Clayton B. Thomas, Esq. 870517
P. O. Box 1976
Evanston, WY 82931 -1976
0 DEC 2 9 P 2: 1. I
The undersigned, Lorna S. Broadbent, Personal Representative of the Estate
of Joseph R. Broadbent, aka J. R. Broadbent, [Uinta County, Wyoming, Probate No.
10 -313] "Grantor of 1466 South Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, and
pursuant to the Decree of Final Distribution executed and filed on March 1, 2000
therein, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, convey, transfer, deliver and assign to
Colleen B. Paddock, 384 East Spencer Way, Farmington, UT 84025, Joseph S.
Broadbent, P. 0 Box 734, Evanston, Wyoming 83931 -0734, and Ray S. Broadbent, P.
O. Box 927, Evanston, Wyoming 82931 -0927, Grantees, an undivided 1 /3rd interest
each, in and to an undivided 19.56521739% interest of the whole, [or approximately
6.52173913% of the whole to each Grantee] in and to the properties described in
Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and located in Uinta, Lincoln and Sweetwater Counties,
It is the intent of this instrument to convey to each of the Grantees an
undivided 1 /3rd interest each in and to all of the right, title, and interest of the Estate
:le &ippon
allgttd 'fauloN
'Ws luPLIJo puu pout{ Ifut SSANIIM
luagpuoall '2I T u "lu
'luagpuoag '2I gdasop jo alulsa
aql Jo an!luluasaadag tuuosaad
:saaidxg utilssttutuoa SjAi
•luagpuoafl 21 •r into
`luagpuoafl •N gdasopjo alulsg agljo antluluasa.tda21 tuuosaad'luagpuoafl •s uuao7
Sq `000Z `aagol;)O Jo Aup ql9 aql slgl am aaojaq of 11.10MS puu pagt.tasgnS
IIvrn :IZvis
'000Z `aago.PO JO Aup t1l9 aql Mil CUING
•ulaaaq laud u aputu aauaaajaa
slgl Aq puu `olaaaq pattaullu 'y l!glgxa uo pals!' san.tadoad alp of puu
•oN alugoad 'nliuoSm `Slunoa ululn] 'luagpuoag •l •I• into 'luagpuoag ell ttdaso)' jo
An undivided 19.56521739% interest of the whole in the
following properties located in Uinta, Lincoln and
Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming, as follows:
Uinta County, Wyoming:
a. Township 18 North, Range 112 West 6th P.M.
b. Township 18 North, Range 113 West 6th P.M.
Section 5: All
Section 7: All
c. Township 18 North, Range 114 West 6th P.M.
Section 1: All
Section 3: All portions of the NW 1 4 lying North of
a line parallel with and 200 feet distant northerly
from the original main track of Union Pacific Railroad
when measured at right angle thereto.
Section 5: All that portion lying North of a line
parallel with and 200 feet distant northerly from the
original main track of Union Pacific Railroad when
measured at right angle thereto.
Section 1: All that portion lying North of a line
parallel with and 200 feet distant Northerly from the
center line of the original main track of Union Pacific
Railroad Company when measured at right angles thereto.
Section 3: All that portion lying North of a line
parallel with and 200 feet distant Northerly from the
center line of the original main track of Union Pacific
Railroad Company when measured at right angles thereto.
