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570452 DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is December 22, 2000, The parties and their addresses are: MORTGAGOR: ARSENAULT -NORTH NEVADA, LLC a Colorado Limited Liability Company 2400 INDUSTRIAL LANE, SUITE 1520 BROOMFIELD, Colorado 80020 CHELTON CENTRE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY a Colorado Limited Liability Company 2400 INDUSTRIAL LANE SUITE 1520 BROOMFIELD, Colorado 80020 C. C. INVESTMENTS, INC. a Colorado Corporation 2400 INDUSTRIAL LANE SUITE 1520 BROOMFIELD, Colorado 80020 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNT' CLERK 0U DEC 26 F 3 :20 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER, WYOMING Space Above This Line For Recording Data MORTGAGE (With Future Advance Clause) LENDER: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COLORADO Organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America 3033 Iris Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80301 r BOOK PR PAGE 51 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with the power of sale, the following described property: THAT PART OF THE NE1 /4 OF SECTION 23, T34N R119W, IT BEING THE INTENT TO MORE CORRECTLY DESCRIBE THAT TRACT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY IN BOOK 426PR ON PAGE 90 AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A SPIKE ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NE1/4, S 00 DEGREES 03'18" W, 1069.77 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NE1 /4; THENCE S 00 DEGREES 03'18" W, 167.36 FEET, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, TO A SPIKE; THENCE S 89 DEGREES 47'38" E, 183.22 FEET, ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE LINE, IN PART, TO A PIPE AT A FENCE CORNER; THENCE S 00 DEGREES 21'22" W, 64.53 FEET, ALONG AND EXISTING FENCE LINE, TO A POINT AT AN EXISTING FENCE CORNER; THENCE S 89 DEGREES 26'47" E, 101.82 FEET, ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE LINE, TO A POINT AT A FENCE CORNER; THENCE N 00 DEGREES 12'51" E, 231.58 FEET, ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE LINE, TO A POINT; THENCE N 89 DEGREES 36'28" W, 285,34 FEET TO THE SPIKE OF BEGINNING. The property is located in LINCOLN County at 261 NORTH MAIN, THAYNE, Wyoming 83127. Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described (all referred to as Property). This Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts and all underlying agreements have been terminated in writing by Lender. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed $900,000.00. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the BROOMFIELD TECH CENTER CORPORATION Wyoming Mortgage C0/ 3L0P070717000000000000005400000055nE it. 1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Page 1 d slel�iuI A e NW "Pn '3S "oul 'swalsAS sJa>1uee 966L© 3 LLOL0d01 6/00 e6s64ioW 6wwo tM N0ll91:10d800 831N30 H031 0131d1A10088 •uo!13adsu! s,Japuaq uo Aia1 (eM ou u! II!M Jo6e61Jo!N e 1110uaq s,Japuaq Jot A!a1!lue eq II!M Al1edowd ayl 10 uo!loadsu! Auy •uo!l3edsu! 0111 Joj. asodind algeuoseai e 6u!Alloads uoiloadsui ue alolaq Jo to aw!1 ayl le ao!lou Jo6e61JOIN 9A!6 II!M Japuaq %1Jado1d ay1 6u!loadsui 10 esodind eg1 1o1 ew!1 algeuoseei Aue 1e A1JadoJd eql Jalua 'uo!ldo s,Japuaq le 'Aew slue6e s,Jepuaq Jo Japuaq "luasuo3 uall!1M Jo11d s,Japue lnogiiM A11adoid 0111 ep!n!pgns JO uop.p.Jed