HomeMy WebLinkAbout870485Form 3000 -3 (October 1992) 91 AUG i-1 9: 00 RECE via i t 17�a it�t 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code *If more than one assignee, check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional assignees separate attached sheet of paper. This record title assignment is for: (Check one) Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) Record Title, 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: Celsius Energy Company 1331 17th St., Suite 800 Denver, CO 80202 0 Percent of Interest Owned b 100% ��4w y l:. lr avid 4 ±ri4`, ;iliCi. l revue F LAND Conveyed c ?rativn copy is on silo 009 50% \NAGEME Retained d yT 50% G Reserved e 5.5% 1NAL Land Description Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. a Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M. Section 32: NE4 Containing 160 acres, more or less Lincoln County, Wyoming FOR BLM USE ONLY —DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. Assignment approved for above described lands; Assignment approved for attached land description SEP 01 1997 Assignment approved effeaive ..;7 ASSIGNMENT. OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT to be tr of illy. 87848 J FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No. WYW- 134456 Lease Effective Date (Anniversary Date) 11 -1 -94 New Serial No. BOO �Jd PR PACT; 5 r l r LItcoLPii COUNTY C on the reverse JEANNE IVY ,r C? IVY KEMMERER Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or o er Slclilar interests or payments Percent of Overriding Royalty or Similar Interests Previously reserved or conveyed –0– Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form. 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