.ogeieuq a -hue Tubta qv peanseeux
uagM peoafteg 0T3Toed uotun ;o xoeaq uTvm TeuT6Tao age. moa3
ATaelsem pue ATaaggaou gUEq.stp qaa; OOZ puE 1 -14TM TeI eaed
euTI a Jo gsaf pue ggaoN buTIT suotgaod 'Tv :T uotgoeg
'W d 1 4;9 qrseM STT a5ueg 'uPaoN LT dtgsubOJ •p
•ogeaagq eibue ggbta qv peanseatu uagM peoaTiEg
DT ;ToEd uotun go )(oval. utew Teui5Tao au1 ma; kraegsem
puE i aou quegstp Iaa; OOZ PUP 1 .11TM TaITEaed
auTI E JO gsem puE ggaoN buTIT suotlaod 'Tv :T£ uotgoes
ogeaaul aTbuE gg5ta qv peanseauz
uagM peo oT toed UOTUa ;o xoeaq uTvm TEUtbtao age Woa;
Aiaegsem pue 1Taaggaou quegsTP qaa; OOZ PUP 1.14tM TaTTeaad
au a Jo gsem puE ggaoN 5uTAT suotpaod ITV :6T uotpoes
ogeaagq elbue ggbta qv peanseaui
uagM peOaTte2i DT;TDVd uotun ;o xoeaq Uteuz Teutbtao exp. moa;
ATaegs9M puE A119114aou quE4stp qaa; OOZ Pue T TM IaTleaed
BUTT a ;O gsem pue ggaoN BuTAT suoTgaod TIV :ST uoTgoeg
ogaaagq. aTbuE gg5ta qv peanseaw
uagM peoaTTEJ DT toed uotun go xoeaq uTvm TEUtbtao aum uzoa;
kraegseM puE ATaaggaou quegsTP '4 OOZ PUe q -FM T
aUTT a ;o gsaf pue ggaoN butiT suotgaod Tltt :£T uotgoe
ggaoN pue lse nos :LT uotgoes
II'd TT uoTgoes
ITY :6 uoTgoeS
ITV :L uotgoag
ITV :S uotpoag
ITV :E uOtgoeg
6 61
Section 11: All portions lying North and West of a line
parallel with and 200 feet distant northerly and westerly
from the original main track of Union Pacific Railroad when
measured at right angle thereto.
Section 15: All portions lying North and West of a line
parallel with and 200 feet distant northerly and westerly
from the original main track of Union Pacific Railroad when
measured at right angle thereto.
Section 3: All
Section 5: All
Section 7: All
Section 9: All
Section 17: All
Section 19: All
e. Township 18 North, Range 115 West 6th P.M.
Section 1: All
Section 3: All
Section 5: All
Section 7: All
Section 9: All
Section 11: All
Section 13: All
Section 15: All
ITV :LT uoTgoas
Ttv' :5T uotpoag
-Ty :ET uoipoes
ITV :TT uoTpoeg
Ttv :6 uoT109g
ITV :G uoTgoas
ttv :5 uo- oag
ITV uoTgoeg
Ttv T uoz409s
'N' d W39 1s 9TT eBueu 'tt XON LT ditjsuMOy 3
ITV :5£ uoTloas
ITV :EE uozpoes
ITV :T£ uoT�oes
ITV :6Z uoigoas
ITV :GZ uoigoes
'Tv 5Z uoipoes
ITV £Z uoTgoas
ITV :TZ uozpoes
ITV :61 uoTPoeg
ITV :LT uoigoeg
Section 19: All
Section 21: All
Section 23: All
Section 27: All portions lying North of a line parallel
with and 200 feet distant northerly from the original main
track of Union Pacific Railroad.
Section 29: All portions lying North of a line parallel
with and 200 feet distant northerly from the original main
track of Union Pacific Railroad.
g. Township 18 North, Range 116 West 6th P.M.