lou II!M 1o6e61JOIN 'luawnJlsui A11Jn°as s!ql Aq paleaJO Isamu! Alun3as ayl of loafgns pawaap eq II!M A11adoid IeuosJad 10 lueweoeldeJ Lions •eoueJgwn3ue Jay10 Jo luawaal6e A1!an3as 'ao!nap uo!lualaJ all!1 Aue woil 0011 'A1Jadold IeuosJad paoeldaJ gig o1 amen u! lenba lseal le A11adoid IeuosJad Jaylo yi!M paoeldaJ s! A11adoid IeuosJad Lions lag pap!nold 'alalosgo Jo UJOM awooaq leyl A11adoid 0111 10 1Jed a 6u!sudwoo AliadoJd IeuosJad 10 swal! OAOwal 01 1g6!1 aq1 seq Jo6e61JoIN leyl ldeexe luasuoo ua111JM Jo!Jd s,Japue lnoyl!M pa1011e Alle!Jalew 10 pays!lowap 'panowal eq Him A1Jado1d ay110 uo!1Jod oN A1Jadold ag1 01 a6ewep 10 ssol Aue 4.0 pue 'JO6e61JOIN lsu !e6e suo!loe pue 'sw!elO 's6u!paa3old 'spuewap lie 10 Japuaq Al!1ou 1!IM Jo6e611oiN •luasuoo ual11JM Jo!Jd s,Japuaq lnoyl!M luawasea JO lueuano3 eAI 3111Sa1 'asuaO!l Aue u! a6ueg3 Aue 1!w1ad lou IIIM J06e61JO!N [:f giitra —d JJM Joud s,Jepue1 1noy1!M a6ueyo Alle!luelsgns lou IIIM asn pue A3uedn000 oy1 10 einleu ag1 1ey1 saaJ6e Jo6e61Jo1N 'sasseJ6 pue spec sno!xou to eeij AlJedold 941 dead IIIM Jo6e61Jo, •ATJadold ayl to uo!1eWo!Jalap Jo 'luawJ!edw! 'alseM Aue Mope J0 1Iww03 10u IIIM J06061JOiN 'AJessaoau AlgeuoseaJ ale leyl siiedej Ile alew pue uo!1!puoo poo6 u! 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Ja1ua 01 A1jJOyme pue JaMOd ay1 seq Jo6e611oIN •salelado 1o6e611ol,i 3!yM u! suo!13!psunf lie u! 6u!puels poo6 u! pue 6uiis!xa Alp!len pue 'paz!ue610 Ainp s! Jo6e61JoI\I •Jannod •v :1 30110 ui s! luawn11su1 AIIJn °as s!yl se 6uoi se anu11uo3 ll!M y3!gM suo!1eluasald0J sai1ue11eM 6u!moliol ay Japuaq 1 s 1o6e61JoiN S N I N,3 U Opt $�11N HHV r'O (An -Ai l'�7 r l A 0 .:�q ,Q u i l�[�J' r 1 d`1 "11 Y1444-"d 1'"G AU r '6 sa u .-1- IV .1Q V3010'04- stti r 1 rmut A_A(q mow 7burotio .1 X}tswr$4, a1 t1-11.G19-).1 a4 •luawnJlsui Al!1noas s!y1 10 ale© ayl to se Mei Aq pal!gigoJd s! 1! 11 suo!lenl!s @Hoge ayl u! luewAed puewap lou Aew Japuaq '1anaMoH 'Am!lu° JeIIW!s 10 uo!lelodJO3 0 to )13o1s 6u!lon 0111 10 luaolad 9Z ueyl slow to d!gsleuMo u! a6ueg3 e s! aJayl •0 'Alma Je11w!s Jo digsleulled 0 10 siagwow 10 lagwnu Jo Aljluep! ail'. Jay1!a ui a6ueyo 0 s! wag' '8 •pe.uelsueJl 10 pros s! Jo6e61JO1,! u! 1saJalu! le!3110uaq v •v :l! luewAed ale!paww! puewap Aew Japuaq '(uoileziue6Jo Jag10 Jo uo!lelodJo3 e se Lions) uoslad 1eJnleu 0 ueg1 Jaylo Aw.ua ue s! Jo6efljo W 11 'UOJVDIHJOW 3H1 NI 1S31331NI NV 30 H33SNV8J. '8 •algeo!idde se 'sMei ales -uo -anp awls 10 uo!ldwaaJ• 1[��IR�ano6 Mel l01epal Aq pasodw! suoll3!11saJ 0111 01 1°afgns s! lg6!1 si111 •A1Jedold OW. 40 ales Jo Jalsueal uodn algeAed pue anp Alaae!paww! aq 1 slgaa pampas e11 10 a3u• •q aJ11ua 0111 010130© 'uo!ldo 91! 1e 'Aew Japuaq '31VS NO 3fla 'L •AlJadoJd 0111 anoJdw! Jo u!elu!ew 1 sieualew 10 Joge! Aiddns oyM sajljed lsu!e6e anal Aew Jo@e61JoIN sesualep 10 sw!el3 'sly6!J Aue 'Japuaq Aq palsanbaJ se 'Japuaq 01 u6!sse o1 saal6e 1o6061JOIN •luawnJlsui A1!JnoaS sm. 10 ua!l 011 J!edw! pinoM leyl sw!el3 Aue 1su!e6e AlJedold ay1 01 0j19. pualap IIIM Jo6e61JO1N •luawAed s,Jo6e611oVN 6u!ouap!na sld!a3al 041 pue anp ale slunowe Lions 1e1 s0°!1ou iie 10 sa!do3 Japuaq 01 ap!nold 01 Jo6e61JO!N a1!nbeJ Aew Japua1 .anp uayM AlJadoJd 0111 01 6u!le!a1 Sa6Jeg3 Jay10 pue 'sa!l!!!ln 'sluaJ punol6 'sluewAed @seal 'seoueJgwn3ua 'sue!' 