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;ueuanoo Aue 4o goeaaq 4o aseo ul JO }saaeiui JO Iedlouud 4o }uawllelsul Aue ,ue �o
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•wnuue aad (0/ wowed anlaM} Uo a }ea ay} }saaa}uw mew
flats pied os swns i(uy •Tgap a6e6pow egl }o wns Iedlouiad eqf o} pappe aq Ilegs pied
os swns Iie pue `awes i(ed puewap JO aoifou inogiinn `Aew saa6e6poW `sa6aego
In4nnel Jaqno JO `sTuawssasse `saxel all }o ivawAed aqi u! TIne4ap sao6e6poW;i •i7
•paaalua si Tuaw6pn[ JO aapao !eq. /ue aaje step ua; ulgijnn uol1eulwaalap !eq.
/ue jo lunowe !In; aqf i(ed Begs sao6e6faoW TUana Lions uI pue `s6u!paaooad a}eladoadde
Aq q e4 poo6 u! pa}saiuoo 6uiaq si Tuawgaepe JO Ana! Lions leggy ;ualxa all o} }daoxa
`a6e6poW slgf aoivas uall a uI }Insaa IIIM go!gnn `6uipaaooad algelinbe JO Ie6ei Aue uI
pagoene ao uodn pine! aq of }oaaagg iced Aue JO Apadoad pies }Iwaad iou !legs sao6e6}aon
•aapunaaaq saa6e6po j ag140 i(flanoas all J!edw! Aew goignn Apadoad pies g }in■ uogoauuoo
uI ao uo 6ulgTou op IIIM pue aJsenn fiwaad JO flwwoo fou Ilegs sao6e6PoL
pies 1suie6e passasse JO palnai sj,uawssesse pue sex IIe Aed !legs sao6e6pow •Z
•Agaaaq paanoas ssaupalgapui eql }o ped Aue ;oluawAed aw!T
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:snnollo4 se aaJ6e pue Tueuanoo aagpn4 sao6e6poW
•pion pue Ilnu aq pue
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aiou pies alep *mew a}ewiijn aqj `a6e6poW Aq paanoas sI gaignn gl!maaaq a}ep
uana 40 MON &JOSS!woad aqT Ui q o; las se uoaaaqn Tsaaa1U! gfInn aagTa6o} `(00'000'9L$)
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ao ,(ed sao6e6}aoW age II feu} uoq!puoa ssaadxe foafgns sI a6e6 JoW slgl
•6u!woAM 4o awelS agi 3o snnel uo!ldwaxa pealsawoq
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`s}uewssesse 'sexel of pafgns Tnq `6ui6uoleq ofunaaagl pue uoaaaqn
seoueuepndde pue sTuawanoadwi IIe glInn aagle6oi pue 6ulpnloul
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`A4unoa uolal uI palen1Is Apadoad !eaa pegposep 6u!MolIo4 age saa6e6poW a6e6pow
Agaaaq op `4oaaagT slemeuaa ao uoisualxa `suoiTeai4ipow Aue pue OOOZ aagweoea
pa}ep a}oN itaoss!woad e uI gpo4 las se uoaaaq} lseJew! qonn aagTa6o1 `(00'000`9L$)
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`aagweaaa to Aep ls6Z eqf anlfaa4.a paaanllap pue pafnaaxe si 3OVJTOW SIHl
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or agreement herein contained, or contained in the Promissory Note secured by this
Mortgage, which default is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice thereof is
personally delivered to Mortgagors or mailed by or on behalf of the Mortgagees, the whole
of the then indebtedness secured hereby, both principal and interest, together with all
sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof shall, at the option of the Mortgagees
become immediately due and payable, anything herein or in said note to the contrary
notwithstanding and failure to exercise said option shall not constitute a waiver of the right
to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent defaults. The Mortgagees may
enforce the provisions of or foreclose this Mortgage by any appropriate suit, action or
proceeding at law or in equity, and cause to be executed and delivered to the purchaser
or purchasers at any foreclosure sale a proper deed of conveyance of the property so sold.
The Mortgagors agree to pay all costs of enforcement or foreclosure including a
reasonable attorney's fee. The failure of the Mortgagees to promptly foreclose upon a
default shall not prejudice any right of said Mortgagees to foreclose thereafter during the
continuance of such default or any right to foreclose in case of further default or defaults.
The net proceeds from such sale shall be applied to the payment of first, the attorney's fee
and all monies expended or advanced by the Mortgagees pursuant to the provisions of this
Mortgage; second, all unpaid taxes, assessments, claims and liens on said property which
are superior to the lien hereof; third, the balance due Mortgagees on account of principal
and interest on the indebtedness hereby secured; and the surplus, if any, shall be paid to
the Mortgagors.
6. If the right of foreclosure accrues as a result of any default hereunder, the
Mortgagees shall at once become entitled to exclusive possession, use and enjoyment of
all property aforesaid and to all rents, issues and profits thereof from the occurring of such
right and during the pendency of foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption and
such possession, rents, issues and profits shall be delivered immediately to the
Mortgagees on request. On refusal the delivery of such possession, rents, issues and
profits may be enforced by the Mortgagees by any appropriate suit, action or proceeding.
