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C190719 /Burgwin Recorded r ak/'d' at ✓G ls M In Book J k Page 114. Kemmerer, WY No. Jeanne Wagner, Clerk CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE I, Steve Rogers the duly qualified and acting (ail-e-1-44i-) (Deputy Sheriff) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that, pursuant to the terms and conditions of a certain Real Estate Mortgage, dated March 29, 1996, given by William C. Burgwin and Viona B. Burgwin, husband and wife, Mortgagors, to First Security Bank of Wyoming, and which Mortgage was ultimately assigned on March 29, 1996, to First Security Bank of Utah, N.A., Mortgagee; which Mortgage was duly recorded on April 5, 1996, in Book 381PR at Page 886, and which Assignment was duly recorded on September 18, 1996, in Book 388PR at Page 303, of the Mortgage Deed Records, in the office of the Lincoln, County Clerk; that on November 21, 2000, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the Courthouse, pursuant to an Affidavit of Service of Notice of Intent to Foreclose and a Notice of Foreclosure, both of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference thereto, and made a part of this Certificate, did offer for sale, at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, the hereinafter described land and premises; and that First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. whose address is c/o Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 5024 Parkway Blvd, Building 7, Charlotte, NC 28217 did bid at said sale the sum of 50,000.00 which was the highest and best bid for said property; That I offered for sale the real estate described as follows: A part of Section 15, Township 33 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the NE of section 15, Township 33 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming and running thence North 10 Rods, thence West 16 Rods, thence South 10 Rods, thence East 16 Rods, to the point of beginning. Which is known as 4628 Bedford Turnerville Road, Bedford, WY 83112 That the above bid, being the highest and best bid I could obtain for said premises by reason of said sale, the same was sold to the above named bidder for the sum so bid. I further certify that out of the sum so received, the same was applied to payment of the debt for which the same was sold, including the expense of publication of notice of sale, and my fee as officer for selling said property and attorney's fees. I further certify that unless the premises so sold is redeemed as provided by law before four (4) months from the date of November 21, 2000, the above named bidder shall be entitled to a Deed to the same, conveying to said bidder all of the right, title and interest of the said William C. Burgwin and Viona B. Burgwin, husband and wife, in and to the above described premises. DATED November 21, 2000. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ss (sf e -f-) (Deputy Sheriff) Lincoln County, Wyoming The above instrument was acknowledged in person before me by Steve Rogers as (,fi -i) (Deputy Sheriff) of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, this 21st day of November 2000. Witness my hand and official ea Heidi Budler Notary Public N ary Ptlic My Commission Expires CWcolnf Stateof Y L� f Wyoming STATE OF WYOMING ss COUNTY OF LARAMIE AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY 049 COMES NOW, Ernest W. Halle, who, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn upon his oath, hereby swears and affirms as follows: N.A. 1. That he is the Attorney for First Security Bank of Utah, 2. That First Security Bank of Utah, N.A., as Mortgagee, holds a Mortgage against real property mortgaged by William C. Burgwin and Viona B. Burgwin, husband and wife, said Mortgage being in default. 3. That as Attorney for First Security Bank of Utah, N.A., on September 1, 2000, he arranged for service, upon all parties in interest, a Notice of Intent to Foreclose, a copy of said Notice being attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 4. That said Notice of Intent to Foreclose was received by the said parties in interest as evidenced by the postal return receipt(s), and /or Sheriff's Affidavit, which are also attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 5. That said Mortgage provides that there shall be included in any or all foreclosure proceedings a reasonable attorney's fee. 6. That this affiant is admitted generally to practice law in the State of Wyoming, resides therein, and that there has been no agreement, express or implied, between this affiant and any other person, for any sharing or division of any fees to be allowed or added to the debt involved in this foreclosure, and that the fee when so allowed, or added to the debt, shall be only as compensation for services actually rendered in the fore- closure. 