HomeMy WebLinkAbout870605aE 'EAsE oa a rt g9 ge L_ `7 1r!ititAits SEE B��Qk DOLLAR MORTGAGE CORPORATION 7578 EL CAJON BOULEVARD LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 91941 -4846 LOAN NO. 11- 1921 -00 MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE is made this 29t h day of DECEMBER 2000 between the Mortgagor, BRENT A. SHEETS AND KYM SHEETS, HUSBAND AND WIFE (herein "Borrower and the Mortgagee, DOLLAR MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION a corporation organized and existing under the laws of CALIFORNIA whose address is 7578 EL CAJON BOULEVARD, LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 91941 -4846 (herein "Lender WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to Lender in the Principal sum of U.S. 26,400.00 which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note dated DECEMBER 29 2000 and extensions and renewals thereof (herein "Note providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, with the balance of indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on JANUARY 4 2026 TO SECURE to Lender the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon; the payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this Mortgage; and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of LINCOLN State of Wyoming: LOT 20 OF BLOCK 2 OF THE LINCOLN HEIGHTS 4TH SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF KEMMERER, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF which has the address of 1409 ANTELOPE STREET, KEMMERER [street] Wyoming 83101 (herein "Property Address [Zip Code] 870605 WYOMING- SECOND MORTGAGE -1 /80- FNMA /FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT HP421105 -12/97 59734.1 2050 Page 1 of 6 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 JAN t 3 7 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER, WYOMING BOOK45 PR PAGE 8 2 5 [City] Form 3851 IS8£ MIO3 9 Jo Z ,2rd LG /ZI 1NaN1f11I.LSNI 1112103INI1 ONPIH3/MIN3 /i 1101A1 QNO3 S •a5u21101v sup rano /Ciuoud sug gO1gm uall qum luatuaaz$u /fumoas aaglo .ro isn.zl ;o paap `a5uSuow /Cur ;o aural 0141 of loafgns `;oa.ragl siumauar puu satotiod a14l !Nog o1 1g2u 0141 anuq ins .rapua'l •iapual o1 alquidaooz win; p TIT puu Jo aonu3 ut asnupO af13quow piupuuls u apniout hugs puu .rapual 01 alquldaoou tu.zoj 13 u! aq hugs loaaagl siumaua1 puu satotlod aou13lnsur Itd •piaggltm /Clg13uos13aiun aq lou hugs 113norddu lions 113141 `papinoad rapua-1 /Cq lunordd13 o1 loafgns iamor.rog Xq uasogo aq hugs aou13.insur 0141 .rau.1u0 aouu1nsut aqd, •artnbar Cpw zapual se spouad guns ro3 pup slunow13 guns ut puu onnbar Aral .rapual s13 sprung laglo Bons pup „au.ranoO papualxa„ wioi alp ui14lrm papnlout sprung 'gig /iq ssol 1SUf u paznsu! /cuadord alp uo polo= .ral;ua1 1410 2u11s1xa mou sluawano.rdwr 0941 daa3I Hugs aamoiiog •aaue.lnsui rumen •S •/iuu p 'mar punoa2 ro s1UawSud piotasuoi puu `a2airoy■j sups .rano X uol.zd u urullu /Cum gotgm /Cuadoad 0941 0l aiquingt.zllu suOptsodwr puu scut; `sa ng° raw pup sluawssassu `saxul iiu piud aq o1 asnuo 10 /Cud Hugs iamonog anp uagm sivaw/iud @Tutu 01 slrruaanoo S,Jamo.00g 2Urpnl3U1 `a$132LIOw sup .rano /ilt.roud spg iOtgm 130141 u 1.11rm luawaal213 /Clt•1fOas .ra9410 .r0 lsrul ;o paap `a213R1.1otu /cup .spun suotratigo S nMOI.log JO HE woo ;.rod iipgs aamonog •suafl :saneup :1snJJ jo spaaa pun sa21 ioy4I aoi.rd 'b •alON alp jo ipd!ou!1d alp o1 tram puu `aloN alp Uo aigp/ipd 1sa1alut o1 uagl 'pang Z gduaguaud .spun .raM011og Xq .rapuaJ o1 aiqu,cud slunoun ;o luatu/fud ur tug .rapuag /cq patiddu aq hugs ;oaiaq z puu i sgdrauxed puu aloN 0941 .spun .rapua-i /cq pa /vapor sluaw/cud iiu `astm.raglo saptnord mui aiquotiddu ssaiun •s1uaut,fed jo uot;eotiddd •aadirow sup /cq pam0as stuns 0941 lstur2u upon u se uotlu3Tlddu Jo Pulp 0141 lu .rapual Xq piag spung /Cup `.rapual Xq uoptsinbou su zo /clradord ag1 Jo al[S alp 01 .rood /Clalplpau.rwt n13141 Jam! ou `/Ciddp hulls iapua `iapua-i /cq pa.rtnbo1 astm1aglo s! /il.radord 0941 _to pios st /C1.rado.Jd ag1 J0a1ag LT gdui2uzpd .spun 3i •iapua-1 /Cq piag spung XU9l .ramo.rlog 01 puma.' /Cildwozd (lugs rapuaq a�p5lioyll sup /cq pamoas stuns IIu ;o Tin; ut luatu/Cud uodn •a.unba.r /ipw Iapua Su sluatu/C13d NOW 10 auo Ul /fOUarogap alp do avw o1 /ii ssaoau lunowr Attu rapual 01 /Cud hugs ramp rot `anp iiu; /Cag1 Su slua.r punoA puu stunttuaad aouuansur `sluawssassu `soxpl /Cud 01 luatOl;;ns aq 1ou Bugs 1apual Xq piaq spung alp Jo lunowu alp J1 •spung Jo S1uaWTlulsU ,Cigluow uo .ramoI1og 01 palrpa10 .10 Iamor.rog o1 mufti XHdwo.rd 10141!0 `uotldo s,iamo.uog 113 `aq hugs ssaoxa lions `anp Hu; /Ca141 s13 qua.' punor2 puu swntwaid aou insur `sluawssassu `saxul plus /fud 01 partnbar lunowu alp paaoxa hugs `slum pUno.r2 puu stuntmaid ammo! `sluawssassu `sax131 ;o saw!) anp ag1 01 -rood alqu,Cud spung Jo sluawiiulsut /sigluow arm,' ag1 gum .silo &01 `lapuarl Xq Nag spung alp ;o lunowp ag13i •a2u5irop\i sup /cq pa.rnoas stuns a141 .10J /C1!.rnoas iuuotuppu s13 pa2paid 0313 spung ag,i •apuw sum spung aril 01 1lgap gota gotgm 101 asod.rnd 0941 puu spung x141 or Sligap puu sltparo Dutmogs spung 0141 ;o 2utlun000u Fiume 1113 `Arpgo lnogum `.10M01rog o1 an1W hugs .rapuaq •spung alp uo S 11!Urea 10 Natoli!! Auu ramorlos /Cud 01 pa.rinboi aq 1ou Bugs rapua'i 'turd aq 01 150101ut guns saunba.r muI alquotiddu ro apuw st 1Uawaal513 tons ssaiun puu `ramonoH 01 mud aq hugs spung a141 uo 1S0101ut 113141 a21351.10yAi sup ,10 uopnoaxa ;o awt1 alp lu �urlum ul aa.rf13 Amu .rapual puu 10M01108 '0 113140 13 lions a)l13w 01 aapuaq suw.rad mu! aiquotiddu 11U13 spung agl uo ISOIOlut 10M0110g scud 10 130'4 ssaiun `511iq puu sluawssassu plus $Utitdwoo pyre 2Ut/CJl.ran .10 lunoao13 plus uiz/Ci13rre `spung 0141 5Ur/Clddu puu 2uipio14 os .ro; 05113140 1091 /Cum 1apua'i 'mar pun0a puu stunitua.ld 0OU13ansur `sluawssassu `saxul p!us ,Cud 01 spung 0141 /Cidd13 iipgs iapual •(uotlnitlsul 1313 Tons st rapual 4! raptraq 21ipnioui) /SOUa513 a1131s 10 iu.zapag p /iq p001U13run2 10 pamsul 011314O114m ;o sluno001310 sltsodap a941 uopnulsut 1313 ui piag aq Bugs spung a941 `iapua-1 01 spung scud 10M01.10g J1 •1apuai 113uot1nIjIsur 1313 Si 100014 gOns 41 lsn11 3o paap ro 0 