerly to its intersection with the East right of way line of Lincoln County Road No. 207; thence Northeasterly along said right of way line to the point of beginning. All of Lot 9, Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 120 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, State of Wyoming. •buTuuT6eq 30 quJod aqg oq i{zepunoq leeM pies 3Uq 6uore lea; 9'SD9 1 142ON aouat{q :zy goaay ;o Azepunoq 1saM aqq 01. Ia S'£9E ;sea ,L6099 ulnos aou0gg :Aem- 3o- -146px peod 1L1uno3 pTes buote 1 SZ'Z65 }saM ,SE 41n0S 0 3 1 1aul !peotc A-uno0 ago 3o auTI AeM ;o -;45T2 1sea awl oq gee; 9b 1sW1 ,OZ,69 gg2oN a-ouat{q buTpaaooad !(ZZ uoTgoaS mYes 30 2euao3 1satg1noS agq 3o t{IYON 1 E'S01'Z sail 6utuut6aq 30 qutod goTgrs) 6uTwoAM 1 -W-d 419 egg ;o gSaM OZL ebueV '4120N ZZ dzgsur,oy 'Z6 1oers ;o tiopunoq .gs0M egg 112 palengjs st 113Tgt '6Z 101 ;o .euso0 1SOMggx0N alp le 6uTuuT6ag •6uTuuT60q ;o gutod ei(1 01 1 L'SSL 'lseM ,SZ 1IIx0N aouagq =lea; 06L '1saM ,ES,IL ggnos aouagZ !13 g'6L£ 1sea aouegq :ZZ uotgoas pt12s 3o 6Z 10'1 3o zauioo 4samolon ag1 oq Zy 1oeiy 3o Xxepunoq gseM aqq emote 'sset ao a.zvW qaa; E aouagq issat zo a.zow 'lea; L'E'E'l g;nos sxeaq LZ U0T13 S pies 30 zauxoo gsaMt{11oN aqI eouage% woo; Z6 goexy ;o Aappunoq gsaM aqq uodn agen1Ts quTod e qe 6uTuutbag :9NIM077o1 gld,L ss3`! bu ruuT6aq 30 lutod actq oq lea3 LS "ZZL'E 'as'M 00L,E000 t14z0N aoua41 :lea; 10'gEE't 1 „60,tL g1 aouagq !4a03 60 Z26'E '4 „LE,SE g4n aouaq:1 :uoTgdT.Osep sTgz ;o 6u;uuT6aq ;o ;utod at{q oq lea; 'Z'661'9 "leeM „66,600SZ u1n aouaql !1seM OZL abut?g 'q;xoN ZZ drgsumoy 3o Aan.insaj jo 66 1a12.zy 30 S oN zausop 1e 6uTouaurwoo 'buTwoAm 'Aquno3 utoouFZ "W'd t1I9 ISaM OZ L ebUeg qpioN ZZ dTgsuzo3, 'ZZ uotgoas pue 6uxuut60q 3o lutod aqq oq gaa3 66L ;Sea ,ES,LL 141.Z0L aouat{q t1aa3 6 "906'Z 'Isa.M ,SZ 1 4110t1 oo40g1 =lee; 691.'1 'aseM .OZd'L (41110S aouat{1 flea; 9E9 1SaM ©E,LO ggaoN eouagq !gee; E'S6Z'S 'Ispa ,65 tfnoS a3uag. !£6 1.0e-zit 3o Aaepunoq gq:roN eq1 uodn alenlTs ;utod E '86 1oe2y jo s •oN xauxoO 01 gaa3 OZE' L Zse3 aauat{q :Et/ 101221 3o g -0U aeusoo oq lea; 9'666'E t{gzoN couat{1 !Et 1 3 L "on zauzoO oa 1001 Z'S00'L a0uat{1 !4aa3 9'PLE IsaM sxeaq Ze uotgoas pees ;0 6Z loci jo xau.zoo 1saMggaoN ac{1 a3uat{M woo; lutod a qe buTuutbag •6utuuT6aq 3o quTod 041 oq goo; L'SSO'L 'teem ,bb,1.L ggzON aouegl !(uosugor 3oua31. I) ;o u12duoO put uuxno- g4Tm)pag pure Aapag ut(or ;o sbutpiog aqq 3o saTaepunoq uze;seM eqq 6uoTe laa3 O'Z6L 'Isom 6 z 9 1: 60E seuTd Mopeew S L uoTloeS uT puej ;0 taaxed a °gift WYOMING: EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "C" EQUIPMENT LIST PUTNAM RANCH (2) DEUTZE DIESEL MOTORS AND PUMPS (1) 25 H.P. ELECTRIC PUMP AND MOTOR (2) 1/2 MILE SIDE ROLL WHEEL LINES (1) 1/2 MILE SIDE ROLL WHEEL LINE (3) 1/4 MILE SIDE ROLL WHEEL LINES (3 1/2) 1/4 MILE 3" CENTER RISER HAND LINES 31 0 STATE OF WYOMING CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATION OF GROUND WATER: PERMIT #39709 FOR 325 G.P.M ON 80 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 120 WEST IN SECTIONS 3 AND 10. PERMIT #7058 ENLARGEMENT OF THE WEST DITCH FOR 0.61 CFS BECKMITFI QUINN WEST SIDE CANAL COMPANY: STOCK CERTIFICATE #53 FOR 50 SHARES TOGETHER WITH ALL APPURTENANT AND ADJUDICATED WATER RIGHTS. TOGETHER WITH ALL VALVE OPENERS, END PLUGS, HOSES, TUBING, SWITCHES, PANELS, BOWLS, WIRING, SUCTION PIPES, CONES, VALVES, REDUCERS, SPRINKLER HEADS, BURIED AND ABOVE GROUND MAINLINE, AND ANY REPLACEMENTS THEREOF APPURTENANT TO THE ABOVE LISTED EQUIPMENT AND LANDS.