7. That this Affidavit is made in compliance with 34 -4- 103 and 34 -4 -112, Wyoming Statutes 1977. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. Dated this day of /f.- Z-- 2000. wury r ur i+ 1`, u STATE OF LARAMIE ;t} t MY COMMSSION EXPIRES` 9 1VOMING QQ My Commission Expires: and and of icial seal. Ernest W. Halle The above instrumen was acknow e';ed in Berson before me by Ernest W. Halle, this /eh./ day of %d /I. 2000. NOTARY PUBLIC .414 ,;o© uoTgt?wao ;uT anoA Jog ST .ababqaoW puaTssoaD 'moult TTagosng :ox w- f HMa maz qu AauaoggV all H •M ;sauag 3TTVH 1S3NH M3 03NDIS 1VN1D) IO 'ATaaaouTs aDTgON UOT :PpTTaA P@II auk 'ATTPuTa 'Tin; uT 'saag s,Aauao :qv pup sasuadxo 'saag aquT 'gsaaaquT buTobuo snTd '6T'G0S'09$ go aouaTaq TadTOUTad atiq APd oq squawabuaaaa a){aw oq aAOga paquoTpuT ssaappa aqq qe am gouquoo noA sseTun aaq. sTilq Jo agap aun woa; sip (0T) ua4 aouawwoo ITTm aansoToaaoJ Teuq SOT4ou as{aq 'aatpana ZTT£8 AM 'Pao :Pag 'puoH aT1TAaauany- pao :pag 8Z9v se umoux sT uoTUM •buTuuTbaq go quTod auk oq spoor 91 gspg aouauZ :spoor 0T tflnos aouatu :spoor 91 JsaM aauauy !spot 01 ufaoN aouagq buTuuna pua ST uoTgoas pTus go NHNKEN a'n go .zauao0 qsuaglnos qa bu :smoITog se pagTaosap ATaaTnoTgaud aaow 'buTwoAM 'Aquno3 uloauT'Z ''W'd q :9 aqq Jo gsaM 8TT abufH 'qqaoN LE dTgsumoy 'ST uoTgoas go gasd K :qTm o: 'buTwoAM 'Aquno3 uToouTrI uT pamaooT Agaadoad pagTaosap buTmoTTO; auk oq saquTaa abab :aow pTus ;urn aDT1ou aNuq 'aaufand •ogaaatgq uoT3aauuoo uT panssT aq.oN AaossTwoad auk go sngags quanbuTTap atiq go asnaaaq '9661 '4 W go APP 1 .146Z auk uo buTwoAM go Nuag AgTano gsaTa oq uaATb abubgaoW agagsg TPSU P asoTaaaog o3 spuaquT Agaaau 'quawu6Tssy* Aq aababgaoW SL '•5/•N ')[uag AgTanoas gsaT3 tau a3T1ou aNuq 'sa ;nqugs buTwoAM alp go £0T -f' -Ii£ uoTgoas oq quansand OZL9 4£9 Xvd LLLP-4E9 3NOHd3131 3 0 50 :uTmbang 'saw puu '.zw apaa HS0'I0g210J OZ .NHINI dO HDIJON HU ZT££8 AM 'pao ;pag paoH aTTTna pao3Pag 8196 uTmbang •g uuoTA pua 0002 'T aagwagdas L L91,- LOOZ9 ONI W OAM '3NN3A3 O 133H1S H194 '3 61 S aaanfE •(yb }sauu3 dO 301ddO MVl 0 w TITTM cats naafi ydIRDg2I N2illIL 2i 'IIKw U I3IJ 3 9290 -£OOZ9 AM '3NN3A3H0 9Z9 XO9 'O'd :969600V 9NI1M1 O Z960 00 969d0t idlaoaa wntaa ousawod seA aslpuutiai m Jo; idlaoea wntaa �letN ssa.idx3 (cad eJ4x3) Ltienllea pe ise8 .p 6 £ps wda(\ '7's'^vPv O L°o f :Molaq ssaappe ken!Iep leiva 'S3A ll i wal! w01; Iuaaa4ip sseappe /Gennep sl •O eesse a6. c r� 1 1 il M Y2 17 1 1 1 X anteu6G *0 Iuay �j 491 l �Ge lea to GIRO '8 i (q pan o dI 't/` PEW painsul paaaisl6aa �❑f I1eW pe!i!paeo odic' eoi ueS 'E 6661. AInf G Lgc wand Sd Y /'.9 (,eqel aowes woij (do0) iagwnN elol>aV 'Z :04 passeappy eIoli,y silwaad coeds iuoi; eta uo JO 'aoaldIIew ay; lo >loeq ayi of paeo slut 4oell`d •nog( ol pea sin wniaa use am ieyt os 8Sa9n8a ayi uo ssaappe pus eweu JnoA Iuud •paalsep si ken!iea paio!Jisaa ;l ti uigail aialdwoo osly pus '3 '1, swan aialdwo0 At73f11730 NO NOLLO3S SIH1 3137d1NOO 1/ at NOLLO3S SIHi 3131dWO0 :a3ON3S K.1. 4 NO. STATE OF WYOMING ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Wyoming, on the £,5 day of 5p7" o' clock P M. Further Affiant Sayeth aught My Commission Expires: 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. OUR FILE: Crossland Mortgage vs Burgwin 0 52 Comes now Deputy Sheriff, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, who, being first duly sworn states that he posted a Notice of Intent to Foreclose dated, September 1, 2000, by posting the same to the Front Door of 4628,Bedford- Turnerville Road, Bedford, in the County of Lincoln, State of Deputy Sheriff The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me by E ,/,z 2 /2 v /7 Deputy Sheriff, this 5 day of ,5::c/ �z Not Public P/Y7 (a0 v REC r I Y ED OCT 6 2000 HALLS LAW FIRM 2000, at G PUitUC KATHLEEN L BAST State of Wyoming coati of Lincoln My Commission Ex WEIIW Mtl'1 B1TV(1 U.iO3 T #l ,.i 6 -Z 'n 9Z 61 '1a0 V6101 II IV V£9(L0E) 9Z80 AM `auua,Ca43 9Z8 xog 'Ord aa5eS1OW aq1 aol ,(awoBV 3 11eH 'M 7sawg .V'N `4e111 Jo xueg ,ClunaaS lsn3 •luasaad st aaSeSuoyv paw= anoge ayljo anlleluasaadaa ssalun amid axe) lou p!M ales pies `Iuana (ue u! pue'awu of awu wont `pauod1sod aq ,Cew alp ales anoge ay1 Imp N3AID Ag321gH 2Igu12111I SI HOI.LON •uo!lae aansolaaaoJ sup jo slsoa yttm aaylaSol `seal s,Cawone pue sasuadxa `seal awl `)salalu! 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