HomeMy WebLinkAbout870486Form 3000 -3 (October 19 ?2) i I i CR AU OF LAItD titS5EvIEliT. 95 Jt N 20 Mt 9: 00 INTEREST ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE q�, r LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMALRESO RCES r- Y- CH YEN E. WY MIt G Mineral Leasing. Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) 2. This assignment conveys the following interest: Laltd Description a Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M. Section 32: NE4 containing 160.00 acres, more or less Lincoln County, Wyoming Assignment approved for above described lands; Assignment approved effective FEB 1 1995 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Type or print plainly in ink and sign In ink. PART A: ASSIGNMENT 1. Assignee* North American Resources Company Street 16 East Granite City, State, ZIP Code Butte, Montana 59701 *If more than one assignee, check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional assignees ori separate attached sheet of paper. This record title assignment is for: (Check one) [b Oil and Gas Leaser QJ4 16rnai Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) a Record Title, Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. t.' C *ls i th 4 FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No. WYW- 134456 Lease Effective Date (Anniversary Date) November 1, 1994 New Serial No. BOOK c r PR PAGE J 4 MT r L +(rOn allA i 00 0`EC 20 An F Overriding Royalty, payment out production or other similar interests or payments JE -N E \J'ai A (N E KEMMERER, WYOMING Owned b 100% Percent of Interest Conveyed c 100% C I Retained d -0- GIN Per Overridi Shrill or Si Reserved e AL -0- FOR BLM USE ONLY —DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or eq 'table title to this lease. Assignment approved for attached land description Assignment approved for land description indicated on reverse of this form. LAND LAW EXAMINER O LI ent of ng Royalty a r Interests Previously reserved or conveyed f -0- MAY 1 R 1q •uo!lalpsunf su ui uallew ,cue, 01 se suoneluasaudau 10 sluawalels lualnpneu) 10 sno9nag 'asIe) ,Sue salels pauun ayl)o Aaua3e Jo luawuedaU Xue of 3)1ew 01 A11n)II!m pue ,(Idutmoupl uosuad ,Cue lo) au1113 el! soyeul 1001 'aas 'J'S'fl 81 31)!I 'EOSOZ •J•U 'uol3u!yseM '01L00-1 Ioafoud uo!I3npa11 110.rJaded 1a8png pue luawaaeueliy )o aa!JJ0 3 4 pue OpZOZ 'J'a •uo19u1yseM `M•N 'Ia4 1 1S J 6t•81 '(ILL aaueiealJ nealnfl (oleurallV)'luawa2suely pue-1 o neaJnEl 'uo!lalul au )o 1uawlledaU •S•n 01 wio) s!y1 )o laadse 1x410 ,(ue JO aleuiIIsa uapuny au Su!pie3au sluaw1001 loaJKI 'W-101 alp aui.m!n aau pue iu!laldulo.) pue step 8u!u!e)ulew pue SuuayIe8 `suo!lanulsu! 90!ma!nau io) a w!1 ayl duipnlau!'asuodsai lad salnu!w o'1\ e 01 paletupsa s! wto) s141 io) uapinq 'eu!1iodau aIlynd auapisazd aoTA (aunleu8!s) JI 'Z 'oN (airueu &s) lael- u! 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