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Jay10 10 luawaaJ6e A1!Jnoas '1snh1 40 paap 'a6e61JOw Ja1110 Aue 01 ©10691 111!M 'S1S3831Ni Alit11103S aOWd '9 •luawnJlsui A111nzas sm. pue slgaa paJn3as ay1 10 sw1a1 0141 y1!M a3uep1o33e u! pue anp uayM pled aq slgao painoas 0111 Japun sluewAed Il0 10111 saaJ6e Jo6e61JoJ 'SJN3WAVd '17 luawnJlsui A1!Jn °as sjyl l0 swJa1 ay1 Japun Japuaq Aq paJ1n °u! sasuadxa pue pa3uenpe swns !Id •pOOuenpd suns .8 •uo!s!noJd a3uenpe a1n1n1 a su!01uo3 luawnJlsui A1!Jn3aS s!y1 Aq pain °as swap 0111 to aloes Jo au0 'ti00Z 'ti AJenuer uo 6uunlew JeaA lad luaoied 9L•8 l0 0101 1sa1a1u! le!1!u! ue 111!M 00'000'0065 l0 1!w!I 1!paJ3 wnw!xew a q1!M 'Japuaq 01 NOI1VIJOdHi00 1:131N30 H031 ag31dW00b18 WOJI '000Z 'ZZ Jagwaoaa p010p '00 L 'oN 'alou A1oss!wold •sluawa3eidaJ pue suoj1e311!pow 's6u!oueu11a1 'sieMauaJ 'suo!sualxa 110 pue wisp 6u!Mol!o1 agl woo 3!1!oedS •v :s1gaa paJn °as 6u!Mollol sill a1n°as IIIM luawnJlsui A1!1noes s!111 'S183a 03111338 •luawnJlsui A111n3as sly. uI pau!e1uo3 slueuano3 ag1 4.0 Aue w1olJad 01 pue A1!m3as s,Japuaq loaloJd 01 luawnJlsui A1!Jn3aS s!y1 10 swJal VIM Lin,' Tp i !1.A BROOMFIELD TECH CENTER CORPORATION Wyoming Mortgage CO/ 3LOP070717000000000000005400000055nE °1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Mortgagor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument, Lender may, without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. Mortgagor appoints Lender as attorney in fact to sign Mortgagor's name or pay any amount necessary for performance. Lender's right to perform for Mortgagor will not create an obligation to perform, and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exercising any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument. If any construction on the Property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner, Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Property, including completion of the construction. 12. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any of the following occur: A. Payments. Mortgagor fails to make a payment in full when due, wrtid t' 'to '�e" U hrn CI "'LP Z B. Insolvency or Bankruptcy. Any legal entity obligated on the Sec Debt m an assignment for t benefit of creditors or become insolvent; either because its liabilities exceed its assets or it is unable to pay its debts as they become due; or it petitions for protection under federal, state or local bankruptcy, insolvency or debtor relief laws, or is the subject of a petition or action under such laws and fails to have the petition or action dismissed within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 60 days. C. Business Termination. Mortgagor merges, dissolves, reorga ends its business or existence, er-e-rferrtrrer t, D. Failure to Perform. Mortgagor fails to perform any condition 'o to keep any promise or covenant of this Security Instrument. E. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of anv other ransaction document, And a� -t o Wnt�c Vri F. Other Agreements. Mortgagor is in default on any o other debt or agreemen Il/lortga or wi nde G. Misrepresentation. Mortgagor kes any verbal or written statement or pro des any financial information that is untrue inaccurate, or Is a material fact at the time it is made or p d. H. o� Judgment. I�I�r j 'to "is o a g g g t1� 7 peal any j ud against 4 I. Forfeiture. The Property is used i a maliner f uu ghat t <tens co iscation by a legal authority. J. Name Change. Mortgagor changes Mortgagor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. K. Property Transfer. Mortgagor transfers all or a substantial part of Mortgagor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. L. Property Value. The value of the Property declines or is impaired. 