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"t CO 1`1LiD U009 2103 IVHI �H sSaw1 (auo urll azouz jt paquosap utazaq salou aul iir sapniout g LON„ uual all pug `.uourIodzoo Jo suOIsst pur `santmuasazdaz !Oa! `sztau ztaul pur luautnzisut stul of sound all apniout „aaovDZ2IOL\I 1 pur .2IODVDDIOLAL, uual all `utazal pasn zanauaiM) *HaDVD.I.2IOY\I all palPo zaljrutazal '011E8 AM `uol1y jo `OJIM pur puegsni -I AVMJAIfHS 'M AQflf pue AVMIAIIIHS H Nid12I0 0l `(S)2IOovo.L2IOYAI all palleo zaljruiazaq `2ututoAm `uoljy jo `Alzadozd alizidas pur aios sr `uoszad pauziut `Q2IO3 gNI LSI2I?I `000Z `zaqutaoo jo Au 12— stgIT a a aax i aaaa a9V911I0IA1 aOVd �a r NOOU MORTGAGE DEED Page 2 of 4 7 5 MORTGAGOR hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims for all persons whosoever; and that the said land is free and clear of all encumbrances except for a mortgage in the original principal amount of TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTEEN ($25,2150 DOLLARS and NO /100 to First National Bank in Afton, Wyoming, Mortgagors, Orlan H. Shumway and Judy W. Shumway, dated October 27, 2000, recorded on October 27, 2000, in Book 454PR on Page 790 of Lincoln County Public Records. Parties agree to release of information by First National Bank at Afton, as to this mortgage to Kristine Ford. It shall be paid before this mortgage is completed or any transfers or assignments hereof. PROVIDED ALWAYS, that if said MORTGAGOR shall pay unto said MORTGAGEE, the certain Promissory Note in the amount of EIGHTY -THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ($83,500) DOLLARS and NO /100, with an interest rate of NINE (9 PERCENT; interest beginning on January 1, 2001, and payments beginning on January 2, 2001, and being due on the second day of every month thereafter, with the last payment being SIX HUNDRED SIXTY -EIGHT ($668 DOLLARS and 46/100 and due on December 2, 2030, as per SCHEDULE "A attached and made a part hereof, and shall perform, comply with, and abide by each and every agreement, stipulation, condition, and covenant thereof', and of this Mortgage, then this mortgage and the estate hereby created shall cease, determine and be null and void. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall not destroy, damage, or substantially change the property or allow the property to deteriorate or commit waste. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall protect the MORTGAGEE'S rights and security in the property. NOT ASSUMABLE NONTRANSFERABLE MORTGAGE, each Party to this mortgage shall be bound individually and severably by the terms therein. If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or transferred without the MORTGAGEE'S prior written consent, the MORTGAGEE may at their option, require immediate payment in full of all sums remaining owed under this Promissory Note and /or Mortgage. The MORTGAGEE shall give the MORTGAGOR notice of Jo abed (Mali a9va xoJni alp Jo uo!.durapaz Jo X.mba puu `.rdauaq VI `swap Hu puu X.zadoad anoqu au. `Jo pasodsip zo pios aq o. asnuo .io Jo asodsrp puu Has puu X.zadozd plus uo asoioazoJ /Cum sOtssu puu szrall mall. `HHDVDJJ'HOINI `aIuS Jo zamod !ions o..uunsznd puu `anoqu paquosap su .Inupap !ions Jo asuo uI sufrssu puu szraIi arari. 