Mortgagees shall be entitled to a receiver for said property and all rents, issues, and profits
thereof after any such default including the time covered by foreclosure proceedings and
the period of redemption and without regard to the solvency or insolvency of the
Mortgagors or the then -owner of said property and without regard to the value of said
property or the sufficiency thereof to discharge the Mortgage debt and foreclosure costs,
fees and expenses. Such receiver may be appointed by any Court of competent
jurisdiction upon ex parte application notice being hereby expressly waived and the
appointment of any such receiver on any such application without notice, is hereby
consented to by the Mortgagors. All rents, issues and profits, income and revenue of said
property shall be applied by such receiver according to law and the orders and directions
of the Court.
7. If the property described herein is sold under foreclosure, and the proceeds are
insufficient to pay the total indebtedness hereby secured, the Mortgagors shall be
personally bound to pay the unpaid balance and the Mortgagees shall be entitled to a
deficiency judgment.
8. Mortgagors shall not sell or transfer the property as long as any amount remains
unpaid hereunder without the written consent of Mortgagees first had and obtained. In the
event of any such sale or transfer, Mortgagors shall remain fully liable hereunder, and
Mortgagees, at Mortgagees' election, may declare the entire principal balance and all
accrued interest thereon immediately due and owing together with all applicable charges
according to the terms of the Promissory Note secured hereby, and may proceed to collect
the same in any manner provided by law or by the terms hereof. Mortgagors agree to give
Mortgagees prior written notice of any proposed sale, conveyance or other transfer of the
property subject to this Mortgage. If Mortgagees give consent to any such transfer, then
Mortgagees may insist upon the following as a condition to such consent:
A. The continuing liability of Mortgagors under the Promissory Note and this
B. Satisfactory evidence of the ability and financial capacity of the assignee
Page 2
liounoa w uaaaoa
a04. Toed Li! AawoWly se 'noun°
8 faa}}ar Aq lio 014i as •a
'000Z `aagweoaa 10 Aep ;s1.Z sI43 a81ya
•oiaaag sawed eill su6isse
pue saossaoons `saolea}siuiwpe `saoTnoaxa `saa}e6al `saasinap `smog ani}oadsaa,eLil o} aanui
nags sa6eEuenpe pue sTi4auaq aq4 pue puiq'legs pauiewoo u!aaaq s1ueuanoo aql •1,1,
•liew SO1GTS paliva eql ui
pa}isodap si aoi1ou gons uagM a }ep uo Alaed gons uodn ponies Alieuosaad uaaq anal of
pawaap aq joaaaq sasodand lie J04 'legs mew os aogou Auy •40aaaq suoisinoad LaM
aouepa000e ui awil of awi1 wo4 6ui}lJM ui pai4loads aq 'legs se ssaappe aag }o gons of JO
1.00£8 ISM `uoqoer
sea�snal `aabunl •y gaipnr pue aa6uni •8 pagoH
:saa6e6TaoiN 014
200£8 AM uospoer
08801. x 'O•d
liounoa (Al uaaaoa pue ilounoa •8 Aaa4ar
:sao6e6poiN 0 141
se passaappe pue `piedaad abeisod `Hew sa}elg paliva ui palisodep uagM JO paaanilep
Aileuosaad uagM uani6 uaaq anal of pawaap aq !legs `Agaaaq peat a}oN /Gossiwoad
ally) SwaaI eq} aapun JO `aapunaaaq uosaad Aue o} ueni6 aq 01 paainbaa aoilou /(uy •01.
•uiaaaq pauieTuoo suoi4ipuoo pue swaal aoueldeooe ue aq
(legs sea6e61aolnl aq, /(q saanoas aiou aLi1 pue a6e6poiN aoueldeooe all '6
itq paaanoui sea; s,/awo1Te aigeuoseaa 6uipnioui `anoge 404 las uoi1euiwaa1ap aqT
6uipaebaa sao@e61aoW /(q pawwgns sieuaTew pue uolewao4ui eq} 6uiMainaa u! saa6e6poiN
Aq paunoui sasuadxe aigeuoseaa lo sao6eNolN i(q TuawAed aql •3
'aa4suaJT JO aoueAanuoo `ales ions 40
ewi� aLi� �e ssaupe gapui a6eNow aeiiwis ao} a }ea 6uipual a6e61aow leuoi1n }i1sui pool aqT
o� Agaaaq paanoas ssaupaigapui uo aiea 1saaa1ui al} 4o aseaaoui all •a
`aa4sue4 JO aoueAanuoo `ales Lions q}iM uoi}oauuoo ui
pasodoad sTuawn4sui aq} 4o lie }o suoigipuoo pue Swaa1 4o lenoaddy •a
siLi1 pue aiou aq; aapun waoped as!Maag }o pue Tuawled paainbaa a>iew o1 aaaa4suea1 .10
9 F
The foregoing Mortgage was acknowledged before me by Jeffrey B. Council, a
married man, and by Jeffrey B. Council as Attorney in Fact for Doreen M. Council, a
married woman, this 21st day of December 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission expires: Feb. 26, 2002
Notary Public
Page 4
j ss. ;7(j45:
Lot Fifty -Seven (57), Star Valley Ranch Plat Twelve (12), as platted
and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County,