0 ge,u,, y►p,n 'a bf l'hs app"U5 M. Material Change. Without first notifying Lender, there is a r►�iac hange MOr •a•,;�1 business, including ownership, management, and financial conditions. M,rnfa..1 13. REMEDIES.A t ender may ube any and all remedies Lender has unde� ate or federal law or in any instrument evidencing or pertaining to the Secured Debts, including, without limitati on, the power to sell the Property. Any amounts advanced on Mortgagor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Mortgagor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or other notice rights Mortgagor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debts after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By choosing any one or more of these remedies Lender does not give up Lender's right to use any other remedy. Lender does not waive a default if Lender chooses not to use a remedy. By electing not to use any remedy, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default and to use any remedies if the default continues or happens again. 14. COLLECTION EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. On or after Default, to the extent permitted by law, Mortgagor agrees to pay all expenses of collection, enforcement or protection of Lender's rights and remedies under this Security Instrument. Mortgagor agrees to pay expenses for Lender to inspect and preserve the Property and for any recordation costs of releasing the Property from this Security Instrument, Expenses include, but are not limited to, attorneys' fees, court costs and other legal expenses. These expenses are due and payable immediately. If not paid immediately, these expenses will bear interest from the date of payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided for in the terms of the Secured Debts. To the extent permitted by the United States Bankruptcy Code, Mortgagor agrees to pay the reasonable attorneys' fees Lender incurs to collect the Secured Debts as awarded by any court exercising jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Code. 15. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environmental Law means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), all other federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney general opinions or interpretive letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazardous substance; and (2) Hazardous Substance means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or environment. The term includes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substance," "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," or "regulated substance" under any Environmental Law. Mortgagor represents, warrants and agrees that: Page 3 NW 'pn010 •19 '•aul 'swaisAS sJeNue9 966 La, 3u95000000l900000000000000L £100 e6e6iiow 6uIwoAM NOI1V1lOdId00 1:131N30 H031 0131dlAJOale ao6e61aoIN auo ueyl aawfo Auedwoo e Aq UalliJM aq Aew 'ao6e61aojAl Jo paa!nbat Alleu!6!ao lou sa6eaanoo apnlou! Aew aoueansul s!yl •Alaadotd ayf u! lsaaalu! s,aapual loafoad of aoueansu! u!efgo Aew aapuaq paansu! Alaadoad 9141 ciao)! 