HomeMy WebLinkAbout870587BOOK457_PR PAGE 8 LL 870587 MORTGAGE RICHARD L. JENKINS and KATHLEEN A. JENKINS, husband and wife Mortgagors of Alpine County of Lincoln State of Wyoming, hereby mortgage to EDWIN G. McNEEL and FLORENCE M. McNEEL, husband and wife Mortgagees of P.O. Box 3031, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum of ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY -SIX AND 21/100 DOLLARS ($111,776.21) the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: A tract of land lying in and being a portion of the SE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 4, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South boundary of said Section 4, said point being 32.36 feet S89 °42'16 "E from a BLM type monument marking the Southwest corner of said SE1/4SE1 /4; thence North 965.75 feet; thence S43 °28'27 "E 1199.52 feet; thence S4 °50'48 "E 100.00 feet thence N89 °42'14 "W 833.82 feet to the Point of Beginning. This mortgage is given to secure the following indebtedness: One note of even date herewith for $111,776.21 made payable at interest specified in the note. Commission expires: 9/12/03 Residing in: Jackson, Wyoming State of Wyoming County of Teton This mortgage is intended to cover the rents and profits of said property, and consent is hereby given after default, for the appointment of a receiver by any competent court and the receiver is hereby authorized to rent the said property and apply the proceeds on this obligation. The Mortgagors agree to keep the buildings now on said premises or hereafter erected thereon fully insured against Toss by fire in some fire insurance company approved by the mortgagee, with loss, if any payable to mortgagee, during the life of this mortgage. The Mortgagors also agree to pay all taxes and assessments on said premises, including any assessments that may be levied on water rights or shares of stock used in connection herewith, or held as collateral with the above note; also any tax that may be assessed by reason of this mortgage or the debt secured thereby, and reasonable attorney's fees in case of foreclosure, or the commencement of any legal proceedings for foreclosure of the same, and said attorney's fees shall be added to the amount due on this mortgage, and made a lien on the premises described herein. In case of default in the payment of any sum covenanted to be paid, either the principal or interest when the same shall become due and payable, or in case of default in the performance of any covenant herein contained, the whole amount of this indebtedness secured herein may be immediately declared due and payable, and to bear interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum from the date of such default, and this mortgage foreclosed at the option of the legal holder. In the event of default, Mortgagors grant to Mortgagees a Power of Sale to foreclose on and sell said property as public auction pursuant to 34 -4 -101 et seq. Wyo. Stat., 1977, or its successor. WITNESS the hand of said mortgagor, this 3rd day of January A.D. 20 01 Signed in the presence of Richard L. Jenkins a .s.Adbau,..4 Kathleen A. Jenkins On the 3rd day of January A.D. J! o nally appeared before me, Richard L. Jenkins and Kathleen A. Jenkins, the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public LAND TITLE COMPANY ttG LINCOLN COUNTY Y CLERK 01 JAN 14 2 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER. WYOMING It IiELEASE pp. f Q 'This M gage 6f MBRMUS a n e and at the to of Lo 7