132lzow .rood 13 ;o .raping agl 01 sluaw/S13d 94Ons sa)T13m aamozrog 113141 IUOIx0 0141 01 Iapual 01 spung ;o sluaw/i13d 40138 oval 01 palatigo aq IOU Hulls Iamoriog °4001094) saluwilsa aig13uos13ai puu sing puu S1UaUSSasS13 ;o slog at1 uo Jopun /Cq awp of awp wag puu /ilj13piUT pal13wpsa /iig13uos13a.r 813 iiu '/cUU JT 'ammo! 0 1 um.'” lo; slu0Urii13lsut wntwaad /cl.r13a/C ;o glJiaml -auo snid `aOU13msuI Nuz1394 .ro; sluaurilplsut wntwaid /ila13a/C Jo qulaml -auo snid `/81313 •11 `/C1.1ad01d a941 uo swat punor2 puu a5u2110y\1 sup .rano /cluoud 131131113 Amu 140194m (/cue 4! `sluawssassu IUawdOlanap uun pauuuid pun urniuimopuoo 2utpnioui) sluamssass13 111313 80x131 i p13a/i x941 ;o quiaml -auo 01 iunba „spung„ utara14) mns 13 `iir!i ut mud sl aloN 0941 !pun `aloN 0941 .spun alg13/C13d 0113 lsaaalut puu iudioulid ;o swam/cud /Cigluow /Cup alp uo 1apuaq 0) /C13d Bugs 10M0 1014 `.rapua' Aq .rantum ualltsm 13 Jo mu! alg13otidd13 01 loafgns •aOUeansul pue Saxn,I .10j spun3 •Z •alol l 0141 131 papinozd 813 S0 113140 01131 puu alolq 0141 iq paouapina ssaupaigaput )8010113t puu iudlouud 0141 anp na14m /Cud /Cpdword dugs ramor.rog •asaaaaul pue ledPU!.Id ,lo ;uaur,fed 'i :SMOII0J S13 aa.rg13 puu 1U13rran0O .rapual 11113 .ramoiiog 'S.LNVNgA00 1Al2IOtIINn •p10001 Jo saoutigwnoua 01 loafgns `spu13wap pu13 sU.rt13j0 1i13 1sareg13 /C1.rado1d alp 01 01111 0141 /Cituraua5 pua II1m puu S1n13IS13m romorrog 113141 sluuuano0 .ramorrog pima! ;o saou13lgwnoua 10; ldaOxa `paaagwnouaun sr /C1.radord 0141 113 pup /Cuadoad all /CanuoO pup 1U131 `0$13 luow 01 1q41 0141 81314 pup pa/ianu0o /Cga1a94 a1131sa x141 ;o pastas /cllnJmul st ramor.rog 113141 slupuano0 1amo.r1Og /cl.radoad„ 0941 Su 01 pa.r10401 rai;13u101014 0113 (P101405ra! 13 uo ST a2u2110y%i sup 41 a1131sa p1014aS1301 alp ro) Xuadord plus 141tm aa9410201 `'U!0 0 04 0941 ;o ire pup :0 13 1J0yAi sup Xq pa1ano0 /clrado.rd 0141 3o )113d 13 tumor puu aq 01 p0U100 aq hugs gown\ Jo 11u `811301 puu sa0U13a01indd13 `s1g2u `sluawas13a nu puu `/cuado.rd a941 uo pal0a1a 1014130/094 10 mou sluawanordwl 0141 Ii 1 41!m 213HJ2DOJ, 00 TZ6T TT 'ON NVO7 9 ZS !0904.80 08'70605 LOAN NO. 11- 1921 -00 In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage. 6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Borrower shall keep the Property in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration or covenants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by -laws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit development, and constituent documents. 7. Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Mortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in the Property, then Lender, at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such appearances, disburse such sums, including reasonable attorneys' fees, and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Mortgage, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for such insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall become additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder. 8. Inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's interest in the Property. 