01 sI!el to6e6(toJ dl 'aouetnsu! Jo uo!leu!waal JO uo!lellaoueo Jo tapuaq Amou Alafe!paww! II!M to6e61.aoiN •sa.gaa pampas 941 lualxa ay1 01 tapuei of ssed ll!M spaaooad pue se!o!lod aoueansul Aue o} sly41 s,ao6e61aolN 'uo!l!puoo pa6ewep u! Aftadoad 9141 sannboe aapual }l •uo!ido s,tapual 1e 'sigaa paanoas ayi of ao Altadaad egi. Jo a!edaa JO uo!letolsaa of pa!Idde aq II!M spaaooad aoueansu! lid •ssol Aue 10 ao!a.ou afe!peww! Auedwoo aouetnsu! ayi pue aapuaq DNB il!M tobe61.to j (•6uiwM u! Alaletedas of paat6e slisodap iun000e MOJOSe paa!nbaa pue 'OOIAJes lgap s,aeaA auo Jo a6eaanoo lseal le of lenba lunowe ue u! aq 1snw aoueansu! uo!ldnatafu! ssau!snq JO ssol Ieluat ayi •paansu! Ieuo!1!ppe ue se aapuaq aweu lsnw aoueansu! Al!I!ge1! letaua6 an!suayaadwoo oqj •aapuaq of algeldaooe sa!o!lod aapun pue slunowe u! aoueansu! uo!ldnatafu! ssau!snq ao ssol !ewe.' pue aoueansu! Ai!l!ge!i leaaua6 an!suayaadwoo u!elu!ew of s90t6e ao6e6laolj 'aapuaq Aq paa!nbaa „•asnelo aaAed ssol„ 'algeo!Idde atagM 'pue „asnelo aFe61tow„ ptepuels a apnlou! ll!M sleMauaa pue sa!o!Iod aoueansu! !iv •playyl!M Algeuoseaaun aq lou !M yo!tM 'Ieno.idde s,aapual of loa[gns 'Auedwoo aoueansu! ayi esoogo Aew to6e6laoljj •luewnafsul Awnoas s!y1 woa4 pasea!aa s! Alaadoad 041 pun 1Se! II!M aoueansu! s!ql •saa!nbaa tapual sfunowe aLil u! aoueansut s!yi u!efu!ew U!M Jo6e61aoll •Afaadoad ay1 qf!M pale!oosse Algeuoseaa s)Is!t ay1 1sule5e paansu! Altadoad ay1 deal o1 saaa6e tobe61toIN 3ONV11f1SNl •L L •luewnoop ua!l tail° ao luawaaa6e Alunoas 'isnal Jo poop 'a6e61tow toad Aue Jo swiel 941 of loafgns s! spaaooad Jo luawu6!sse s!yl •luawnnsul Awnoas s!yf u! pap!notd se pa!Idde aq II!M pue sfuawAed paaap!suoo aq IIIM spaaooad Lions •Altadoad aLif Jo lied Aue JO He Jo 6upiel aaylo ao uo!leuwapuoo e q !M paloauuoo sa6ewep to; w!elo JO pteMe Aue Jo spaaooad 9141 aapue of su6!sse ao6e6lao jl sw!elo JO suo!fOe paq!aosap anoge ail 4o Aue u! aweu s,ao6e61aoW u! auantalu! of aapuaq sazltoylne to6e61aoLN •sueaw aaylo Aue JO 'u!ewop luau!wa 'uo!feuwapuoo 46notyf Altadoad ail }o He AO Aue ao asegoand of sa!mua o!Ignd JO alen!ad Aq uo!loe paualeaigl ao 6u!puad Aue Jo ao!lou ldwoad aapuaq anl6 Il!M ao6e61ao •NO11VNW3aNOO •9L •pan!eM Agaaaq aae Ateafuoo ay1 of sasualap pue sw!elo AuV •Altadoad ayi Jo He JO Aue Jo tapual Aq uo!flsods!p Aue ao aapual of aj1!1 Jo a6essed Aue Jo ssalpae6aa luawnalsul Al!anoas s!yl to u0!loels!fes JO aansoloatol Aue an!nans II!M uo!foes s!y1 Jo swaal agl 'Aaetluoo ayi of luawnalsul Al!tnOas s!yl u! pau!efuoo a6en6uel ayi }o Aue 6u!puelsyf!MIoN •ivawnaisul Al!anoas s!yi aapun sig6!a s,aapual 4o Aue of ao!pnfaad lnoyf!M luawnaisul Al!anoas s!yi Aq paanoas Aiaadotd 941 01 amen lenba 1seal ie lo Ieaalelloo yi!M aapual ap!notd II!M ao6e6laon uanlat u! pue luawnalsul Alunoas s!Lil asealaa Aew tapual 'uo!faaosip s,aapuaq ie (Z) pue 'u!elsns Aew su61sse ao saossa0ons s,aapual pue aapual yo!gM 'seal ,sAauaolle pue uolle6!1!I Jo slso0 He uo!fel!w!I lnoyllM 6u!pnlou! 