Section 1: All
Section 3: All
Section 9: All
Section 11: All
Section 13: All
Section 15: All
Section 21: All
Section 23: All
Section 25: All
Section 27i All
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
uobaap at;q, oq i tX diuop oT ;To2d uozun ACT pai 3Auoo
4 sN atiq UT puET jo dzags E gdaoxg 'TTY' :6 uoTgoas
ITV uoTgoas
ITV :T£ uotgoes
'TV TZ uoigoag
ITV :61 uoTg095
ITV :LT uoz4o9g
ttv :L uoTgoag
:g uoTgoas
'W'd R49 gs9M ZTT abuEg 'ggaON 61 dttisu.oy •E
gsva :5Z uoTgoas
qsEg :£T uoTgoeg
'W d qq9 gs LIT abuEg 'qqaoN LI dreisuMOy T
ITV uoTgoas
ITV 2 6Z uoT oas
TIV :TZ uo
'LTV :6 uOT D9S
'rni'd q49 4s9M Lit abuEI 'ggaoN 9T dTgsu!oy 't;
Tiv :5£ uoigoas
'Ty uoTgoes
Short Line Railway Company by Deed No. 13866, dated May
17, 1888, filed March 2, 1889, in Book "D" Deed
Records, Page 400, Uinta County, and transcribed to
Lincoln County Records, and EXCEPT, 80 acres in the E
NE 1/ of Section 9, T.19N., R.112W., of the 6th P.M. and
a portion of the W 4 NE 14 of Section 9 more
particularly described as follows: Beginning at the
North 14 Corner of Section 9, T.19N., R.112W., of the
6th P.M. and running East on section line one fourth of
a mile to the NE Corner of the NW 14 NE 1 4 of Section 9,
thence running South on the 1 4 section line one half
mile to the SE corner of the SW 4 NE 14 of Section 9,
thence running in a northeasterly direction on a
straight line to the N 1 4 corner of Section 9, to the
point of beginning.
Section 29: All, except a 0.229 acre tract of land
in the SW 14 SE 1 4 of Section 29 more particularly
described as follows: Beginning at a point which bears
N. 61 °50' West, a distance of 1526.5 feet from the SE
corner of said Section 29; thence S. 13° 18' West, a
distance of 100.00 feet to a point; thence N. 76 °42'
West, a distance of 100 feet to a point; thence N.
13 °18' East, a distance of 100.00 feet to a point;
thence S. 76 °42" East, a distance of 100.00 feet to the
point of beginning.
b. Township 20 North, Range 112 West 6th P.M.
Section 31: All
6 65
Sections 19 and 29: All the portion lying and being
South and West of a line parallel with and 100 feet distant
southwesterly from the original main track of the Oregon
Short Line Railroad when measured at right angles thereto.
Section 33: All the portion lying and being South and
West of a line parallel with and 100 feet distant
southwesterly from the original main track of the Oregon
ttv :LT uotpoag
'TV :ST uoT oeS
ITV uotpoag
ITV :TT uoT4oag
ITV :6 UOT Q9s
TTY :L uozgoag
ttv :g uoTgoes
ITV :E uoTgoeg
ITV :T u0T10es
'Yd'd 1 149 4sOM £TT abueg 'tt4a0N 61 dzttstutoy •p
ogeaettq seiBue
gttbia qv peanseem uat peoaTTej et rj ;aotts uobaao
alp go xoeaq uTeui TeuTBTao atm uioag Rtaa.8eMttgnos
41.1e sip 499; 00T pue 1 .14TM TeTTeaed aunt a go gsaM
pue ttgnos BuTaq pue buTAT uoTgaod alp ITV T£ uozpoag
'Ld'd ttg9 geem ZTT abueg 'ggaoN TZ dittsumoy •a
•BuiuuTBeq go quiod ettq oq auzT uotpoes
uo eiTtu Nett -auo buTuuna aouattq 'EE uoTgoes go aeuaoo
a91aeno 489M eq4 04 q99 9£L auzT uoTgoes uo ttgnos Buiuuna
eouet(4 1Aeb- go- 1t16tg peo1Tieg war' gaottg uobaao go Saepunoq
gsem att. sgoesaaquT uoTgoes go auzT llaepunoq geem
awl eaet(M quzod a oq uoTgoeaip ATaegeem tgaou a uT eouelp
'AeM- go- gq.6TI peoaiTeg euVI uobaao go euTT geem oq
geeg gg0Z auTT uoTgoes uo gseg buTuuna pue •14'd 1 149 ''MZTT'21
'•NOZ'y 'EE uoTgoes go aauaoo MS att3 qv SUTUUTbag
:40e14 pegiaosap bu•rMOTTog at( :,Ldg3Xg
'ogeIettq satbue gttbia qv peanseeux uet;M peoaTTeu euzZ gaottg
Section 19: All
Section 21: All
Section 23: All
Section 25: All
Section 27: All
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
Section 33: All
Section 35: All
e. Township 20 North, Range 113 West 6th P.M.
