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AND ALSO, GLO Lots 4, 5 and 6, of Section 6, T33N, R118W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, excepting therefrom the real property described below owned by Charles E. Wade and Betty G. Wade, husband and wife, grantees, said lands owned by Strawberry Hills LLC also described as the Strawberry Hills Estates Subdivision according to the official plat thereof filed in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. TOGETHER WITH that certain Right -of -Way Easement between Scott Alan Armstrong, a single man, as grantor, and Joseph A. Heiner, Jr., and Sharleen C. Heiner, husband and wife, as grantees, dated May 27, 1997, and recorded by the Lincoln County Clerk on June 19, 1997, in Book 398 P.R., page 464, more particularly described as follows: That part of Lot 201 of the Salt River Heights 2 Filing Subdivision of record in the Office of the Lincoln County clerk as Plat No. 172C, within the E1/2SE1/4 of Section 1 T33N, R119W, and GLO Lot 6 of Section 6, T33N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the attached "DESCRIPTION FOR JOSEPH A. HEINER, JR. OF ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 201 OF SALT RIVER HEIGHTS 2 FILING SUBDIVISION a description signed by Marlowe A. Scherbel dated February 18, 1997. Charles E. Wade and Betty G. Wade Property All of Parcel B as shown on Plat No. 267 -A filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR STRAWBERRY HILLS, LLC PARCELS A AND. B WITHIN GLO LOTS 4, 5 AND 6, SECTION 6, T33N, R118W AND PART OF NE1 /4SE1/4 SECTION 1, T33N, R119W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated August 2000 and revised 6 September 2000, as more particularly described on the attached DESCRIPTION FOR STRAWBERRY HILLS, LLC PARCEL B. 2 E '000Z `fagwanoN 4o Aep 1 1191. ay} 40 se spueq ano }as o }unafag anal ann `dO3213HM SS3NIIM NI }uawasea slg} }.o sesodand al} g }Inn aaajJa }uI i(ew s }q6u Lions }eq} }ua}xa eq} o} 6ulwokM 4o awls al} }o snnel uol }dwaxe pea}sawoq an}fln Aq pue aapun }uawasea pequosep eq} o} s }q6u Ile asealaa pue anlenn i(gaaaq sfo }uea6 eql •s ;g6ij pea }sewoH ;o ianlej •g }uawnf }sul siq} ul paweu sal}fed aq} 4o su6lsse pue }safa }uI ul sfossaoons `salaq al} Jo }I )tauaq ag} o} annul pue uodn 6uipuiq aq !legs }uawasea s!q} 4o SUOI }Ipuoo pue sulfa} NI goall3 6ulpu1g .9 •aouaaa4aa slg} 4Kq ulaaaq pa }efodfooui pue pagoe} }e y }Iglgx3 uo pequosep AIfelnol}aed afow 6ulaq gun as }uao ag} uol }oas pies 4o Aaepunoq q }nos aq} o} 88£ pUe L8E sa6ed }e ZId6L£ )1008 ul pel!i Z9Z99L ON }uawnf }sul ul o} paffajaa honed eq} nano 9Z1.-ZL 'oN peon }uno3 uloour Neal° fwagnnw }S eq} woad /Ifaq }nos "v\I'd 419 `M9 1. 1.21 `NiEl `I-E uol }oas 4o t nmstnMS ag} 4o uoipod a g6noaq} aull fa }ueo e }o apps goes uo }aa4 0£ 6ulaq `sal }III }n pue ssaf63 pue ssaa6ul ao4 ABM- Jo 416id loop-09 `d :snnollo4 se paglfosep sl }uawasea eql quawese3 4o uogdposaa •t 9C T O STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ss. 137 The foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me by Lee Ray Hoxit and Judy P. Hoxit, husband and wife, this i q 1 4' day of November, 2000. my hand and official seal. z- UAuta My commission expires: 8'24102 TARY PUBLIC rd'£>Ilelou /sap /ses 61 Aleniga ON teld se _DUJO pies u! pion) )o uo!s!n!pgns Su!I!J puZ styg!OH 1an!21 tleS ay) y)!M aouepl000e u! Ile !sump ateladoadde pue' „£9£S Sid AM NO13V all 130213HDS 10A Ad(1S„ :p0q!1os -u! de.) wnu!wn!e Z a yt!M poi 9u!o)o)u!a1 IJJIs „hZ x „9 /s 1> Aq pO>I1ew „W!od„ youa !ao!))O pies u! aI!) uo plooa?! 