9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender, subject to the terms of any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage. 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. 11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co -signs this Mortgage, but does not execute the Note, (a) is co- signing this Mortgage only to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property to Lender under the terms of this Mortgage, (b) is not personally liable on the Note or under this Mortgage, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereunder may agree to extend, modify, forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this Mortgage or the Note without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Mortgage as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. 12. Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by Certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this Mortgage shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. WYOMING- SECOND MORTGAGE -1/80- FNMA /FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT HP421107 -12/97 Page 3 of 6 827 Form 3851 TS8( umo3 818 910 b abed 509080 L6 /ZI LN�InIR2ILSNI 1 1O.INR DIVIH3 /VNIN1 /1 OIH QNOOgS •paam000 peg uopulaiaoOr ou se loopy pur aoio,; iin3 ul curt= iirgs Cga.zaq pa.moas suour3iigo ail pur a3r31aoy\i sup `1aMolog Cq alno pur 3uatu1Crd qons uodn •pantrdtulun anuliuoo iirgs a2E23Joyi sup RI paanoas sums am iced of uout31igo s,10MO11og puu iCuadoid alp ut Isamu!! s,lapuo `a3r2iJoy\i sup ;o uaii alp 11941 aanssr of annbai Xigruosuai ,Crm Jopua'i sr uotlor qons 50x191 10mo1Jog (p) pur :sap; ,SiCau1011r aigruosra.t `ol pant!' lou mg `3ulpniOUl ;001094 Li gdrifuird u► papinoid st salpawai s,iapua7 3u!o1ojua tit pur `a31311ow sip ui pau111uoO 10MO110g JO slu0maa13r pur sluruanoO 0141 3uiolo;ua ui .Iapual /Cq paunoul sasuadxa aigruosrai jig sad 1amo11og (o) :a3r311oj sup ui pauteluoo 1aMOfog 3o sluatuaa13r 10 sluruanoo 10410 ,Cue 3o sagoralq iir saano 1aMOfog (q) :palln000 uotlr1aiaOOr ou ptq a30N aqi put a3t311oyl sup Japan anp u0g1 0q mom gOtgm sums iii lapual s,iud 1OMO11Og (r) ;1 a3t311oyAi Sup 2wO1o4ua luaul3pnf t 3o Aiwa (u) 10 0203101A1 sup ul pauitluoo airs ;o 1aMOd ail 01 lurnsind iil.tado1d 0941 3o aius a.topaq /itp 8131; aq1 (i) 3o mn000 of 1alura aql of lolad au ,iir lu panupuoosip a3r311oiN sup aoao4U0 01 1apun Liq un3aq s3uipaaoold 'cur anuq 01 314311 at 1 anal Iir I 1aM0110g `goralq s,Jamolaog o1 anp g31311oyAi sup iCq palnOas sums 0941 ;o U0U110pOOr s,lapuari 3ulpurlsgltmloN •aunsulag 01 1112TH mamoaaog gT •010009{1 pa1lpua ,fiir3ai suosaad ao uosaad alp 01 ',fur J! 