Section 5: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S 1
Section7: All
Section9: All
Section 17: All
Sectionl9: All
Section2l: All
Section25: All
Section 27: All
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
ogaaat;q satbuv gt;bza qv paansvaut uattM pEOaTTvu autZ gaol$
uobaap ;o xoaaq uT2ut Teu 5Tao ettq utoa; 1CTaagsa!tnnos
4ue4sTp qaa; OOT Pue tigTM Torte-red autT ;o gs9M Puv
tlgnos buzaq put buTAT uoTgaod geuq TTY' :SZ uoTgoes
'LTV SZ uoTgoag
'TV :£Z uoTgoas
ttv :TZ uoTgoas
ITV :61 uoT409S
ttv :LT uotgoas
'LTV :9T uoT109S
ITV :£T uoTgoas
'ITV :TT tuoTloag
'LTV :6 uoTgoas
ETV :G uoTgoas
'Hy :5 uoTgoas
tt'd :E uoTgoes
'Ty T uoT1oas
'14'd tlg9 3s9M T7TT abuva 'ttga 61 dztjsuMOy •b
tt'd :5£ uoTgoas
'N'd qq9 gs3M £TT abuvE 'tj .ION TZ dTtjsuMOL '3
Tiv :5£ uoTgoas
ITV :E£ uotpoag
Section 27: All
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
Section 33: All
Section 35: All
h. Township 20 North Range 114 West 6th P.M.
Section 1: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S 1
Section 7: All
Section 9: All
Section 11:All
Section 13:All
Section 15:Al1
Section 17:All
Section 19:All
Section 21:A11
Section 23:A11
Section 25:All
Section 27:All
Section 29:A11
Section 31:All
0 e
ttV :T£ uoTgoaS
ttv' :6Z uotp03S
ttv :LZ uoTgoag
ttv SZ uoTgDeS
ITV £Z uoT4098
ITV :TZ uotpoes
ITV :61 uoTgoas
ITV :ST uoTloaS
ITV :ET uoi�oas
Ttv :IT uoTgoas
Ttv :6 uo
ITV L uoT4Des
ITV :9 uoT4oeS
ITV uoTgoeS
ITV :T uoTaoas
'N' d qq9 gs3M 911 e5usg 'qgaoN 61 dtusuboy 'T
ITV :S£ uoT409s
ITV uoT40eS
Section 33: All
Section 35: All
j. Township 20 North, Range 115 West 6th P.M.
Section 11: All
Section 13: All
Section 19: S
Section 21: S 1/
Section 23: All
Section 25: All
Section 27: All
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
Section 33: All
Section 35: All
k. Township 19 North, Range 116 West 6th P.M.
Section 1: All
Section 3: All
Section 11: All
Section 13: All
Section 15: All
'gs9M 191o0 ggn0S 931191 :g O'OOL 30 aouagsTp
'gsaM iT7T7068 g3,aoN eZuagq :g O'ZZ9 3
eouagszp a 'gsEg ,9To0 eouaga. 1 :99; 0'00L
3o 9otE4sTp s 'gsag 07to68 114nos aouag4 :4aa3
O'ZZT 3o aousgsTp a '4saM ,TTZoO g1noS 93u9g1 i6Z
UOT409S pTas 3o aauaoo aalaanb ls3M agq. buTaq
:utod pins '6Z uozpoes 3o a eutT Aaapunoq gs9M
aqp uo pa :aooT quTod t 4a buTuuTbeg :9MOTTo3
SE pegiaosep sT goTgt 3o aa1aWTaad eq.4 'buTutoAM
'A4uno3 uToouT I .W d t(49 :saM ZTT abuag 'g4a0N
61 dtgsuMos '6Z uoTgoaS 3o aagaana gsabg4noS egq.