1OUJOJ a u! poCI!JDSap Sl' pa>llew „Jewoo„ yoea ;ssai 10 O10w 's01oe SZ'Z )o ease ue DNISSVdWODN3 :DNINNID39 30 lNIOd ay) of i,101 paleoen pies )o au!' tsaMyuou ay) Suole '1210) sO'tb9 '3.,90,1S0 ZEN aouayt 'y tot pateoen pies )o tu!od tseM ay) of au!! p!es Suole '1210) 00'O 'M„EZ,Z5oSZN aouayt 'ZL l '0N teld pies )0 peo2l dool aplsli!I_I )o au!' ALM•)o -IyS!1 A1101sea ay1 uo )oalay) tu!od tsaMyuou ayt 01 LOZ 101 pus )o au!I yuou ayl Suol1? 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A I. 11 ,1Y.1 1„ a•.I N„ i11,11 SI iWVWWM WI 011111, 1 10 1.1 P;.... W,...u..1 A1111 IM 1.,m. ww.A A 1IA)I Owl wl,Pn.nA 11 1110 Paul N. Sd.,b.l la:.1111 Rto igrai,m N...1990 S"m A. Schc,lul I4),,, R. }i ml..n Nn.11076 DESCRIPTION FOR JOSEPH A. HEINER, JR. OF ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 201 OF SALT RIVER HEIGHTS 2ND FILING SUBDIVISION To-wit:— 139 That part of Lot 201 of the Salt River Heights 2nd Filing Subdivision of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 172C, within the VISE; of Section 1, T33N, R119W, and GLO Lot 6 of Section 6, T33N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said GLO Lot 6; thence S00 °00'00 "E, the BASE BEARING for this survey and description, 226,92 feet, along an east line of said Lot 201 identical with the east line of said WISES, to a point; thence S15 °14'40 "W, 197.68 feet to a point; thence S64 °223'34 "W, 49.31 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said Lot 201 identical in part with the easterly right -of -way line of the Hillside Loop Road of the Salt River Heights Subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. 172, N27 °28'07 "W, 80.37 feet, of the southwest point of said Lot 201; thence coursing said westerly boundary and right -of -way line as follows: N27 °28'07 "W, 126.19 feet, to a point; N08 °32'07 "W, 124.94 feet, to a point, and leave said boundary and right -of -way; thence S32 °32'36 "E, 152.94 feet, to a point; thence N15 14'40 "E, 117.60 feet, to a point; thence N00 00'00 "W, 278.84 feet, to a point; thence N61 °19'00 "E, 187.47 feet, to a point on an easterly line of said Lot 201; thence S03 °19'11 "E, 150.00 feet, along said easterly line to a southeast point of said Lot 201 on the south line of said Lot 201 on the south line of said GLO Lot 6; thence S89 °57'07w, 95.77 feet, along said south line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; each "corner" marked as described in a Corner Record on file in said Office; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR JOSEPH A. HEINER, JR. OF ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 201 SALT RIVER HEIGHTS 2ND FILING SUBDIVISION WITHIN ESSE; SECTION 1 T33N R118W GLO LOT 6 SECTION 6 T33N R118W LINCOLN �AU'TY, WYOMING dated 17 February 1997. Lang 0 July. 1997 revised o A G 350 18 February 1997 p; s nclark3,des "Modification in any way of Ole farelicWirrlettiChsiffeerminales liability of the surveyor" 0 i' J I g7; f. 6 P s 2 R Qt 11161,0 4101ZOIRMI 22 V Q 0 CO ti r '41 vo- 59,61' N84'53' 41"W 5 S1/16 S89'S7'07'W 95,77' 0 AO /00' /!D' 000' SCALP a !0V' u 1 at cn 32694 (-1 4 I Sent By: 307 885 18808; l.ra+aael UM Urn rut Aa fan "x1.1.41 tips 1f W.Sfl� IfrR Mf. fpb *MA 904601 VIA Pagano. Yat 36M la■na.1rlrwl. IOil rovarn:a Ida, ♦n.a, 11 Some A jataa IS. ON MOW SAM* LTD. Wrwev 14.41.0 Walla. Y.e ropYr. hum DESCRIPTION FOR STRAWBERRY HILLS, LLC PARCEL B To -wit: ENCOMPASSING an area of 20.00 acres, more or less; August 2000 OMIhG Nov-14-00 11 :22AM; Page 2/2 coPy 141 All or Parcel 13 as shown on Plat No. 267 -A fled in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR STRAWBERRY 1llLLS, LLC PARCELS A AND B WITHIN GLO LOTS 4, 5 AND 6 SECTION 6 T33N RII8W AND PART OF NE' /+SE'/ SECTION 