10 HHDVD.I1101AI Xq pasiozaxa aq /Cum Iloninn anoqu pagizasap ii.zadozd all. JOAO aiuS JO z3nn0d u `su2!ssu puu 'up!! zratpa. `HHDVVODIOYAI o. s.uuz 2IODVDJJ IOW alit •.Inupap .uanbasgns Xuu jo lima aq. ut auzus aip asaoaaxa o. iq u au. jo zaniunn a.n.i.suoo .ou hulls uot.do pus asiozaxa o. aznpuj puu `Sutpuu.slipmwil kluiwoo au. ol a.0u pus m10 man!! 5uill.icuu `aiquifud puu anp Xia.uipauzuu aurooaq aapioq a.ou ao HaDvani0Y4 au.3o uot.do au. w `lugs pant! suO!s!noad aq. o.luunsznd aiqukud sums zaq.o He q.im zag1132o1. `.saaa.ui puu iudiourzd Tog 'Along paznoas ssaupawaput lam amp aioliM `pauruwoo uiataq .uauraaa2u 10 .uuuanoo ifuu Jo t{auazq Jo asuo 11110 pap!nozd uiazaq su paznsui saslutazd pus uo s.uauzanozdwr aup daal o. spill z0 aojou u011IJAn za.ju sXup (06) X.autu jo poizad u zoj 'pimps Cgazaq ssaupa.gaput au. jo .uaulicud alit ut s.Inupap JI •nnui pamollu a.ua Injmui .sag2tq au..0 JoaIaqp a2.up uuozu .saaa.ur nag Hugs s.uaugud lions Hu puu `zapunazaq .quiz zali.o iiuu 10 3S0I0310J o. uoi.do alit 2ui.oaJJu z0 2utntum lnotpm auras au. Xud Xuuz I IDVO 1,JQ JAI ally `zali.ia z0 `oaapoJAI SIT puu aTOM pus Jo am.iln aiquXud Xauoul jo ums lap zo `.uauzssassu x11. puu `anp wpm iced o. sirup 210 VD.L?IOYAI alp wana au. uI •tall.ia 10 `02u21z0YAI sill. puu a.oM plus ut 4310J .as .uuuanoo puu `uop!puoo `uopvindt.s `.uaUIaaau Xaana puu lloua Xq apiqu puu `q !M Xidumo ifiinJ puu Xpdumad o� 2iOOVaLlIOI au. Jo aanliuj ay. Jo asnuoaq ggovar IOYAI alit 'q mud JO palatal! ,ilquuosuaI `satioauas aip. puu `saaJ iauzo..0 aiquuosuaz 2utpniout sasuadxa puu `saaaugo `s.soo Hu /Cud o. `auli. Aug .0 uoazam s.uautanozdua ag. zo/puu Xpodozd plus Jo uopuzoraa.ap a0 `.uauzatudull `a.sunn ou za3Jns 10 `.turutoo .iuzaad o} :k.aadozd pus uo azn.uu "(ma 10 saouuaqumoua puu `suoiu2tigo `sopluquil `satnal `s.uautssassu `saxu. 041 JRIOuls puu IIu 1fud o. `zall.ia 10 `3201zouz silp puu a.ou plus u! zoj paptnozd /Callow jo sums zall.o puu `.saza.ut puu Iudiouud au. `anp uagm `Xpdutoad 1ud o. saaau puu s.uuuanoo aali.zr 2IO JV91 IOI�1I mu UNV •01ou plus JO a.up jj0)1?d au. pua.xa o. 1011 `IOAOMOLI 400104 143u11fud a.aidtuoo o. sX p (06) X.autu pamoiI1 oq iiuus 2IODVD.L}IOY\I 'u0i.uaaiaoou MORTGAGOR, their heirs or assigns, therein, at public auction, for cash according to Title 34, Chapter 4, Wyoming Statutes, as the same presently exists or may hereafter be amended. MORTGAGOR AGREES to deliver peaceful possession upon demand and notice to the MORTGAGEE, said demand may be exercised after ninety (90) days notice of foreclosure and /or acceleration of the unpaid balance of the note. It is the intent of this mortgage that the MORTGAGEE shall receive possession during any foreclosure action. Failure by the MORTGAGEE to exercise any of the rights or options herein provided shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the MORTGAGORS have set their hand and seal the day and year first above written, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this day of December, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this 