'ssaaxa aq1 (a) pur :a31931aoyv sup Sq pampas stuns lir o1 (q) :aauaptna aim jo slsoa puu saa3 ,sSauaol,r aiquuosraa '03 pallmli 1ou 1nq '21lpniaui 'airs 094130 sasuadxa pur slsoa aigruosraa iir o1 (19) :aapao 3utmoiio3 0941 ut patid& aq Hulls airs aqp jo spaaooad 0941 •airs fur 119 Slaadoad aq1 asrgpand ,Ceti aaut3sap s ao aapua' •Mri aiquaiiddr Sq pagtaasaad aauurut 0941 uI pios aq iirgs £laadoad 0941 pur airs jo aopou 0941 gsgqnd Hugs aapua7 joaaaq Z1 gdra3raed ut paptnoad aauurtu aql ut aamoaaog o1 airs ag1jo aopou r jo ,fdoa r Ilan Reis aapuo •Mri aigrojddr typn aaurpaoaar ul 'luaaa33lp 31 'Slaadoad 0941,0 uotssassod ut uosaad 041 01 pur aamoaaog 01 asopaa0,l 01 maul! 3o aopou 040 iirgs aapua7 'airs 3o aamod aq1 salonut aapua-i 3I •saa3 ,Sauaopp aig19uoslaa '01 paltutq lou lug '2uipniaul `Li gdrarard sup ut paptnoad saipauiaa 041 3umsand ut paaanaul sasuadxa pur s3sOO aigruosraa iir P0110a 01 paililua aq iiugs aapuo •mri aigrotiddr Sq palliutaad satpamaa 10410 Sur pur airs 3o aamod aql a)ionut ,few pur purtuap aa41an3 lnogilM aigr,frd pur anp Sialripotum aq o1 a3r31aoy%i sup ,fq paanaas sums ail jo tie air ,few uoildo s 119 aapuo 'a1tlou 0941 ut patipads amp am aaoiaq ao uo paana lou st gamic' am Al •airs pur uollraapa)r o1 aamoaaog JO asualap .10410 fur ao linrJap r 3o aaualsixauou 0941 laassr 01 uot3Or o1 lano) 19 3utaq Ol 143!0 0941 pur uoilraap0Or lake alrlsulaa o1 143!.1 041 3o aaMOaaog UJaOlut aagpnl iiugs aopou 0111 •03193100}\1 sign Sq paanaas sums 04130 uoilraaiaaar u► linsaa ,frui a0110U 041 ui pa1Jtoads amp 0941 aaojaq .10 uo gamut ions aana 01 aanit1j 11941 (b) pur :palm aq lsnut garaaq ions gat4M fg 'aaMOaaog o1 pai utu st aopou a41 amp a41 utoa3 s,fup Oi uegl ssoI 1ou 'amp 19 :ipeaaq tans aano 01 paainbaa uo11Or 041 (z) garaaq ail (1) :3u!Snaads rang Z1 gdra2rird ut paptnoad sr a0MOa1011 03 aa1lou anl2 Hugs uopraaia0Or 01 aoNad aapua' 'a319naoyAi sup ,fq paanoas sums Sur anp ua4M iced o1 8luruanoO 041 31qpnpui 'ailr3lJ0jAJ S1g1 ut aamoaaog 30 luatuaaa3r ao luruanoa fur jo LO19aaq mamoaaog uodn 'palm! 9j gdra3rard ut paptnoad sr 1da)xg •satpatuag !uotlraalaooy 'LT :SMOII 3 Sr 00131 pur IU13UOn0O _Tatum; aapua'i pur IOMOJ1Og 'SINVNgAOO IN2IOdINf1 LION •1OMOIIOg 110 purtuap 10 0011091 1ag11n3 lnoglim a31311oyAi si141 palliullad sat Xur axonut iittu 1apun `poilad sup 3o uoutlldxa ag1011otld sums asap iced 01 s91310M0110g 3i •a3u311oyAi sup Xq pampas stuns Hu Xud ism 1amo11og gown\ UIg1IM pailutu 10 palanliap 5! aopou 0141 altp 0141 1.1101; S,Cup 0£ 9113141 ssai 1ou ;o pound e apinold iirgs 0011091 01 a •009e101000E ;0 0011091 aamoaaog an13 Hr's lapual `uolld0 sigl SOS1OI0x0 1apuf 31 •a31311oyAi sup Jo alrp a1413o sr mri 11910P 4 pallglgoid si asiolaxa p lapua'-i iiq pasIOlaxa aq lou Hulls uoildo slip `aanamoH •a3u3l1oy\i sup Ai pampas sums Fir 3o Ilni 91 1 luauliird alr1paun111 almbal `uouldo sll 119 `/Crw lapuag `luasuoo uanum 1o11d s,Japua'i lnoglim (uosaad Timm r 1091 s1 1aMO11og pur pa11g4su1a1 10 pins Si 1gmo11og uj Isamu!! irl0t4auaq 1 ;1 10) pa11a3SU111 10 pios 54 34 ui Isamu"! Cu19 10 C110d0ad 0141 ;o 11rd X911 10 HP 3I 'aamoaaog U1 lsaaalui tep!Jauag 19 a0 ,flaad0ad aql Jo aalsu1II '9T •iC11ado1d 041 01 0pr111 sluaUlanO1du11 g11M uo11Oauuo0 911 saO1nlas 10 Siru011u1 `10gri ,Ciddns oqm sa111ed 1su113e aneq 1feu1 aaMOaaog gO1gm sasua4ap 10 stuluio `s314341 /Cur 3o luau1U31sse ut `10pua'i 03 0igrld000r U11o3 r 911 `10pua'i 01 aaniiap pur alnOaxa 03 1am01108 aalnbaa iCem `uogdo s,aapuo i 11 `lapUo4 aapul 1111M 01911 5101910 aamoaaog 940t4M 1uau10013e 01304 101110 10 `11rd01 'IUO1.1WOAOadW1 uogtl1Fugal 011014 U19 lapin suo1113iigo s,10MO11Og 3o lie iiuini pulls 10101114 •luatuaaa3V uro7 uo1i •ST 3001014 u01113p10001 101319 10 9101111009(0 3o atoll ail 1r a31311ohl 518140 put 010N ag13o Moo pau1104uo0 r pagsiuln3 aq Iiugs aamoaaog Sdop yam0aaog •i,1 •91101094 p011un11 10 met aigroliddu iiq pa11g1goad lou 19101x0 ail of sums iir apni0ut „spat s Caulollr put „sasuadxa„ „sisoO„ `ulalag pasn sd •aigrlanas aq o1 pgarpap WE 010N ag1 put a31311oy\i slip 3o suoisInold 0141 pug sail 03 pur `UOts1nold 3 U!1Oiliuo 0 0141 lnoglim 100330 uan13 aq u1O 1401gm aloN am 10 a3131101A4 sup 3o suolsInold 109410 100 ;319 loo iirgs 101i;uo0 Tons 'mui aigtoiidde g11M 5 1Olt ;uo a1oN am 10 a313310N sup 3o asntmO ao uo18inold titre 11941 liana alp ui •a3u311oiAi s1941 01 M19i'rlapad Jo Xllitquofddu aril mull 1ou pugs aOUaIUas 3 uTO 0103 ag1 •palrooi Si iilladold ag1 gotgm 911 uoiloipsunf 0141 ;o smri alp aq putts a31931JoiAi sup 01 0 lgroliddr smri hoot put alrls 0941 •Sltpgraanas :M1V autuaano) •£T 00 TZ6T TT 'ON NvO'I 0870605 LOAN NO. 11- 1921 -00 19. Assignment of Rents; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due and payable. Upon acceleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property, and at any time prior to the expiration of any period of redemption following judicial sale, Lender, in person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver, shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received. 20. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall release this Mortgage without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. 21. Waiver of Homestead. Borrower hereby waives all right of homestead exemption in the Property. Borrower and Lender request the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage to give Notice to Lender, at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Mortgage, of any default under the superior encumbrance and of any sale or other foreclosure action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Borrower has executed this Mortgage. IL, tf, REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE UNDER SUPERIOR MORTGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRUST Borrower Borrower BRENT A SHEETS Borrower KY HE TS Borrower WYOMING- SECOND MORTGAGE -1/80- FNMA /FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT HP421109 -12/97 59734.1 2050 Page 5 of 6 829 Borrower Borrower Form 3851 0870605 LOAN NO. 11- 1921 -00 STATE OF WYOMING, by Brent A. Sheets and Kym Sheets [person acknowledging] My Commission expires: March 25, 2002 ornmsssion xp ae. 414:0 WYOMING- SECOND MORTGAGE -1/80- FNMA /FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT HP421110 -12/97 WITNESS my hand and official seal. WANDA N. NEWMAN COW/ IA' NOTARY PUBLIC Lincoln County ss: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day of December, 2000 ;TAI_ OF 0 2Space Below This Line Reserved For Lender and Recorder) 4I Page 6 of 6 [date] Notary Public 830 Form 3851