1, T33N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING dated August 2000 and revised 6 September 2000; RESERVING unto the Grantors. their heirs, successors and assigns n right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under, and across that part of Strawberry Hilts Drive as depicted on said plat, lying within the bounds ()field Parcel B; TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across said Strawberry Hills Drive; AND, TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress along that common nccesti or record in said Office in Rook 150 of Photostatic Record on page 694 end crossing part of Section 31, T34N, RI 18W. said common Beets being enlarged herewith to sixty (60) feet, thirty (30) feet each side of the centerline and including utilities for that part of said common access crossing GLO f.ot 4 of said Section 6; AND, TOGETHER with the right of ingress. egress and utilities across any additional access and or utility easements or enlargements of existing casements which may be obtained by the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns and which provide access to GLO Lots 4, 5 and 6 of said Scction 6; Noting that these rights of ingress and egress provide continuous access from the Strawberry Creek County Road No. 12 -126 t ove described parcel. "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" .uonduosap jo pua `(9s Is 61121 N££Z I £S `8I I2I 9ES `61 L 1 `N17£.L) I uoTlOas p 3o xauxo3 lsann41no5 043103 uotlg301 L9611791 S'121 1 0( 1 101 4 0 S 'N mud alp Supp 3uz punoj luaumuolnl ad/4 N TH ay wag `auil glnoS plus Buoiu `g „S0,£0068S £0'626 Bulaq luiod pigs `I uotlpas piss jo autl ginog aq1 ui lulod u lu las adid 11033 1111 of 1003 CO' I I Z 3„LO,Z£0I tS 0ou04i `las did soil un of looj ZZ'06I g„ Oi,5£ons 00ua `los adid UOiI Uu 04 1 S6'9ZZ g„Sti6£0£ZS aoua !TM adId UOxl UV 01 1aal SZ'LZI 3„£0,95081S aouagl `las adld uoiI un 01300j 981'08 3o aouulstp an? ug (1003 66'6L i17Z,8S0I IS snag pogo) ,AZ,SSO£I jo aptly Iniivaa g 4Bno14l `330-1 alp 04 anm3 pins Buoln `Xlxalsnaglno5 a0Ua41 Vol 04101 anxnJ snipe 1 00'0££ u JO 8utuui8aq 043 lu las avdS u 02 Iaa3 9I'I££ g„I17,000SS aouagl `las a3IidS g o1 Iaa3 8tS'0tJo a0unlstp ozn ug (1003 OS'017 II £,6£06S snag motto) „17£,LI063o al8ug Imlua0 u 4fl014l 'Wm alp 02 anxn3 pins Buolu `Alxalsuaglnog a0Uaj1 `•148121 ago o1 anxn3 snipuJ 3003- 00'OSZ u jo 2uiuui2aq 04118 los adid 110.173 uu 011003 09'9£ a „8 i,8 t 0171 s aoua41 `.40s muds u 011003 £17 t '017 3o aounlsip OM un (IO I I '0173„ st,Z000 I S s.tna Pxomo) „blimp a1 Iu4u20 g 4Bno.up `13ar1 04101 anln3 plus Buop `1Clialsuag4nog aouagl 2Ja-I 042 04 ammo sntpu)l 1 00 "OLZ 13.10 8uluuiBaq a41 Iu las wIid5 g o1 Iaa3 91717171 3„17 I,L170SS aouag `(I £s 9I /IMS) t /It41St /IMS Pinsjo aauJoj lsuagltoN 041 .1703 U0 869 ST3d xa'ing 'g PAoi'I 01 M„ Z0,80068N Iaa3 17£'0178 Pun (I £S M8I 1 2 9ES M6I IX `Nt£Z t /t) I uoiloaS piss 30 lauxo3 lalnna IsoM 041 x03 uo9u0oi 9L61 `1791 S'RI IagxagoS 'N gird 041 Bupi nuz luaumuoN ad1i1 •y i g 041 uzox3 g„ 8t,17Zo8IS 1.003 Z9'96E1 Iulod pins (Mo11oH uadsd) puog olunud Bullsixa 0 aurj 102ua3 mg ul Iutod u Butaq oslu 'pond plus jo au!! 4210N a41 ui las adrd uo.rj uu lu rJNINNIJ3g :mop sr paquosap AlrelnoTl.rud axout Butaq our IOIUOD 041 L uoiloaS pies 3o Xnpunoq 4lnos 0410188 Puu LSE sar lg 2Id61 Moog ui P Z9Z'9SL 'oN Iuaurnx4SUI tit o1 pa.uajoi pond alp JOAO 9ZI 'oN pgog Aluno3 uloourj alaa1D &xxagMux4S alp W013 JClxatllnos "ysrd 419 `M8112I `N17£.L `i uollo0S3o 17 /IMS17 /IMS agi jo uollrod u 4notgl OU4 1011100 paquosap BU1M0!lo3 alp jo apts 4oua uo 1003 0E 8utaq `satltitljl pug ssaJBa pug ssai2ul xo3 J M 3o -niffm 1 09 v Z1 „K„ ZIHIHXH luotuasgg itxoLl uoiidu0SaQ