HomeMy WebLinkAbout971348RECEIVED 6/7/2013 at 10:15 AM RECEIVING 971348 BOOK: 813 PAGE: 171 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 of 3 I, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP, WHICH MERGES: "NORTH CENTRAL OIZ CORPORATION A DELAWARE CORPORATION, WITH AND INTO "POGO PRODUCING COMPANY" UNDER THE NAME OF "POGO PRODUCING COMPANY A CORPORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LANS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2005, AT 11 :30 O'CLOCK A.M. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AFORESAID CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP IS THE THIRTY —FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 2005, AT 11:59 O'CLOCK A.M. 0743711 8100M 121280213 You may vir:fy this crrtiificats onlu m at corp delaware gov /authvsr,shtwl I hereby certify on May 17, 2013 INENME 3 PGS Delaware The First State AUT. CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE 1 Jeffrey W Bullock Secretary of State ION: 0025912 DATE;: 11 -30 -12 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON The above is a full, true, and correct photographic copy of the original record now in my laytfdl 'chls'to'd! and,possession, as the same is recorded in the Official Public Records of the Galveston County Real Property Records in Instrument 2012068183 and Pages #1 t r 'MIGHT D. SULLIVAN, COUNTY CLERK (3AlirVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS n 2012068183 001.71 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON I hereby certify on May 17, 2013 Page 2 of 3 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP MERGING NORTH CENTRAL OIL CORPORATION INTO POGO PRODUCING COMPANY (Pursuant to Section 253 of the General Corporation Laws of Delaware) Pogo Producing Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws the State of Delaware, "POGO") DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That Pogo was incorporated on the 19th day of February, 1970, pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. 2. That Pogo owns one hundred percent (100%) of the outstanding shares of the capital stock, $1.00 par value per share, of North Central Oil Corporation "NORTH CENTRAL a corporation incorporated on the 3rd day of February, 1955, pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, and has no class of stock outstanding other than said capital stock. 3. That POGO, by resolution of its Board of Directors duly adopted by unanimous written consent m lieu of a special riveting dated the 9' day of December, 2005, determined to and effective at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2005, does merge into itself said NORTH CENTRAL, which resolution is in the following words, to wit: WHEREAS, POGO lawfully owns all of the outstanding capital stock of NORTH CENTRAL, a Delaware Corporation; WHEREAS, after due consideration, the Board of Directors of POGO has determined that it is in its best interest to merge its wholly owned subsidiary, NORTH CENTRAL, with and into POGO, and to possess all the estate, property, rights, privileges and franchises of NORTH CENTRAL pursuant to the Plan of Merger provided to the Board of Directors for consideration ('Plan"); and WHEREAS, Pogo Services and Technology Company, a subsidiary of NORTH CENTRAL, shall become a direct subsidiary of POGO. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Certificate of Ownership and Plan be and the same hereby are ratified, confirmed and approved, and that NORTH CENTRAL merge with and into POGO, and Hou 0023451000072163164 1 1 CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE The above is a full, true, and correct photographic copy of the original record now in my Iawfutbtistody'ahtf+posesston, as the same is recorded in the Official Public Records of the Galveston County Real Property Records in Instrument 2012068183 and Pages 1 3' r t t j f t i f State of L4Zawax. Secretary of State Division of Cosporetions Delivered 11:30 AN 12/15/2005 ITLLD 11:30 AN 12/15/2005 SRV 051025840 0743711 ,8112 y ql ll68T D. SULLIVAN, COUNTY CLERK GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS 603.12 Page 3of3 RESOLVED THAT, as a result of the merger, POGO assumes all liabilities and obligations of NORTH CENTRAL and succeeds and possesses all its rights and assets, and RESOLVED THAT, such Certificate of Ownership is not required under 253 of the Delaware General Corporation Law Annotated (Delaware law being the law applicable to the Certificate of Ownership) or under its Articles of Incorporation, to be approved by the shareholders of POGO; and RESOLVED THAT, the appropriate officers of POGO be and the same hereby are authorized and directed to execute and file the necessary documents on behalf of POGO to merge NORTH CENTRAL and assume its liabilities and obligations; and be it further RESOLVED THAT, the appropriate officers of POGO be and the same hereby are authorized and directed to take any and all other actions which they deem necessary or appropriate to accomphsh the merger described above. 4 That pursuant to Section 253 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, no shareholder approval is required 5 For federal income tax purposes it is intended that the merger shall qualify as a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and as such is a non taxable reorganization under the Code IN WITNESS WHEREOF, POGO has caused its corporate seal to be affixed and this certificate to be signed by an authorized officer this 11 day of eer. bar 2005 A.D. Hou 0023451000072\63164 1 By- Name. MI Title 2 CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON The above is a full, true, and correct photographic copy of the original record now in my layrfifl‘chstid kdposse,ssion, as the same is recorded in the Official Public Records of the Galveston County Real Property Records in Instrument 2012068183 and Pages I hereby certify on May 17, 2013 a bWIGWT D. SULLIVAN, COUNTY CLERK OALVE N C,QUNTY, T S MCI COrparilie FILED AND RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS December 12, 2012 02 48 21 PM FEE $24 00 Dwight D Su113van, County Clerk Galveston County, TEXAS PATRICIA A. SALINAS 0 0 I a 2868183 DEPUTY