3o aaga 'enb 4s8MggaoN aqp pus aagaena 4saMggaoN
9q4 3o aa41En0 gsaMg4noS aq4 uT pa :eoot
'buoT gas; ZZ9 Aq apTM gaa3 OOL Pua1 3o Taoaad Y
�J jad02id ammasNvILL DNIMOTIO3 HILL DAII Ld Dxa
TTY :5£ uoT,oaS
g :LZ uoTloss
TTY :SZ uo :oeS
TTY :EZ uoT :oss
TTY :ET uoi :oeS
.N.a 1119 :s9M 9TT eBua21 'tr iom OZ digsubos •T
TTY :S£ uoi4DeS
TTY :EE uo
TTV:LZ uoT4oeS
TTY SZ uoTqoeS
TTY:EZ uoTgoeS
g :TZ uoipoeS
6 I J
a distance of 500.0 feet to the West Quarter
corner of said Section 29, the point of
The above described parcel of land contains
9.995 acres more or less with all of its
A tract of land in the NW 14 NW 1 Section 25,
T.20N., R.115W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Section
25, T.20N., R.115W., 6th P.M. (said corner is
marked with a 5/8" x 30" iron pin); thence North
89 °56' East along the North line of said Section
25 for a distance of 184.28 feet to the TRUE
POINT OF BEGINNING (marked with a 1/2" x 24"
iron pin); thence continuing North 89 °56' East
along the said North line of Section 25 for a
distance of 522.97 feet to a point marked with a
1/2" x 24" iron pin; thence South 0 °04' East,
995.00 feet to a point marked with a 1/2" x 24"
iron pin; thence South 89 °56' West, 455.68 feet
to a point marked with a 1/2 x 24" iron pin;
thence North 29 °17' West along the Easterly side
of a dirt road for a distance of 293.51 feet to
a point marked with a 1/2" x 24" iron pin;
thence Northwesterly along the Easterly side of
the said dirt road on a curve to the right
having a radius of 347.20 feet and a central
angle of 47 °40' for an arc distance of 288.85
feet to a point of tangency (marked with a 1/2"
x 24" iron pin) thence North 18 °23' East along
the Easterly side of the said dirt road 276.15
feet to a point marked with a 1/2" x 24" iron
pin; thence Northeasterly along the Easterly
side of the said dirt road on a curve to the
left having a radius of 393.11 feet and a
central angle of 23 °54' for an arc distance of
163.93 feet to a point of tangency (marked with
a 1/2" x 24" iron pin); thence North 05 °31" West
ogaaattg saTbus gttbta qv peansseux uettz Ausduxo0
psoaTtsg auzZ gaotts uobea0 ;o xosag maul Tsutbtao
egg ;o auzZ aegueo ettg uxoa; ATaegsabttgnos gusgstp
gee; oot Pus ttgnz TeTTsasd eutT s ;o gsaM pus ttgnos
BuTAT attg ;o uoigaod gsug 'Tv :ST uotgoes
•W•d tlg9 gSeM ZTT abusg 'ugaoN 61 dp suMoy •q
ogeaettg seTbus gttbta qv
peanssaux uatIM Ausduxo0 psoauvu 0T ;toed uotun ;o xosag
uTSUt TvuTSTao attg ;o euTT aagueo exp. uxoa; ATaettgaou
gusgsTP ge93 00Z 'DUE' ttgTM lei eutT s ;O ttgaort
ButAT t, /T art ettg ;o suotgaod esottg TTY' :E uotgoeg
seibus gttbta qv peansseux uattM Ausduxo0 peoaTtsg 0T ;toed
uotun ;o xosag uteut TsuTBTao eqg ;o eutT aagueo ettg
uxoa; ATaettgaou guegsTP gee; 00Z Pue ggTM TeTTsasd eutT
s ;o ttgaoN ButAT suotgaod esottg TTV T uotgoes
-y rd t 9 gsaM zit ebusg 'ugaoN 81 dtttsuMOy s
JNINom XJNll00 2iay'VMyasMS
•saaos 000•£T butstaduxo0
;o gutod ettg og 'ssei ao eaoux 'ge9 00.9£
peon gate piss ettg ;o epts ATaagssa eqg buoTs
fi 4,9