'sasuadxa pue sa!lleuad 'sisoo uoile!pawat pue asuodsai 'dnuealo 'sa6ewep 'sa!1!I!gell 'spuewap 'sw!elo 'sassol He 1su!e6e pue woil ssalwtey su6!sse JO saosseoons s,aapual pue aapuei ploy pue A4!uwapu! IIlM ao6e61.ao[ (L) 'uo!loas s!yf u! spew as!woad JO AlueaaeM 'uo!feluasaadat Aue to yoeaaq Aue 10 aouanbasuoo a sy •asuadxa s,ao6e61aoW le uo!loas s!yl aapun suo!ie6!Igo s,ao6e61to!N Jo Aue waoped of 'uo!lefi!Igo 041 lou inq 11_16!t ayi sey tapue p •lenoadde s,aapual of loafgns s! 1!pne Lions wao }tad II!M oqM aaaui6ua leivawuoa!nua ayi 40 ao!oyo ail 'aapual of 1lpne Lions Jo silnsaa ow. i!wgns 01. pue Alaadoad Dig 4.0 1!pne IeluawuoJ!Aua ue aaedaad of taau!6ua Ieluawuoi!Aua pa!4!lenb a a6e6ua of 'asuadxa s,ao6e61.aoij le 'saaa6e ao6e61.aol/j 'aw!1 Aue le pue lsanbaa s,tapual uodn •1 Meq leluawuoa!nu3 algeo!Idde Lil!M eoue!Idwo3 u! aae lueual Aue pue ao6e61aolAi lou JO taylayM (c) JO Alaadoad 9y1 1noge JO aapun 'uo pasealat uaaq sey leLil aoueisgns snopaezeH Aue Jo apnf!u6ew pue 'aanfeu 'uo!feool 'aouals!xa ayi (Z) :Altadoad aqi inoge JO aapun 'uo aoueisgns snoptezeH Aue �o aanleu pue uopRool 'aouals!xa ayi (1,) au!wtalap of aw!f "algeuoseat Aue le spto0aa He M9!n0a pue Afaadoad ayi ioadsu! pue aalua of lua6e s,aapuaq ao tapual 'l!waad of lueual Aue asneo JO '1!waad IIuM ao6e6iaoj •H •yf!M palldwo0 pue pau!efgo ate noel leluawuoa!nu3 algeo!ldde Aue Aq paa!nbaa sienotdde to sasuaoll 'sl!waad He 1241 wa!4uoo pue 'Alaadoad 9y1 uo suop.eaado pue sa!l!n!loe ay1 tol!uow 'Alaadotd 341 ioadsu! Altein6at II!M ao6e61aoim •6uIl!JM u! sluasuo0 Tsai} tapuaq ssalun pappe aq II!m IIaM 10 dwnp Lions ou pue Aiaadoad ayi aapun 10 uo pal2Ool sIIOM uado to sdwnp alen!ad 's�Iuel a6etols punoa6tapun ou ate atayl 'aapual of 6u11IJM u! pa6palMOUpe pue pesolos!p Alsno!naad se 1deox3 •d Mel lefuawuaa!nu3 algeo!Idde Aue yi!M aoue!Idwoo Iin4. u! u!ewaa II!M pue ate 'uaaq aney lueual Atana pue ao6e61.toLN 'aapuaq of 6u!iuM u! pa6palMOU)IOe pue pasoloslp Alsno!naad se 1daox3 •3 sOu!paaootd Lions o1 6u!lelat sluawnoop Aue 4o sa!doo an!aoaa 01 1Li6!t ayi 6u!pnlou! 6u!paao0ad Lions Aue u! aled!o!iaed of 'uo!le6igo ay1 fou inq '149 ayi sey aapuaq 'wane ue Lions uI •6u!paaooad to 'w!elo 'uoi1e6!1sanu! paualeaay1 to 6u!puad Lions Aue s! ataLil anallaq of uoseaa sey ao6eD1toN se uoos se 6u!fIJM ut tapual A4!1ou Aiale!paww! II!M ao6e61aoiAl Meq lefuawuoa!nu3 Aue Jo lueua1 Aue ao to6e61.aolN Aq uo!lelo!n Aue (Z) JO 'Aitadoid ayi inoge JO aapun 'uo pafeooi aoueisgns snopaezeH Aue (L) of 6u!lelat pup! Aue 40 6u!paaooad JO 'w!elo 'uo!le6!1sanu! peueleaayl AO 6u!puad Aue s! aaag1 ana!Iaq o1 unseat JO Jo a6paJMou)l ou sey ao6e61aoLN 'aapue of 6u!f!JM u! pa6palMOUre pue pasolos!p Alsno!naad se 1.daox3 a me 1 Iefuawuoa!nu3 Li1!M aouepao3oe u! uoli3e Ie!pawaa AtessaOau He II!M to6e61toiAI 'ivana ue Lions u1 •Altadotd ayi 6u!utaOuo0 Mel le1uawuol!Au3 Aue 40 uo!1elo!n e s! aaayl (Z) to :A1aadotd Agaeau woa4 afet6!w o1 sualeaay1 to salea6!w JO Alaadoad 9141 inoge to aapun 'uo stn000 aoueisgns snopaezeH Jo asealaa peueleaJLi1 10 asealat e (L) 1! aapuaq A}!1ou AI afe!paww! II!M aoDe61.ao, •O •Afaadoad all uo aoueisgns snopaezeH Aue 4o asealaa 9141 f!waad 10 '01 alnqu1uoo 'asneo 1ou fl!M pue lou sey to6e61ao(A! 'aapue of 6u!f!JM Ut pa6palMOUN3e pue pasolos!p Alsno!naad se 1daox3 •8 me le1uawuoa!nu3 algeo!ldde Ile y1!M aoue!ldwo0 13u19 u! pue ssau!snq 40 astno0 Ateu!pto ayf u! 1daoxa 'A1aadoJd O 1. inoge JO aapun 'uo uosaad Aue Aq palpueg JO 'pup.' 'paleat1 'paanloelnuew 'pafaodsuea1 'pafeooi aq II!M JO 's! aec,sey aoueisgns snoptezeH ou 'aapual 01 6u!1!tM u! pa6palMOU)loe pue pasolos!p Aisno!naad se 1.daox3 •br 521. would choose, and may be written at a higher rate than Mortgagor could obtain if Mortgagor purchased the insurance. 18. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Mortgagor will not be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 19. CO SIGNERS. If Mortgagor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign the Secured Debts, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debts and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debts. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor, Mortgagor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Mortgagor or any party indebted under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti deficiency or one action laws. 20. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Mortgagor waives all homestead exemption rights relating to the Property. 21. OTHER TERMS. The following are applicable to this Security Instrument: A. Line of Credit. The Secured Debts include a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debts may be reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts and all underlying agreements have been terminated in writing by Lender. 22. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Colorado, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located, and the United States of America. 23. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Each Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument are independent of the obligations of any other Mortgagor. Lender may sue each Mortgagor individually or together with any other Mortgagor. Lender may release any part of the Property and Mortgagor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for the remaining Property. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Mortgagor. 24. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERABILITY. This Security Instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Mortgagor and Lender. This Security Instrument is the complete and final expression of the agreement. If any provision of this Security Instrument is unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will still be enforceable. 25. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. 26. NOTICE, FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice will be given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address listed in the DATE AND PARTIES section, or to any other address designated in writing. Notice to one party will be deemed to be notice to all parties. Mortgagor will inform Lender in writing of any change in Mortgagor's name, address or other application information. Mortgagor will provide Lender any financial statements or information Lender requests. All financial statements and information Mortgagor gives Lender will be correct and complete. Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument and to confirm Lender's lien status on any Property. Time is of the essence. 27. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. Lender or Mortgagor may submit to arbitration any dispute, claim or other matter in question between or among Lender and Mortgagor that arises out of or relates to this Transaction (Dispute), except as otherwise indicated in this section or as Lender and Mortgagor agree to in writing. For purposes of this section, this Transaction includes this Security Instrument and any other documents, instruments and proposed loans or extensions of credit that relate to this Security Instrument. Lender or Mortgagor will not arbitrate any Dispute within any "core proceedings" under the United States bankruptcy laws. Lender and Mortgagor must consent to arbitrate