HomeMy WebLinkAbout870589870589 Boox4 pR p .GE II 1 3 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE THIS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate Mortgage executed by Don S. Olson, a single man and Barbara H. Crawford, a single woman, as Mortgagors to Edwin G. McNeel and Florence M. McNeel, husband and wife as Mortgagee Dated July 3, 1997 and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on July 7, 1997, in Book 399 of P.R. at Page 82 thereof, and for the sum of $120,000.00 A tract of land lying in and being a portion of the SE1 /4SE1 /4 of Section 4, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South boundary of said Section 4, said point being 32.36 feet S89 42'16 "E from a BLM type monument marking the Southwest corner of said SE1 /4SE1 /4; thence North 965.75 feet; thence S43 28'27 "E 1199.52 feet; thence S4 50'48 "E 100.00 feet; thence N89 42'14 "w 833.82 feet to the Point of Beginning. has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled and discharged. WITNESS my hand this 2nd STATE OF WYOMING County of Teton :SS day of January Edwin G. McNeel Florence M. McNeel On the 2nd day of January, A.D., 2001 personally appeared before me Edwin G. Mcneel and Florence M. McNeel, the signersof the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that .1t: executed the same. ey Notary Public A.D., 2001 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 AN kin I0 t JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER. WYOMING Commission expires: q Residing J cc wujoVYL L,u