3 day of September 2000, personally appeared Kristine Ford, to be the person(s) described in and who executed 'the foregoing MORTGAGE DEED, after by me first being duly sworn, acknowledged that they executed the same as their own free act and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal. O. DAVID GARDN County of uncoki Commission WI miss State of n Expires: MORTGAGE DEED Page 4 of 4 K STINE FORD 4-"r NOTARY PUB, V)d neeiQ) 3 ZJo i a2ed QnIOd /AvAthIRHS A2IOSSIViTOUId °Jouz Jt Aigeaanas puu Ailutof `paufisiapun aqi `linu4.ap Jo loan am ui •lineJap luanbasgns /cue Jo luana am ut awes am astotaxa o} lq t1 am Jo zantenn u ainitisuoo lou hells uotldo plus astoaaxa of a.mirel puu `Outpuuismymou A.tealuoo am of aeOltout plus ut Jo utazaq 2utgliiuu `aigeiiud puu anp Alalulpauzuti autooaq aapioq alou ao ggOilgO aqi Jo uotido alp lu `Timis 'pang suotstnozd aqi of luunsand aigeXed sums Jaglo iiu gun& zagiaol `Isazalui puu iedtoutud gloq `Agaaati paanoas ssaupalgapui uagi aql jo aiotiM aril `paureluoo maJaq luauzaai2e .zo lueuanoo /cue jo gouaaq jo aseo ut JO papinoad maim.' se paansut sastuzaid plus uo sluauzanoadutt am daax of sham ao aotiou uallt.im aalJ1 s,iup (06) Xlautu jo pouad e aoJ painoas Apia{ ssaupalgapui am Io luau.0 d agl ui siine ap ZiO JI'IHO 01 11 .11 '0£OZ `Z aaqutaoau uo iinj u1 pled aq hugs aloM klossTUtozd a a E 'OOi/9t7 puu IHDIN AIXIS CIMIQNI1H XIS JO lunoute aql u1 Ouiag luautiied lSei aqi glinn mum pea Jo kup puooas am uo anp 00 puu S2Iv'I'IOQ MATS AIXIS Q IQNf1H XIS JO lunouze aril ut aq Hugs sluauJJud 'Z lumumg5 rn Apnf puu XeMumgS E uuiz0 /iq paleu aspwaglo se JO '011E8 2uiuto1iA `uolJy ut AvmumgS iipn f puu iieMuzngg •H ueia0 oI Xiloaatp apeux aq hugs (s)luauged I '100Z `Z £aenuu f uo 1.1uls of sivauiXed puu `IOOZ `I kenuef uo lzels of lsatalui •s.tuaX (p£) �la popad u .tol paziltoute isazalut INDO}I Id %6) iNIN gl?N\ 00I /ON pU SHY (oo00S`£8$) Qg2IQNf1H 3AId QNVSf1OH.L H IH L LHDI 1 Jo ums iedroupd aql `altm puu puugsnH 'AV/AI/VMS 'A1 AQflf puu AVA1IAIf1HS 'H WINO Xud of asruzoad `auo uugi aaoumlt AN puu `QaNi0IS2IaQNf1 aHS. Sututofim `uo1JV '0002 ©g: aaguzaoaG :Jammu' Outnnoijo3 aril ut anp oq hugs J MJI'IAVd alOIKI MMIOSS1AA1O21• 0-0OOS`£8$ than one, agree to pay all costs of collection including a reasonable attorney fee to the holder's attorney, whether suit be brought or not. The ninety day notice shall be considered received when mailed in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, or personally served by a law enforcement officer. THE UNDERSIGNED shall have the right to prepay all or any portion of this Note at any time prior to maturity without penalty. PRESENTMENT, protest, notice of protest, and notice of dishonor are hereby waived. DATED this3 day of December, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING I SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN /STE FORD. The foregoing Promissory Note was acknowledged before me by Kristine Ford on this SV day of December, 2000, declaring it an act of their free will and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 79 NOTARY PUBLIC PROMISSORY NOTE SHUMWAY /FORD Page 2 of 2 6aNE A 757