HomeMy WebLinkAbout869854PERMANENT PUBLIC FIS WATERFOWL HUNTING E T. 33 N., R. 119 W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 12: SW1 /4SW1 /4 as more correctly described and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 249 of Photostatic Records on Pages 297 298 and Book 252 of Photostatic Records on pages 107 108. J./Z.'thw- at `34 M page a.' Kemmerer, WY Jeanne Wagner, Clerk Shirley Dean Cummings, Mary Lynn Haungs, and Suzanne Johnson, of Clovis, California, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of Ten and no /100 Dollar ($10.00) and other valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the STATE OF WYOMING, WYOMING GAME AND FISH COMMISSION, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, GRANTEE, for use by the public, the following easement, access and other rights and privileges, to -wit: 1. A permanent public pedestrian fishing and waterfowl hunting easement in and to all of the Salt River and Willow Creek, insofar as they traverse the following described lands as owned by the GRANTORS, to -wit: Said easement shall be unfenced and unimpeded and shall extend from midstream of Salt River to a point one hundred (100) feet above the high -water line on each side of the Salt River. In this easement grant, high -water line shall be defined as the established riverbank which, it is recognized, may change over time due to natural erosion or acts of God. And: T. 33 N., R. 119 W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Section 12: N1 /2SW1 /4, SE1 /4SW1 /4, NE1 /4SW1 /4SW1 /4 as more correctly described and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 249 of Photostatic Records on Pages 297 298 and Book 252 of Photostatic Records on pages 107 108. Said easement shall be unfenced and unimpeded and shall extend from midstream of Willow Creek to a point fifty (50) feet above the high -water line on each side of Willow Creek and from the west bank of the Salt River to a point one hundred (100) feet above the high -water line on the east side of the Salt River. In this easement grant, high -water line shall be defined as the established riverbank which, it is recognized, may change over time due to natural erosion or acts of God. 2. The right to improve the bed and banks of the Salt River and Willow Creek by constructing therein cribs, squares, triangles, or other such structures as may be desired by the GRANTEE for the purpose of creating holes, eddies, and shadings to improve fishing. GRANTEE shall further have the right to remove brush, logs and any other obstacles in order to facilitate pedestrian access along the riverbank. 3. The right for GRANTEE and its employees to enter the above described lands for fish stocking and other related purposes as they deem necessary. mni aagio pun (Owl 6£ T§ 'S'M o1 Tunnsind sasuajap pun sauiununut Iln sun?Taa X inj pun Tuauuaaa2n stgI o1ut 5uua1ua /Cq ,TiunLlLUL u2Iaaanos sTi aninm Tou soot! 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My commission expires: Shirley De. Cummings Mary Lynn' aung STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss COUNTY OF T( &;d 0 On this 6 day of 0C- 16Ce 2000, before me personally appeared Shirley Dean Cummings, Mary Lynn Haungs, and Suzanne Johnson, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. ROBERTA VOSS COMM. #1170582 GI NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA FRESNO COUNTY My Comm, Expires Jan. 19, 2002 No ary Public