any Dispute concerning a debt secured by real estate at the time of the proposed arbitration. Lender may foreclose or exercise any powers of sale against real property securing a debt underlying any Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender may also enforce the debt secured by this real property and underlying the Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender or Mortgagor may seek provisional remedies at any time from a court having jurisdiction to preserve the rights of or to prevent irreparable injury to Lender or Mortgagor. Foreclosing or exercising a power of sale, beginning and continuing a judicial action or pursuing self -help remedies will not constitute a waiver of the right to compel arbitration. The arbitrator will determine whether a Dispute is arbitrable. A single arbitrator will resolve any Dispute, whether individual or joint in nature, or whether based on contract, tort, or any other matter at law or in equity. The arbitrator may consolidate any Dispute with any related disputes, claims or other matters in question not arising out of this Transaction. Any court having jurisdiction may enter a judgment or decree on the arbitrator's award. The judgment or decree will be enforced as any other judgment or decree. Lender and Mortgagor acknowledge that the agreements, transactions or the relationships which result from the agreements or transactions between and among Lender and Mortgagor involve interstate commerce. The United States Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this section. The American Arbitration Association's Commercial Arbitration Rules, in effect on the date of this Security Instrument, will govern the selection of the arbitrator and the arbitration process, unless otherwise agreed to in this Security Instrument or another writing. 28. WAIVER OF TRIAL FOR ARBITRATION. Lender and Mortgagor understand that the parties have the right or opportunity to litigate any Dispute through a trial by judge or jury, but that the parties prefer to resolve Disputes through arbitration instead of litigation. If any Dispute is arbitrated, Lender and Mortgagor voluntaq{1jy, and knowingly waive the right to have a trial by jury or judge during the arbitration. BROOMFIELD TECH CENTER CORPORATION Wyoming Mortgage CO/ 3LOP070717000000000000005400000055nE ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St, Cloud, MN age 5 9 abed NW "Puol3 •ls "oul 'swalsAS s.miue9 96610 Aq Aq QC4Car, o0 AN "ONI 'S1N31A1S3ANI '0 '0 10 IN3atS3dd se 11fVN3SaV '0'r 130awn j.o Aep -r) (4` slyl aw aiojaq pa6palnnou)pe seen luawrulsu! siyl y 'SS (pH gnd /u d 0 'AN`ddW00 A111I8'01 a311W11 3d1N30 N0113H0 1 Aq �o Aep —re C sly1 aw aio ss 3 /00 e6e6;iow BulwoAM NOIlVVaOdHOO 2i31N3O HO31 O131d1A1OOH8 YOWL Ui Ai i3 Lrn S!WWO3It JO 'o o i .ssiwwoo AW 1N301S3dd 'llfld► .b '0'r 130aVW N3 ANI '0 '3 83DVNVIN lflV 3SJV '0'r 130 -VW INV All 1:13JVNVW f1VN3SdV '0' 130 -V 1:11N30 N0113H0 (411.13 ao sseu rr8) woo AN f1VN3SEW '0'r 1308VW u)loe seen luawnalsul siyl d0 (Algu3 Josssaulsn8) Ol davA3N H1d0N {se 11flVN3Sdd '0'r 130dW V l 11 to Aep siyl aw y.alnnoure seen luawrulsui slyl 'Ss 0 \rN '12AV) JO M./ 1 (M.RU3 10 ssaulssne) '1N3 JDa31MONNOY VN3SdV :1:1OJt/018O1AI •luawrulsul "lianas Adoo e jo ldiaoai sa6palnnoure Osle Jo6e61aolN luawnJlsul s1y1 uI pau!eluoo slueuanoO pue swaal ow. 01 saaa6e io6e61aolN '6ulu6is A8 'S31:1f11VNOIS